#idv mary


Random hcs stuff abt Hunters I’m thinking about rn as I type

pt1 cuz otherwise it’s wayyy too long

  • Antonio has anxiety and insomnia, violin always helped him destress and fall asleep
  • Joseph really enjoys drawing bit is too self concious to ever show anything so it’s just scribbles with a feather in the corner of a diary
  • Mary and Michiko sometimes discuss things like hobbies or jewellery, Violetta is often invited to join
  • Mary and Jack often tease Joseph about being short
  • Jack, Joseph can understand. By why Mary!?
  • Mary just loves teasing, doesn’t she
  • Robbie often plays with Violetta.He makes her small figurines he carved in wood and she knits him sweaters.
  • Leo absentmindedly picks and waters random flowers
  • He doesn’t want to ask for anyone’s help, despite his burn scars still hurting every now and then
  • Mad Eyes dislikes showing weakness, but BonBon tries to help his creator nonetheless
  • Mad Eyes often overworks himself, and falls asleep on his blueprints.
  • BonBon will close the window and put a blanket over him so he doesn’t catch cold
  • Luchino pretends to have a god complex purely cuz he believes in the “fake it till u make it” confidence thing.
  • He’d carry around stuff he found “cool” like a cool rock or a feather

“Fucking kids.”

This is hardly a translation, but I’ve been too busy with school to actually translate anything. Plus, this comic is super funny. I found the image on Pinterest and I couldn’t find who actually created this masterpiece so if you know who made this please let me know so I can properly credit them.

Reacting to S/O Suddenly Hugging Them

Characters: Aesop, Eli, Naib, Norton, Mary, Wu Chang.


A/N: It’s been a long time since I last wrote, so I decided to get back into the swing of things by doing some headcanons, this time adding two extra characters. Then I’ll be finishing up previous requests after this. ^_^

Cut for length!


If he notices you before you hug him, he’ll try to start a conversation with you. It’s pretty funny if you think about it, too. Him just greeting you and gradually getting more anxious as you slowly walk closer to him like you would with an animal as to not scare it off, arms wide, ready to envelope him in your hold.

“Ah, hello S/O. How are you doing this evening? Did your last match go-… what are you doing? … W-wait, no, I’ve just finished embalming my surrogate for my match tomorrow! I smell horrible right now, l-let me shower before you- WAIT NO-”

Out of all outcomes he could have thought of in his over-thinking head, this is the one he didn’t think through. How convenient.

Aesop stands frozen with his arms away from you before giving you two, in his eyes, painfullly awkward pats on your back.

Long story short, he does not like surprise hugs at all. The sudden change, though very little, is something that overwhelms him. So just tell him before to spare him the consternation of it all.

Because in reality his hugs are quite nice! The more he does it, the more elegant they become. Sure, he’ll place his arms weird at the start, but it’s the thought that counts.


Oh, he loves it whenever you give him any sort of affection! It’s something he craves daily. He’s the type who’d ask for more to be honest, so don’t be surprised if the hug you gave ends up being way longer than planned, because he’ll take advantage of this moment he has with you.

Not gonna lie, if it isn’t you making the sudden hugs, it’s him. Sneaky bird man constantly getting his hugs or kisses one way or another.

Okay, Eli’s hugs are cute in my opinion. He just loves you so much! It’s definitely felt in the hugs he gives you. He hugs you like a child would a stuffed animal, occasionally squeezing you a bit. Usually Eli can’t stay still during it, he always has to make this side to side rocking motion. He also has a habit of nuzzling his face onto you.

He endlessly coos sweet words to you. “I love you, s/o. So much.” Or, “You look beautiful today, my love.” are some of his common ones, but you could also hear some weird ones like “Your ears lookin’ real cute.” as a rare spook.

Brooke doesn’t really mind… but not enough to let you guys neglect to give her pets after! Either one of you have to, otherwise she’ll get cranky.


Let me tell you this now, never do this in public unless you want to be dodged like his life depends on it. It hurts him more than it hurts you, having to purposely avoid you like that for his sake.

Okay, another warning. Well, if you could even call this one, but if he accepts your attempt at a hug, know he will not let you go. You’re gonna be stuck to him for a good WHILE. Hugs with him turn into cuddle sessions. End of story.

50/50 chance he tries to fall asleep during the cuddle because… well, you’re a really comfy person, you know? Being in such a snuggle would understandably make one somnolent. Then you’re just trapped there.

The other 50 percent is when he can’t fall asleep, and he’ll get bored just laying there, so unless you’re talking to him or something, he’s gonna be moving his hands a lot. And by that I mean he’ll be doing stuff like playing with your hair or rubbing his hands under your shirt.

