#personally im waiting till chapter 3 to start my own story



It appeared that no matter how long you kept tugging at the arm, nor dig around the sides, that the arm will ever be freed, with even the leg not giving you much hope either.

You were trapped in front of the grinder with Mommy Long Legs’ still wrapped tightly around you, unintentionally keeping you there with her, trying to free her from the grinder after you had saved her from going from Mommy Long Legs, to Mommy Spaghetti. (As well as whatever fate that weird hand thing would have in store for her.)

It definitely didn’t help to think about while the almost Spaghetti’d Spider was still practically hugging you, staring at you, with those large green eyes of hers. It was…hard to tell what she was thinking, with those plastic eyes of hers. while the eyes are commonly described as the gateway to the soul, you weren’t sure how well that transfers plastic wise, even if you saw her eyes dilate right before the chase, till now.


You began to speak slowly, but evenly, not wanting to show even a millimeter of fear in your voice, lest she latch onto it.

“Can you still feel anything between?” You’d guess she wouldn’t due to her lack of reaction earlier, but it’s a start.

Her eyes blinked slowly, as if registering what you said before they changed expression, looking over worriedly at the grinder.

The long stretch of her arm began to shrink as she tried to retract it, only for it to come to a halt just a moment later, tight enough until it could maybe be a pink bar at first glance, before becoming discolored towards white, a wince on her face.

“A bit…I can still feel my pinkie, I think…” she muttered pittifully, the both of you staring at the connection between her arm and upper body, putting a bit more stress on it as she could see it shrink near the base, before relaxing.

Looks like she could feel them, this may be just a bit more complicated now.

“…There’s no other way then.” You reached out for the connecting point of her arm, and grabbed onto it.

It appears she does have a nervous system then, which complicates things a bit.

“This may hurt…” You explained, looking over into her Green orbs for confirmation as she closed them shut, looking away unhappily. 

Taking it as a cue, you pulled as hard as you could, seeing the connector become more visible between her arm and midsection.

As you did this however, you could feel her shake against you, crying out in pain as her eyes forced themselves open at some point. You could see her out of the corner of your eye, staring directly at the connecting joint as it began to tear. Thinking of something quickly, you put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently as she tightened around you more, 

A few seconds later, you could audibly hear a popping noise, followed by a cry from Mommy as she tightened further around you, squeezing out some of your air as she shook, sniffling as she lowered her head, with you planting a small kiss on the side of her head.

After letting go of the arm, you noticed the base still had a small bit inside of it, having broken off of the arm. Excellent…just what you needed to deal with, at least later.

With your other hand, you gently stroked her head and placed a small kiss on her forehead again, in a bid to comfort her.

“It’s alright, we’re almost done here, okay?” You whispered to her, gently stroking her head again, in a bid to comfort her.

“Ready for the next one, Long Legs?“  You asked, waiting for confirmation.

”…That’s Mommy Long Legs…” She glanced over at you with a light sour expression, to which you nodded at immediately, hesitant of catching her ire right now.

“Just make it quick, okay…?” She softened looking over at you and muttered, sucking in a breath, and turned away.

Then soon enough, another pop came, as well as a harsh cry from Mommy in the meantime, descending into a pained whine. A few moments later, she turned to face the other side of her body, seeing indeed she had lost two of her limbs.

“Alright, it’s done.” You sighed as you dropped both limbs, letting them smack against the grinder.

Her pupils dilated as she watched, beginning to shake and mutter to herself, confusing you  as her hold around you weakened. She for sure would have fallen and hit the ground, but luckily you were holding her with one arm already, and now with the other, you hugged her against your chest.

“W-wait, what’s-?“  You began, but soon enough, could make it out.

"Broken, I'm…broken.” She whispered solemnly, staring at nothing in particular, a blank expression twisting into one of sorrow.

“I…I shouldn’t have…” she trailed off as she sniffled, closing her eyes shut.

Your heart ached at seeing her like this, this despair she showed at what was the price of this whole chase.

Still holding her close with one arm, you moved one hand up to her face and brought her head towards your chest, placing a genuine kiss on her cheek, her arm wrapping around your back the same.

“…” You remained silent, thinking something over in your mind.

A whirring noise caught both of your attentions as you turned to the door besides you both. watching the gear lock door spin away, and the pathway at last open up.

