



Hi just letting y’all know that Sia, the artist, is making what is essentially a big “F you” to autistic people. She is collaborating with Autism Speaks which is an organization that believes autism is something to be cured and treats autistic people like burdens. It is another run of the mill inspiration p**n movie for non autistic people and able bodied people to feel like they have compassion and understanding for us. For any of you who are not autistic and are able bodied, please do not support this film as it perpetuates bad stereotypes about autism and disabled individuals.

The fact that she used a neurotypical actress to represent a neurodivergent character definitely isn’t great, but on its own it really isn’t the end of the world.

But her rude responses to people being upset? Her shitty treatment to her autistic fans? Her shitty treatment to Maddie, the actress who was uncomfortable with her role? Her partnering with fucking Autism Speaks? Absolutely disgusting. Straight ableism.

Try harder.

I queued this a little while ago so I feel that I should add that Autism Speaks themselves put out a disclaimer saying they had no part in what Sia did and disagree with her actions.

The god awful ableist hate group is doing better than her. That’s low.


Hi just letting y’all know that Sia, the artist, is making what is essentially a big “F you” to autistic people. She is collaborating with Autism Speaks which is an organization that believes autism is something to be cured and treats autistic people like burdens. It is another run of the mill inspiration p**n movie for non autistic people and able bodied people to feel like they have compassion and understanding for us. For any of you who are not autistic and are able bodied, please do not support this film as it perpetuates bad stereotypes about autism and disabled individuals.

The fact that she used a neurotypical actress to represent a neurodivergent character definitely isn’t great, but on its own it really isn’t the end of the world.

But her rude responses to people being upset? Her shitty treatment to her autistic fans? Her shitty treatment to Maddie, the actress who was uncomfortable with her role? Her partnering with fucking Autism Speaks? Absolutely disgusting. Straight ableism.

Try harder.


I used to be friends with the human embodiment of Reddit neckbeard gamer lives in basement type guy and he once told me if he had a kid with autism he would kill it. Then proceeded to talk about him having adhd. Bestie I’m afraid to tell you this but that’s practically your cousin

May I add that the same guy also talked about adhd symptoms he had except… it was exclusively symptoms that are share with autism. Stage one is denial my dude.

I hate how when LGBT complain about how annoying and loud and stuff GSA/anime/band kids tend to be there’s always those fuckers that are like “they could be neurodivergent you’re ableist.”

So you admit that you think neurodivergent = annoying? Because to me it sounds like you’re the one being ableist.

Intersex variations are not disorders.

Disorder” it’s just an ableist paradigm created by humans




me reading someone’s about and not seeing their race / ethnicity, then seeing a “longer about” link and click on that and STILL not seeing anything about their race or ethnicity

As someone who grew up with the internet, in the huge era of online safety campaigns, and the constant drilling in of not sharing your personal information online because it’s not safe. I will say this:

No one, not one single person, on the internet owes you their personal information.

What I share on my blog, is shared out of a choice, because that’s a decision I chose to make. Because I talk frequently on neurodivergence and sexuality, and I know I have followers who connect with that.

But I don’t owe people that information.

Strangers on the internet are never entitled to know:

Your name.
Your gender.
Your age.
Your date of birth.
Your location: City, State, Country, wherever. 
Your religion.
Your ethnicity (your culture, your nationality)
Your race (skin colour)
Your mental health.
Your physical health.
Your sexuality.

Your anything at all.

That information is personal. If you choose to share it, that’s your choice, but it is nobody elses right to have it, or demand it, or to manipulate it out of you.

If someone chooses not to share that. That is not some neferious plot.

This is something important to understand, especially for young people on the internet. Kids in highschool. Your information is your own personal right. Keeping that safe, keeps you safe online. 

We’re in this very questionable internet scape where your information can be taken, and searched, and found. Where there are people who can dox you because they had access to basic information that lead them to deeper info. Where one bit of information can be used to make a smear campaign against you. Or used to target harrassment.

(This is also a really shady time where our information is being quietly sold through advertisers, and taken by data breeches, and DDOS attacks. Where there’s literal fuckin nazi’s on this site that tumblr doesn’t seem to care about because apparently breasts are worse?????)

This is why protecting your privacy and safety was such a huge campaign.

Everyone on the internet is a stranger. And yeah, imma cry ‘stranger danger’ here cause that’s what I grew up with, that’s what I was taught as computers became the big thing, and I was growing up on forums and chat messengers at a super young age where I was incredibly vulnerable. And i’m very lucky to have not encountered what some people I know did.

A/S/L was the most frequent question people would ask, and no it’s not american sign language. Age/Sex/Location. People wanted your info.

You do not need to share that information with anyone. 

There’s another good post on this topic here more focused on sharing age.

There’s a huge difference between sharing your interests and hobbies and fandoms and the general knowledge ‘trivia’ of yourself in an ‘about’ page, VS sharing the entirety of your personal information.

So if someone just has their name, age, and pronouns, but doesn’t list anything else beyond their music interests and fave bands. That’s not malicious, that’s not nefarious. That’s exercising a right to choose what you share.

They don’t owe anyone an indepth analysis of their gender. They don’t owe anyone the knowledge of where they live. They don’t need to reveal if they have a disability or not. They’re just 21 yr old Vera, who likes music and wants you to use they when refering to them.

Protect your information on the internet. 

Be safe on the internet.

And don’t let anyone pressure you, or guilt you, into sharing information you don’t want to share.

Feel like this is also relevant to seniors with little tech know-how.

Way to be

and homophobic

How about this - fucktelling people what to do?  Some people can ONLY express things about themselves on the internet and they don’t need you to tell them “it’s not safe for you anywhere.”  Fuck the hell off back to Trump Tower.

some thoughts. we (i.e. western society) live in a culture that glorifies productivity and places peoples’ entire worth and validity in their ability to be productive. if you’re not productive, if you’re not able to work or ostensibly ‘contribute’ to society, then your worth plummets drastically.

this bullshit, ableist attitude fails to recognise that disabled people contribute enormous amounts to society. it fails to recognise that our worth is not inherently linked to how much money we can make. it fails to recognise that disabled people did not ask for their disability. it fails to recognise that whilst the people around them may ‘suffer’ as a result of their disability, they are the ones who suffer the most.

i just wanna remind you guys that you are valid, beautiful and loved. that your worth is not in any way linked to your ability to make money or exercise or socialise or travel or drive or move out of home or get married or have a family. you’re allowed to be disabled. you’re allowed to require extra care. you’re allowed to make special requests.

you’re valuable and amazing because you’re human. because you can quote the entire Lord of the Rings trilogies. because you make an incredible brownie mug cake. because you know every country in the world off by heart. because you make your friends smile. because your dog thinks you’re the best thing in this universe. because your Hello Kitty collection is killer. because you’ve finished The Witcher 3 in record time. because you’ve kept your plants alive for over a year.

you’re valuable because of who you are, not what you do.


*Autistic person kills someone*

Allistics: “This proves that all autistics are violent animals, they shouldn’t be allowed to own guns!”

*Allistic person kills an autistic person*

Allistics: “Well you can’t blame them. They probably just snapped because the autistic bothered them. They’re basically a martyr. They shouldn’t be punished imo.”

liberals bashing trump for being ‘low iq’ when *the very concept of IQ tests is intrinsically ableist / classist* is peak shitty liberal dunking that doesn’t do anything other than perpetrate the same shitty norm that got us into the mess of trumps presidency

who gives a shit how many hands he uses to drink a glass of water when there’s still cops getting away with murder, children in concentration camps at the border, and the covid death toll of your country just keeps growing and growing. Figure out ur priorities libs , please
