#mercury direct


October Forecast

Happy October, stargazers. We’re that much closer to the end of the year. Now, you all know we’re currently in the beginning stages of Mercury Rx. Your emails are probably acting wonky, your Amazon Firestick just won’t cooperate and now you can’t binge that Rom-com marathon you had planned for the weekend. Maybe you’ve witnessed a fender-bender or 5… or perhaps that ex you’d never thought you’d see again has darkened [or brightened] your doorstep? Whatever it is, we’re all feeling blindfolded and swimming in this cosmic pool of the unexpected.

So here’s a sneak peak at what we can expect coming our way this month:

Oct 6th- New Moon in Libra

Libra’s scales and knack for diplomacy make this an auspicious time to restore balance to existing relationships. It will bless us with objectivity which can help with managing disagreements/reconciliations.

Pluto goes direct in Capricorn

This transit ends the miasma of dense energy we’ve been sitting in.

October 7th- Venus enters Sagittarius

This is a lively time. Sag’s energy is all about good humor and benevolence. Forgiveness as well. All of us who have a hard time with the latter [Fixed signs and Scorpio placements, I’m talking to you ;) ] will get a little help from the universe here. This is also a great time for adventure and flirtations. Go ahead and text your new crush. The pay off could breed a spicy new love affair. However, making strong commitments isn’t the best idea at the time. Feel free to play the field and keep things light.

October 10th- Saturn goes direct in Aquarius

This is a key time for major change for the collective as a whole. Don’t be surprised if social justice topics and issues come to the forefront at this time. Aquarian energy always brings these things to the forefront.

October 17th - Jupiter goes direct

Are you Irish? If not, no worries, luck might still be on your side during this time. Jupiter’s energy will be at full-throttle again and fortune as well as expansion returns. You can resume your travel plans safely around this time. Mercury retrograde will be at its tail end as well. Breathe easy.

October 19th- Mercury goes direct in Libra

Let out that sigh. You can now finally hook up to your internet network with out any difficulties. That, and you can reflect upon the lessons of this past retrograde. What have you learned?

October 20th- Full moon in Aries

Always a good time to keep your wits about you when the planet of war is running amok. Those of you ruled by Mars/Martians, take heed. Stay level headed during this time of conflict and agitation. Like the saying goes, “A thousand years of regret made in a second of anger.” In layman’s terms? Watch your fucking mouth, lol. Don’t react. Don’t engage. Even if you want to, don’t get baited into something that can easily be avoided with a little maturity and discernment.

October 23rd -The Sun enters Scorpio

It’s Scorpio szn beetches! Death will rule and Halloween, though a few days later will pretty much be running the show. Time to celebrate, arachnids.

November Astro Forecast

Happy Scorpio Season, Stargazers!

The Sun is now living in Plutonic domain and very soon, All Hallows Eve will be upon us, ushering in November- our very own eclipse season. Needless to say, this will likely be a sort of “quantum leap” for us here on earth. Eclipses are always “turning point” periods. Periods where your higher consciousness gets a spartan kick from the universe. 

So here’s a glimpse at what we can expect coming our way this month:

November 1st&2nd- Venus Crosses the Galactic Center. 

The center of our universe sits between the constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpius, where the Milky Way appears brightest. 27 degrees Sagittarius to be exact. With Venus, planet of love crossing this part of our galaxy, It’s energy will be activated.  What you might notice a new sense of boldness in love. New love might come your way or your sense of worth might be rejuvenated. Heart Chakra might open up and heal or a bold declaration of love might soften even the coldest of us signs [You know who you are].

November 2nd- Mercury exits Shadow Period

It’s safe. You can come out now, your ex has probably gotten their wits about them and won’t message you anymore… at least until the next retrograde, lol. That and communication/electronics/travel etc. will likely be working on all cylinders. Mental faculties will be at 100 again which means any miscommunications or misunderstandings you might’ve been dealing with during the Rx period will be resolved.

November 4th- Super New Moon in Scorpio

Self-care. Sleep. Meditation. New moons are always a period of time where we have a clean slate. It’s time to set your intentions. Start manifesting. And with this moon being in the enigmatic sign of Scorpio, you’ll be getting a double whammy of intense Plutonic energy. It’s time for complete transformation. You’ll likely be feeling like you want to protect your energy. Do some introspection. Pay attention to your dreams as it’s not just Neptune that rules this area. Pluto also deals with the subconscious and the Moon [unconscious/sleep/hidden] being in this sign, you might get some important messages coming through. Prophetic ones.

November 5th- Venus Enters Capricorn

Venus slides into the earthy and distinguished sign of Capricorn. However, unlike Venus’ typical 20 days stint in a sign, it will actually remain in Capricorn for an uncommonly strange amount of time. This is due to it’s upcoming retrograde on the 19th of December. Now, whenever a celestial body remains in a sign for an elongated amount of time, it is the Universe’s not so chill way of letting us know that it’s an imperative time to work on the sign’s energy individually and collectively. The issues unearthed will be relating to our personal relationships, money, and love. In addition, since Saturn’s energy is on this hot planet, on a global level, we’ll see issues surrounding government, banks, and health. Responsibility will also be a key theme. We’ll be forced to reckon with how much we are or are not taking in the aforementioned areas. Others may also be forced to reckon with how much responsibility they are taking with you. Stay alert between now and December 19 to what you experience, because once Venus enters retrograde these are the lessons/issues you’ll be commissioned by the universe to sort out.