“Go…” She muttered as she let go of you, gaining your attention back.

“Poppy is ahead…you’ll run into her soon, with her holding the last part of the code too.” she explained as she let go of you, then tried to push away from you as well, only to fail due to you pushing her back against you.

“From there, you can get to the train easily on your own…” She continued as she kept trying to push away, before looking up at you confused.

Your eyes met for a few seconds, as this time you looked into her eyes with much less hesitation this time around and turned, walking off with her as you exited the grinding room with the now confused Spider.

“You can just put me down by the steps.” She offered as she kept trying to push herself away from you.

“You can hardly walk like that,” You began as you gazed over at her seriously, before beginning your shared ascent.

“Oh, It’s not that hard, really!” She tried to explain as she kept trying to push off of you, to no avail, and began to sound more and more frustrated.

“I sometimes do it with just my hands for fun, and sometimes switch it up too!” She tried to play it off in a bid to get away. 

“So one and one can’t be that hard, I’ll get back to-”

“Would you really be okay with doing that forever?” You cut her off as you continued up the steps.

“I said…” She trailed off.

“Besides, you said it yourself that you were feeling lonely earlier, didn’t you?” You tried to soften your voice a bit as you watched her.

“…You’re leaving the factory, but Mommy isn’t.” She muttered as she soon after became silent, just as you reached the top.

“That’s not…” You sighed, giving a grunt in acknowledgement as you continued down the walkway, feeling as she wrapped around you again.

Gazing around the level, you took in the sight of the train in the distance, giving a small hum as you noted it.

“Why did-" 

"H-Hello…?” A familiar voice interrupted Mommy Long Legs as it called out from one of the rooms, causing you to pick up speed.

“Wait, that's…” Your mind recognised the voice, Poppys’ voice, filling you with relief to know up to this point, the Spider was definitely telling the truth.

sliding to a halt against the door frame, your eyes landed right on her, Red hair, freckles, and all, trapped within one of Mommys’ spider webs, struggling away to break free. The code was there as well.

“Poppy! There you-” A smile spread on your face, only for it to disappear as you both flinched as she screamed, 

“She's…she’s still….?” She gazed between you and Mommy Long Legs, who twisted her head around to look at Poppy awkwardly then away.

“It's…alright.” you tried to reassure her as you walked up towards her, causing her to squirm more on the web, still looking worried.

Angling the Grabpack, you gave an arm a squeeze as the web was torn apart, allowing Poppy to fall down gently on her feet as she pulled away at the remnants, the code attaching to the hand in the meantime.

“But…she was trying to kill you with Bunzo and PJ, I could hear her screaming.” She asked as she scooted over towards a vent, hiding away and peeking over to watch her.

“Oh, was she?” You tried to play off with an awkward laugh worried about poking the Spider at all, who technically does have possibly the best distance towards your neck if pissed off again.

“M-Mommy was just playing with the new-” The Spider tried to come up with an excuse.

“You were trying to kill them!” The Doll yelled at her before hiding a bit more behind the vent.

“Stop!” You called out, trying to get the two to stop their yelling, which luckily worked.

Poppy was looking at you incredulously, while Mommy Long Legs looked away.

“Well, I suppose things can change, huh?” You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck.

“I…thought you would have killed her.” She eyed you in wonder, apparently having heard the Spiders’ screams when she almost was converted to Spaghetti.

“I heard her scream earlier, alot, really…”

“Well…She almost got caught-well, did get caught in the grinder downstairs, but I managed to save her just in time.” You explained with a sigh, patting her large plastic head.

“But…why?” The Doll questioned again, still confused.

“She was trying to kill you, threatened to eat you, and used your life for laughs.” She went over the journey.

“I saw the memory game, I’m so glad you’re still alive, since those games are difficult for lots of people, but I was so worried, especially with PJ, weren’t you?”

You gave Poppy a look that you hoped would send the message across to not risk poking at this still possibly semi-Mobile hornet’s nest any longer…

Or…Spiders’ nest? Den?

“I…don’t want to kill her though.” You tried to explain.

“It’s not right, I don’t want her to die, especially like that.” You explained, shuddering as you removed your hand from the Grabpack, holding onto Mommy Long Legs’ back in what was starting to become instinct.

Mommy Long Legs glanced at you upon hearing this, but you didn’t look back at her yet, causing her to look down.

