#eventual fluff



Marvel Masterlist


Summary-  (Y/N) Is a Matt Murdocks 14 year old daughter who is just entering high school and is really struggling. She doesn’t have a regular life having a blind father. He can’t help with homework, Can’t give her a have a ride to school, He can’t see how often her face falls when she lies to him. Of course she has her Uncle Foggy and Aunt Karen but (Y/N) feels like to much of a burden until the one and only Frank Castle comes into her life and seems to be more of a father figure  then Matt ever has.

Updates: Monday’s, Wednesday’s, Saturdays

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21



Marvel Masterlist
Series Masterlist

Warnings: Description of attempted Assault on the reader

Summary:When Y/N’s art project lands her in Romania she is met with very peculiar circumstances. Such as a weird old man speaking mythical nonsense, murders of both people and animals, an oncoming threat to her life, as well as her mysterious yet very hot next door neighbor with a weird obsession with beetroot juice.

He could just leave… He could just pack up his vacant apartment and flee the country. That is what Bucky told himself. He knew that they were on to him. ‘They’ being Hydra. They made his life hell. 

They tortured him for years on end, made him do their dirty work, made him hurt people. Innocent people who didn’t deserve to be hurt. Every life he took haunts him to this day. He tried to reason with himself saying that it was in the name of survival, but he couldn’t help that there might be a darkness in him that he may not ever be able to escape. That is until he met you. You were the light seeping through his brick wall. Not yet breaking it down but showing what possibilities  he had if he were to let you in. He craves the warmth your light gives. He would compare it to the sun but now decades later he forgot what it truly felt like. His body was cold and his heart was hardened. He didn’t know if he could ever move past that. The thought that the Sun could cause irreversible damage, it having the possibility of killing him made his heart weep. His sister loved the Sun. You could always find her playing in the light just after a harsh rain. Those were her favorite times. She had a light in her too. That is why he cannot leave. You were here and now you are in danger and he was the one who put you here.

The moment he stepped into your apartment that day he knew they were here. He could smell them. So that day he decided to risk what the two of you had. He asked to use the bathroom to enact his plan of protecting you. He unscrewed the shower head and with a swiftness he quickly put Vervain inside before screwing it again. He even tested the water to see if it worked. It did. It gave him a harsh burning throughout his hand and the smell in the steam that it created burned his eyes and nostrils. He gave the excuse of your perfume and your demeanor changed. He read your mind and could see what he had done. He freaked you out and though it hurt he was thankful that he did. It wasn’t his past that freaked you out. So he guessed that it was better that way. So he left it at that and went to get his next meal. That being said he hadn’t seen you exit your apartment at all. He hadn’t seen you open your door either and it worried him. He didn’t see you on your balcony any more and he knew you use to love sitting in the Autumn air. He could hear your heart beat slow to a calm tempo when you did.  When he heard that blood curdling scream he knew you were in danger, but the smell of a new yet familiar scent kept him inside. Once he had sensed that the two were gone he called out to you from the front door. He could have just walked in and unlocked it somehow since he was 'Invited in’ but he didn’t want to scare you even further. He decided to try a new plan to coax you out of your shell. He decided to go to the market and pick up some apples and flower and other things that are required to bake.

He decided to make his mothers old apple pie. Even though it has been over 70 years since he has seen her he remembered this recipe. It was a request that he and his sister as well as his old best friend Steve always asked for. He also wanted to give back to you. You have been nothing but kind to him and all he has been is skeptical. So he whipped all the ingredients together and has to wait maybe an hour or so before it is done. He doesn’t even know if you like apple pie or apples in general so he can only hope. As he waits he listens for you. He listens to the sound of your heart beat, to the sound of your breath, to everything. He knows it seems weird but he has this urge to protect you. He hears you shuffling around your room now. He hears you opening the door to your bedroom and he only hopes you stay out of your room just long enough for him to give you what he made. He must have been so lost in thought that time had passed and the pie was done. He quickly got the pan out using oven mitts  and fans it with his hands trying to cool it down. He quickly gathers it onto a bigger tray so it is easier to hold without dropping it and heads outside and to your apartment. He knocks gently on the door as to not scare you

You jump at the slight knock and creep as slowly as possible to the door. Your roommate wouldn’t have knocked she would have walked right in. You think to yourself. 'What if it was the other guy? Brock I think his name was…’ You look through the peephole and see a familiar cap and brown jacket clad man. You make sure the chain is still on the latch attached to your door before opening it. “What do you want…” You ask quietly. James was silent for a moment. “I realized that I may have scared you the other day… You have always been so nice to me so I thought…” He moves the pie into frame and you look at it in confusion. “I thought you would like it… It’s my ma’s recipe.” He says slowly. You give him a small smile before shutting the door and unlatching the chain before opening it again. You open it wider to allow him to walk in. “Sorry I guess I have been a little on edge…” You say. “I uh… I heard you scream the other day. Were you okay? I came to check on you and you didn’t…” You shiver at the memory and cross your arms over your chest. “I… I-” You begin to curl in on yourself and walk into the kitchen. James follows after shutting the door and locking it before following you. “I don’t feel safe here anymore…” You say with a sniffle. “I-I am really scared and I don’t know what to do…” You say and James looks uncertain on what to do. “Would you like to talk about it?” He asks and you hesitantly nod. “My roommate has been acting weird ever since you brought over those flowers… She would stand outside my door and just wait…” You walk up to the counter and lean your back against it and face him. “I could hear her breathing through the door… I haven’t had good sleep in a few days…” You say rubbing your arms trying to comfort yourself. “A-And then the day you came over and left I decided I needed to take a shower… I walked out to see this man in my apartment…” You voice begins to raise up in pitch as you tell your story. “He went on about how d-delicious I looked and chased me… I was so scared. I was only in a towel and nearly fell a few times. I got a knife to defend myself but as he grabbed me he seemed to have burned himself somehow…” You reach over to your left arm and rolled up the sleeve to see the bruise he had given you. “It was awful… I have no idea what would have happened if my roommate wasn’t their… But she didn’t seem to care at all.” You feel tears begin falling down your cheeks as you try to wipe them away. James who has been listening intently raises and hand out to comfort you but you hold up a hand. “No… Please don’t touch me right now.” James nods in understanding and stays in his place.

