
 Milky Way over the Pinnacles in Australia Image Credit: Michael Goh ov

Milky Way over the Pinnacles in Australia 

Image Credit:
Michael Goh


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cabinology:at Pinnacles National Park


at Pinnacles National Park

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Yesterday, while doing homework at school, I had the not so surprising urge to go hiking. I’ve

Yesterday, while doing homework at school, I had the not so surprising urge to go hiking. I’ve been wanting to go back to Pinnacles since I first went a little over a year ago, so I packed up my boring school supplies, hopped in the car and drove off. 

About ten feet from the park gate, I saw a bobcat and was able to follow it down into a bushed area by a creek, where it hung out and let me take some portraits. Hiking up to the rock formations I passed a photographer climbing down and he asked if I was planning of take photos of the full moon. I didn’t even know there was a full moon that evening, so of course I said, heck yeah! 

I was in a frenzy trying to find the perfect spot for a moonrise, but in my frenzy, I lost track of time and just missed the moon coming up, over the mountains.

I had to use my headlamp back down the mountain and spotted an eyeball on the trail. It was a Poorwill, Phalaenoptilus nuttallii (a first for me)! Then, on the drive home, two coyotes were running around in the streets and quickly dispersed as quickly as I saw them. 

All in all, my day yesterday was fantastic! I highly recommend a trip to Pinnacles National Park if you’re anywhere near the place. Or even come visit California, and check Pinnacles out!

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The Bobcat finds a cool place to rest in the thicket next to a tiny river. Nesting birds make their

The Bobcat finds a cool place to rest in the thicket next to a tiny river. Nesting birds make their alarm calls as the bobcat observes their movement. She has no chance to catch one now, so she sits and waits for the perfect opportunity. Pinnacles National Park

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Full moon, Pinnacles National ParkThe beautiful rock formations which make this park stand out are a

Full moon, Pinnacles National Park

The beautiful rock formations which make this park stand out are a stunning example of our earths tectonic plate movements. Granite and breccia rock formations tower the landscape which also makes great night quarters for birds such as the endangered California Condor. This evening I pointed my camera East where the setting sun splayed colors of yellow and red, as the full moon began its early rise. 

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 Rock pinnacles The chimneys of Lóndrangaron the south coast of Snæfellsnes; Iceland.©islandfeuer

Rock pinnacles
The chimneys of Lóndrangar on the south coast of Snæfellsnes; Iceland.

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sunrise hike in the badlands walking with my best friend while he glide-cams the awesome landscape

sunrise hike in the badlands walking with my best friend while he glide-cams the awesome landscape

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Badlands National Park May 2012, sunrise hike in the park with my very best friend in the entire wor

Badlands National Park May 2012, sunrise hike in the park with my very best friend in the entire world. We traveled 11,000 miles on this trip around the USA. This was our very first National Park we went to together, arriving at around 10:00 PM. The fog was soon to roll in and take over for a few days but after it cleared we could see for miles and miles.

All though this may not be the largest national park in the U.S., the breathtaking landscapes, millions of years of geological history (including some of the richest fossil beds in the world), and serene soundlessness while trekking though the giant pinnacles of sediment was just the feeling I was looking for.

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the true sound of silencedriving from the east coast to the Badlands we arrived in a fog; Literally

the true sound of silence

driving from the east coast to the Badlands we arrived in a fog; Literally covering the park, a white mist that would eventually stay though out the night. We hiked around in the wet and slippery pinnacles being oh so careful to keep our hands by our sides as these extremely weathered pinnacles instantaneously crumble under any force (especially when wet). I reflected on time, the age of our planet and the millions and billions of years of work it took to create this ever evolving planet. And at that moment I am more then content with where I was, and where I would be going.

The next morning the sun came out, cleared the fog, and brought me this picture of my best friend in the suns celebrated rays.

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