#people with disability

How Not to Get Bitter About Online Dating “Look, online dating isn’t a magical solution,

How Not to Get Bitter About Online Dating

Look, online dating isn’t a magical solution, you have to work hard, and it takes time to find someone you can see yourself having a serious relationship with. That said, the biggest pitfall you will encounter with online dating is losing patience and giving up on the whole thing. Here are some great ideas on how to not get fed up and subsequently give up. Because hey, it may be a cliche, but it’s very likely that there is someone ondating4disabled that you can end up meeting and falling in love with, and if you get fed up too soon, you probably won’t get a chance to meet.”

Read more: http://admind4d.blogspot.co.il/2014/07/how-not-to-get-bitter-about-online.html

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some thoughts. we (i.e. western society) live in a culture that glorifies productivity and places peoples’ entire worth and validity in their ability to be productive. if you’re not productive, if you’re not able to work or ostensibly ‘contribute’ to society, then your worth plummets drastically.

this bullshit, ableist attitude fails to recognise that disabled people contribute enormous amounts to society. it fails to recognise that our worth is not inherently linked to how much money we can make. it fails to recognise that disabled people did not ask for their disability. it fails to recognise that whilst the people around them may ‘suffer’ as a result of their disability, they are the ones who suffer the most.

i just wanna remind you guys that you are valid, beautiful and loved. that your worth is not in any way linked to your ability to make money or exercise or socialise or travel or drive or move out of home or get married or have a family. you’re allowed to be disabled. you’re allowed to require extra care. you’re allowed to make special requests.

you’re valuable and amazing because you’re human. because you can quote the entire Lord of the Rings trilogies. because you make an incredible brownie mug cake. because you know every country in the world off by heart. because you make your friends smile. because your dog thinks you’re the best thing in this universe. because your Hello Kitty collection is killer. because you’ve finished The Witcher 3 in record time. because you’ve kept your plants alive for over a year.

you’re valuable because of who you are, not what you do.
