
Photoshop edit by me. Bill’s Pennywise really made me love clowns again! I edited the balloon

Photoshop edit by me.

Bill’s Pennywise really made me love clowns again! I edited the balloon out of his face. I’ll be making a time lapse video later!

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“Hello..? Any kids in here missing a balloon?”Photoshop edit by me. I should write more, but I had t

“Hello..? Any kids in here missing a balloon?”

Photoshop edit by me. I should write more, but I had this idea on my mind for a long time! ;D

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The nightmare you cannot ever escape from.Photoshop edit by me. Not quite happy with the outcome but

The nightmare you cannot ever escape from.

Photoshop edit by me. Not quite happy with the outcome but I hope you are more! Good niiiiight ~

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Do you guys have that ability too? That when you’re drooling whole day about a person, just ANY person like an actor or fictive character, and you’re watching hundreds of pics and footage because your obsession is so pathetic, you can actually visualize their face in your mind almost in full detail at the end of the day and their mimic is completely synchronised with yours. So you just sit there making weird faces while at the same time this person in your mind is mirroring you.

May I say that I’m actually proud of how this single window of the Neibolt house just turned out? I’

May I say that I’m actually proud of how this single window of the Neibolt house just turned out? I’m crying because it finally has the result I wanted to have, but also because that house has like, 25 windows in total.. fml hahaha! (Look at dem smeary handprints) Any tips are welcome!

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To celebrate that I actually made it to 1000 followers (seriously guys it’s all too much for me), I present to you the animation I have worked on for so long. I hope it was all worth the wait! I recommend watching it on repeat so you will have time to see all the details. Turn your sound up and enjooooy!

Music mixed with soundtracks from the IT movie:
1. Saving Beverly
2. He Didn’t Stutter Once
3. January Embers

Tagging the most desperate ones below:

@ask-the-giant-clown @flylikeajetstream @legoticatrevosa @allkundsofwrong @ladypierette@kinkypennywise@ephemeralukiyo@undergrounddweller89@robindanielle@sinisterintentions@emmitisthename@erikathepotato@abrahel-silver@lizzy-chan24@myfloatingdream

New side account!

Guys I made a new side account called xfandomscreenshots!

Sometimes I’m being tagged in those tag games and I want post different stuff other than my own work, so I’m gonna post it all there!

I want to keep this account nice and clean hehehe, so follow xfandomscreenshots (if you want to know more about me)! ♡

Photoshop edit by me.And yes he has tears in his eyes, the poor thing.. Pennywise couldn’t handle th

Photoshop edit by me.

And yes he has tears in his eyes, the poor thing..

Pennywise couldn’t handle the fact that you were avoiding and ignoring him for over a month now. You were so devastated and angry after he accidentally killed your best friend’s little brother. He just couldn’t help it and got blinded by hunger and went completely feral when he saw the child running through a cornfield.

You found him sitting at the front of his trailer when you decided to go back to him a month later, his arms wrapped around his body and head bent down. He was shivering. It was an unnatural thing to perceive, for he could not feel any cold. There was something wrong and you began to worry.
“Penny..?” you tried when carefully approaching him. He didn’t look up or respond at all. You stopped in front of him, lowering until you could look up at him and see his face.
“I’m not mad at you anymore. It’s okay. Just.. tell me it won’t happen again.”
Still no sign. Instead he tried to hide his face even more by burying it in the ruffles of his collar. He looked like a child who had been punished so bad, but he clearly went through absolute hell because of your absence.
“Please Penny, look at me.” You placed your hand on his leg. The trembling almost vibrated through your arm and body. It was so intense you became desperate to get any sign of him. A little squeeze in his leg made him finally look up to you. His eyes were scared and teary and it took him a lot of effort not to break eye contact with you. He felt such an incredible amount of guilt. He cared so much about you.
“I’m s-so sorry.. I-I just don’t know h-how I..” he stuttered, almost at the edge of breaking apart.
You couldn’t hold in your tears by the sight of this demonic and ruthless creature, now left a submissive and neglected mess.
A tear rolled down your cheek as your hand climbed up to reach his still wrapped up arms, trying to loosen them carefully. Pennywise gasped by your sudden touch he had to miss for a month.
“Ssshh it’s okay, I forgive you. I know what you are and I should’ve known better.”
He smiled, but his voice broke as he tried to speak again.
“I thought you would never come back again, I needed you so bad.. I haven’t eaten anyone since you left me.. I was dying to touch you, to wrap you in my arms again, watching you fall asleep and stay with you whole night long. But I couldn’t come after you.. you were so mad at me..”
“But I am here now, Penny,” you almost whispered to him in such a sweet tone a single tear escaped his eye. You cupped his face. “I could never leave you, no matter what.”
Pennywise wanted to reach for your hands, but he was scared to touch you. He was craving for physical contact, your touches, but he needed your permission first as a final answer that you really were willing to forgive him for what he had done.
“Please..” He spread his arms, still trembling from being touch-starved. “Hug me.”
You didn’t hesistate even for a second and let yourself fall into Pennywise’s safe and huge arms, his grip tightening as he pulled you onto his lap and burying his face in your hair. The familiar scent of heavily buttered popcorn infiltrated your nose as you buried yours in his collar. Slowly you noticed his trembling gradually became less.
“You saved my life..”

