#pluto in the 8th house


8th House planets

“An early betrayal/violation of trust and/or physical and psychic boundaries is often the root cause of separation from the ego and Self. In a disempowering severing of internal connections; the awareness often beginning as desire to escape their physical form becomes their ability for sublime transformations in the future to come.”



1st house: in public, you always seem mysterious and intense. you can seem very intimidating to other people, and very reserved. you always seem to have a determined look on your face, with your eyebrows furrowed. everyone who meets you will either be somewhat scared or intrigued.

2nd house: you can be very possessive, and it will be hard for you to let go of things. you may be very sentimental, and want to be able to control everything you own. you could have a strong need to make money and be successful. if someone borrowed something from you without asking, you’ll be so angry that they won’t see the light of day anymore.

3rd house: you always look for hidden clues or subliminal messages, and try to nitpick everything someone says and analyze it. you can be very persuasive, and manipulate people to do things you want. you like to learn things by observing, and like to be self-taught. you choose your words carefully so people cannot know everything about you.

4th house: something in your early life/childhood drove you to become ashamed of where you came from, or very protective and secretive. one of your parents or guardians could have hidden you from other people, or have been overprotective of you. you may have a fear of change.

5th house: you have such a strong passion for all your creative work. you put a lot of your ego into whatever it is you care about, and you want a relationship filled with deep passion and romance. you want an “all or nothing” relationship, although you can be a little bit obsessive.

6th house: you like to work privately without anyone around you. you are a very hard worker, and you can easily become obsessed with finding answers or the truth. you may feel attached to what you do. you could be interested in self improvement and self help.

7th house: you may feel both drawn to relationships, and reluctant. you feel intrigued by people who are intense and obsessive. you could bring out the worst in your partner, and could discover your power through relationships. you can have a difficult time to find the deep relationship that you crave.

8th house: you love anything to do with dark and taboo topics, and are very intrigued by mysteries and secrecy. you are a natural psychologist, and can literally take mysteries apart and find their origins. you are fascinated as well as fearful of intimate and close relationships.

9th house: you are obsessed or attached to what you believe in, to the point where you can easily argue with someone who disagrees. you can be very intelligent, and connected to yourself spiritually. you can be extremely deep, and well-researched with your opinions.

10th house: you can pursue whatever it is you want to with great determination and focus. you can easily understand how things work, and you have a strong interest in transformation. you tend to be the leader, and would always stand up for what you believe in. you have a strong sense of responsibility, and are very persuasive.

11th house: you tend to steer away from groups of any kind, and can be a little uncomfortable with intimacy. some situations cause you to have an urge to change, and be more active and productive.

12th house: you adore the world of the unknown, and the unconscious mind. you love to investigate through dreams and make theories up. you can be very perceptive, and can psychoanalyze things well. you may be tempted to avoid your emotions, and you can have an addictive behavior.

Pluto through the Houses

Pluto in the 1st House - Your presence when you enter a room is powerful and has an effect on people. Some people may percieve you as destructive, other people may find you intimidating when they first meet you and you carry yourself in such a way that either draws people in or scares them away. You may be obsessed with your appearance or have the ability to transform the way you appear to others. Physical power and transformations are found here. The transformations can be extremely painful. You may have been bullied into transforming the way you look or dress or maybe an experience affected the way you hold youself. New beginnings can be where you experience rebirth and tap into your powers of the self. You may experience a transformation of the self everytime you start something new or have the opportunity to. Entering the world may have been a painful experience. Self harm could also be found here.

Pluto in the 2nd - You have a powerful way with money and your job. You have the ability to transform your income and transform through your income. Your job could force you to go through a transformation. You may have a job in power and use money to gain power. You could be obsessed with your job and more rarely your job could be destructive to yourself and maybe even others. Money could be an obsession and you may go through problems with your income at some point in your life. Your self worth could transform through your job and income. You may be obsessed with your perceived self worth and feel that power is the way to increase this. Your materialistic possessions could give you power. You could love to spend money on expensive things that show off your power.

