#people are dumb


If I block you on one account, what makes you think it’s okay to immediately follow my other account? Lol

It’s funny people decide to run a hate blog like what’s up with anti-xyz character blogs i don’t understand , instead of being busy adoring the characters you like you’re owning a blog just for pure hatred? Such a shame


the most annoying, but also kinda funny, chibnall era criticisms are imo when ppl literally explain a plot line but bc they can’t help but be negative they just can’t quite read into the moment/s deep enough to understand that it’s there for a reason and it isn’t just a ‘chibnall bad’ moment.

like once someone said that ‘graham basically just left because ryan did’ as if it was a bad thing or it made no sense when really it’s like… yeah.. graham leaving because ryan did is literally the entire point?? truly how can someone not see that?? or when ppl are like ‘thirteen never opens up to companions.’ consider this: that is also the point.

if you just don’t like those plot lines or don’t like how they were executed then obviously that’s fine but some people are out here acting as if there isn’t an actual reason why characters are doing certain things and acting a certain way and it’s so tiring
