#peter parker fanfiction





Warning: Peter does some bad things and creepy things. Depends on how you look at it. The title is self explanatory. 


It wasn’t like he was a stalker or anything.

That’s exactly what a stalker would say.

Shut up, Ned! Ahem. Anyway, he’s not a stalker.

Peter just liked you, a lot, and since he didn’t have the guts to ask you out, he turned to…other measures. Ones that would be less noticeable. Yes, he had the notifications on for all of your social media. Yes, he saved some of your pictures because he just wanted to look at it forever and ever. Yes, he had memorised your bio by heart. Yes, he took screenshots of the sort text messages that you shared which were mostly you asking about the Physics homework or the whereabouts of your teacher. Well, that didn’t change the fact the his heart skipped a beat whenever a ‘thanks Pete!’ popped up next to your profile picture.

So…you do know that they call those an online stalker.

Yes! Yes, I know, Ned! But these are different from a real stalker! Real stalkers are really bad. They’re threatening and those are the kind of people that Spider-man has to take care of to keep the city safe. I’m…not like that. Am I? I’m not. He’s not. He wasn’t like that at all.

Sure, Peter.

I’m not! Ok. Anyway. 

Stalker or not, he was going to keep it a secret to his grave. He could never risk you finding out. You would despise him until he graduated. You would never even want to talk to him again. That’s why he couldn’t tell anyone. Not even his best friend.

At least, that’s what you planned until…

Until today.


When Peter thought back to it, it was kind of Mr. Bail’s fault.

“Listen up, Class! Just to juggle things around a bit, we’re going to have new seating plans today! Everybody, pick up your bags, come to the front, pick a stick and go sit in your new groups!”

Peter slowly slid his laptop and notebook into his bag as everybody else groaned. He didn’t really get why teachers thought that “mixing up” the students would automatically end up in making more friends. He liked where he was sitting right now. It was at the corner, his group didn’t really care that much about him, he could secretly work on web fluids from time to time. Peter let out a short sigh before walking towards the front of the class to pick his new seat. It didn’t really matter anyway. It wasn’t as if he-

Peter looked at the piece of unfolded paper on his hand.

As if he-

He looked back at his seat. 

“What are you staring at, Dickhead!”

…As if he minded seating next to anybody.

Anybody except for one.

Peter regretfully slumped his backpack over his shoulder and walked towards the one person he wished to avoid. Flash returned the look with a frown when he realised the reason for the young boy’s stare.

You? You’re sittinghere?”

Peter didn’t answer, but instead, just sat down next to Flash, turning his head the other way. This was going to be a hard month for him.

“Oh, no way. Your lameness is going to rub off me! I can already feel myself getting infected by dollar store germs!”

When Peter continued to ignore him, Flash soon got tired of mocking and turned his attention back to class. Hmm, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. This is just like Flash on normal days. I just have to wait until he forgets about me.

Or that’s what he thought.

“Ok, class. That will be it for today. Oh, and I hope you like your new partners because you will be working with them on the final project for this semester! Class dismissed!”

Peter turned to Flash with horrified eyes.

Without a word, Flash just scowled and stormed out of the room, leaving Peter behind. Alone.


“I don’t know, Ned. I don’t think I can ever work with him. Or, more importantly, I don’t think he will ever work with me.”

3 hours had past since the incident in Chemistry, and Peter had already filled his best friend, Ned, on the details. Now, they had PE together and Peter still couldn’t get over his thoughts about Flash. Ned however, was less concerned.

“It’s not really that big of a deal, Peter. You had plenty of partners who left you to do all the work. Flash is just going to be one of them.”

Peter wrinkled his eyebrows.

“Dude, that’s not a good thing.”

Ned just shrugged.

“Well, yeah, technically. But you shouldn’t be so worried about it.”

Peter was just about to reject him when a voice above them interrupted their conversation.

“Parker. Get up.”

