#planting by the moon



Gonna wash and disinfect these compostable pots and get them ready for the 2020 season. These pots will hold tomatoes and peppers and we will start our seedlings in the next four days (January 15-18). Our planting zone here in Atlanta is a rapidly rising zone 8a. What are you planting now?

Want to learn more about the benefits of cleaning pots and planting tomatoes and peppers? Book a tour or working experience with Atlanta’s number one urban agriculture Air BnB experience. #SimpleFoodSmallFarmz

folkmagick: FOLK ASTROLOGY: THE MAN OF SIGNS The curious image of the “Man of Signs” or “Zodiac Man”



The curious image of the “Man of Signs” or “Zodiac Man” shows the Zodiac sign that rules each part of the human body. The basic illustration dates back to the 1300s, but it entered American folk belief in the 18th century, when printed almanacs became a trusted resource for farmers and planters.

Along with weather predictions and homespun advice, these almanacs kept their readers abreast of the moon’s monthly progression through the Zodiac. In an era before modern medicine, the sign for the day was coupled with the Man of Signs illustration to determine the most fortuitous times for treatment.

Likewise, the position of the moon was - and still often is - used to decide when and what to plant or harvest: If you want a bountiful carrot crop, Luna had best be in Capricorn!

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