

This was a late night Sunday sketch then I passed out before I could post lol #exhausted

Leo x Emma (my OC) I’m currently working in a story of these two & Mikey x Kiya

I might give this full color ‍♀️


Full color done ☑️ tumblr took down the original flat color so let’s see how long this one stays up!

Raph x Cass

Something About Blue

Chapter 3: Feelings

“Mikey.” Leonardo’s stern voice silenced the apartment, the one in question looked at him with a sheepish grin.

“Uh, hah, my bad Emma…” Mikey leaned forward and turned his head to the side to apologize.  He set his stack of six slices down on the coffee table before he moved to stand.

“Oh, it’s alright Mikey, it’s just a lamp,” Emma smiled, shrugging, before getting up, subconsciously patting Leo’s thigh before completely standing and going to clean up the shattered lamp.

Leo was frozen as her soft hand patted his exposed thigh. She touched him so freely, not he minded but he couldn’t figure out how this small woman had this power over him. He doesn’t even know her, yet…No. Leo shook his head slightly and averted his gaze until he saw Emma sashay around his long legs. He watched as Emma helped Mikey with the clean up. Leo stayed silent, cursing himself and internally groaning over the fact he was resulted to mush from a single touch.

“I can fix that for you,” the purple brother commented as he entered the small living area, typing away on his tablet.

“I’m sorry Emma…” Mikey whispered as he bent beside her and pushed her back slightly so that she wouldn’t cut herself on the glass. His large, nimble fingers grasped the small pieces and collected them in his palm.

“Don’t sweat it Mikey, things happen…let me go get you a dust pan,” Emma stood to walk towards the closet as Raphael grabbed the small trash can at the side of the kitchen island and walked towards Mikey.

“It’s time to leave—,” Leonardo made an attempt to stand before the largest brother’s voice boomed.

“Oh lay off fearless, it was an accident, he said sorry and she accepted,” Raphael grumbled, sitting back on the barstool, leaning over a plate of pizza and a sprite can that was dwarfed in his large fingers.

“Fearless?” Emma asked, holding the dustpan as Mikey swept up the glass, careful as not to cut either of them on the thin, sharp pieces. Leo glanced over at Emma who was slightly bent over at the waist, one toned arm extended with the dust pan while the other gripped her thigh to keep her balance. Her cute penguin pajama bottoms hung low on her hips, her gray cardigan wrapped around her shoulders, looking as if they were wings.

“Hah yea, honor boy ov’a here,” Raph tossed his head, pointing towards Leo, “is our ‘fearless leader,’ likes to call the shots.”

“Ignore him, he’s just upset about earlier,” said Donatello, nonchalantly, as he picked his head up from the small tablet.

“Shut up Don, ya were too,” Raphael snipped with a heavy eye roll before downing the rest of the Sprite. Crushing the can and tossing it into the trash can beside her.

“Enough Raph,” Leonardo’s stern voice commanded, causing Emma to look up, watching as Leo stood, stoic and arms crossed. His brilliant blue eyes were boring into his brother’s and it became a silent battle until Mikey broke the air.

“Wow, it’s been a whole…what, fifteen minutes since ya’ll had this fight?” Mikey jokes, causing Donnie to snort as he walked up and fist bumped the orange covered brother. His comment seemed to break the older two’s staring contest. Emma could feel the tension dissipate in the air.

“Yo! Is that Mario Kart!?” Michelangelo bounded toward the bookshelves that lined her T.V.

“You have ALL the GOOD ONES! Call of Duty, Mortal Kombat, Kingdom Hearts, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2! OH!! You also have Assassins Creed: Valhalla and Borderlands 3! I LOVE yoU!” Emma couldn’t stop giggling over how Mikey was geeking out over all of your video games.

“If you’re not too busy…wanna play?” Emma asked, turning to look at each of the brothers before turning her full attention on the one in blue. He was the leader after all and she wanted to respect his wishes.

With a heavy sigh, Leonardo shook his head yes, giving Mikey a small smile before tossing his head towards the T.V.

