#peter kavinsky x reader


Warnings: Nop.

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: Hello everyone!!! This is day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration so I’m here with a new story! This is my first time writing for some characters but I really love them so I wanted to give it a try, anyway hope you like it. Thanks so much for reading

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


This was it, you were going to talk to him to finish everything up, you just couldn’t keep up with the lie you two were telling everyone, your most recent feelings for him making it all more difficult. 

You had agreed to play this stupid game with Peter because never in a million years you thought that you would actually fall for him but now life was laughing right in your face for being so innocent, of course you were going to fall for him, the guy had it all. He was nice and sweet and made you feel happy and safe, constantly taking you to new places and having little details with you that no one ever had.

You had thought about it all day, barely paying any attention to your classes to find the right words but when the bell rang for the last time that day you realized that it didn’t matter anyway, this was just a plott to make Gen jealous, it wasn’t like you were actually dating.

Walking to your locker your hands started sweating a little bit at the sight of him there waiting for you before his practice, he had a gift to make to feel nervous and now you were question yourself if you really were ready to do it. 

You knew he didn’t love you and that’s why you needed to ended everything up before you got hurt and heartbroken, it was only a matter of time before he got back with Gen so why wait, right? That way you would save yourself a lot of pain.

You could see how his smile grow at the sight of you coming but it had to be done so when you reached him you let those words out.

“I can’t keep doing this…”