“This…playmate is too kind to Mommy, too very, very kind.” She muttered as she readjusted her hold on you, actually loosening it.

“So then, time for the train next, right?"  You asked Poppy with a forced smile as you picked the code off of the Grabpack and held it up in the air, waving it.

Poppy remained silent for a little while, watching you, before her expression slowly began to blanken. Her head tilted slightly, gazing between the both of you.

Unlike The Spaghetti Spider, Poppys’ eyes were…they seemed to be real human eyes, as you remember being creeped out by from the commercial all those years ago when you saw it.

The one benefit here was you could tell she had a thoughtful expression appearing to slowly overtake her masked fear, not even appearing to look at you anymore, but more so now lost in thought, before her eyes refocused, with a nod.

"Okay…go now.” She then turned to walk off into the vent, her stoic look faltering just barely when she crossed Mommys’ eyes again.

“Board the train, you both need to leave…”

Poppy sounded…off…

“Poppy…is something wrong?” You asked her, only to get no response.

Weirdly enough when their eyes met, Mommys’ head turned back to your chest, becoming much more downtrodden in expression.

Letting out a breath after a few seconds, you turned your gaze down at the Broken toy, feeling just a bit of pity for her, patting her back.

Her eyes looked up at you for a second, staring sadly, before disappearing again into your shirt, muttering something as you patted her back, before you turned and walked off, reading over the code.

You took in the scale of the room one last time as you gazed down at the train below. As you continued down the walkway, you reached the slide and jumped in, quickly going down as you landed once again, perfectly on your feet, right in front of the yellow door.

“Ah…” You smirked at the perfect landing, loving doing that.

“Well done…” She muttered, noticing the tiny feat.

Walking over, you opened up the door and stepped out towards the train, feeling some relief as you leaned over the control panel.

Taking out all of the pieces again, you read over it for old times’ sake before tapping away, then hitting start, the train finally activating as it began to roll slowly down the tracks as you both entered the tunnel.

Looking around you as you took note of the illuminated tracks before you, then to the breaks, and right back ahead as you felt Mommy Long Legs shift against you, pulling away with a sigh.

The train chugged away upon the tracks as you had been in the tunnel for a while, the path ahead being all the two of you could see at all.

“Why did you save me?” Mommy Long legs asked finally, tearing you out of your thoughts.

You blinked as you turned your gaze to her glowing green eyes, 

An explanation was there, but you were more confused by the question for a few moments.

“What do you mean?" 

"You could have left to die, or even thrown me at it, but you-” She tried to explain.

“Long Legs, you’re still-”

By the time you tried to reply, Poppys’ voice came through the speaker.

“I’m glad you’re safe.” Her voice sounded, with the static feedback.

You both flinched at interruption as you turned towards the speaker.

“I could say the same about you, Poppy.” You smiled as you spoke to the doll, which had become a bit of a friend at this point.

“I…was so scared.” She began.

“I was so scared she would put me back in that case, but you saved me.” You listened intently to her words as she spoke.

“Of course I did,” You reassured the girl with a small smile, not even being able to imagine the anxiousness and worry she’s felt this entire time.

Not just today, but all these years…

“I’ve never met anyone like you, I don’t know if I…” She trailed off with a cute little laugh.

“Poppy.” You called to her, giving a small sigh.

“I’m not going to leave yet." 

"You’re not?/You’re not?” Both Poppy and Mommy Long Legs questioned you, one in surprise, sounding mixed with a bit of joy, while the other was more confused.

“Didn’t you want the code just to leave?” Mommy asked, looking at you confused.

“I did.” You sighed, still considering just flat out running soon.

“And I still do, trust me, but…I can’t just leave this place after seeing all of this chaos.”

“This place…is a nightmare, the moment I saw Huggy Wuggy, I began to put two and two together.” you explained with a sigh.

“Besides…” You turned to the confused Spider and smiled.

“You have an appointment at Playcare to get fixed up, can’t you see?” You explained, causing Mommy Long Legs to flinch at hearing this, her Pupils dilating.

“To…fix…me?” She loosened around you, staring at you in what you’d guess would be awe, but your attention was quickly taken back by Poppy soon after.

“That's…that’s great!” Her voice beamed on the other end as you chuckled.