“Sure Mike…”

A collective ring of, ‘whoops,’ and hollers could be heard ricocheting off of her tiny apartment walls. All the boys filed into the small living area, picking either the floor or a recliner to reside in as both Emma and Leo had the couch to themselves. Leo never moved from his spot as he was worried his shell would scrape across her delicate skin and hurt her. Any and all small touches were initiated by her and Leo wasn’t going to complain. Something about Miss. Emma Reynolds pulled at him and he wanted, no, needed to figure out exactly what it was about her that held a power over him.

What Emma didn’t understand was what exactly she just invited in and signed up for. The hours flew by, pizza devoured and along were almost all of her snacks (except the oatmeal, Mikey wasn’t a fan.) Before she realized, she felt her head fall forward and her shoulder was jostled. Squeaking, she picked up her head, quickly analyzing her surroundings she realized that she was still in her apartment and she hadn’t dreamt of meeting Leo and his brothers. She gasped, it became apparent that she had fallen asleep on Leo himself.

“Oh my, I’m so sorry!” Emma hid her face behind her sleeves as she tried to brush away at the edges of her lips, praying there was no drool.

“Not a problem, I’m glad to be of service.” Oh…She liked the way that sounded…maybe a little too much.

“What time is it anyway?”

“Just past 4 in the morning. I’m afraid we have overstayed our welcome and have put you out.” They conversed as they stood, his brothers were already cleaning up the small living space.

“Oh please, I can—” Emma didn’t get a chance to finish fussing over them cleaning before Leonardo cut in.

“We’ve taken advantage of your hospitality, the least we can do is clean up after ourselves.” She couldn’t decide if it was because she wasn’t fully awake, or the lack of proper sleep, but she could have sworn his eyes twinkled. Glimmering sapphires that pulled her in.

“I apologize for my brothers and I for putting you in this situation.” Emma heard Leonardo as she watched his brothers leave out of her small window. They tossed their goodbyes, Mikey even gave her a hug before bounding out the small window. Chuckling to herself, she turned but hadn’t expected Leonardo to stand so closely behind her, a quick breath escaped past her pink lips before she righted her footing.

“Hah, no need to apologize Leo, Mikey is a sweetheart and each of them offered their help.” Emma shrugged, stepping to the side, allowing room for him to walk past. As their positions shifted, she felt a sudden pull, the same pull she’s felt all night and wondered if he felt it too. They locked eyes for the first time since his brothers stepped into her apartment to which she felt the pull getting tighter, her heart beat faster. She’d be lying if she hadn’t eyed him all night, seeing him in the dim lighting of her apartment, the light of the tv reflected on his face as he watched his brothers play Mario Kart. He was beautiful, so were his brothers, all in their own way, but something about Blue made her heart jump.

Leo was the first to break eye contact, twisting to straddle the window sill before shucking out onto the fire escape.

“Goodnight Miss. Emma. Thank you for your hospitality.” Leo had only gripped the first ring on the ladder before he felt a whisper of a touch against his forearm. Emma.

“Uh…sorry,” she whispered before letting him go, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable at her sudden touch. He was silent as he watched her, her green eyes shifting and looking anywhere but him. Until a sudden gust of wind blew her blonde hair around her shoulders, causing her jade colored eyes to look up at him again.

“Will I get to see you again Leo? Or is this a goodbye?” He didn’t like how she looked sad, but he knew that her words rang some truth. For her protection, he and his brothers would have to separate themselves from her. No matter how much he didn’t want to…she had plagued his thoughts ever since he saved her that night. But it was for her safety and he felt this pull that screamed that he needed to protect her. He’d be damned if he didn’t put his all into keeping her out of harm’s way.

“I believe this is goodbye…it is for your—,”

“My protection…I understand, I’m sad but I understand.” Wow. That was his only coherent thought, he was not expecting that reaction but by the way she was so blatantly honest made him believe that she truly understood. He let go of the ladder, glancing up at the roof to see three shadows looming over the edge. Leonardo stepped towards the window.

“Please…stay safe Miss Reynol—,”

“Emma…I used you as a pillow, you can use my first name,” Emma giggled as she watched him bend down towards her in a deep bow. He looked up, his mask tails falling over the front of his shoulders. Too tempting.

Emma all but lunged forward, gripping his mask tails, pulling herself to him, pressing her lips against his cheek. She was shocked by the warmth and the subtle feel of his pebbled flesh. She hadn’t anticipated his warm and smooth texture against her lips and she wanted to selfishly take more. But knew, if she took that dive, she’d want more and if this was truly a goodbye, she didn’t want to be heart broken over what could have been.