You shake it off and wipe your eyes. “A-Any way… Let’s have some pie!” You say with a smile and he nods sending a small smile back to you. You turn around and get a knife from the block and hand it to him. You go over to the microwave and get the paper plates from the top of it and set it next to him. He cuts two slices as you set out silverware as well. Once the pieces are set you wait for him to take a bite. “It’s strange how tables have turned.” He says in a slight teasing tone as he takes the first bite. once you see that he isn’t choking or showing signs of dying you take a bite and hum in delight. You quickly swallow before asking. “This is really good! I didn’t know you could bake!” You say and he nods. “My ma taught me…” He says with a sad smile. “Where is your mother?” You ask and he shakes his head. “She died a while ago.” You frown and sigh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I wou-” “It’s alright I have come to accept it.” He says with a small smile. You wonder what a genuine one looked like. He was already very handsome so you couldn’t help but wonder.“ You see his face flush red and you cock your head to the side. "Everyth-” “Where are your parents?” He asks and you nod. “Oh! Uh… They live in (Y/C) (Your Country). I guess you can say I am pretty far from home.” You say with a chuckle. He nods. “Yeah… Seems so. What made you come to Romania?” He asks and you sigh. “College… I am an Art History major. I love art and Romanian Folk Art has always caught my eye.” You say excitedly. “So as an assignment I am meant to write an essay and paint, draw, or whatever for an assignment. I just haven’t found the right subject yet.” You both take a bite of your pie. “Is it suppose to be in the Romanian style or?” You shake your head. “it is mainly our experience here. Something that spoke to me while experiencing the culture… I haven’t been able to do much of that though…” You mumble and he nods. “I just don’t feel safe here… I can’t tell my family because if I do they will want me to come home… This is a huge percent of my grade. I can’t go home yet!” You say with determination. James nods and takes another bite.

He begins to speak when there is a sudden jingle of keys. “Shit their back!” You exclaim. “You can’t be here!” You say and quickly grab his wrist. You pull him in the direction of your room and he pauses at the doorway. “Come on in! Hurry!” You exclaim and he walks in. You shut and lock the door and listen. You can hear two sets of footsteps and your breathing becomes labored. “Y/N!” You hear your roommate call out. You move away from the door and over to your window. You are only on the second floor of the building. “I’m sorry for kicking you out but you can’t be here!” You whisper shout. James nods and walks over to your window. “I… You don’t feel safe here. I don’t want to leave you alone here.” He says as you open the window. “Bu-” “What if that man comes back?” James asks. “I don’t want you to get hurt…” He says and you look down and away. “My roommate doesn’t like visitors… I will bring your pie tray back to you when I am done. Please leave…” You say sadly. You felt bad. This is the most he has ever talked to you and out of fear you are kicking him out. James nods and walks over to the window and dangles his feet out of it. He turns to you and hands you a piece of paper before jumping out the window. You look out at him then back at the paper. The paper reads:

'I hope the pie tastes good, Here is my number if you need anything. (xxx) xxx-xxxx’

You blush and smile before shutting the window. You go and sit by the door and listen until the footsteps stop. You then hear the familiar sound of your roommates breathing from outside the door and shiver. You sit there as it will be another night without sleep.

Marvel Masterlist
Series Masterlist

Summary:When Y/N’s art project lands her in Romania she is met with very peculiar circumstances. Such as a weird old man speaking mythical nonsense, murders of both people and animals, an oncoming threat to her life, as well as her mysterious yet very hot next door neighbor with a weird obsession with beetroot juice.

Warnings: An almost assault on the reader


You made it a point to avoid your roommate as much as possible. You wait until they go out before leaving your room. Sometimes you feel like they would stand in front of your door for hours on end. You barely slept. 

You felt to paranoid that they would burst into your room for whatever reason but they haven’t yet. It was the third day of hiding from your roommate and they maybe left an hour or so ago. With your days of hiding you have actually started working on your project. You kept an eye on the news and noticed that more and more people have been going missing. You step into the living room and look around. No one is there so you decide to head to the kitchen. You notice that the majority of the food was still there. No one has touched it so that is weird. You decide to make yourself a small grilled cheese. You try and make it as quietly as you can. Despite the apartment being empty you still feel that you have eyes on you. You flip the sandwich and run it along the pan when you hear a knock coming from the front door. You tense up and slowly approach the door. You look through the peep hole to see James. You gasp and quickly open the door. “H-Hi James!” You exclaim. It was nice seeing a “friendly” face after all that has been going down. 

