#please send me links to anything similar


I love space comedy, and I’d like to imagine in an intergalactic, universe traversing situation, humans are known for being extremely touchy with eachother.

I often see humans are space orcs stories where humans end up the only one of their species on a ship. And a lot of the other species have very specific social rules or are very physically different. Meaning the human goes without physical contact for long periods of time. So when they see other humans they tend to touch a lot to destress.

I feel like among space traversing humans things like hugs and holding hands becomes a normal thing even among people who just met as a way to control touch starvation. They don’t really see it as intimacy at this point, instead it’s more or less equal to passing someone somthing they cant reach or helping someone up when they fall.

I could expand more, theres a lot you could do with this, but this is actually just set up for the posts actual point: skin hunger.

At some point a crewmate asks a human why they act like that with eachother and the human uses that term in their explanation. Something along the lines of, “oh, it’s just skin hunger. Humans need it to maintain stability and can only really get it from eachother, which can be rare in space.” And thus the rumor spreads that humans need to eat each others skin or theyll go insane.