Pluto in the 3rd - You have a powerful way of communicating with people. You may go through mental transformations. You have the ability to transform the way you communicate with others and how your mind works, these being the sources of tapping into your transformation too. You may be obsessed with learning, especially taboo subjects. You may go through periods of being obsessed with communicating with others about certain topics. The profound impact your words can have on people can not only be destructive to yourself but also others. Power struggles with Siblings, teachers and sometimes cousins is found here. You may have been forced to transform mentally during your childhood, possibly from a mental illness or a traumatic experience. Short trips can help you to transform yourself mentally. You could also be obsessed with taking short trips because of it’s ability to help you feel a sense of healing.

Pluto in the 4th - Family is Power. Your mother may have been powerful and/or destructive in some way. She could have helped you to transform yourself somehow or maybe the transformation was the mother herself, possibly you were adopted by a woman very different to your biological mother. You may be obsessed with your family, your home, emotional foundation or maybe even your mother. You could gain power through being apart of a family and starting one. You may go through a huge transformation when starting a family. You may have moved a lot as a child and home is where you had the ability to tap into your power abilities and the ability to transform somehow. Power struggles in the home and family are found here. You may subconsciously seek power or go through transformations of the subconscious mind. Home and family life may be destructive in some way.

Pluto in the 5th house- The way you express yourself is powerful and/or possibly obsessive and destructive. You have the ability to transform your self expression. Your hobbies and creativity could be an obsession, diving deep into artistic pursuits and anything fun and playful. You may go through intense transformations in creativity, love affairs and how you have fun. You may fall into love affairs with destructive and obsessive people where power struggles occur regularly, eventually possibly forcing you to go through a transformation. You may come over as powerful and authoritive towards children, and may have been this way as a child. Your children may be plutonian and you could have problems giving birth/having children with this placement. Having children could cause you to go through a transformation. You may be obsessed with having children or your inner child. Power in creativity and the arts.

Pluto in the 6th house - You are powerful when being of service to others. You may go through periods of transformation in the workplace, you may have been forced to transform the way you work, having a powerful impact on you. You may experience health problems that change your life forever. You may suffer from hypochrondia, obsessed with your health. You may be a workaholic, obsessed with working and being of service somehow. Power struggles with co-workers and in the workplace could be found here. Perhaps you or the people you work with are powerful power hungry people. You may have an authoritive approach to being of service to others or be in a position of power when of service. Perhaps the people you are of service to are powerful people or maybe destructive in some way.

Pluto in the 7th house - Power in Relationships. Power-struggles in relationships. You may start relationships with plutonian individuals. You may be domineering and powerful in your relationships as well as your partner, sometimes creating a partnership that is destructive to you both. You could be obsessed with your partner or maybe you could find yourself in a relationship with or attract partners that are obsessive. Your one-on-one relationships with others could help you to tap into your power abilities and cause your relationships with others to go through a transformation. You could have power fuelled confrontations with your enemies (maybe once a relationship or friend).

Pluto in the 8th House - You could gain power and transform through other peoples money, resources and through insurance or inheritance. Sex could be a great way of realising your inner transformative power and you may be interested in power-play when it comes to having sex. You could go through a sexual transformation. Sex could help you to evolve. You may be obsessed with taboo topics such as sex and death. Sex could be destructive in some way. You could have powerful transformative, maybe even obsessive close bonds with others. You could go through a near-death experience that causes a rebirth of the self or witness a death of a loved one that has a powerful impact on your life. You may have a built in understanding of death.

Pluto in the 9th House - You could gain power through higher education and through your beliefs, both political and religious. You may be obsessed with travelling and taking long trips that cause you to transform, possibly a philosophical transformation that impacts the way you feel about yourself and the world or maybe a painful experience in either higher education, religion, politics or travel. Your religious and political views could be destructive somehow. Religion, Politics and higher education could be where your hidden power lies.

Pluto in the 10th House - You will have the ability to gain power through your public image and your career. You may be powerful in the eyes of the public and your career could be power-orientated. You may have a reputation of being powerful or power-hungry. There’s a possibility of gaining fame because of your power. You could be obsessed with your career, public image or gaining fame. You may undergo a transformation in your career, public image or reputation that makes a lasting impact on your life and career, possibly forcing you to change career path. Your father may have been a domineering, powerful individual who could have been destructive to you in some way. He could have caused you to go through a transformation, maybe a transformation in your career, reputation or public image.