November 11th- Jupiter Moon Conjunction

On 11/11 a portal will open. If any of you subscribe to numerology, you all know 1111 is a very powerful number. It’s all about alignment. Good humor/moods will abound. Great time to host a party. With the Moon in Aquarius making a 4 degree applying conjunction to Jupiter, luck is also intensified here. Abundance and windfalls can be expected as well. Some of you might find some fortune regarding travel, your studies, unexpected [Aqua] lucky events may occur for you here or perhaps a wish you asked for last 11/11 might come to fruition on this day. Anything is possible with Uranus and Jupiter touching. 

November 19th- Full Moon in Taurus and Full Partial Lunar Eclipse

Huge day in the astrosphere, folks. Fated day. Though partial lunar eclipses aren’t as powerful as total lunar eclipses, the energy is still formidable. Eclipses always represent transformations and turning points. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars will all be in either a water or earth sign so there’s a need for balance but this is also a time of healing.

Water nourishes earth and earth stabilizes water.

Think back to this past April when the Full Moon was in Scorpio.

Remember what I told you about things being triggered during that time and how you’d have to face them/reevaluate them now?

 Well ante up. Time to bring closure to some situations. Time to make space for the new. Mars will also be forming a square to Saturn that day so discipline is something to take note of. Taurean energy is also stubborn and with the Sun in Scorpio, there’ll be this Marshawn Lynch Beast-mode push-pull until you’re forced to make room for whatever the universe wants to air drop into your life now. It might have to do with your possessions, your self-worth, your values. In fact, the last time we were dealing with a Taurus eclipse lunar cycle was in 2013-2014. Can you remember what was going on from May to November during that time? It might be helpful to evaluate as you’ll be building on whatever lessons you learned during that time. Themes may even resurface. How you approach them will be very telling regarding your person evolution.

November 23rd- Sun Enters Sagittarius

Jupiter takes the Sun’s reigns and we go from intense, sultry and introspective to expansive and optimistic. Moving from a water to fire season is a lot like entering a sauna. Fire and Water make steam-so the switch always brings this  sense of renewal. Like this funny anon mentioned , Sag season, being ruled by Jupiter can bring lots of luck — you might randomly find 20 bucks on the street or find yourself getting out of a speeding ticket with just a warning. Whatever happens in these next 30 or so days, you can take what you’ve learned from Scorpio season and apply it. You might be feeling more adventurous and expansive anyway, and as Jupiter is ruler of the 9th house of higher learning and philosophy, it might be time share what you learned. Get that good karma up.

✨Tuesday, November 3, 2020✨ GoVote!!⚖️

Astrology Transits by TripleAqua

  • Libra Mercury goes Direct- 1244 EST

We made it through Mercury retrograde! Clarity begins as the retrograde energy begins to fade away. We should begin to realize that any mistakes that were made the last few weeks, were just different paths to the same destination. Resolving differences and creating balance in relationships was the main focus of this past Mercury retrograde. Bringing up any past issues that needed to be resolved. Either seeing eye to eye and forming a stronger bond or be driven apart and seperated was the outcome. Now it’s time to focus on the present and future and realize no one’s to blame. Everything that happened was meant to happen.

  • Gemini Moon sextile Aries Mars rx- 1256 EST

It should be easy to go with the flow today as long as we don’t resist. We should be in tune with our desires and instincts. Expressing our feelings should come easily and honestly, even if it’s brutal.  We should feel more courageous and be able to take the lead. As long as we join in on the flow, our energy should sustain with any situation that occurs today.

  • Gemini Moon Square Pisces Neptune rx- 1842 EST

There is a sense of uncertainty and confusion which may cause some level of chaos. Avoid money transactions or new business initiatives. At this time, there is difficulty in thinking clearly and feelings of escapism.  Deceptions could occur with others and ourselves.  We may feel out of sorts without knowing why. Focus on spirituality or even relax with some music to help sway this energy. 


Natal Chart Interpretations, Tarot Readings , Holistic Healer, Crystal Healer

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung




Venmo~ TripleAqua


Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua

I don’t know if it’s because I’m a Gemini, and programmed to feel Mercury’s stations (because Mercury rules Gemini) - but when I woke up this morning everything feltdifferent.

I’m just as tired out from the academic year, as I have been; just as slow to get started with the day, as I have been for the past several weeks.

But there’s a physical sense (the Taurus piece?) that at least we aren’t going backwards any more - that that part is over and done with. For a while.

I’m not ready to go charging full speed ahead yet - which is a good thing to acknowledge because Mercury is moving very slowly for another eight days - but even moving a couple of inches forward is enough for now.

Witchy Calendar 2022  ☆゚.*・。゚ It has a little bit more info than last year, I hope it can help you nWitchy Calendar 2022  ☆゚.*・。゚ It has a little bit more info than last year, I hope it can help you n

Witchy Calendar 2022  ☆゚.*・。゚

It has a little bit more info than last year, I hope it can help you navigating this year.

☿ Mercury Retrogrades show the Mercury Direct (date of ending).

♒ Zodiac Signs are color coded according to its element.

☆ Solar events (Solstice & Equinox) are filled sparkle ★ and the other fetivities (midpoints) are a simple sparkle ✧︎

**Be sure to double check the dates for your region, since specific dates may vary due to TimeZones (specially for zodiac entries, full moons, etc.)

Let me know if you see any mistakes or have any questions about it!

People kept sending messages about the 2022 witchy calendar even now in April so I wanted to upload it anyway  ☆

Thanks to our patreons and the people who sent messages who impulse us to search for this info and combining it here for all of you!

Go to our Patreon for the complete HD image.

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