#personal rubbish



*My grandma who consumes 8 pints of milk a week telling my mum that she doesn’t need any when my mum goes shopping because she’ll have enough since my auntie just bought her a bottle*

Me *staring out of her patio doors* *squints*: Oh no, it’s just a plane, not a pig.

Grandma: … *takes a second to register what I just said and then bursts out laughing*

~ fanfic writers feel free to use as a prompt if you wish, I just needed to share because only my grandma heard my moment of genius ~

Prue genius

Guess who is the only female member of the family left out of my cousins fiancés hen night!

I’m not a party person so I probably wouldn’t have gone anyway but hell they could at least pretend that I actually exist to someone other than my dad…

Experimenting with new markers!

A real exercise in trusting the process

And just in case you wanted to see the process ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Does anyone else insist that their favourite colour is one thing but life just proves them wrong?

Cos I love sunshine yellow, it’s just a warm and happy colour, and whenever someone asks I always say that’s my favourite. But I’ve just done three full loads of red washing (with a little sprinkling of pink in there) and now I’m a little confused

Me: *needs a sleepy time podcast*

Ah yes, perfect.

Job interviews are so weird

Like I had one today and when I got the call back to say I hadn’t got the job I literally got told that I was the best out of the four of us on two out of three of the things we did, I just didn’t have enough leadership experience to talk about in the interview. The guy told me that I picked up on stuff that the other three candidates didn’t even notice but they had more experience than me so one of them got the job?

Congratulations to her, I’m over it and I hold no resentment towards her (I’m not that kind of person) but I think I would have much rather been told that I did something wrong than I was the better candidate I just lacked experience to talk about?

Cos things that are wrong I can correct but I can’t correct experience if I don’t get the opportunity to have any

I have had a week from hell and if life could stop testing me right now that would be great because I’ve just lost the necklace which was the last birthday present I got from my grandparents when my grandad still properly remembered who I was. So, universe, if you could please see it within yourself to return that to me it would be much appreciated.


Sitting on my bedroom floor crying

Just read through an old fic that I wrote but never finished/posted (but I wrote 12 fucking chapters) for a previous fandom and got really annoyed when the final chapter I wrote wasn’t even finished and stopped part way through.

What do you mean “if I want to know what happens next I have to write it.”? What is this bull shit?????????

So I need to take my dog to the vets tomorrow which is something I’ve mentioned before that I hate doing because it makes me have huge panic attacks (based on past experiences with other vets with past pets and not my current one, my current ones are angels in fucking disguise they’ve saved her life once already and one of my cats lives too, I swear they’re all amazing humans, they take care of her and me whenever I have to take her in) which makes her stressed out and makes the whole situation a million times worse so I was wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks to help me not get so stressed?

Like I’ve only just made the appointment and I can already feel myself having the starts of some kind of meltdown when I already had one over actually having to make the appointment, and I can’t keep doing this every time I have to take her because it’s not fair on her if she starts to associate going to the vets with me getting distressed (she really feeds off of my emotional state and either gets in a state herself or gets protective)