“Hah…Goodnight Leonardo…stay safe,” she whispered against his cheek before she pulled away, he was frozen for a split second before standing at his full height. He had to at least be over 6’5”, Emma herself was 5’6” and he was towering over her. He gave her a sheepish side smile,

“Stay outta trouble sweetheart,” he gave her a toothy grin and she realized that he had such a beautiful smile. Those were his last words before she watched him disappear into the night, well early morning light. It was around 4:30 in the morning. Emma couldn’t believe that she had stayed up this late but she didn’t regret it one bit. She only hoped, as she made her way to her bedroom that she’d, in fact, ‘catch’em later,’ as Mikey had adorably called to her before he left. She could only pray that it truly wasn’t a final goodbye, she was ready to take on the responsibility and challenges that would no doubt come with knowing the unique brothers.

Emma gave one final sigh before closing her window and shutting off the T.V and lights. As she refolded the blankets on the couch she picked up the one that smelled of jasmine and coconut and a light spice. Leo. Emma knew that she was probably acting crazy but she has never felt this way about anyone in her twenty years of life. Shaking her head, she tucked the green blanket under her arm, flicking off the last lamp she walked to her room. Her mind filled with the one and only blue-banded terrapin and his unique family. Usually not one for praying, but she did that morning, prayed that it wasn’t the last time she’d see him. He was her final thought before exhaustion took over her overactive mind. Dreaming of sapphire gems.


Leo twisted and landed back on the rooftop as he waited to be interrogated by his nosy brothers.

“SO Fearless…your girlfriend’s nice,” Raphael smirked at his eldest brother, as he slouched against the roof’s shed, twirling a single sai with his three-pronged hands. Leonardo sighed, he knew this was going to happen but hoped that this entire night had gone differently. Leo wouldn’t admit it to his brother’s but he wished that he had gotten to know Emma a bit more on his own before introducing her to his…unconventional family.

“Leave him alooone Raph! Let Leo have some fun!” Mikey quipped, shimming towards his eldest brother with a wink and a large grin.

“It’s not like that…” Leo groaned, he wasn’t going to entertain the idea of courting her. Not that he wasn’t interested, but because he didn’t want her to be in danger because of him and his family.

“Hey man, I saw the way she kept touching you! She even fell asleep on you!” Mikey exclaimed, sitting on the ledge of the roof cross-legged holding his ankles with a shit eating grin.

“She’s just grateful that I saved her life…”

“I don’t know why you’re makin’ up excuses man! She’s hawt!” All his brothers burst out in laughter at his expense while commenting on how hawt Emma is. It bugged Leo a bit on how they so crassly talked about her after she just extended such care and accepted them for who they are. Leo stood, head down and trying to ignore their onslaught of mocking and distasteful comments until Mikey took it too far.

“Shit man, I’d hit that! She could rub up on me any day!”

“Enough!” Leonardo commanded, he came undone and glared at each of his brothers. Their behavior was unacceptable.

“Emma was nothing but nice to you and you talk about her as if she’s an object.” Leo’s words cut through each of them, they’ve seen him mean business before but this time, it was different. He almost seemed feral.

Leonardo took a deep breath, holding the bridge of his snout as he squeezed his eyes closed.

“We’ll split up for the last thirty-minutes of patrol. Mikey you take the entrance on 4th, Raph takes 17th and Don you’ll take the entrance on 32nd street when going home. I’ll take 53rd and meet you all back at 5am. Break out.” Leonardo was the last to leave from the roof, ignoring the mumbled groans and curses as his brothers departed. Leo wanted to check up on Emma one last time before he bid her goodnight. Seeing his brother’s break out, he descended back down the fire escape and saw that all the lights were off and her window was locked. Leo took a relieved sigh as he moved to see that her blinds were pulled over her bedroom window.