Additionally, he can be a little shit and touch you with cold hands. “But you’re so warm!” He whines, but you know the truth. He just wants poke fun at your surprised yelp.


(I’ve said some hugging/ affection headcanons for him in this post, I’m just gonna add on from there.)

He sees hugs as fun, comforting, stress relieving… the list goes on! But with you it can be much more. You bring so much love in each one you give him, no matter how long or short, how intimate or playful, he knows that every one is because of how infatuated you are of him and he is so grateful for that.

Bear hugs are his specialty, as well as back hugs. He has a partiality for how perfect you feel against his body. You two fit together like a puzzle in his mind.

Again, he doesn’t mind at all if you do this in public! Every piece of your love that you’re willing to share with him is something he won’t refuse. In fact, it’s probably even better than in private at times since it means other people can see how lovey-dovey you two are being. He finds pride in making someone jealous of your love.


As long as you don’t do it while she’s doing her makeup, in public or something that needs her full concentration, she doesn’t mind. She may scold you lightly to not hug her out of the blue like that again, as it is seen as rude at times, but she knows you mean well.

Mary caves in and will find sanctuary in your embrace, burying her face in either your chest or shoulder. She enjoys it when you two spend time together like this, away from others and in the quiet of yours or her bedroom, without the reminder of the manor nor the games that you’re meant to play.

Now if we’re talking about her hugs, let me just tell you they are one the best out of everyone in the manor. They aren’t common, but they aren’t uncommon either. A sweet in-between so that you are left satisfied after each one.

And yes, if you remember her carry emote, Mary has a tendency to place her breasts in your face, but instead of you being a few inches away in the emote, your face is just pressed there. Does she do it on purpose? Most of the time.

Wu Chang

Wu Chang are from ancient China, and back then people did not do well with affection, mainly public, as it was certain to be frowned upon by others. Despite this, Xie secretly wished that he would be able to do this with his own future lover, Fan on the other hand was odburate to the etiquette they were taught and never seemed to care for the display. Because of what they were made to believe, they’re both really touch starved.

They understand they came from a different upbringing and that most people don’t view things in the same way they do. Both are willing to adapt to what others do to prevent any awkward moments that may arise, especially when you’re their partner.

Hugs with Wu Chang aren’t very common. They hug for a reason and want you to know how much they care when they do. Hugging is meant to make the receiver feel special and they want to make you feel that way. If you’ve had a bad day, they’ll be there to hold you close and melt your troubles away.

Xie Bi'an

Xie figures something is wrong when you suddenly come up to him and wordlessly sling your arms around him and bury your face in his chest (or at least try to…).

“What’s wrong, dear?” He asks, gently caressing your head as an attempt to comfort you. When you answer with a nonchalant ‘I just wanted to hug you’, he’s quite surprised to say the least. You… just wanted to be in his embrace? Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t mind at all! It’s just… wouldn’t it be uncomfortable? I mean, you are pretty short compared to him.

No matter, if that’s what his lover wants, then he’s more than happy to oblige.

Xie is gentle without even meaning to be, that’s just how he is with you. Loose arms wrapped around your body, one hand on your back and the other softly rubbing your head. If you’ll allow it, he’d like to play with your hair.

He has the most comforting hugs you could imagine, I swear it’s almost like he was made for it. He’ll listen to every word you vent to him if you want, or if you just want him to set your mind off of something, he will. A reminder he’ll always there for you.

Fan Wujiu

Isn’t used to any type of PDA, especially if it comes without a warning, so the first time he just awkwardly pats your back as some sort of reciprocation. But if he finds you’re more prone to doing stuff like this, then he’ll catch on quickly and start giving you proper hugs back, albeit a bit stubbornly.

Honestly didn’t understand how hugs could be of any enjoyment to someone, I mean what’s so special about putting your arms around another? If you’re sad or something, then sure they could be nice, but not for no reason. In the end, you proved him wrong on this long-time prejudice.

If I had to describe Fan’s way of hugging, it would be passionate and silent. Fan, as reserved as he is, is the complete opposite when hugging you. He wants you to know he’s not always the undemonstrative man he shows in public, but a doting partner as well. He loves you despite the lack of showing.

He knows his strength compared to survivors, so he handles you with complete care, making sure he doesn’t squeeze you too hard. He keeps a softer hold than usual on you while hugging, resting your head on his chest (stomach?), patting your head at a steady pace.

You’ll rarely see him initiate the hug, that won’t change. But if you want to, by all means go ahead.

Hoo boy I went ham on this…