“Uh Hi…” He says slowly. His voice sounds raspy. As if he hasn’t used it in days. “Is ever-” You both begin at the same time. “What?” You ask and James shivers slightly. “Has everything been alright?” He asks. You were slightly shocked. He was never one to ask about your well being, let alone ask about you at all. “Yeah… Everything is alright… Kind of…” You say quietly and James nods. “What about you?” You ask. “How have you been?” You say leaning against the slightly opened door. “Fine… It’s been fine.” He says and you nod. This is the most you have ever interacted with him before. You wanted to draw it out as much as you can before you have to hide away from the world again. “Well Wh-” “Have you been using the flowers I gave you?” He asks swiftly. “What? Oh! Yes I have! The tea is really good!” You say as your face begins to heat up. You forgot that he actually got you flowers. It made your heart flutter just thinking about it.  He nods. “Okay…” He shuffles back and forth on his feet before he sniffs the air. “Is something burning?” He asks and you gasp. “No! My grilled cheese!” You say rushing to the kitchen. “Please come in! I will be right back!” If your back wasn’t turned you would see James looking around the frame of door before stepping inside hesitantly. He stays by the door with the door still open. He doesn’t want to invade your space or make you uncomfortable. You look behind you and see that he is standing at the door. “Uh You can come and sit at the counter if you’d like. No need to be a stranger. We are on first name bases after all.” You say as you take a knife from the drawer and begin scraping at the charred piece of bread in hopes of saving the food.

“So uh… What made you want to check on me?” You ask. James shuffles for a moment before responding. “You are the only person I interact with… And I uh…” You don’t interrupt as you wait for him to finish his statement. “I look forward to your visits…” He says mumbling. You feel your face flush red. “I look forward to our visits as well! I was actually debating on going to the market and getting more plums for you!” You say with a smile. He is looking down as his face is also slightly red.  “Thank you (Y/N)…” He says and he begins to look around the room. You take a bite of your grilled cheese and grimace. “So is there anything you would like me to make?” You ask as you scrape the sandwich into the trash. James is silent for a moment before saying. “Those Polish cookies?” You nod and smile. “Would you like to make them with me?” James nods slightly. “Is it okay if we don’t do it today?” James says rubbing his gloved hands together. “Yeah don’t worry about it.” You say with a smile. “I need to get ingredients from the market. Is there a day that is good for you?” “I… I’ll let you know…” He says quietly and you nod. “Is it okay if I use the bathroom?” He asks and you look at him confused. ‘Isn’t he just next door?’ As if he read your mind he says. “I was going to leave after coming here…” He says and you nod. “Oh… Okay…” You say and begin to make a list of ingredients. After a few minutes you  he comes out with his hand over his mouth and nose. “Everything okay?” You ask and he nods. “I am very sensitive to smells… I guess your perfume is very over powering…” You nod. “Oh sorry…” you say as you finish the list. “I got the list! So Just let me know!” You says  ‘This guy is kind of creeping me out…’ You think to yourself. “Actually… Don’t worry about it. I’m just going to head out.” He says heading toward the door. “Oh okay. Have a good James!” You say with a nervous smile. He leaves after you say that gently shutting the door behind him.

It had been a few hours since James left and you decided  to continue cooking some things before it all went bad. After you put everything in containers you decided that it would be best to take a shower. you grab your toiletries and head to the bathroom. As you do this you hear the apartment door open. You were sure you locked it so you just assumed it was your roommate. You undress and get into the shower. You were confused on what James was talking about. Did it smell over powering? Your perfume and things were kept in your room since the incident with your roommate so you don’t know what it could possibly be. You sniff a bit and notice nothing but that may have been because the steam from the shower. As you continue you hear shuffling coming from your roommates room. It started to get unnerving so you ended your shower quickly. You wrapped a towel around yourself as you put your toiletries into a bag that you brought in with you. You open the door a poke your head out looking down the hall to see your roommates door open. You shiver slightly as you turn the other way and head to your room when you bump into something. More like someone. You gasp and look up to see a man with dark hair and brown eyes. He had dark stubble along his face and jaw. His skin is tan and his face has some scarring. “Who are you!” You scream backing away. He follows you as you are backing away from him. “I’m a friend… And you look delicious…” He says as he reaches for you. You let out another scream as he reaches for you again. You make a bee line for the kitchen and maybe grab a knife. You felt a hand clamp down on your shoulder only to be ripped away as a scream is torn from the mans lips. You grab a knife and turn around to see him cradling his hand. 

“Brock! Leave her alone!” You hear your roommate yell. “But Candi-” “Hush Brock… We’re leaving!” The man Brock looks you up and down again before shaking his hand and leaving. Your roommate looks over at you before leaving. You burst into tears as soon as the door shuts and drop the knife. You make your way to your room. You put on some underwear and a t-shirt before slamming, locking, and barricading your bedroom door closed. You rush over and make sure your window is closed and locked. Your breath is shaky as you climb into bed and hide under the covers in hopes that maybe you could sleep it off but you doubt it. You try and think about what happened. How did he get inside the apartment. You can only assume your roommate let him in. ‘What was it he called them?’ You think to yourself. ‘Candice? They have never gone by that before…’ You try and take deep breaths hoping that the tears would stop but all you could do was sob. You were alone in a foreign. A person you thought was your friend turns out to be very sketchy and possibly dangerous. The only person you can think of going to is James, but now you can’t be sure he is just as creepy. ‘He isn’t weird… He wouldn’t hurt me… Would he?’ Suddenly you hear a knock at the front door. You let out a light screech. “(Y/N)? (Y/N)? It’s James.” You tense up. ‘Should I let him in?’ You decide to ignore him and burrow under the covers and that is the last thing you remember.

Marvel Masterlist

Chubby Bucky x Baker Reader

A/N:This was bumping around in my head so I don’t know if I am going to make this a series but if people request it I might I hope you all enjoy! 