Pluto in the 11th House- You could be that powerful, authoritative friend in the group. You could gain power through being a part of a group or an organisation. You could be a part of a group full of powerful people or have friends in power. You could find yourself in power-struggles with your friends or in group settings, activating your desire to lead a group. You may hope and dream to gain power or have goals and ambitions that are power-orientated and transformative. Your friendship group or a group that you’re part of could cause you to go through a powerful transformation that tests you and causes you to feel reborn. You may associate yourself with powerful people and you could feel the need to always be a part of a group or an organisation. You may have the power to speak up for others and to become a powerful activist. You may be obsessed with achieving your hopes and dreams, as well as having the ability to make a powerful change in the world.

Pluto in the 12th House-Your power is hidden in the subconscious mind in this house. You may gain power unconsciously through having a psychic understanding of what’s hidden in others’ minds and the world. You may have the ability to have power over people and yet they might not even realise it. You may turn to drugs to find your hidden power, tap into your subconscious, making you feel more powerful. You could have the ability to gain power and transform through lucid dreaming and exploring the subconscious mind. You could have powerful psychic abilities and the ability to gain power through spiritual practices. Pluto here can either create a fearless individual or someone you may find subconscious power through their fears. You may attract power-hungry or destructive people without any known reason. You may act in ways that are destructive, powerful and obsessive but not be aware of it. You may go through painful karmic transformations and rebirths without any control. Your power may be hidden deep in the subconscious so nobody ever sees the power you possess. You may seem powerless to others but behind close doors you may shock people.

strong presence. can be charismatic. minds their own business lmao. their mysteriousness makes them sexy. might be pale. observant. can come off as cold or moody. might get tattoos and piercings. might like to “redesign” themselves every now and then. has good intuition. can be too secretive. doesn’t trust easily. can come off sinister. likes it rough. since first rules the head they might be into hair pulling.

celebrities:Beyoncé,Keanu Reeves,Britney Spears,Ryan Reynolds

probably great with money. ambitious. practical. can be stingy. hard headed. might be motivated by lol. good at making plans. try not to indulge excessively. likes sensual and strong scents. dark colored perfumes. sensual ppl in general. might have a thing for ppl with a “dark” style. likes someone they can’t easily read. desires oral sex, and hickeys.

celebrities:Cher,Heidi Klum,Harry Styles,Robert De Niro

charming in speech. might be a fan of murder mystery’s. likes to talk abt sex related things a lot. can be manipulative w/words. might have a deep or “sexy” voice. might’ve fought a lot/been bullied a lot in school. witty. over protective when it comes to siblings. the sibling that has mood swings lol. might even have jealousy issues with their siblings. siblings probably have scorpio in personal placements or a prominent pluto in their chart. doesn’t trust ppl easily. might have a knack for psychology. dirty talk, and sweet nothings gets these individuals aroused. anything that deals with hands are also a turn on. might not like sessions to be long, and into nudes lol.

celebrities:Céline Dion,Bella Hadid,Drake,Michael Jordan


honest. strong-willed. mature, esp emotionally. loyal, and most likely reliable. can be jealous of family members, or just clash with them. mother might keep big secrets away or be abusive. mother might’ve been overly attached or obsessed with you. these ppl might’ve been an unexpected pregnancy. probably quiet and mysterious as a child, kept to themselves. the kid that probably just sat by themselves during recess/could’ve been a loner. moms death can take a great toll on you. parents might’ve been controlling but wanted the best for you. trauma stems from childhood. could’ve went through sexual abuse. mother that’s probably passionate, and can be caring. she might also have a lot of pluto/scorpio energy in her chart. these ppl might be hard to get to know. pragmatic. shouldn’t do one night stands, they might get too attached, so they’re most likely to sleep w/someone they have an intense connection with. touch boobies lmao. might like positions where you stare into eachothers eyes, and have access to hugging lol.

