#bloody queen

『 bella donna - guy nishiki 』adding to the fuyugumi in pretty dresses agenda i have

『 bella donna - guy nishiki 』

adding to the fuyugumi in pretty dresses agenda i have

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Hahaha nooooo don’t strap me to a chair giant hot lady hahaha 

Hahaha nooooo don’t strap me to a chair giant hot lady hahaha 

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Random hcs stuff abt Hunters I’m thinking about rn as I type

pt1 cuz otherwise it’s wayyy too long

  • Antonio has anxiety and insomnia, violin always helped him destress and fall asleep
  • Joseph really enjoys drawing bit is too self concious to ever show anything so it’s just scribbles with a feather in the corner of a diary
  • Mary and Michiko sometimes discuss things like hobbies or jewellery, Violetta is often invited to join
  • Mary and Jack often tease Joseph about being short
  • Jack, Joseph can understand. By why Mary!?
  • Mary just loves teasing, doesn’t she
  • Robbie often plays with Violetta.He makes her small figurines he carved in wood and she knits him sweaters.
  • Leo absentmindedly picks and waters random flowers
  • He doesn’t want to ask for anyone’s help, despite his burn scars still hurting every now and then
  • Mad Eyes dislikes showing weakness, but BonBon tries to help his creator nonetheless
  • Mad Eyes often overworks himself, and falls asleep on his blueprints.
  • BonBon will close the window and put a blanket over him so he doesn’t catch cold
  • Luchino pretends to have a god complex purely cuz he believes in the “fake it till u make it” confidence thing.
  • He’d carry around stuff he found “cool” like a cool rock or a feather
I’ve finally added my Identity V merch onto my Etsy store!Stickers and charms mainly, please go takeI’ve finally added my Identity V merch onto my Etsy store!Stickers and charms mainly, please go takeI’ve finally added my Identity V merch onto my Etsy store!Stickers and charms mainly, please go takeI’ve finally added my Identity V merch onto my Etsy store!Stickers and charms mainly, please go takeI’ve finally added my Identity V merch onto my Etsy store!Stickers and charms mainly, please go take

I’ve finally added my Identity V merch onto my Etsy store!

Stickers and charms mainly, please go take a look if youd like to or share this around! I’m so happy to finally get these up!

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“Fucking kids.”

This is hardly a translation, but I’ve been too busy with school to actually translate anything. Plus, this comic is super funny. I found the image on Pinterest and I couldn’t find who actually created this masterpiece so if you know who made this please let me know so I can properly credit them.

 【お仕事】この度フロンティアワークスさんから出る新アートシリーズ「Costume*Assort」で『IdentityV 第五人格』のイラスト&ロゴ担当させて頂きました~っキャラクター達の好きなもの考 【お仕事】この度フロンティアワークスさんから出る新アートシリーズ「Costume*Assort」で『IdentityV 第五人格』のイラスト&ロゴ担当させて頂きました~っキャラクター達の好きなもの考 【お仕事】この度フロンティアワークスさんから出る新アートシリーズ「Costume*Assort」で『IdentityV 第五人格』のイラスト&ロゴ担当させて頂きました~っキャラクター達の好きなもの考

この度フロンティアワークスさんから出る新アートシリーズ「Costume*Assort」で『IdentityV 第五人格』のイラスト&ロゴ担当させて頂きました~っ

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hello idv tumblr may i interest you in some hunter girlfriends

Dejo estos cosos