Summary:James Barnes was honorably discharged and since coming back he hasn’t adjusted well. His form of adjusting to the civilian lifestyle was in the form of comfort eating. When friends notice the recent change he finds himself at a local bakery and coffee shop try to get his life back together. While there he meets someone who is even sweeter then the pastries inside.

Bucky truly didn’t mean for it to get this bad. Coming back from fighting overseas things have changed. His mind felt so exhausted. His body use to be under constant strain and it has suddenly been lifted. His contract ended about about a year ago and since then he has been trying to relax but the things he witnessed overseas was very traumatic. He felt privileged to be able to come back home. He seemed to see the world in a new light after coming home.

 Like how he appreciated the color green. Being in the middle east you don’t see much of it. All of it just beige and orangey colored ground everywhere. The only type of green they would see would be the mashed up peas in the occasional MRE. Everything seemed brighter in the US but with brighter things came noise. He found himself staying inside his small empty apartment. He would pile his pillows and blankets into the small tub of his bathroom in order to feel secure. Steve found him that way when he first came to visit after the end of his deployment. You see Bucky got honorably discharged due to a shoulder injury. He was hiding in a fox hole gathering information when he was dragged out of his nest. He was nearly taken as a prisoner of war if it weren’t for his buddy Steve. He didn’t come out unscathed though. His shoulder was dislocated for quite some time. The healing process began only for it to be set back into place. He is still going to physical therapy for it but the doctors say that it may not ever recover to 100%.

 Even though he has had this trauma weighing his shoulders he has found himself indulging in things he hasn’t in a long time. Like things that he could never afford when he was younger. Sweets were one of them. He remembered way back when trying his best to save the little bit of money he had to get his sister a candy bar. Maybe his mom some chocolates for a special occasion. Despite his playboy nature back then he was never one to indulge in such things. Now… Now he can. He can finally take some time for himself. He had always felt bad about taking mental health days and pampering himself because he feels that he doesn’t deserve it. He was so use to his old life of always being on the move. Always being careful and guarded. Like everywhere he walked was a mine field. ‘I don’t deserve this comfort…’ He would think to himself. If it were up to him he would never pick up a gun again but the familiarity of having one at his bedside helped him sleep better. Well as better as one could get when his nightmares seem to be constant. At some point in his career in the military it had to be ‘Him or You.’ He could never get use to taking lives on the battlefield. That man could have had a wife or kids. He was a brother, father, or son. He just happened to be on the wrong side of the war. ‘But isn’t that what both sides of the war thinks?’ Your enemy is the hero in someone’s story and when all these thought entered his head he was never the same. He had seen to much death in his opinion. He just wanted to be left alone.

 As of right now he is relaxing and reclined against a very comfy couch. His very comfy couch. Through out all his time he had never bothered to furnish any of the places he would stay at. He was use to a sleeping bag or an uncomfortable cot. It took Steve being his roommate for a little while to understand that living comfortably is not something to feel guilty about. Steve helped him with his guilt. He found him a therapist despite his protests and took his time going with Bucky to each appointment to make sure he actually goes. Steve moved him from his cubby in the bathroom the master bedroom with an actual mattress. He got him a small pullout couch where Steve would sleep  and help Bucky when he would go into his fits of panic. They talked about their time in the service and how sometimes Bucky has the desire to return to that familiarity despite that being why he is such a mess in the first place. Steve has done so much for him. He doesn’t know how he can ever repay him. They went from two rambunctious  kids in Brooklyn to very mature and beaten down adults. Steve has moved out since then leaving the apartment furnished despite Bucky’s protest. In reality he didn’t want to be left alone but he understood that Steve had his own life and he can’t be around forever. So Bucky in an attempt to honor Steve’s friendship and hard work he continued on with what he was doing. As if Steve never left. As time went by however  Bucky knew something was changing about him. He couldn’t figure what it was until Sam pointed it out. 


“Hey uh Bucky?” He heard Sam’s voice from behind him. They decided to do some Spring Cleaning since it has been a while since they caught up and they thought. ‘Why not be productive in the meantime?’ “Yeah?” Bucky asks turning around. “Your shirt is ridding up.” Sam says and Bucky looks down. He sees that it is indeed ridding up and pulls it down. As he does so he feels the softness of his belly. Not that he hasn’t before but it seemed more prominent as his shirt rides up again. “Getting a bit of a belly on ya aren’t you Buck.” Sam says with a laugh. Bucky felt hot with embarrassment. His face dropped only to fix itself into a laugh that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Yeah I guess I did Wilson. He says turning his back to him. “Yeah man. I have never seen these many sweets in my life! Twinkies, Swiss Rolls, hell even Cosmic Brownies! They taste like cardboard. How can you like this man?” He says picking up an empty box of said Cosmic Brownies. “I-I don’t know.” Bucky says. He feels so overwhelmed. He knows Sam isn’t doing this on purpose but he can’t help but feel insecure.

 ‘Have I really let myself fall so far?’ He thought to himself. In an effort to prove himself wrong he grabbed the broom before walking over to the couch. He uses his right hand to pick up one side of the couch. He regretted that immediately. Reese’s, Hershey’s, and Twix wrappers where scattered around the underside of the couch. He wanted to slam it back down but Sam had already seen it. “Jesus man! I need to come over more often and get me some of this candy. At this point you have bought the whole store!” Sam jokes. Bucky feels sick to his stomach. “Hey uh… Sam?” He asks Sam. “Yeah what’s up?” Sam responds. ”I-I forgot I had an appointment with my therapist… I need to get to it right away!” Sam notices the change in tone and gives a concerned look. “Everything okay man?” He asks and Bucky nods. “Yeah I just really need to hop on this call.” Bucky says and Sam nods. “I’ll head out then. Call me if you need anything okay?” Bucky nods as he follows him to the door. “Yeah. Got it. See you later?” He asks and Sam nods. “Yeah seeya!” Sam then exits leaving a very overwhelmed and insecure Bucky. He decided that instead of fake going to the therapists office he would actually go. So he quickly made an appointment.

