#phone lens

The Lens Wallet is like a tiny camera bag for your phoneography lenses! You can choose to get just t

The Lens Wallet is like a tiny camera bag for your phoneography lenses!

You can choose to get just the Wallet or the Wallet with the Phone Lens Series and a Telephoto iPhone Lens inside.

Pretty awesometown, eh?

The iPhone Lens Wallet, a Phoneography Camera Bag

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Made just for the iPhone 5, this 12x Telephoto iPhones Lens gives your phone super vision! It helps Made just for the iPhone 5, this 12x Telephoto iPhones Lens gives your phone super vision! It helps Made just for the iPhone 5, this 12x Telephoto iPhones Lens gives your phone super vision! It helps

Made just for the iPhone 5, this 12x Telephoto iPhones Lens gives your phone super vision!

It helps you get all the shots that would otherwise be too far to capture, bands on stage, distant mountain tops, sailboats in the bay, birds, planes, and *all* the animals at the zoo!

The 12x Telephoto iPhone 5 Lens Lets You Shoot from Afar

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