
honeyluna: Santa Cruz, Ecuador


Santa Cruz, Ecuador

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Guayaquil, Ecuador. Hugo Healy

donaldtrumpispresidentdealwithit: This man was once the darling of the leftists (and small-governmen


This man was once the darling of the leftists (and small-government, privacy-minded libertarians who still like him). When he rightly exposed the criminal corruption of the Bush administration and awakened people who were unaware of the death and destruction being signed off on their behalf in Iraq and Afghanistan, Democrats championed him.

When he exposed Putin’s dirty laundry, the media largely ignored it.

But, when he exposed the corruption of the Democratic Party with emails given to him ultimately through Seth Rich, the Democrats started incorrectly calling him a “Russian agent.”

This man has sacrificed so much of his own life’s happiest moments to give everyone more transparency in a world full of duplicitous, deceitful governments.

Now, his Internet access has once again been cut off. It has been 1 month.

Never forget the role Wikileaks has played in exposing corruption.

Not once have they ever lost a court case against their many enemies.

Why? Because they vet their sources and the information they put out.

They don’t publish lies. They don’t defame. They don’t risk their solid reputation.

That makes them very powerful in a way no authoritarian regime can ever be.

Protect WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

(For those who might shoo in with the “rape and malesting allegations” Assange was accused of - these were dropped.)

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Por un coincidencia, mientras ayer estuve preparando esta entrada sobre una salida con el grupo Nudismo Ecuador, hace un año, ellos fueron al mismo lugar, y pues empiezo con las fotos de su encuentro recién.

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… y continuo con la historia de mi visita: Hace pocos años tuve la idea de viajar a Ecuador o a Perú y, por supuesto busqué opciones para el naturismo. Me pareció que ecuador tenía una comunidad naturista más vibrante con algunos grupos activos. Tuve que cancelar y posponer mi viaje un par de ocasiones, pero hace un año finalmente fui allá y efectivamente encontré una buena cantidad de naturistas locales.

Hay un par de grupos en Quito que se reúnen semanalmente en una piscina con sauna y hacen salidas -con menor frecuencia- a piscinas termales fuera de la ciudad. Aunque Ecuador está ubicado (ya lo habrán adivinado) en la línea ecuatorial, la capital y algunas otras ciudades grandes, tienen un clima marcadamente frío, por estar en las montañas. (Quito es la segunda capital más alta del mundo). De manera que las termas naturales son la mejor opción para hacer nudismo al aire libre. He estado en contacto con uno de los grupos nudistas locales – Nudismo Ecuador – desde hace un tiempo, así que, cuando mis planes tomaron forma, me asegure de coordinar un encuentro con ellos. Y salimos una docena de nudistas, entre hombres y mujeres, a una piscina de aguas termales en Papallacta al noreste de Quito.

No hay piscinas naturistas oficialmente calificadas, pero algunas admiten a grupos nudistas con cita previa. Este es el balneario de El Tambo. Si quieres disfrutar del nudismo, coordina con Nudismo Ecuador mediante e-mail.

Junto al estacionamiento hay un sendero de piedras (un poco resbaloso a causa de la llovizna),

view 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

en el que rápidamente nos desnudamos y solo las ovejas nos miraban. Parecían un poco sorprendidas.

naturist 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

A esta altitud de 3.500m sobre el nivel del mar hasta algunas plantas eligen protegerse con una capa de tejido algodonoso.

plants 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Así que, como hacía frío, especialmente bajo la llovizna del Páramo, rápidamente nos metimos en la piscina.

naturist 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Aunque alguno prefirió calentarse corriendo alrededor de la piscina.

naturist 0005 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Pero, una vez dentro del agua, todo fue de lo más relajante… hasta que llegó el resto del grupo y decidimos jugar con una pelota. Habían inventado algo propio y yo tenía mucha curiosidad.

naturist water ball 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Mientras que el volley es muy común en los sitios naturistas

naturist water ball 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

este era más parecido al rugby: anotas tocando el área del gol del equipo contrario.