“Something is on your mind James… What is it? You wouldn’t just randomly schedule an appointment for no reason.” His therapist in front of him asks. “Um…” Bucky doesn’t know where to start. He doesn’t want to be analyzed by her but everyone says she is here to help. “I… Someone pointed out that I have been gaining weight…” Bucky says linking his fingers together. “And that bothers you?” The therapist asks. “Yeah…” Bucky says looking out the window. “And why does this bother you James?” Bucky had to sit and think for a moment. “I just feel… I feel like I am not myself but myself at the same time…” The therapist tilts her head slightly. “Can you go deeper into that for me?” She asks and he huffs. “I… I’m an adult now and I could never do many things as a kid. Then I joined the Army where I let myself mold into something that I wasn’t.” He says shifting slightly. “I-It’s just after all this time I feel like I can finally let go. I still get these pains in my arm so I… I comfort eat. When anything becomes to much. I comfort eat. I just… I don’t know.” Bucky begins to bounce his leg up and down. He can feel his belly jiggle slightly from it and stops. “I-I grew three or four sizes bigger! I can’t go to the gym because my shoulder is fucked, and everyone is just… People are going to start pointing it out…” The therapist begins writing some things down. “There is no problem with comfort eating James. As long as you incorporate healthy things into your diet. What type of stuff do you eat?” She asks and Bucky seems to shrink under her gaze. “James I am not here to judge you… What ever you say will not leave this room okay?” Bucky shuffles again but doesn’t say anything. The therapist sighs. She stands up and leaves the room for a moment.

Bucky’s mind begins to spiral. ‘I just chased my therapist off. What the fuck am I going to do now?’ Bucky’s leg begins to bounce again and the feeling of his belly rolling catches him. He stops and looks down at his stomach. He decided to grab his biggest jacket before coming here. He unzips it and looks at his shirt. It rolled up again inside the jacket. He looks around before flexing slightly. His stomach moves into a tense position. He pokes his stomach and feels that there is indeed some muscle still there it is just not showing itself. He relaxes then flexes seeing his newly gained softness move again. He clenches his fist when he doesn’t see any difference. He really should get back to the gym again but he is at a point of rest in his physical therapy. ‘Jesus I a just so fucking pathetic.’ Before he could berate himself further the door begins to open and he quickly fixes himself and looks at his therapist as she walks in. The therapist goes back to her seat as the printer in the corner of the room starts making noise. When it has finished printing what ever it was she walks over and grabs it and walks over to him. She hands him what he now sees as a flyer. “What is this?” He asks. “It’s a flyer. There is a small bakery in town that does cooking lessons.” She says sitting back in her chair. “I see that now my question is why would I go?” He grumbles. “James… You feel bad about what you are eating yes?” Bucky nods. “Well maybe if you actually made it from scratch and know what goes into everything you eat you will feel better.” She says and Bucky looks down at the paper again. “And hey it’s free!” She says and Bucky looks up again. “What?” He asks and she lets out a huff. “If you actually read it it says that ‘Veterans receive free lessons!’ ” Bucky looks down again and let out a small ‘oh.’ “Now you are going to these lessons no: If’s, and’s, or buts!” Bucky sighs and nods. “Okay okay I got it. Can I go?” He asks and she nods. “It was nice seeing you again James.” He mutters a ‘You too’ before exiting.


Bucky woke up early that morning. Well more so that he didn’t really sleep. He could never find the right position. Whether it be from pain in his shoulder or the nightmares he has succumbed to since he got back. Sometimes it was just his anxiety and he thinks that is the case this time but overall he could never really sleep. Despite the lessons being around 9 AM he woke up at the crack of dawn. He was still in the routine that they set him in. Minus the drill sergeants and trumpet sounds. He still makes his bed the same way he did when he was in the Military. His room was neat. There wasn’t a spot out of place until the sun started to rise. Bucky practically purged his closet looking for something that would fit but it seemed that everything he tried on didn’t feel right. From his old Henley’s, to flannels, to under shirts that could pass as regular shirts. It never seemed to look right. He ultimately decided on a sweater with a hoodie on top. He felt that if he layered up he could hide himself better. It was about 7:30 in the morning when he decided on his outfit. He walked out of his room and looked around. He could see all of the sweet treats he ate through out the day when he came back from his appointment. He chooses to ignore his urge to eat any and decides to try and make some eggs. ‘That’s a start…’ He thought to himself as he got the carton of eggs out. “Now do I do over-easy? Or scrambled?” He asks himself. He ultimately goes for the over-easy eggs and he had to say that breakfast was somewhat of a success! Yes the eggs were slightly crispy at the edges and yes maybe it didn’t have a runny yolk that he was hopping for but he was proud. With that he decided that he wanted a reward so he got a pop-tart to go with it. He wipes his mouth and goes to the sink and washes his plate before putting it in the drying rack. He puts his shoes on then grabs his keys. He pauses and sighs. He grabs his phone from his hoodie pocket and begins to look up the address. He puts the settings on ‘walk’ to see how long the journey to the bakery would take. According to google maps it is only about fifteen minutes. He nods to himself. ‘I can make that walk no problem.’ 

