#pining prompts


imagine your OTP denying their feelings for each other when everyone else can clearly see how hard they’ve fallen for each other

10 Academic rivals to lovers prompts

requested by: anon

Feel free to use and reblog!

#1 - they have never been as fascinated by another person as by this one that seems to know their favourite book by heart (even better than they themself), their great frustration is only topped by their attraction to them

#2 - they discuss heatedly in class and their annoyance with the other’s reserve increases until it unloads in a steamy make out session in a dark corner of the library

#3 - they’re making lists trying to manifest that the other one is not a charming person, but they’re having a hard time

#4 - they’re beginning to see the other one in every novel/play they’re reading, sometimes as the villain and sometimes as the hidden hero

#5 - being competitors in all their classes, Person A is surprised when Person B asks them out to visit a museum/an exhibition together, it’s not a date, is it?

#6 - they’ve never exchanged a word but know exactly how the other did in which class and exam, it takes years for them to speak face to face and realise the other is actually a(n attractive) human being and not just a collector of superb grades

#7 - they think the other one is too perfect to be likeable but when they spot some flaws, the other one suddenly gets much more interesting for them

#8 - whenever Person A opens their mouth and delivers elaborate input in class, all Person B can think about is how perfect these lips would be for kissing

#9 - Person A is trying to learn more about one of Person B’s interests because everything linked to them had to be glorious and fascinating

#10 - they could never get along amicably they realised, but next to arguing and teasing they also manage to make out quite passionately