celebrities:Sandra Bullock,Selena Gomez,Kanye West,Ben Affleck


can be romantic, yet intense. probably spiritual. might like rock n roll music, or music that talks abt dark subjects like death, drugs, etc. enjoys horror movies, conspiracy theories, and true crime stuff. probably into witchcraft tbh, also probably really likes astrology. your flings might end up becoming very serious or intense. children, esp the first child might be a scorpio or have a lot of scorpio/pluto influence. try to avoid being judgmental. might also be childish. children may be intimidated by you at first, but get too attached later on. sex will be full of passion. positions like the anvil, or doggy, any deep penetration positions might work best for you.

celebrities:Mariah Carey,Lady Gaga,Gordon Ramsey,Will Smith

can be open minded. might be obsessed with health, and get freaked out over the littlest things. cats would make a great pet for these placements. they also might own unusual pets like spiders, reptiles, etc. workaholic. might have health issues with genitals, so be careful. might have surgery done on genitals at some point. might crave being in control. probably wants to be their own boss. always trying to improve or reinvent themselves. you probably have sex, or masturbate every day. might have sexual relations with co-workers. the shower or bath might be a good setting for sex to these ppl. might like anal lol.

celebrities:Shakira,Demi Moore,Snoop Dogg,Michael Jackson

loving. extremely passionate. can be empathetic. might attract scorpio/pluto placements a lot. lovers may be overzealous, overprotective, and/or envious or you might be this way. relationships can be life changing. can be low key aggressive. love, and being vulnerable can terrify these ppl. might keep their personal relationships private. selfless in the bedroom. all abt pleasing their partner. might be into spanking, or butt rubs lmao. face to face positions are a turn on for these folks too.

celebrities:Rihanna,Kourtney Kardashian,Barack Obama,Orlando Bloom

the ultimate lol. great intuition, has a knack for conspiracy theories, psychology, astrology, and probably taboo things. likes getting in trouble. sensual, and has major sexual appeal. people smart. thinks about sex, mortality, the unknown, and just general dark themes a lot. either fears or embraces death, maybe both. ambitious, and usually actually lives for a long time. experience makes these ppl wise. goes through a lot of transformations in life. understanding. a lot of ppl envy ppl of this placement, mostly bc of their sex appeal/attractiveness. powerful in some way lol. likes that moneyyy. can be possessive, either with possessions or ppl or both lol. sex can be life changing and intense. into or open to bondage, d/s, rough sex, etc but might like it romantic, erotic and sensual too.has an amazing sex drive.

celebrities:Princess Diana,Brigitte Bardot,Marlon Brando,Bruce Lee

full of curiosity. analyzes. deep rooted. might be emotionally invested when it comes to the beliefs/beliefs may take over their life lol. when in college, might major in psychology, solving, investigating, etc. justice is important to these individuals. judgement also, and self obsessed. likes big butts w/a side of thighs. sex is fun to these ppl, and they’re probably up to trying new things. lube is your friend. probably has a big penis/fat cat lmao.

celebrities:Nicki Minaj,Winona Ryder,Robin Williams,Frank Sinatra

charming, and creative. might come off as standoffish or just disrespectful lol. private reputation, and keeps things in the dark. might be known for being inappropriate. controversial reputation. known for being passionate among peers. may be feared by some lol. can manipulate their way to the top. i can see someone with this screwing their boss/authority lol. into domination and bdsm. leash and whips.

celebrities:Bjork,Taylor Swift,Prince,Eminem

friendship is a priority. friends are really enemies so watch out. friends might have scorpio/pluto energy in chart. kind. probably a good listener. the mysterious or quiet friend. you might not like when your friends bring around other ppl lmao. you don’t give your trust away easily, and prefer a small circle of friends. can be dismissive. might lose virginity to friends tbh or have sex w/their friends. experimental. group sex maybe. might get piercings on genitals

celebrities:Scarlett Johansson,Kylie Jenner,Chris Evans, Albert Einstein


selfless. intuitive. past life was full of intensity. might’ve had a public death in the past life. past life could’ve been filled with crime. these individuals can be distracted and very sensitive. wild imagination. dreams can seem so real, and dark. dreams might predict things. may take secrets to the grave. gotta have a strong and emotional connection to want to have sex. won’t sleep with just anyone, unless they need to cope with something. might try to please too much during sex but you should focus on your wants and needs too. foot play is also big here.