He was never really one to walk places. The city sounds were unnerving and held a constant buzz that made him itch. He kept his head down but he was still aware as he walked. He made sure to avoid getting in peoples way not want nor having the will to converse or argue. He had the flyer folded in his pocket. He wasn’t sure if he had to show it so he could enter. ‘Would Steve be proud of me?’ He thought. He hadn’t talked to him in quite some time. He had moved to Upstate New York with his girlfriend and soon to be wife Peggy. He felt alone with Steve being four hours away but again. Steve had his own life and they weren’t little kids in Brooklyn standing up for each other any more. Well Bucky standing up for Steve more often then not. He can’t think about that now though. He is coming up on his stop. He looked up at the small sign that said.  “(Y/F/N) (Your Fathers Name) Coffee Shop & Bakery” On the outside it mixed in with bricks of the other shops surrounding it. It had a huge window that displayed baked goods. The door to the bakery was glass and it had a sign on it. It said: “Closed for cooking classes come on in!” It had a cute little muffin person on the front of it. The smell of coffee and pastries wafted through the air as he opened the door. The sound of a tiny bell rings when he steps inside. A cheery voice greets him from  behind the counter. 

“Hello! My name is Wanda! Are you here for the cooking/baking lessons?” A woman with auburn brown hair and greenish blue eyes said. She had on an apron that had the same muffin person from the poster. “Yeah…” He mumbles but then clears his throat. “Uh Yes.” He says louder. “Good! Are you or a family member currently in serving?” She asks and he shakes her head as he pulls out his wallet. He pulls out his ID that states that he was once serving and she smiles. “Oh! Hi Mr. Barnes! We were expecting you!” She says and Bucky tenses up. ‘They were expecting me? Why the hell wou-’ His thoughts were interrupted by Wanda calling out behind her which he can only assume is where the kitchen is. “Hey (Y/N)! Our V.I.P guest is here!” There is a quiet crash from the kitchen as he hears footsteps coming his way. Just as he puts his ID back into his wallet a mop of (H/C) pops out from the corner of his eye. He looks up and see a girl with (H/L), (H/T) (Hair Texture), (H/C), It was pulled up by a see through hair net. She had (E/C) eyes which had no problem making eye contact with him. She had an aura of confidence around her. A form of confidence he wish he could have. “Hello! My name is (Y/N) I am the owner of this bakery!” Her voice is cheery like a song bird in the break of morning. She held out her hand which he reluctantly shook. He feels the palm of his other hand and realizes that his palms are sweaty. He feels himself coil back after he shook her hand. He kept an eye on hers to see if she would wipe it off but she didn’t. Probably not wanting to embarrass him.

He sees you take a step closer before saying. “Your therapist called.” Bucky’s face morphed into anger but you continued on saying. “She didn’t say anything. Just saying that you would like to learn how to bake and that you were a veteran. I know you probably hear this a lot but thank you so much for your service.” Your tone seems genuine  but he isn’t sure he can trust you just yet. Bucky sees you walk to the kitchen door and you open it. “Come on in! It is almost time to start.” Your smile seemed genuine as well but it didn’t quite reach your eyes. As he walks into the industrial kitchen he sees tables lined up horizontally to the front of the room. There are a few tables that are vertical as well. they all had their own stations where appliances, pots, pans, and other cooking/baking utensils are placed. As Bucky walks further in he sees a couple of other people in the room. There is another man wearing an apron with the muffin guy on it. ‘I guess that is just their mascot…’ He thinks. He has black slightly curly hair. His eyes are a deep emerald green. “Hey Loki! I will be with you in a second!” You say with a wave. Loki nods as he turns to a coffee machine in the front of the room. “That’s Loki. He is one of our baristas! He is kind of a coffee snob.” You say with a small laugh. He hears a scoff from the front of the room. He is lead to the far left corner of the room towards the back. “I don’t want to generalize everyone who comes in here but it can get very loud very quick. Would you like to be closer to the back or up front?” Bucky nods to the back of the room. You only smile and lead him to a station. “So we have a list of recipes that everyone can vote on! So take a look and we will get started!”


Bucky was surprised at how he was feeling at this moment. The smell of the kitchen was immaculate. Both you and Loki were strolling around the room looking at everyone’s progress. You gave each station a sample of what you were making today. The vote was Elven Lembas Bread from The Lord of the Rings series. Bucky loved The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings! The bread looked very enticing in the movies and he could practically smell it when he read the books. Sadly he ran into a problem. Kneading the dough turned out to be harder then he thought. It wasn’t that he couldn’t grasp the concept. It was more that it was painful to do. He tries his best to keep his groans of pain to himself but it is hard. His slight whimper is what must have caught your attention because suddenly you were next to him. “James? What is it?” You ask in a low tone. “Nothing…” He mumbles as he continues. You take his hands away from the poorly kneaded dough and hold on to them. “James what’s wrong?” He feels uncomfortable under your gaze. He rolls his shoulder and a loud pop resonates between the two of you. You make a small ‘Oh’ before smiling at him. “Let me help.” You say with a smile. “Now how were you kneading the dough?” You ask and he stands there for a second. 

