

Wish the phone could actually convey all the glorious dancing rainbow colors.

Cleaned up my plants and windowsills!The bigge boi is my dream plant, a Dragon’s Blood Tree

Cleaned up my plants and windowsills!

The bigge boi is my dream plant, a Dragon’s Blood Tree (“Dracaena draco”), and he weighs like 60+ pounds, MINIMUM, I s2g. I’m amazed I was able to deadlift him up the whole stairway (in a very smooth pot with no grips) when I could barely move him 5 feet into the house after potting him last month. (And the grow light is there because I don’t think it’s quite enough sunlight, but he’s been doing well inside with NO direct light for the past month, so…)

I also have 2 new Poinsettias (“Euphorbia pulcherrima”) bc I’m all about that #tropicallyfe !! One’s a pinky salmon colour, and the other is red and white variegated “Mexican Flameleaf”. My mom also has a classic red one we’re gonna try to plant in the yard after it stops blooming.

My “Cordyline indivisa” got his pot painted gold finally to match all my shit. He’s looking REALLY great and has grown A LOT. I feel bad that his brother I kept outside died last spring, but that’s why I kept them separate!

I also got a Christmas Cactus (“Schlumbergera bridgesii”) and unfortunately did not have a pot big enough for all 4 of them to stay together, so I had to separate them out, and now their flowers and buds are dropping off. But better that than staying in the gross nursery pot. (I know, they like to be pot-bound, but I can’t keep a black nursery pot inside, it’s not #aesthetic .)

My other plants are still kickin’ - Persian Shield plants (“Strobilanthus”) and Dark Star Coleus (“Coleus”). I tried propagating both from a clipping, but I think it’s too cold for them downstairs… so. The jury’s still out on those. (Also pictured: Arrowhead Plant/“Syngonium podophyllum” and Rubber Plant/“Ficus elastica”).

I still have a bunch more plant-organizing to do on my vanity counter, so stay tuned for that. (But only if I stop procrastinating it.)

#plants #indoorgardening #indoorplants #plantlyfe #organization #dracaenadraco #dracaena #dragonsbloodtree #dragontree #euphorbiapulcherrima #euphorbia #euphorbiaceae #poinsettia #tropicalplants #cordyline #cordylineindivisa #dracaenaspikes #schlumbergera #schlumbergerabridgesii #christmascactus #persianshield #coleus

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2016 Year in ReviewThis year’s annual plantings featured pops of purple amidst different greens.  

2016 Year in Review

This year’s annual plantings featured pops of purple amidst different greens.  

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I germinated a cherry and a chinese pine seed in less than a month! I just have a picture of them and it’s super bad, but here it is (cherry seed on the left, chinese pine seed on the right -it is slightly open but can’t be appreciated here-)

  • For the cherry tree, I cracked carefully the shell with a hammer (if you are going to try it, put the seed inside a paper towel so it doesn’t fly out when you hit it). I read that if you don’t open the shell it takes about 8 months to get it ready, I left some unopened too just in case. Both kinds were stored in a tupperware in wet toilet paper wrapped in transparent cooking film. After a month, the ones with the shell all have black dots, I think it’s a fungus. Some of the ones without shell got too soft, but most are ok. The one that germinated seems to have done so a while ago since it’s like 1,5 cm long from the base. I put it into soil today.
  • For the pine tree, I used the toilet paper method too, instead of using the substrate like on the 1st post. I have put it into a bigger pot this time so I don’t have to transplant it too soon.

Mom brought a cutting of coleusandChrist thorn from her work. After a week in water the coleus developed some roots so I planted it yesterday, I’ll take pics of them next time. Also, despite the bugs, the dahlias’ buds are still growing, I can’t wait to see their flowers.

flora-file: Solenostemon scutellairoides (by flora-file)say that five times fast


Solenostemon scutellairoides (by flora-file)

say that five times fast

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