#personal tag


Happy new year!

Let’s start renewed and motivated or a least let’s pretend (fake it till you make it)

This year I hope I can finally open my art store. Thats my main goal, that and to learn how to drive. Cause I’m a full grown 30-something adult who doesn’t know how to drive and never cared. But I’m realizing that motherhood demands me to learn.

Also I gonna tough up and try to be more active on social. As an introvert it so hard to get out of my shell but if I keep on the path of my chosen career I have to make some sacrifices and get out of my comfort zone which leads me to more self care so the road doesn’t get to bumpy.

Of course I have to create more art if I totally whant my art shop to prosper.

And on a personal level I want to bake and read more, I really do miss reading when I was devouring books.

So that’s it, let’s see if I keep up with my resolutions ❤️

My #artvsartist of 2021. My regrets are not drawing enough but even so I’m still happy for all

My#artvsartist of 2021. My regrets are not drawing enough but even so I’m still happy for all the art I’ve made this year, they’re all my babies.
Any way happy new year and all my wishes for the next to come. I hope all our dreams come true and I hope we can finally see end to these weird times. Take care my loves and I’ll see you the next year ❤️

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Gotta say, I am very much enjoying this year’s april fools joke. If you gave me nothing but the homepage (sans posts) I would be entertained for a fairly long amount of time. Also, the ascii choose your own adventure… very nice

I still think the Tamagotchi-esque horse one is my favorite of all the time I’ve been on here but this is probably second


posting this again on its own

Amen brothers and sisters in transgenderism

Made myself a succulent bowl (don’t worry I figured out drainage)

Mulberries are almost ready I’m so excited to make jam!!!

why on earth is ring fit adventure sold out literally EVERYWHERE

okay i signed up for the workshop and then i also signed up for a wheel throwing class at the art center


my therapist recommended this 8 week women-only workshop she runs about maintaining boundaries and self care and learning personal values and it’s only $17 but i can’t decide if i want to commit to it and it starts tuesday ahhhh there’s only 2 spots left

i am so tired of just like… everything

also there was this older man at the restaurant i was eating breakfast in yesterday morning and i think he thought i was ~into~ him but really i was just staring at his cable knit sweater because it was the EXACT SAME as the one chris evans wears in knives out

birds of prey is an absolutely wonderful movie to see after a recent breakup

alright so i’m becoming a plant lady i guess and i just went to the greenhouse and they have this sad little table labeled ‘houseplants’ and none of them have tags on them… can anyone tell me what these pretty ladies are???

oh hey

here, have a selfie

guess who has a group therapy/workshop thing tonight

I’ve been a little quiet lately, but there’s been a lot going on! This soft idiot joined the family I’ve been a little quiet lately, but there’s been a lot going on! This soft idiot joined the family I’ve been a little quiet lately, but there’s been a lot going on! This soft idiot joined the family I’ve been a little quiet lately, but there’s been a lot going on! This soft idiot joined the family

I’ve been a little quiet lately, but there’s been a lot going on! This soft idiot joined the family last month and I’ve got a few exciting new projects to announce to you all soon, so thank you for patiently waiting!

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Since I forgot to update Tumblr for a while, I didn’t update you all on the news—my name changed ove

Since I forgot to update Tumblr for a while, I didn’t update you all on the news—my name changed over the new year!

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i feel like all my love poems i’ve written are really for nothing. I feel almost like i don’t have the ‘right’ to say I’m in love with my crush. I know they do not feel the same. We used to be close a while ago but not much anymore. I still love talking to them and my heart feels full when they message me or like my posts. But I also feel the pain of not being loved in return. I feel like it may be too late to tell them how I feel. And it doesn’t really matter bc they are so far away. 

I have my intake appointment in 15 mins and I’m terrified
