#period tracker



If anyone needs a new period tracker app, Planned Parenthood’s free period tracker app Spot On doesn’t sell your data and it’s only saved locally to your device so only you can access it. I transferred over my cycle history from Flo and deleted it and its data, took 5 minutes.

As said elsewhere, any period tracker without an iron-clad privacy policy is dangerous. Export your data and maybe put it in this, delete the original data, delete your account on the app service, delete the app.

gendernihilistanarchocommunist:Incredibly fucking crucial information for Americans where period tragendernihilistanarchocommunist:Incredibly fucking crucial information for Americans where period tragendernihilistanarchocommunist:Incredibly fucking crucial information for Americans where period tra


Incredibly fucking crucial information for Americans where period tracking digitally is concerned: DELETE YOUR DATA, DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT AND DELETE YOUR APPS

Post link

Ok Ladies and people with uteruses,

If you use the tracking apps like Flo its time to stop and delete your data. They have illegally sold data in the past. One of their chief investors is Peter Thiel who has donated millions to Trump and other GOP canditates. Peter Thiel, who referred to rape as “belated regret.” Your data is not safe and could be used against you.

Guys, starting today, Eve has an Ambassador Program. GET PUMPED

Basically this is your chance to build the period positive + sex positive + body positive world you wish to see, and get ah-mazing & FREE Eve swag while doing it.

Read more about the program here and join our *brand new* Eve Ambassadors group to stay in the loop!

Here’s how to find it:

First, click the search icon on the upper right of Eve Community.

Then, type in “Ambassador”, select “Groups” and then click the “Join!” button next to the Eve Ambassadors group!

As an Evette, you know that sex and periods are NOT something to be ashamed of. Our bodies deserve love! And we need to lead the way in spreading that love to all the ladies.

Check out the Eve Ambassador community group and this post for next steps :)

The newest version of Eve just hit the stores, and it’s everything: tons of new buttons in the health & sex log, swank insights that interpret what’s up down there, and *Glow Premium*.

Dazzled? Figured. The new log will help you keep on top of many aspects of your health, and the new insights will spell out what’s happening with your bod. And you get all this for free because, yes, Eve loves you that much.


Eve users don’t shy away from the occasional “treat yo’self” moment (y’all log a lot of desserts and salty snacks!), so this release lets you indulge in powerhouse Glow Premium features. $3.99 per month unlocks the magic—addictive Fact or Fiction quizzes, nerdy cool comparative insights, and a dolled up Eve community with cover photos and private messaging. Chai lattes are great but Premium is yummier. Take a few bucks out of your caffeine budget, and voilà!


This all comes at a super exciting time for Glow the company (shoutout to the Evelings who never understood the “by Glow” part lolz). Glow now supports 4 million women tracking their health on our platform! You heard us right: We hit the big 4-000,000, and we’re jazzed. Thanks for being part of our wild ride.