naturist water ball 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Ya que tienes que correr en el agua, los pases son más frecuentes en este “deporte”,

naturist water ball 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

y hay menos riesgo de golpes y lesiones.

naturist water ball 0005 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Nos lo tomamos muy en serio y celebramos la victoria =)

naturist water ball 0006 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Luego del partido, ya con más calor corporal, nos arriesgamos a hacer una corta caminata por el bosque, a pesar de la llovizna.

naturist 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Algunos de los picos montañosos están cubiertos de nieve y hubiera sido fabuloso verlos mientras caminábamos desnudos o desde la piscina, pero había una espesa capa de nubes bloqueando la vista. (Típico de la zona).

view 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Fuimos hacia abajo, al río.

view 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

En la orilla había un Ojo de Agua termal

view 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

con dramáticos colores parecidos a luces de neón.

naturist 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Toda esa humedad da como resultado una muy densa vegetación.

plants 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Algunas plantas florecían,

plants 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

y los troncos de los árboles estaban cubiertos de helechos, musgo y líquenes.

plants 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Luego de la caminata llegó la hora de regresar a Quito, pero esa ducha de agua caliente fue increíble!

naturist 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

A pesar de que no hay reconocimiento oficial del naturismo en Ecuador, los nudistas locales son realmente muy activos y mi viaje demostró que hay muchas opciones para esta práctica.


balneario ‘El Tambo’ de Papallacta, Ecuador Por un coincidencia, mientras ayer estuve preparando esta entrada sobre una salida con el grupo Nudismo Ecuador…

By coincidence, as I was preparing yesterday this blogpost about an outing with the group of Nudismo Ecuador a year ago, they went to the same place; so I am starting with a few photos from their recent trip

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… and continue with the story of my visit: A few years ago I got an idea to travel to either Ecuador or Peru and of course looked up options for naturism; Ecuador seemed to have a much more vibrant naturist community with a few active groups. I had to cancel and postpone my trip a couple of times, but a year ago I finally went there and indeed found a good bunch of local naturists. There is a couple of groups in Quito, with weekly gatherings at a pool with sauna and less frequent outings to thermal pools outside the city. Even though Ecuador is situated (you’ve guessed it!) at the equator, the capital and a few other major cities have pretty cool or even chilly climate being high up in the mountains (Quito is the second highest capital city in the world), so hot springs is a natural choice if you want to hang out naked. I had been in touch with one of the local naturist groups – Nudismo Ecuador – for a while, so when my plans solidified, I made sure to coordinate to meet up with them. So a dozen of us went to the thermal pools of Papallacta east of Quito.

There are no officially designated clothing-optional pools, but some admit naturist groups with prior arrangements. This one is called ‘El Tambo’. If you want to enjoy it sans clothes, coordinate with Nudismo Ecuador bye-mail. After parking, there is a short pebble walkway (quite slippery from the mist),

view 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

on which we stripped off right away, as from then on only sheep could see us. They seemed a bit a amused,

naturist 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

as at this altitude of 3.5km asl, even some plants prefer to have a wooly cover.

plants 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

So, yes, it was quite chilly, especially in the mountain mist, so we quickly proceeded to the pool,

naturist 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

although some preferred to gain some body heat from running around the pool first.

naturist 0005 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

But once we were in, it was pure relaxation… until more group member arrived and we decided to play a ball game. The invented it on their own, so I was curious to try!

naturist water ball 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

While water volleyball is common at naturist resorts,

naturist water ball 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

this one is more reminiscent of rugby: you score by touching the “gate” area of the opponent team.

naturist water ball 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Due to having to run in water, passes are more common in this game,

naturist water ball 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

and less chance of injuries from tackling.

naturist water ball 0005 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

We did take it seriously, so the victory was well celebrated =)

naturist water ball 0006 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

After the game, we were certainly warm enough to venture out for a brief hike, even though it was drizzling.