celebrities:Marilyn Monroe,Madonna,Steve Jobs,Tom Hanks

Signs in the Eighth HouseJust as the number 8, the 8th house is where one’s karma lies. In the broad

Signs in the Eighth House

Just as the number 8, the 8th house is where one’s karma lies. In the broader sense, this karma could be anything, hence the reason for this house to be called “mysterious”.  It is not exactly known to the person where their karma comes from or where it is going. Since it is the opposite of the 2nd house, where one’s parents’ love and care for each other is specified, the 8th house symbolises the trigger point which caused that love or relationship in general. Meaning, the sexual and the passionate energy. The 2nd house is the comfort zone of people and the relationship with the tangible environment. Meanwhile the 8th house is the psychology, the relationships between the heart and soul and the karma carried out through the parents. The planet Pluto is the ruler of this house. Pluto, in Greek Mythology, is known as the God of the Underworld, Hades. Hades was the first son of Kronos and the first to be swallowed by him. Together with his siblings they banished their father and with Zeus and Poseidon, they drew lots to see who would rule each realm… Hades got the underworld fittingly as his name means “the unseen one”. He was also known as the God of wealth because all the precious metals buried deep in the earth were in his kingdom. Hades is the ruler of the dead but he isn’t death itself. Thus, while he “drinks tears like wine” he does not kill anyone. He is simply the host of the dead and the torubled souls. His realm is a place of freedom from the pain of the world and his Queen, Persephone offers rebirth and a blessed afterlife. But we all know that he kidnapped her even though she fell in love with him later on (a case of Stockholm Syndrome). Hades, even though one of the more humble of the Gods when he wanted something he made sure he got it. Together with his queen they represent life and death and the cycles of nature —and the 8th house represents the transformations we are bound to go through no matter how painful. In the end we rise from the ashes better and richer (soul-wise) than ever. Self-mastery involves shadow work with your lower drives. If you fail to master this energy, it will master you. In other words, the unconscious will run your life from behind the scenes and work itself out through fate. This often manifests as obsessions and compulsions and events over which you have no conscious control which can be seen in one’s 8th house.

♈︎Aries / Mars in the 8th House:

Aries/Mars here is in his big brother’s house so he does not feel too unwelcome here maybe feels a little clumsy not knowing how to deal with such power all of a sudden. The person with this placement is ever seeking ways of personal transformation. Starting with new projects or just anything new is their superpower. However, not being able to finish those passion projects is the cost of this power. When accepting the fact that chaos is inevitable and control is an illusion the person confronts their inner demons, only then the transformation really happens. Either one of the parents might have Aries in their charts (rising or sun). The karma coming from the parents is for the person to become fearless in the face of the new and taking the lead. After a psychological breakdown, the person is completely anew and fearless to start from fresh. Vengeance though can become the main drive and that is when the person needs to be careful. People with this aspect might attract a lot of Aries or Mars energies into their lives - from these energies, a karmic bond is established good or bad. Obsessions might include proving oneself to be the best at something and forcing other people to do whatever they think is the right thing. When they master the need to be always in control they are able to manifest good things into their lives.

♉︎Taurus / Venus (Day Chart) in the 8th House:

When the opposites fill the other one’s place it puts it out of balance. One’s mission is to maintain the peace which that balance is lacking. Taurus/Venus (Day) in a person’s 8th house may indicate that the superpower of this person is to make others feel comfortable and laid back. They put others at ease. The cost for this power is that the chart owners themselves feel uneasy and disturbed by outside interference constantly. This karma can only be eased down once the person starts to value and secure themselves. People-pleasing is something they are good at but not something that they necessarily should be doing. Since there is no sense of feeling secure or comfortable coming from within these people may obsess over material things in order to feed their starving subconscious. The more these people value things outside of their own being, the more backlash they receive from their inner selves.  The karma coming from the parents is for the person to fall truly in love with themselves and care for their own well-being. Maybe as a child, they did not feel worthy of their parents. Perhaps one of the parents had Taurus in their sun or rising and could not manage that energy in its right element and they might also attract a lot of Taurus energy into their relationships - from these energies a karmic bond is established good or bad. However, overdoing this self-love once it is achieved obviously will have its consequences. Laziness and over-indulgence in the good things life has to offer will bite them back later on. When they find a balance between keeping their own peace meanwhile putting others’ minds at ease as well, they will master the power of serenity.

♊︎Gemini / Mercury in the 8th House:

With this placement, there is this feeling of the “magician” going back to the tarot cards. A master manifestor once the person appreciates the duality within. In Buddhism, this is called “shunyata” the emptiness of inner and outer dharmas. Nothing can exist without everything else also existing. People with this placement must understand that we exist within a web of relationships and once it is well understood one must not misuse this power otherwise the consequences are hard to overcome. These people are blessed with powerful thoughts but depending on the intention set out through these thoughts their own manifestations can get the best of them. A great deal of cleansing of the subconscious is required for this placement since Mercury is a trickster who loves to challenge its subjects just for the sake of it.  There are great power and karma carried through one’s words. These people can have an immense effect on other people’s subconscious as well. Through the exchange of thoughts, they blend with other people and if they did not master this power of theirs they can get lost in those people’s minds.  The karma coming from the parents is for the person to watch out what kind of intention they put out to the universe through their interaction with other people. Perhaps one of the parents had Gemini in their sun or rising and could not manage that energy in its right element. People with this placement might also attract a lot of Mercury energy into their relationships - from these energies, a karmic bond is established good or bad. These people also gotta be careful about obsessive thought patterns and delving too deep into the matters. The thing they are most passionate about is certainly understanding the unknown but some things are just simply beyond our comprehension

♋︎Cancer / Moon in the 8th House:

Moon is our mother, sense of security and our ancestors. There is a great deal of karma coming from the person’s past. They are deeply connected to it and they are very curious about it as well. Their power is to build such strong connections with people and giving them their sincerity. The cost of this gift though is the fact that most people they give this nurturing energy to might have had banished them in their life before. There is a great fear of abandonment coming from being too attached to people since they have had been left behind before (perhaps by the mother herself). These people might find the solution in never attaching to people ever again but in fact they must build a strong intuition in order to allow the right people in their lives. Otherwise, a sinister feeling inside will sprout because they do not feel the same warmth coming from other people that they think they themselves expose. Forgiveness is a big theme here. They have to learn to forgive the past and not devolve too much into it. Compassion will be their best friend when it comes to fighting off their inner demons which especially come up when they feel the most vulnerable. The karma coming from the parents is for the person to not treat their emotions as if they are burdens and learn to forgive their past troubles and maybe even the parents themselves. These people should learn to not to obsess over the past. Perhaps one of the parents had Cancer in their sun or rising and could not manage that energy in its right element. People with this placement might also attract a lot of Cancerian energy into their relationships - from these energies, a karmic bond is established good or bad.

♌︎Leo / Sun in the 8th House:

When Apollo comes to give light to a house that wants to stay in the dark, tensions are high. These people may want to keep their own self identity under shadows. Something significant may have had appeared in their childhood which caused the child to grow too soon and as an adult now the child within is suppressed down to the subconscious. Their own psychology is a matter these people are highly interested in understanding. They like to put light on things that are hidden from them even when they are not ready to see things as clearly as they are. They like to think of themselves as strong people who can handle any psychological or emotional burden which they are and it is their power but they tend to push things too far to the point of they can no longer handle the load. They have got to learn to let other people in so that they can ease the heaviness of their own emotional baggage. Once they let the child within to come out and play they are bestowed with very strong creativity and positivity. Free self-expression will be their escape from their own darker demons and allowing themselves to play. These people are obsessed with other people’s talents and the way they carry themselves - but once they let go of their control on emotions and let their joy run free, they will see themselves become just that. The karma coming from the parents is for the person to take care of the child within. Maybe the parents were not the best at allowing the kids to be kids and asked too much of them hence they had to grow up way too early. Perhaps one of the parents had Leo in their sun or rising and could not manage that energy in its right element. People with this placement might also attract a lot of Leo energy into their relationships - from these energies a karmic bond is established good or bad.