@kinkypennywise @gothguitargal @legoticatrevosa @queenkrystalmarie @skrillexsonnyjohnmoore @floatingwithpennywise @slutforpennywise @sheeit-pennywise @erikathepotato @goodgirlbadhabits999 @unicornsxfandoms @xroseyrobbins @floating-with-penny @thatsoutherngirl81 @abrahel-silver @jazzyhopkins @emmitisthename @geekguy1819 @tasteslikebuttercream @pimmelwise @roosterinthesewer @clown-in-the-well
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I can’t love you guys enough!!

Photoshop edit by me.I had this screenshot for so long but no story, so I forced myself to finally

Photoshop edit by me.

I had this screenshot for so long but no story, so I forced myself to finally write something. At the end of the story there’s an EXTRA screenshot!! Sorry if it’s not scary enough and a bit lame, I’m not satisfied with this one.

“Wow, this looks so impressive..” you said, your jaw slightly dropped by the sight of the house.
It was a sunny day in the middle of a hot summer. You and your best friend Bill had this strange but thrilling hobby, sneaking into old abandoned buildings to take photographs. You had noticed a lot of people on the web were talking about this house in a town called Derry saying it’s been haunted for more than a century. Oddly enough there were no reports, footage or any other evidence to be found that somebody has ever been inside. It creeped you out, but of course Bill had the need to investigate right away. He didn’t believe in such things anymore as you both had visited countless of abandoned and ‘haunted’ buildings through the years. Nothing ever happened.
“It looks like it comes straight out of a movie, doesn’t it?” He looked at you with a wide and exciting grin as he traced the black and yellow striped barrier tape wrapped around the rusty fence with his fingers. It was poorly wrapped though, but its intentions were nevertheless crystal clear. It made the thrill even better for both of you.
“It sure does, we can make our own horror movie here one day.”
“You bet we can!” Bill said as his grin only grew wider. He couldn’t almost restrain himself from not breaking through the tape, and you noticed.
“Wait, Bill!” you chuckled as you hold up your camera. “Strike a pose for me first! This is an important moment in history.”
He turned to you and did a quick dab with his long limbs while maintaining a straight face. You on the other hand could not as you bursted out laughing. Right after, Bill crawled underneath the tape.
“Come on let’s go inside, it’s waiting for us and I can’t really wait any longer!”