Bucky wants to see if you really want to help him but as he sits there and waits all he sees is that same smile. Your eyes seem to be lighter though. It’s like you really enjoy helping people. He ultimately decides to accept your help and begins showing you how he was doing it. “I see what it is.” You say as you go over to one of the vertical tables to the side and grab a pair of plastic gloves that were used in food service. “You are pressing straight down which is ultimately making the dough to thin in some areas.” you say as you gesture and Bucky moves out of the way. He watches you closely as he sees you mold the dough back into a ball. “You need to knead at an angle.” You chuckle at your pun and Bucky finds himself doing the same. “So when you press down go forward. It will put less strain on your shoulder and you can let your whole body do the work.” You say before movie out of the way. “You try!” He hesitantly nods before doing what you showed him. “Good job!” You say. Bucky blushes at your praise. “Thanks…” He responds. He goes to say something else but you are already looking at other people and their work. “Okay everyone I think everyone’s dough is perfect! So lets get it into the oven.” You say. Despite you being at the very front of the kitchen he can here you clearly. It wasn’t obnoxiously loud it was mellow. Your voice had the right tone for speaking loudly. He didn’t know how anyone’s voice can be described like that but he thinks it suits you. You have a firm voice of a leader. 

He hears a light cough from beside him. He sees the barista next to him as he gestures to the oven. Bucky mumbles a quick ‘Sorry’ before placing his in the oven. “Okay Loki it’s your turn!.” he hears you say and he becomes confused. Loki walks to the front and stands at the table. “Hello! My name is Loki and I am a barista here in this shop. Now I usually make coffee but (Y/N) insists on making Hot Cocoa. Which she says I am pretty good at.” He says as he rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt. ‘Why would someone where a dress shirt?’ Bucky asks himself but his thought is quickly shift to the sound of ingredients being pulled out. “You have your list of ingredients now please watch and watch closely.” He says as he whips up a cup of hot cocoa. After he is done he hands it to (Y/N). “Thank you!” You say giddily. “Now everyone take out your sauce pans and begin!” Loki says. Bucky never heard of making hot cocoa in a sauce pan before but he had to say that the ending product was much better then any packet hot cocoa he has ever had. By the time they had finished their drink the bread was done. He hasn’t felt this proud of himself in a long time. He made something that he actually likes! It is a very simple recipe and it only takes an hour to do both! He takes a bite of the bread that he made and smiles. He then dips it in his hot cocoa. He does this multiple times until he looks up. He sees that he is the only one doing it. 

He ended up getting a few stains and crumbs on his shirt. He suddenly felt that everyone was looking at him despite being at the back of the room. He was about to put it down and walk out when you were suddenly in view again. “You dip your Lembas in hot cocoa as well!” Your voice sounded excited. He didn’t look up or answer you. You hand him a small paper towel. “You look like a real baker you know.” You say and he feels caught off guard. “What?” He asks. “A baker… Well a chef really enjoys what they do and love what they make!” He stays silent and continues to listen. “You have flour and crumbs all over you…” Bucky starts feeling self-conscious until you say. “You look like a hard worker!” Bucky ears turn red as your praise enters them. You lean closer. “Look I don’t usually do this but I like you so you are my exception.” Bucky turns his head away from you quickly. ‘You like me! We just met! Wait does she mean platonically?’ He feels his heart race a million miles a minute. ‘That would make more sense right? It wou-’ “I am going to give you this recipe and some of the ingredients from the kitchen!” You say excitedly. “You can start building your pantry and cook more often!” You say and he sees you quickly leave further back into the kitchen. He looks back in front of him and sees that everyone is packing their baked goods and leaving. Bucky felt out of place just standing there so he decided to start cleaning his station. By the time you came back he was already started on dishes. “Oh thank you!” He hears from behind him. He turns around and see that you have one of those delivery bags that are used for food but it has the bakery’s name and mascot on it. “Not many help after we are done so thank you for helping!” You say. He feels you rub his back affectionately as you set the bag in front of him. “You didn’t have to do this…” he mutters but you simply shake your head. “It is the least I can do!” You say as you adjust the strap on the bag. “Now you need to get this past Loki or else he will be very mad at me…” You say in a half joking tone. “Will I see you next lesson?” You ask and he pauses. That pause makes your smile drop and right then he decided that he never ever wants to see you frown. He quickly nods. “Y-Yeah! I’ll be there!” You smile once again. “Yay! I can’t wait to see you again!” You say as you make your way to the front. “I’ll be a distraction!” Bucky gives you a small smile as he picks up the bag and makes his way out of the kitchen and out of the shop. ‘Yeah. I am definitely coming back here.’ He thinks to himself as he makes his way home.

Kylo Ren x Original Female Character
[part i]|[part ii]|[part iii] | [masterlist]


I whispered, placing my handwritten letter on Enoka’s Bed. I’d known that I wouldn’t be able to stay forever, but actually leaving now did hurt a lot nonetheless. Both Noka and the kids had grown close to me, grown to be my friends, but I had to leave since I’d cause them nothing but trouble from this point on. Getting up I felt a sudden pain in my shoulder that I still hadn’t gotten used to. ‘Ouch!’ I hissed into the silence of the hut before slamming my hand over my mouth to cover it. I couldn’t make too much noise, maybe they’d hear me… My shoulder still hurt a lot, but Noka had done an amazing job at cleaning and bandaging it.

After I’d fainted after gotten shot in the shoulder, she’d been able to hide us in a small, unsuspicious cave a few thousand miles away from Tuanul. She told me they’d heard the Trooper’s squadrons searching for them for hours until they’d finally given up and left. It was only a few hours after that I’d woken up and flown them to the nearest village. Fortunately, the generous villagers had been able to provide a place for them to stay and even celebrated their survival and arrival in a huge way, almost as if they’d actually defeated Ren themselves.