“I’ve had so much time to think of what I’d do if I was freed, you see.” She began, as you could practically see her happy face in your mind.

“So many terrible things have happened here, horrible, wicked things, but, with you here we can set things right!” She slowly began to cheer.

“We have a chance to do it, a real chance to- wait, what-” It was then that the transmission cut out.

“Wait, Poppy? Are you there?” You called out, concerned by the sudden change then disappearance, and apparently, Mommy Long Legs felt the same as well.

     "Poppy?“ You called out to the mic in confusion, which rapidly turned to worry.

"Poppy, can you hear me?!” You raised your voice, only to get once again nothing.

“She cut the connection.” Mommys’ spoke as she glanced over your shoulder, worry filling her as well.

“That, or something did…”

A bit of dread began to fill you as suddenly the train shook, almost knocking you down as you realised what was happening.

The entire train was speeding up, the emergency button and siren blaring as you reached for the lever with your own hands, not being able to make it move even an inch.

Quickly giving up on that, you reached both arms and squeezed the Grabpack, trying to drag the break down, but still had difficulty as you panicked.

Just as you were starting to make a bit of progress, a pink hand was added to the support, you and Mommy dragging it down together much easier with three hands, instead of two, but still not without some difficulty as you held onto it with all your force, until you could finally feel the train start to screech.

“Damn it!” You spat out from the stress.

“Language!” Mommy scolded you, and quite loudly too, causing your ears to ring as she poked the side of your face with hers, a serious expression on her face.

Despite the effort put in from the both of you, the train finally derailed.

Thinking fast, you held onto the Spaghetti Spider and turned, as you landed on the side of the locomotive as it derailed, hitting your head as your vision went black.

    You slowly came to with a groan, a painful ringing still going on in your head as your eyes made out a green light shining before you. As you tried to move closer, reaching out caused your hand to stop, bumping into something as you felt around it gently, finding out it was spherical in nature. 

“A…ball?” You questioned as you attempted to focus your blurred vision, the green light slowly fading back, revealing it to just be Mommy Long Legs’ eyes, glowing in the dark with a serious expression on her face.

“I’m not a ball.” She pouted in an attempt to look mad, but unlike the nightmares she will haunt in your future sometimes for sure, she actually failed this time.

“Long Legs?” You asked as you could finally make her out.

“Mommy Long Legs.” She answered back, her face slowly turning to a more concerned expression.

“Can you stand?” She asked as she moved her head out of your way.

Moving your body, you eventually forced yourself to sit up with a groan, “I- suppose so…" 

Your back ached terribly as you tried to stand up, reaching out for something to grab for support, only for Mommy Long Legs to give you a hand, pushing you up along with yours.

"Thanks…” You said as you felt your shoulder, wincing at the stinging sensation as you tried to focus your mind before raising your head up and looking ahead, seeing a sign labeled Playcare.

“Well…we made it to Playcare.” You muttered as you wrapped your arms then around The Spaghetti Spiders’ body, causing her to jolt from surprise as she freed her leg from wherever she had it, and wrapped it back around you once more, before wrapping her arm just the same, but loosely.

It was then you noticed some light blood on her head, causing you to become fully alert.

“A-are you…?” You reached and ran your hand over it, feeling definitely a small crack-or an actual cut.

“A little…” She muttered, wincing a bit at the touch.

“I wonder if peroxide and medical tape will be an option for that…” You sighed as you wondered.

You climbed out of the train, hopping onto the railing, with a sigh.

“Now then, let’s get you repaired before we even begin to think of what…."  You began as you turned back, as did she to look at the still smoking train with dust in the air around it.

"Just happened.” You turned back with a sigh as you both trekked forward, the darkness of the tunnel slowly starting to weaken as you could see the light at the end of the tunnel bend, hoping at least that Poppy was okay for now.


Now then, here is a 1.5 for now…the 2.0 hopefully by the end of the week will be done.

Sorry about this taking so long! Between work and the low energy it leaves me with, It’s been taking a while. Chapter 2 though should be done soon, needing some reorganising and polishing now.

I’d suppose with this, Poppy betraying you doesn’t happen exactly the same, leading to you purposely staying with them to find out what else is going on.

Remember to not trust Geese, they like to seal your tomatoes.

Trust a duck instead. They can cuddle.

Unless they’re small and named Sugar.
