#norwegian forest cat

I’ve been a little quiet lately, but there’s been a lot going on! This soft idiot joined the family I’ve been a little quiet lately, but there’s been a lot going on! This soft idiot joined the family I’ve been a little quiet lately, but there’s been a lot going on! This soft idiot joined the family I’ve been a little quiet lately, but there’s been a lot going on! This soft idiot joined the family

I’ve been a little quiet lately, but there’s been a lot going on! This soft idiot joined the family last month and I’ve got a few exciting new projects to announce to you all soon, so thank you for patiently waiting!

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Ref I made for Bonnie before Artfight! I’m not as active for this first week or so due to moving, bu

Ref I made for Bonnie before Artfight! I’m not as active for this first week or so due to moving, but I’ll get revenge and comment on things once the move is done!


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This is Cooke. When the markings on her legs line up just right they make a heart, and she seems ratThis is Cooke. When the markings on her legs line up just right they make a heart, and she seems ratThis is Cooke. When the markings on her legs line up just right they make a heart, and she seems ratThis is Cooke. When the markings on her legs line up just right they make a heart, and she seems ratThis is Cooke. When the markings on her legs line up just right they make a heart, and she seems rat

This is Cooke. When the markings on her legs line up just right they make a heart, and she seems rather smug over that fact.

Also, here are some bonus pictures of her because she’s the cutest, but I could just be bias. :P

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I made a helpful guide to identifying breed traits of a Norweigan Forest CatI made a helpful guide to identifying breed traits of a Norweigan Forest CatI made a helpful guide to identifying breed traits of a Norweigan Forest CatI made a helpful guide to identifying breed traits of a Norweigan Forest CatI made a helpful guide to identifying breed traits of a Norweigan Forest CatI made a helpful guide to identifying breed traits of a Norweigan Forest CatI made a helpful guide to identifying breed traits of a Norweigan Forest Cat

I made a helpful guide to identifying breed traits of a Norweigan Forest Cat

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 This year’s holiday card! Lots of love to you all, stay safe and warm! (I haven’t posted abou

This year’s holiday card! Lots of love to you all, stay safe and warm!

(I haven’t posted about it here, but we adopted a new kitty recently! He’s getting along quite well with Cinders so I’m happy ; v ; )

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Back at it with Huevempurr! It might seem like I’m quite behind but I started a week late and honestBack at it with Huevempurr! It might seem like I’m quite behind but I started a week late and honestBack at it with Huevempurr! It might seem like I’m quite behind but I started a week late and honestBack at it with Huevempurr! It might seem like I’m quite behind but I started a week late and honest

Back at it with Huevempurr! It might seem like I’m quite behind but I started a week late and honestly expected this to take about 2 months, so I’m doing pretty well, haha.

11. Norwegian Forest Cat / Nerine
12. Devon Rex / Dittany of Crete
13. Birman / Bleeding Heart
14. Turkish Van / Tuberose

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What is señor pickles dissociating about
