#pirate101 news


Hey guys, so I thought I’d share some news about Kingsisle if you haven’t heard.

They are being bought out by a group called MGI for 126 million!

Now, this can mean several things, (as stated on their website regarding the KI buy out,) that they are going to put a focus on KIs MMOs, (that being wiz and pirate,) and decrease the attention that KI has been giving to mobile games.

Plus the company is well compensating KI, and not just buying them to make them into something else. They are investing into KI, so that KI can focus on what makes them money, that being Pirate101 & Wizard101.

So, more updates perhaps? Especially once this buy out gets rolling :)

I will link the website here, as well as an article that goes deeper into the finance aspects:



Thank you, and let’s hope we see progress for our beloved game soon!
