#peter parking imagine


Summary: A wedding invitation from your best friend is the greatest news you’ve eve- no… no it wasn’t and you were going to change that.

Requested: No

Word Count:1.5k+

Warning(s)?: Angst, swearing, mutual pining, Friends-Lovers trope, Ex Peter!Reader (further warnings will be added…)

masterlist (x) requests (x)

(unfortunately I reached my limit on the responses so until I work out a way to setup the survey without response limits for free, taglist will be closed)


My Best Friend’s Wedding

I’m getting married!”

You had no idea how those 3 little words would turn your world on it’s axis. 3 such meaningful words yet not directed at you, of course never you. At the surface you were thrilled, ecstatic as you screamed happily into the phone at the news. Depp down, deep down a storm was brewing in the pits of your stomach to the point you were close to puking. You hiccuped to yourself, trying to quench the tornado inside which earned a worried response from him over the line. He had no idea the fear and crushing disappointment you were going through at this very moment, and if you could help it, he would never know.

“Oh Spidey… that’s amazing news!” It wasn’t. Another gulp followed by a reoccurring hiccup. That glass of wine you left moments ago to answer the phone was tempting to be consumed in it’s entirety, maybe a second bottle would be a nice chaser to the glass. However, as the ramblings of how he met his soon to be wife began, your mind became adrift.

It was an unconventional yet functional friendship between you and Peter. Both having met in high school during a recess break where Flash was pulling a prank on the brown eyed boy. You had moved in from Minnesota the fall just gone, only having made one friend in the short time of arrival, MJ. She quickly busied herself with showing you around, all her favourite spots which quickly became yours too. She was a quiet girl, no not shy, she was more than confident within herself to voice her opinions on matters that she seemed needed her input. A quality you soon grew to admire about her.

During the unfortunate incident during recess, she had left to grab you both some coffee from the local cafe which served the best caramel latte you’ve experienced in your life, which ultimately left you meeting Peter for the first time, at the hands on his nemesis. Peter’s eyes were wide and fearful, mimicking a puppy who had just got told off by their owner for peeing on their bedspread.

‘Watch it Peter, wouldn’t want to have this pretty girl watch you piss yourself, loser!“ You scoffed internally at the short boy, wanting nothing more than to make his vision blurry but chose not to move. You had a perfect attendance score and no detentions, you weren’t about to ruin that now. Once the 'Flash’ guy had left followed by tweedle dee and tweedle dum you stepped towards the boy on the ground cautiously.

’'Are you okay?” The boy coughed a couple of times before slowly standing to his feet. He was busy looking down at the grass, adjusting his glasses that sat upon his freckled nose with a huff.

“I’m fine…” He began to walk away, not once glancing up to meet your gaze. This time you huffed to yourself, watching how he quickly began jogging away before a shimmer in the sunlight caught your eye. You peaked towards the ground to see a glass jaw filled with some kind of… webbing? With measured steps, you slowly bent down to retrieve the object before calling out to the retreating boy.

“Hey, I think you dropped this!” The boy haltered, slowly turning around to glance at the glass jar in your hands. Your eyes didn’t fail to catch the shock evident on his face, though it quickly fled moments later. He paced back towards you, taking the jar softly from your hand and stuffing it into his backpack.

“You know… if you’re trying to recreate a spider’s web you’re going about it the wrong way…” His ears perked which cause him to finally look you in the eye. He had spent hours perfecting it, how in hell could you know about it? He had assumed you were new as for starters, he had never seen you before and two, no one ever interrupts Flash’s midday’s show, everyone knew that.

“H-how do you-… webbing? Why would I-i be trying to recreate that?” First thing you learnt about Peter, he was a terrible liar.

And that dearest was only just the beginning to what would soon grown into an almost 10 year friendship. Going through all of high school together, along with MJ and Ned, graduating then drifting apart for college. You all tried to keep in contact with each other the first few months but soon it turned into yearly catch-ups, something you all swore would never happen. Ned had learnt about Peter’s alter ego, soon followed by you then MJ a year later. Ned and MJ had an on again off again relationship all throughout college which drove you and Peter around the twist. One minute you’d all be organising to catch up over thanksgiving break, then they would be on the outs the third time that year, both claiming they couldn’t stand to be in the same room as each other. We all knew that was a lie because only a few weeks later, they would be in each other’s arms, proclaiming their love and how they were it for each other.

You supposed it was sweet and endearing, having someone for the rest of your life. But you knew better, that it didn’t exist. There was no 'the one’. There wasn’t someone who was going to be loyal to you forever, father your kids and bring home flowers spontaneously, kissing your cheek as you baked cookies for your children, laughter filling the warm kitchen air. Or going on vacations to Disneyland and watching your children graduate college together as you both were settling into the retirement lifestyle. There was simply here and now, and that was working.

Up until this very moment, this very phone call which happened at approximately 9:46pm on a Monday evening. Just 3 weeks shy of your 27th birthday. You had finished a long hard day editing the final touches on your project before closing your home computer, enjoying the working from home lifestyle due to the pandemic.

“Bunny… you’re still there?” Bunny. You hadn’t heard him call you that in years. Given, the last time the both of you spoke was almost a year ago, a lot can change in 12 months apparently, like getting married. Throughout college you two were always the closest, MJ and Ned giving you crap on how you both were secretly dating but wouldn’t become public because you didn’t believe in the concept of a 'boyfriend’ and Peter’s alter ego as Spider-man which could place you in danger. Had you tried? Yes, only the once and it was with the very man that was currently warming and shattering your heart over the phone.

Through your third year of college you and Peter had tried dating, seeing if there anything more than a friendship and there was. Unfortunately, it only took a month for that to turn upside down. For lack of words, Peter had confessed he loved you and you grown scared, commitment wasn’t something you grew up around, your own parents divorcing before you were 5 and making new families. You’d had soon learnt they both divorced again not too long ago, deciding to move back in with each other to save money so they could travel during their retirement. Every Christmas was awkward, especially the one just past, the first one altogether in over 20 years. You didn’t want that, to marry someone you love only for it to be all over within a handful of years. Especially given the detriment it has on the kids involved… you were never placing your kids through that kind of pain.

“Y-yeah I’m here… sorry I just… -sniffle-… I couldn’t be more happy for you Peter” It wasn’t a lie. You wanted the world for him, your younger self wanted to be that world but it just wasn’t meant to be. Blonde hair and sun kissed skin flowed through your mind, knowing that was Peter’s type not long after your breakup.

“You have no idea how much that means to me… I’m sorry it’s been so long since our last call” The sincerity flowed right through you.

“It’s okay, we’ve both been pretty busy and given the travel restrictions, couldn’t really see each other in person” Thank god that has eased up so you could travel now, but that only came in place a couple of weeks ago. Peter was on the other side of the country, currently a second hand to the most brilliant scientist on the northern hemisphere. You knew he always wanted to venture out on his own though, incorporate science with his abilities to make something magical. However, life just didn’t go that way.

“Well pack your bags, your plane leaves at 7am” Your eyes widen. Plane?

“W-what? Peter… I have work I can’t just… drop everything” You could, you were always head with your work but still.

“Come on! it’s my wedding, you have to be there… I don’t know what I would o if you weren’t here by my side…” Wedding? Wait…

“When are you getting married?” Ignoring the little skip of your heart at his previously whispered words.

“This Sunday…”


A/N:Would you guys like a mini series on this concept? Yes, massively if not, entirely 'My best friend’s wedding’ film starring the amazing Julia Roberts! I was picturing Peter x reader and wanted to give it a little bit of a 21st century kiss! Let me know below or in my inbox lovelies! xx Until next time xx
