#pino chino



I germinated a cherry and a chinese pine seed in less than a month! I just have a picture of them and it’s super bad, but here it is (cherry seed on the left, chinese pine seed on the right -it is slightly open but can’t be appreciated here-)

  • For the cherry tree, I cracked carefully the shell with a hammer (if you are going to try it, put the seed inside a paper towel so it doesn’t fly out when you hit it). I read that if you don’t open the shell it takes about 8 months to get it ready, I left some unopened too just in case. Both kinds were stored in a tupperware in wet toilet paper wrapped in transparent cooking film. After a month, the ones with the shell all have black dots, I think it’s a fungus. Some of the ones without shell got too soft, but most are ok. The one that germinated seems to have done so a while ago since it’s like 1,5 cm long from the base. I put it into soil today.
  • For the pine tree, I used the toilet paper method too, instead of using the substrate like on the 1st post. I have put it into a bigger pot this time so I don’t have to transplant it too soon.

Mom brought a cutting of coleusandChrist thorn from her work. After a week in water the coleus developed some roots so I planted it yesterday, I’ll take pics of them next time. Also, despite the bugs, the dahlias’ buds are still growing, I can’t wait to see their flowers.
