#personal post



“I let the perfect become the enemy of the good”

I think about this quote from the Picard series a lot.

Of course, I can’t speak for anyone else, but I believe that’s what depression does to me on the “bad days” (™).

It tells me that everything I do, everything I *am*, means nothing if it’s not perfect. But I can’t do or be perfect because I’m only human. Still, it used to work on me every time.

I won’t be able to finish my WiP today, so I don’t even open the document. The workout is too hard for me, so I don’t even try a single exercise. I don’t have the energy to clean the whole place, so I don’t even fill the dishwasher.

Thinking about the quote above helps me. To write a few sentences each day, to take a walk when sport is too hard, to do a superficial cleaning and give a fuck about the dirt in the corners for now.

It helped me sort my kids’ old clothes and clean them to give to refugees. Unfortunately, I can’t give millions, but I can give a few bucks. I can’t fight, I can’t stop the war, but I can do my part.

I’m not perfect. But for a human, I’m not half bad. And I won’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good. The good has too many enemies already.

Reblogging because I needed the reminder. Maybe others do, too.

Take care, everyone! <3

Little reminder

I know a lot of stuff on my blog is harmless and/or silly. But I do also post/reblog NSFW stuff.

So if you follow me and I notice that you’re a minor, I have to soft-block you. I’m sorry about that and feel really bad to block people who didn’t do anything wrong. But I also would feel responsible if minors saw NSFW stuff because they follow me.

I hope you understand. <3


english isnt my first language btw so when u read my posts in ur head I want u to mispronounce at least one word in it and add a really heavy accent


i took this decent personality test. (on personalitydna.com). i like how the questions were structured with graphs and how many possible results there are. i got “free-wheeling inventor” and my brother got “reserved leader.” both were quite true and the advice at the end is advice we often do tell each other … so ! feel free to tag this with what you got if taking