After he had dropped Emma off at her apartment that night, he stayed to scope the area. The man that had attacked her was behind bars because he had a few outstanding warrants but you could never be too careful. Leo was able to lift blueprints for the apartment building after sneaking onto Don’s computer after he had finally passed out on a pile of broken experiments and pop tart wrappers. Leo reached down into one of his utility pouches and grabbed the few sensors he got from Donnie and placed one on each of her windows. These sensors were meant to detect any movement and would alert him if any of the windows would be opened from the outside. Yes, it was a possibility that he was being overprotective but…honestly, he couldn’t even reason why he was doing it. He adored Miss Emma Reynolds and she just pulled him in further with how she handled his brothers tonight. Leo let out a small chuckle before he finished his quarter of patrol before heading back to the lair.


Unbeknownst to the small, blonde woman and the clan of mutants was that a certain highly-trained ninja stood watch from the shadows deep within the alley across the street. The feminine assassin watched the encounter between the leader in blue and the small blonde woman. She was curious about exactly the nature of the relationship. Right then, Karai decided she was going to find out who this blonde woman was and see if she could assist with the turtle’s undoing.

We’ll see.


It has been a full seven days. A week has past by since Leonardo had last seen or spoke to Emma and he was getting antsy. Leo had her number, but he couldn’t get the courage to text her, worried that he would become an hindrance to her. What if meeting her and her meeting his brothers was a fluke? What if there wasn’t anything there to be expanded on. Even though Leonardo understands that the fewer people that know of their existence, it is for the best but…He sensed that Emma Reynolds was different. Donnie did a scoop on her and it came back crystal clear, not even a parking ticket or late payment. She was exceptionally organized, and dare he say it…beautiful.

Leo checked the clock for the tenth time in five minutes and scolded at the slow moving hand. He had patrol tonight and he was debating whether or not he should stop by and check in on her. Leonardo sighed again before palming the mask above his eye ridge.

“What is the matter, my son?”

“Nothing father,”

“Leonardo,” Leo squeezed his eyes before turning to meet his father.

“I will ask again…What is troubling you?”

“Sensei…I must confess something.” Master Splinter looked calm and collected but his eldest son’s words troubled him. It was unlike Leonardo to keep things from him and unlike him to be this hesitant when professing his truths.

“Alright my son, let us sit. I have made some jasmine oolong tea.” Leonardo nodded, filling his father into the meditation room.

The room was dimly lit, the intricate blue tatami mat sat in the center, floor pillows surrounded the small table that was in the center of the room. The scent of jasmine-oolong tea wafted and mingled in the air with the dull scent of vanilla and warmth. Leonardo immediately felt calmed by the aroma and essence of the room.

“Sit my son,” Master Splinter motioned as he knelt on a tatami floor pillow before pouring the tea for him and his son.

“Sensei…I saved a woman a few weeks back,” Leo said while he knelt down on his knees in front of his father, across the small table. Sensei hummed for his son to continue as he sat the small tea cup in front of him.

“She was attacked and I happened to be in the area…she didn’t scream, she was kind.” Master Splinter looked at Leonardo, seeing the way his son avoided eye contact and how he fidgeted with his fingers. Splinter smiled at the nervousness that his son was portraying, it was so unlike his character and it made him curious on who exactly this young woman was.

“Her n-name is Emma Reynolds, she lives by herself, she’s twenty years old, she’s a manager at a yoga studio and she lives by herself. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, she’s fit, kind, sweet and has dimples when she smiles—.” Leonardo continued to ramble on about this new woman that he has met and it took all that Splinter had not to smile at his son. He could tell that Leo was struggling with the feelings he has for this woman.

Leonardo finished his ramblings and took a deep breath, his eyes widening as he realized that he sounded like a rambling Donnie.

“Is your turmoil because she was kind or that you let yourself be seen?”

“My turmoil is that I allowed her to cloud my judgment and she has met, not only myself, but also my brothers.” He finished, head downcast and ready to be reprimanded by his wise father. Leonardo has been fighting with himself internally ever since that night a week ago.

“I’m under the impression that she holds no threat and that Donatello has vetted her?”

“Yes…she’s clean, no threat…But you cannot be too careful,”

“But her being a threat is not your worry.” Master Splinter stated the truth. Leonardo knew the reasoning and he felt like a fool to admit it.

“You’re worried that she is in danger of being exposed to you and your brothers.”

“Yes.” Leonardo’s stunning blue eyes were deep, shining in the dim lighting of the room and Master Splinter knew that there would be only one answer for Leonardo at this moment.