Peter looked up to see none other than Flash standing next to his mat and scurried to his feet. What was he doing here? Did he hear what he had said?

“Yeah, w-what’s up?”

“Give me your phone.”

“My what now?”

Flash let out an exasperated sigh and looked at Peter as if he was a moron.

“I’m going to need your phone to put in my number so you can call me for the chem project. Remember?”

Of course he remembered.

“Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure.”

Peter fumbled through his gym shorts pockets until he found his phone and handed it to Flash who stared at it with a disgusted look on his face.

“An iphone 4? Are you serious?”

Peter scowled and sat back down, facing Ned. Just when he had almost convinced himself that Flash may not be that bad. Of course he was that bad. Peter was thinking that maybe it would actually be better to do the project himself rather than have Flash help him when-

“WHAT THE FUCK do you have on your PHONE?!”

Peter snapped his head around, a sudden chill running down his spine, to see Flash holding up his phone with the photos app open.

“Why is your phone filled with pictures of y/n? God, Penis Parker, I knew there was something weird about you but not this weird! I’m going to have to call you Pervert Parker now!”

Peter stood up to stop flash from exposing his little secrets but it was too late. The whole gym had their heads turned towards them now. Including you.

“Where do you even get all of these? Isn’t this from a story? You took a screenshot? Parker, do you jerk off to these or something? Eww, gross!”

Flash ran over to you, handing you the phone. Peter’s mind went blank. Now he just wished this was all a dream. A really bad dream. It all seemed like slow motion. How you stared at Flash with a confused look on your face as he made his way towards you, how you took the phone and looked down at it, how your eyebrows morphed into a frown. And that’s when Peter ran.

He ran outside the gym, into the nearest bathroom, got into a stall, locked the door and slid down onto the seat.

He covered his face with his hands.

What was he going to do now.


And that was also when he realised that he had left you with his phone. With everything.



AN: I’m sorry I didn’t post anything for a long time. I was just busy for a while and also my region is seriously effected by the coronavirus so things are kinda off balance for me. I really hope I can continue to post more things once it settles down. Also, I’m kind of trying out stuff for this one. Hope it was ok! 

Taglist: @thewayilookatbacon​ 



Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


It was a rough night for Peter. Honestly, every night was rough ever since he left his little spot on your bed but tonight was especially worse. He never remembered it being this bad. Because it never was. Yes, he didn’t really like lightening. Yes, they bothered him. But it was never this bad.

Turning his head from the window, Peter hid himself underneath the covers. Why was it so hard for him? Everybody went through it, right? Every gunshot, every explosion, every weird alien technology they faced, they all got over it and he should too. He was an avenger now. It was about time he person-up a little. ‘Come on, Peter.’ He thought to himself as he rolled over to the side. ‘It can’t be that bad. You’re imagining it. See? It’s not even that loud when you don’t think about it…’

Well, maybe one day Spider-man will become a mature, experienced hero inside and outside of he battlefield. One day. But today, Peter found himself standing in front of a door he was way too familiar with. He sighed as he brought his hand up to knock, instantly regretting it.

What was he even doing here? He should go back. This was a mistake in the first place. He’ll just give up sleeping. Yeah, that wasn’t so bad. Tony slept like, what? 40 minutes a day? He was fine. 

Peter weighed out his options. Confronting you vs. not getting any sleep tonight? He could take a restless night. But how about next time? And the time after? And the time after that? He couldn’t keep avoiding you like this. He had to tell you.

He took one last deep breath and knocked. 

Peter’s heart sank when the door opened and he was met with your tired eyes. 

“Oh, hey. It’s you.”

His mind suddenly went blank. What was he supposed to say? ‘Yeah, hey, it’s me. I don’t know if you remember but I have this thing with thunderstorms so I was wondering if you could hug me to sleep like when I was small and furry. Oh, yeah, and by the way, I’m in love with you.’? 

He just stood there, staring at you blankly through the door frame.

“So… Uh, anything you wanted to say?”