The sound of a creaking and heavy front door echoed through the empty living room. It was dark and dusty, but the sun rays peeking through made it such a serene and magical scene. The air surrounding you felt a bit cold and it seemed to come out of the back of the house.
You started taking photographs of everything you thought was interesting, your camera flashing almost every five seconds. Bill turned his flashlight on and walked towards a fireplace looking structure. He saw something gleaming behind the thick layer of dust and cobwebs when the light hit the upper part. With three fingers he wiped away the dirt and revealed iron characters painted in gold, forming the sentence 'Good Cheer Good Friends’ in a playful font.
“Huh, funny house..” he murmured to himself, slightly surprised by finding such a peculiar detail.
As you walked towards the stairs, you stopped for a moment as you sensed a strange sensation crawling up your spine and neck. You turned around, expecting Bill to stand right behind you, but he was not even near. He was still right there next to the fireplace rummaging through a pile of small rocks. You were almost sure you felt someone breathing against the skin of your neck.
“Uh, Bill?” you asked a little uncomfortable.
“Shall we go upstairs?”
Bill stood up and strolled to you. He had an old coin in his hand and held it right in front of your face. “Look what I found!”
“Wow, looks like a very old penny, nice!” you said with a smile, still thinking about the weird happening one minute ago. But you brushed it off as soon as you both climbed up the stairs to the next areas of the mysterious house. Nothing ever happened in all these years exploring, so this time couldn’t be an exception. Right?
“We go in here first,” Bill said while going through the dark room with his flashlight. It was really dark, the windows were completely boarded up. No light was able to peek through.
“You serious?” you asked him a little uncertain. There was something about this room that made you feel very weird.
“Yeah, c'mon this is no big deal, remember that time went into that abandoned mine? That was some scary shit right there. This is nothing, no worries.”
Bill walked towards a large wardrobe and carefully traced the splintered wood with a finger. He noticed some carvings in one of the doors what looked like words, but he couldn’t read them. “Look at this.”
You came closer and examined the carvings. For a moment you saw nothing more than just lines, until suddenly you actually could read one word.
“Did I just read..” Your heart started beating faster. “Does this say 'DIE’, or am I going crazy?”
Bill took a closer look. “Yeah.. yeah I think you’re right.”
He tried to open one of the doors, but it was tight shut. Still he didn’t give up and grabbed a crowbar out of his bag.
“Maybe we should just leave it be.”
He turned his head with a grin. “You’re not going to get scared, aren’t you?”
“No..” you said softly. You actually were, even though you knew it was all in your head. “But maybe it’s stuck for a reason.”
“Yes it is, because I have to open it.” And with that he began to break open the door. Every time he pulled the crowbar, your heart raced faster. There was something very wrong in this house, and this wardrobe had something to do with it.
“Okay Bill, stop.” You quickly tried to pull away his hands from the crowbar but he was obviously too strong. “Stop!”
With a loud crack the door flung open. You stared at the dark inside, your heart beating out of your chest. Then Bill picked up the flashlight from the ground and shined in the wardrobe. Nothing. It was completely empty, almost untouched. At least your heart went calm again.
“See? There’s nothing to worry about. Too bad, I was hoping for some more loot.”
You laughed as you let out a deep sigh. You laughed for the fact that you were worrying about nothing, as it turned out. Ghost stories didn’t exist. “At least let me take a picture of you and your empty treasure chest,” you chuckled and grabbed your camera. Bill pointed his flashlight to himself and smiled.
But the moment you pushed the button, a flash of bright orange appeared through the visor and blinded you.
“You okay?” Bill asked. You rubbed your eyes for a few seconds.
“Yeah I’m fine, but watch out with your flashlight next time, okay?”
“But I didn’t do anything..” he said, frowning his eyebrows. He didn’t do anything?
It was probably all a bit too much for you, so you suggested to come back tomorrow and go to the hotel room for a break. Bill agreed but wanted to explore one more room before going.
As you waited outside in the sun, sitting in the grass across the house, you thought you heard something coming from the inside. You stood up and wanted to walk back in, but then Bill already appeared in the doorway. “Everything okay? I thought I heard you scream.”
“No, I’m fine,” he said with a somewhat shady smile. “I saw a rat, that’s all.”

There was a bit of an awkward silence as you both made your way back to the hotel room. Bill was more quiet than usual. He said he was just tired of the whole day. You were too actually, but wanted to go through all of the photos before having dinner.
“Look at these Bill,” you said proudly, your laptop in front of you on the table. He stood behind you, watching over your shoulder. “The atmosphere is just so magical.”
“Of course it is.”
You went through a little faster as there were so many. Until suddenly.. “What the hell..”
You stopped and skipped back a few photos, your eyes so big as if you’ve seen a ghost. It was the moment you took a picture of Bill with the empty wardrobe, but.. he was not the only person in the frame. A clown looking entity with glowing eyes looked at you with a huge grin. It was a ghost? “B-Bill..?” you asked with a shaky voice, completely astonished. “That wasn’t there when I took it.. right?”
Bill remained silent for moment, until he started to laugh quite like a maniac. You turned around to face him.
"Why are you laughing like that!? This is freaking me out goddamnit!”
He looked at you with a dark glance, his voice low and calm. “You shouldn’t have let him open that wardrobe, sweet child.”
“It was there all along, you just didn’t notice.”
You froze to the ground. His eyes began to glow bright orange like the entity on the picture.
“But Bill sure did!” he cackled in a sudden high pitch. In just a few seconds his whole appearance changed from Bill’s to that of a horrible and creepy looking clown, towering above you with his massive height. He reached his hand to your face.
“You’re coming with me, and we’re going to make that horror movie you were talking about!”


@kinkypennywise @gothguitargal @legoticatrevosa @queenkrystalmarie @skrillexsonnyjohnmoore @floatingwithpennywise @slutforpennywise @sheeit-pennywise @erikathepotato @goodgirlbadhabits999 @unicornsxfandoms @xroseyrobbins @floating-with-penny @thatsoutherngirl81 @abrahel-silver @jazzyhopkins @emmitisthename @geekguy1819 @tasteslikebuttercream @pimmelwise @roosterinthesewer
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“I’ll show you my circus.”Another edit before I’ll go working on that animation again!

“I’ll show you my circus.”

Another edit before I’ll go working on that animation again!

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Oh my god look at these, I’m so proud how they turned out!! These are part of my Neibolt House 3D prOh my god look at these, I’m so proud how they turned out!! These are part of my Neibolt House 3D pr

Oh my god look at these, I’m so proud how they turned out!! These are part of my Neibolt House 3D project btw if you haven’t seen that post. (Any tips for the colors are welcome!)

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Made out of screenshots from the Pennywise featurette, in case you needed this!

Made out of screenshots from the Pennywise featurette, in case you needed this!

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