Ren. Kylo Ren himself and my old Captain Phasma. They’d seen me, they’d clearly seen me and what I’d done, they’d searched for us for hours, they probably knew more about my powers than I did. Phasma also probably recognized me. It had been so incredibly weird seeing her again after all this time. After everything that happened just before I left the Star Destroyer, I never thought I’d see anyone of them again, not even who I’d previously considered one of my closest friends. She must’ve recognized me, she had seen me without my armor several times, we’d spent a lot of time together back in the day. If she’d told Ren who I was, would they be searching for me? Would they come back just to kill a traitor? Probably not, they wouldn’t think I’d be stupid enough to stay on the planet after that incident with the laser. Everything had happened 2 days ago, but it still felt as if it had just happened.

My hand jolting forward, my head turned away, expecting to hear Lily’s screams of agony. But there had been nothing but silence.

I had stopped the beam. How had I managed to do that? I looked at my hands in confusion again, but nothing was different, they were the same as before. Faint cheering made me snap back into reality: I had to leave. The villagers and the others were outside, celebrating, and I would use the distraction to leave without making a scene. I wasn’t any good at emotional goodbyes, so I preferred the easy way: letters. I’d just written a few lines about how I’d miss them and how I wished them the best for the future. It was the truth, but I was glad I didn’t have to say it out loud because saying goodbye to the only friends I’d made in a long time would probably make me cry.

I grabbed my bag, swung it over my shoulder and was just about to leave through the curtain, as someone bumped into me. Little 6-year-old Lily stood before me, brushing her hair out of her eyes. 'Hey Z, why aren’t you celebrating with us? You saved our lives!’ Shit. Time to make up an excuse. 'Oh, I’m just not feeling well, you know, my shoulder and stuff -’ Her eyes scanned my body, my clothes and the bag on my side.

'You’re leaving, aren’t you?’ What? No, no, no, she’s not supposed to know yet. 'No, how… why would -’ 'I knew you’d leave soon… You don’t have to lie to me, I won’t tell anyone until you’re gone…’ She looked at me through her ginger fringe and I could see her eyes glisten in the darkness. 'Listen, I don’t want to endanger you even more, they’ll be looking for me and I don’t want them to find you, Oz and your mother. I’ll leave and you guys will be safe.’ She looked down at her feet and dragged them over the dirty floor in lazy little circles. 'Do you understand? I’m doing this for you guys.’ 'I understand…’ she mumbled. 'I’ll miss you, Z.’ she said a bit louder than before, looking up at me again while some lonely tears were running down her cheek. I crouched down and pulled her into a hug. 'Oh, I’ll miss you too, so much.’ My eyes were tearing up, but I didn’t want her to see me cry as well, so I kept hugging her. 'Will you ever come back?’ I hesitated but decided to tell her the truth. 'I don’t know, I honestly don’t. Maybe one day, but I don’t want you to keep your hopes up. You guys will get through this without me, alright?’ Lily pulled back and looked back outside through the curtain, up into the night sky. I knew what she meant. 'They won’t come back, I promise. And if they do, I’ll come and save you.’ What was I saying? This wasn’t a promise I could keep, there was no way I could ever be sure. If the ships were to come back and attack this planet again, there would not even be a way of me knowing about it. 'Promise?’ But I knew I had to say it anyway. 'I promise. Now go back celebrate!’ 'But-’ 'No 'But’, come on, Lily!’ I hugged her again, took her hand and lead her outside. A few hundred meters away I could see the people dancing next to a giant campfire. 'I have to leave now. Please don’t be mad at me, okay?’ Lily looked at me with tears in her eyes and made my eyes water again too. 'I won’t. I hope you’ll be alright, Z. I’ll miss you a lot.’ 'I’ll miss you too, sweetheart. Now go, before they start to worry about you.’ She turned around and slowly made her way back to the campfire. I looked after her lost in thought, just to see her turning around once more, waving at me with a sad smile on her face. I waved back and finally turned around, walking to my ship.

Aurora had been mildly damaged in the shooting in Tuanul, but it had just taken me a few hours to fix her again. Getting back into her, I immediately got the feeling of coming home. This ship had been my home for years and I had to admit I missed being so independent while staying at one place for so long. I closed the door behind me and let my fingers run over the consoles before pushing several buttons to start the engine. Hopefully, no one would hear this over the sound of their loud music, but even if they did it would be too late - I’d already be gone. I sat down and flipped the final switch before grabbing the steering wheel, and we were off. I was soaring through the sky, higher and higher into the atmosphere to finally be surrounded by the faint light of stars and the dark blue freedom that was space. This was going to be fun.

'Commander, they managed to escape in an old TIE-Fighter, but one of my troopers shot the green-haired girl before they did so.’ 'Is she dead?’ 'We can’t know for sure, Ren.’ Troopers were swarming around them, killing the remaining villagers and taking everything with them, that seemed to have any value. 'Where would they have gotten a TIE that belonged to the First Order, Captain?’ Ren asked, his voice deeper than usual. 'I suspect you did not recognize her. I did. Her name is Zara Tanoor, FN-3458, she used to be one of my soldiers a few years ago.’ Phasma said, her voice full of certainty. 'She is a traitor?’ 'She left under mysterious circumstances, most of us, including me, thought she was dead.’ Phasma’s voice trembled a bit, just enough so Ren noticed it.

He stood there, in the middle of the moving crowd, only several meters from where he had killed Tekka, several meters away from where the traitor-girl had used the force so expertly just a few minutes ago to save the child. 'Impressive…’ he mumbled, turning back around, leaving the Planet Jakku behind them.