“Then you need to decide what is best for her. Is it for you and your brothers to disappear from her life? Or…Is it best for you to stay close and protect her at any cost? Are you willing to accept the consequences that will surely follow about either option?”

“I have told her goodbye Sensei…but I have this…need to be close to her. Like a pull—I sound ridiculous.” Leo set down his tea cup a little harder than anticipated and it just frustrated him more. Why was he acting like this?

“Leonardo, my son…You have always struggled with your feelings, don’t hide from them. Meditate and embrace them. It is not a burden to have feelings or share those feelings with others.”

“Thank you Sensei,” Leonardo made to stand still feeling frustrated yet, before he stood fully, he felt a hand at his wrist.

“Go to her Leonardo, ease your mind.” He knew that Sensei was right, and that helped him make up his mind about his earlier dilemma.

After thanking his father, he left the small room and headed back into the den where he saw Donnie reading at the kitchen table, Mikey playing video games and Raphael lifting weights. Leonardo took this opportunity to make his exit, knowing he could leave without anyone noticing his absence.

Once he exited the sewers he was welcomed by the crisp night air. It was getting colder as it crept closer to winter, the air nipped at his pebbled flesh. While on patrol the night was overall pretty quiet, except for a small burglary here and there, an older woman whose cat was stuck on a fire escape. Checking his watch for the millionth time that night, it was 11:30pm. He wondered if he should see if Emma was home, do a quick check before staking out different parts of the city for the remainder of the night. Leo was only a few blocks away and decided to hell with it. He wanted to see her, make sure she was safe.

After about five minutes of jumping across rooftops, Leo could see the warm glow of her apartment light up the night sky. She was home. Landing on the last rooftop across her apartment he felt a sudden flutter in his stomach. He despised the feeling of butterflies in his stomach but he was going to embrace the feeling like Sensei said. To grow in life, you must accept what is hard and push through obstacles. This was an obstacle. She was an obstacle.

With that final thought, Leo made the jump physically and emotionally. A decision that he would grow to respect and appreciate. Leonardo gripped the small rusty ladder and slowly made his way down to her window.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Emma was dancing in the kitchen when she heard a quiet tapping on her window. Wait, could it be? She twisted and slowly leaned to look over the small wall separating the kitchen from the den to see a massive, dark silhouette.


Leonardo waited outside on the small balcony, worried that he had disturbed her, or frightened her. They did say their brief goodbyes last week…Man was this a bad idea? Leonardo shook his head, clearing out his insecurities as he saw the lithe blonde make her way towards her window. Her short green shorts and taupe colored hoodie that said “bad bitch club,” in tiny font spanned across her chest. He chuckled as he saw her smile at him before lifting the old, wooden window. There was no reason to worry.

“Well hello Leonardo,” she smiled, giving him a small wink before tossing her head for him to come inside. She was in a great mood and now that he’s here, it just became the best night ever.

“Hello Miss—,” he watched her turn slightly, her arms crossed over her chest, eyebrow raised as if challenging him to finish his sentence, “Emma.” Leonardo smirked at the snarky blonde before closing the window behind him and turning off the silent alarm on his phone from the sensors on her window.

“What brings you here, not that I’m mad but…I thought we said our goodbyes.” He knew this conversation was bound to happen.

“Yes, we did and I apologize but with you knowing my brother’s and I exist…I am now obligated to keep you safe.”

“Ah, so you feel as though it is your duty to protect me?”

“Yes,” but the way he said it left her questioning if it was the only reason as to why he showed up tonight.

“I don’t need a guard dog…or turtle really,” Emma said, sounding a bit more clipped than what she initially intended but hoping that her intentions were clear. She was forever grateful for him saving her life, but she didn’t want to be a burden and cause him more inconveniences.

“…It is not the only reason,” Leonardo’s shoulders squared and even though they stood about eight feet apart, she felt as if he was looming over her. Something seemed off and she sensed that he was trying to tell her something but wasn’t sure how.

“Then, enlighten me.” Emma mirrored Leo’s stance, her toned arms across her chest, hip jutted and weight distributed to her right side. She wasn’t going to allow this man to intimidate her.

“I wanted to see you,” Oh, she was not expecting that blunt of an answer, “I wanted to see if you were okay and if, by the off chance, you thought about me too.”

