#pluto direct


October Forecast

Happy October, stargazers. We’re that much closer to the end of the year. Now, you all know we’re currently in the beginning stages of Mercury Rx. Your emails are probably acting wonky, your Amazon Firestick just won’t cooperate and now you can’t binge that Rom-com marathon you had planned for the weekend. Maybe you’ve witnessed a fender-bender or 5… or perhaps that ex you’d never thought you’d see again has darkened [or brightened] your doorstep? Whatever it is, we’re all feeling blindfolded and swimming in this cosmic pool of the unexpected.

So here’s a sneak peak at what we can expect coming our way this month:

Oct 6th- New Moon in Libra

Libra’s scales and knack for diplomacy make this an auspicious time to restore balance to existing relationships. It will bless us with objectivity which can help with managing disagreements/reconciliations.

Pluto goes direct in Capricorn

This transit ends the miasma of dense energy we’ve been sitting in.

October 7th- Venus enters Sagittarius

This is a lively time. Sag’s energy is all about good humor and benevolence. Forgiveness as well. All of us who have a hard time with the latter [Fixed signs and Scorpio placements, I’m talking to you ;) ] will get a little help from the universe here. This is also a great time for adventure and flirtations. Go ahead and text your new crush. The pay off could breed a spicy new love affair. However, making strong commitments isn’t the best idea at the time. Feel free to play the field and keep things light.

October 10th- Saturn goes direct in Aquarius

This is a key time for major change for the collective as a whole. Don’t be surprised if social justice topics and issues come to the forefront at this time. Aquarian energy always brings these things to the forefront.

October 17th - Jupiter goes direct

Are you Irish? If not, no worries, luck might still be on your side during this time. Jupiter’s energy will be at full-throttle again and fortune as well as expansion returns. You can resume your travel plans safely around this time. Mercury retrograde will be at its tail end as well. Breathe easy.

October 19th- Mercury goes direct in Libra

Let out that sigh. You can now finally hook up to your internet network with out any difficulties. That, and you can reflect upon the lessons of this past retrograde. What have you learned?

October 20th- Full moon in Aries

Always a good time to keep your wits about you when the planet of war is running amok. Those of you ruled by Mars/Martians, take heed. Stay level headed during this time of conflict and agitation. Like the saying goes, “A thousand years of regret made in a second of anger.” In layman’s terms? Watch your fucking mouth, lol. Don’t react. Don’t engage. Even if you want to, don’t get baited into something that can easily be avoided with a little maturity and discernment.

October 23rd -The Sun enters Scorpio

It’s Scorpio szn beetches! Death will rule and Halloween, though a few days later will pretty much be running the show. Time to celebrate, arachnids.