naturist 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Some of the mountain peaks around are covered in snow – it would have been even more amazing to see them while hiking naked or enjoying the pool, but there was a thick cloud blocking the view (typical for the area).

view 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

We went down to a small river,

view 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

and on its bank there was a natural thermal spring

view 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

with contrasting, almost neon, colors.

naturist 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

All that moist results in dense vegetation.

plants 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Some plants were blooming,

plants 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

and tree trunks were covered in ferns, moss and lichens.

plants 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

After the hike, it was already time to go back to Quito, but that hot shower felt amazing!

naturist 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

So even though there is not much official recognition of naturism in Ecuador, local naturists are certainly very active, and my further travel proved that there is plenty of opportunities for naturism!

thermal pool ‘El Tambo’ in Papallacta, Ecuador By coincidence, as I was preparing yesterday this blogpost about an outing with the group of 
☕️ Donde hay té, hay esperanza | @jorgeluis_campozano y @fierasestudio. . . . . #branding #packagi

☕️ Donde hay té, hay esperanza | @jorgeluis_campozano y @fierasestudio
#branding #packaging #graphicdesign #ecuador #tea #inca #handmade #illustration #logo #otrasdemencias

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Sunset in the Galapagos IslandsI’ve seen my share of amazing sunsets and this Galapagos Islands su

Sunset in the Galapagos Islands

I’ve seen my share of amazing sunsets and this Galapagos Islands sunset probably is in the top five. Being able to witness these spectacular sites day in and day out on the MS Grace Yacht with Quasar Expeditions was definitely something else. This was on one of the first days of our trip while touring around the entire Galapagos Islands complex.

See more at wanderingtrader.com

#latinamerica #ecuador #galapagosisland #sunset #topfive #amazing

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For @hermanosgutierrezmusic from @badassgeniusWestern sound that brings you to another universe an

For @hermanosgutierrezmusic
from @badassgenius

Western sound that brings you to another universe and touches your deepest feelings #. Music that gives you “ESPERANZA” and “AMOR PROFUNDO”

Listen and be free

#hermanosgutierrez #art #illustration #artwork #nawden #sketch #drawing #procreate #digitalart #music #guitar #ecuador #switzerland #badassgenius

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Me toco ver como elegías a alguien más mientras que yo lo estaba dando todo por ti.


El sol se despide por hoy#sonnenuntergang #atardecer #sundown #ecuador #pichincha (hier: Quito, Ec

El sol se despide por hoy
#sonnenuntergang #atardecer #sundown #ecuador #pichincha (hier: Quito, Ecuador)

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Yuumm…!!! #delicious, Die #leckere #papaya #sternfrucht #früchte #ecuador #fruit

Yuumm…!!! #delicious, Die #leckere #papaya #sternfrucht #früchte #ecuador #fruit

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MAYU, nos acompañó en la práctica de yoga con su música increíble en el Festival de @terrasonica. Gr

MAYU, nos acompañó en la práctica de yoga con su música increíble en el Festival de @terrasonica.
Gracias por su armonía @pablovicenciodrums, Julián y Ely.

#mayu #terrasonica #musicfestival #Ecuador (hier: Terrasónica)

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Dear followers, I’m from Ecuador, and we just have had on Saturday a major earthquake that measured 7,9.
The coast is the most affected region of my country, we are not completely ready for situations like this, is hard to see how many people have died and so many are trapped and there are almost 2000 people injured.
It’s difficult to find a way to keep working normally in the cities that haven’t been that affected, so that’s why and if you really can, try to go to Ecuador’s embassy in your country and ask how can you help, we need water, food and medicine as priority.

Thank you so much.

I’ll return writing probably in a week, I’m trying to help with what I can.


these articles have helpful links with ways to help: 



other places to donate: 




even if you can’t donate maybe someone can, please please reblog to spread awareness  

we’re barely getting media coverage