The silence echoed loudly between them as she contemplated his words. He was right, she wanted to see him again the second he left her apartment last week. She wanted to reach out to him but was unsure how. She didn’t want to admit it, but he was on her mind everyday, so was his brother’s but Leonardo was the star in each of her daydreams.

“Yes.” Emma spoke with a finality, being honest with herself and with him.

“I wanted to know if you were safe…I wanted to see you again.” Emma’s pose relaxed and she turned to head back towards her kitchen before she called over his shoulder, asking if he’d like anything to drink. But before she could get the words out, she watched Leonardo tense up before he twisted back towards her window. The deafening sound of shattered glass and a scream she did not recognize as her own.

A body dressed in all black and a red bandana was thrusted into her living room, Leonardo grabbed them by their shoulders before throwing them onto her couch.

“Karai.” Leonardo’s stern voice boomed inside the small apartment as he pinned the small woman to Emma’s couch. His mind was locked onto the foot soldier under him but he was temporarily distracted when he heard Emma scream his name. Karai took that moment to knee him in his hard chest plate, thrusting forward until she moved out from under him.

Leonardo refocused and saw that Karai was staring at Emma and was about to move towards the small blonde. No.

“Karai. Leave her out of this. This is between you and me.” He threatened, moving to stand between her and Emma, slowly watching Karai’s every move. He didn’t trust her and he hated himself for putting Emma in her sights.

“Oh Leonardo is protecting his little girlfriend. She’s too sexy for you baby,” Karai licked her blood red lips, her sharp black winged gaze bored into his. Emma didn’t like to judge upon first impressions but this bitch could go fuck herself. Emma growled and hunkered down, and was ready. For what, she wasn’t sure, but she was running through what she’s learned in the boxing classes that she’s done for the past two weeks.

“Enough Karai. What do you want.” Leonardo’s hands gripped his katanas and was ready to take on the Shredder’s spawn.

“You.” Before Leo could comprehend what was happening, Emma’s apartment was flooded with Foot soldiers. He fought five on one as Karai stalked the outskirts of the fight, her eyes flickering between Leonardo and his small female companion.

“Argh!” Leonardo growled as he felt a katana slice open his shoulder before he felt the plunge of a needle in the softer flesh behind his knee and another at his elbow.

“Kar—ai.” He growled, attempting to stand but was quickly detained by the few remaining Foot ninjas that were not fighting for their lives at his feet.

“Oh sweet Leonardo-san…you. Are. Mine.” The next thing he sees is a wall of black before unconsciousness takes him. Emma’s safety being the last thing on his mind.

As Leonardo’s body slumped and he was hoisted up by three ninjas and tossed back out the window, Emma’s heart ached. This wasn’t over. The woman that Leonardo identified as Karai was standing by the window, staring her down.

“Call his brothers. Let them know I have him then speak of this to no one. Or I will return.”

“I’m counting on it.” Emma knew that there was no way she could intimidate the highly skilled woman in front of her but she’d be damned if she didn’t try.

“Feisty. No wonder he likes you.” Karai whistled before tossing a phone towards Emma.

“Make the call. Or die.” Was the last thing she heard before she heard the shattered glass crunch beneath the soldier’s feet before the woman disappeared out of sight.

Emma’s body decompressed, all the events heavy on her shoulders. She clutched the phone to her chest as she tried to catch her breathing. Do it. Do it for Leo. Emma thumbed the cell before she realized that she couldn’t gain access to the small device.

“Ugh! I just need to call Donnie!” She exclaimed. That must have been the magic phrase because a robotic voice echoed out of the phone.

“Calling Donatello.”

Ring. Ring. rin—

“Hey Leo, wher—,”

“Donnie. It’s Emma.”


“It’s Leo. He was taken by Karai.”

The silence echoed in the ransacked apartment. Emma could hear the thumping of her heart and the blood flow in her veins. Donatello’s voice finally rang from the other side of the line.

“We’re coming. Hold tight.”

Working on an outline for my new fanfic “Something About Blue” featuring our blue-banded leader

Still a work in progress but loving the outcome


*WIP* but some color added w/ a dark overlay….idk ‍♀️

Sultry Saturday anyone?

Couldn’t get this image out of my head of Big Blue

Artwork by: yours truly (@pheradream15)

Should I do full color?

P.S: I fucking hate drawing feet! Ugh!!
