#people are stupid


I will never understand the hate. There’s so many other things y’all could focus on and y’all choose to let your anger out on two people who are in love?? And then get mad when Josh blocks 2 people???? They were the ones being disrespectful. He has feelings too??? You block someone if you feel like you’re being harassed and he was.


even if I was “stupid” & boring i’d still be 10x better than the men I talk to

Thats because most guys, not only on the internet but in general, dont know how to talk to women and actually conversate.

I strongly believe most people are stupid, so dont speak down on guys for this, girls are just as horrible creatures, it just plays out differently from a feminine personality.



PSA: If you see a mobility aid user who you do not know (or don’t know all that well), don’t ask them why they use it. Period. Even if it’s in good faith, asking for someone’s medical history out of the blue is actually very invasive and disrespectful, especially if it’s someone you don’t know.

Ableds are encouraged to reblog this, actually. Clown and I’m blocking you because I’m done with having to deal with y'all today.

I mean MOOD, but please take care of yourself