“I, I mean, there was a really, really…loud…thunder. And I- It was just-”

When he finally gathered the courage to open his mouth, words just tumbled out, tripping all over each other and Peter knew that this wasn’t going to work. He must sound stupid. And even if he didn’t, the contents of his words definitely did. This is never going to work. He would always just be this rambling idiot in front of you. Peter quietly murmured an ‘I’m sorry’ under his breath. He was about to turn around and go back to his room when you took his hand and gently tugged it towards you. When he looked up at you, he saw those soft, understanding eyes that he knew so well. A sudden rush of relief washed over him, standing in that dark hallway, the single stray of light coming out from your room.

“Honey, It’s ok.”

What Peter did next, well, he wasn’t very proud of it. If there was a line in this messed up relationship, he definitely crossed it. But in that moment, he needed you. Only you. His world was tumbling down on top of him and yet, he just needed you. 

When his lips interlocked with yours, it was like finally breathing for the first time in a very long time. He sucked you in, all of you, until every last inch of his body, the very last blood in his veins was filled with you. You, who he had so wished for. 

It wasn’t until he was sure that he had died and went to heaven that Peter finally let go.

“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have- I know I shouldn’t-”

But you cut him off by reaching out and gently caressing his cheek.

“How about you sleep in my bed tonight, and we keep it a secret.”

“Does that mean-?”


“Just to be clear, I didn’t mean-”

“Yes, Peter.”



“I was cuter.”

“Yeah, but you’re not here anymore.”

Four months had flown by ever since Peter had showed up at your door and now, you two were looking inside a fence filled with a litter of six golden brown puppies.

Lots of changes had been made around the Avengers compound since then. The biggest one being that you had your own office now. Tony had emptied out a computer lab and redesigned it so that you could focus on your cases. Although you did miss being out on the field, you were happy that you could help in your own way. Especially when it involved Spider-man. 

Speaking of Spider-man, that was another big change for you. You hadn’t had a boyfriend ever since…ever because you joined the Avengers way too early to get a chance at any of that and it took some getting used to. 

Peter frowned. 

“I’m still here!”

“You know what I mean.”

You gave the pouty boy a little kiss before turning to the owner.

“We’ll take this one.”

But above all that, this was about to be the biggest change yet. Tony, after the sixth time, finally said yes to making the compound pet friendly. (He also tried argue that an alpaca would make such a better pet but got denied by everybody else.) So there you and Peter was, ready to take home the newest member of the family.

“What are you going to name him, by the way?”

Peter asked as he opened the door for you at the passengers side of the car.

You smiled and looked into the black, round eyes of the little animal in your arms.

“His name is Ohana.”

Peter let out a laugh.

“Ohana means family?”

You nodded.

“And family means nobody gets left behind.”


AN:Hey guys! Thanks for reading and I’m sorry for being so late. I had a terrible cold (it wasn’t the coronavirus it’s ok I’m fine) and I just had 0 energy for the past few days. But here it is! The end of our Puppy-sitting series! I know it’s a bit cheesy but I found the ending satisfying. I didn’t give that much backstory for the reader but the Avengers is like family for her and she was feeling uncertain because of all the changes that they were going through and she felt like she was losing her place in it but as she looked after Peter she kind of realised that the Avengers is not just about saving the world but a group of people making each other better people. And Peter didn’t feel like he belonged in the Avengers because to him, he is still the little kid who doesn’t know what he’s doing instead of this great almighty hero but he also realises that becoming a part of the Avengers is not just about having cool skills and kicking ass but also being a team and a family and he learns that through reader because through her, he found that love. Ok just wanted to say that in case I forgot bye and thanks again for reading!


Tag list: @crumpets-are-better-with-jam@spideylovin@clara-licht @thewayilookatbacon@rogue-of-sound@deadlyaffairs@enjoymyloves @himarisolace


mj’s baddassery with her words such as “therefore i have value?” inspires me daily and i think about it often
