
What is the TRUE cost of living?  Is it REALLY possible to live on $500 per month somewhere in the world?

We’ve all heard the stories.  Someone knows someone who lives on only $500 a month in some tropical paradise.   Is it possible? Yes, my wife lived in Ecuador for $250 a month for a while. But is it possible for YOU? What will be YOUR cost of living in the country of your dreams?

Having lived…

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Ecuador health care 2016 – part 2 – Private health insurance

Ecuador Health care 2016 – Part 2 – Private health insurance

This is where you have to be careful, evaluate your needs and read the fine print. Costs vary tremendously. Interestingly, the number of people using private health insurance in Ecuador has plummeted in recent years, a testament to the quality of the government programs. Get quotes from several companies. Read reviews. And ask local…

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Ecuador health care 2016

Ecuador Health care 2016 – Private, Public or None?

When living abroad, nothing is as fundamental as looking out for your health and living according to ones means. In many countries, however, healthcare can be extremely expensive. Fortunately for residents of Ecuador, affordable healthcare options are abundant. Let’s examine both public and private healthcare options. Then we will look at the…

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What will allow you to retire happy?

So you’ve done the math, met with your financial advisor and evaluated your retirement needs. You’re ready to retire! Or are you? You think you’ve got your finances together, but are YOU ready to retire? Will you retire HAPPY? What do I mean by that?

When mesuring the cost of retirement, you must consider more than your finances. Just like the financial…

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