#phone art


Pre-0 Kashiwagi headcanon! He got that hairline from wearing a tight ponytail every day for too many years. A hardworking youth with sideburns

Also it’s the 70s so at some point he rocked a Kazama stache until the fateful day that he lost all his facial hair(the hot noodle accident)

My headcanon for how he got his scar is……much more serious and there’s like a whole game’s worth of story there. Another time.

Ideafrom@bunbii ! Can you tell I’m not used to drawing clothes? Anyway, flower girl ☺

Still trying to perfect his body type. In the meantime, have some excessive facial details

The best thing about always including 5-o-clock shadow is that while I work I can toggle Shitty Mustache on and off whenever I get bored

First drawing of 2021! KashiMaji for good luck I love both of them ❤

I wish I felt well enough to do something bigger but at the same time this rushed phone doodle perfectly sums up my feelings. 2020 is over, bye bitch

A stress doodle to keep me sane

Yakuza 0 really gave us a rooftop Kashiwagi fight but didn’t have him do *the thing* ugh

fish out of water

phone artphone art