♍︎Virgo / Ceres in the 8th House:

Deep within, there is a lot of anxious energy haunting the person of the chart which strives to be recognized. They tend to over-analyze everything that is happening but will most likely keep this to themselves since they do not like to be viewed “concerned” by other people. They are obsessed with solving problems to the point of disturbance in their own psychology. They have immense powers of healing and finding solutions but the cost of this power is an out of control feeling of being uneasy or unsafe. Through meditation and being open to spiritual matters they can ease this feeling but these are highly skeptical and practical people. They tend to stay in their own way of their journey to mindfulness. They are fascinated by other people’s concerns and problems that they tend to forget their own which only makes their personal matters worst. They have great karma when it comes to dealings of allowing things to be and not interfering with them. The karma coming from the parents is for the person to take care of their own well being and consciousness. Perhaps, as a child, they weren’t properly taken care of by their parents and the roles were reversed in a way. They wanted to fix or heal their parents their whole life but maybe did not get the chance to do that so they are passionate about doing this for other people. One of the parents might have Virgo as their sun or rising sign and these people tend to attract a lot of Virgo energy into their relationships for them to learn karmic lessons.

♎︎Libra / Venus (Night Chart) in the 8th House:

People with this placement have got a lot of subtle but potent influence on other people through one on one interactions. They have the power of attracting anyone into their lives and easing their emotional burdens as well. The cost of this superpower though is that if they are not careful with their intentions about the core reason why they want to have an influence on this particular person they might take on their bad karma as their own and obviously no one wants that. Each relationship transforms the person for the better but sometimes the worst. They might feel an intense bond with almost everybody in their lives and this will take a toll on them psychologically. They are also likely to have people obsess over them to point of claiming ownership over them. And another theme with an obsession with these people is that they themselves might obsess over being liked by everyone. They are passionate about peace and harmony and are willing to do anything in order to maintain it even if it means sacrificing one’s free will.  The karma coming from the parents is for the person to practice and teach good manners and bring harmony into relationships. Perhaps, the parents were in an inharmonious relationship in which the two fought a lot without ever trying to bring peace into the situation between them. One of the parents might have Libra as their sun or rising sign and these people tend to attract a lot of Venusian energy into their relationships for them to learn karmic lessons.

♏︎Scorpio / Pluto in the 8th House:

The lord of the underworld here is in his full power and in the comfort of his home he is not willing to hold anything back. Scorpio is in search of emotional power and the mysteries of life and death. This cycle between the two is neither good or bad, - it’s the part of nature that demands change and evolution. And the biggest thing with Hades’s character is that no matter what you cannot negotiate with him. The biggest karmic lesson with this placement is to surrender.These people’s power is about using their soul’s energy to transform the self through a confrontation with the powers of the unconscious. The goal is to overcome death and dissolution and avoid falling back into chaos and unconsciousness. Not the easiest of the tasks but the rewards are definitely worth it as Hades is also the Lord of the riches. To enter the darkness and heal the split in your psyche – the wound at the heart of being human – the pain of being conscious is the lesson one taken over from their parents. Perhaps, the parents were in denial of their subconscious’ scream for help and kept their demons hidden away which only caused them to go down a road of spiral. One of the parents might have Scorpio as their sun or rising sign and the chart owners tens to attract a lot of Scorpio energy into their relationships for them to learn their karmic lessons.

♐︎Sagittarius / Jupiter in the 8th House:

The nature of Sagittarius is to be free and in this placement that is the request from the chart owner’s psychology. These are very passionate people who are the rulers of their own territories. They have the gift to find their way to enlightenment and higher knowledge of the truthonce they open up their horizons. The biggest karma for them is that it is hard for them to open their minds to things but once they do they are ready to be fired into the future. They are obsessed with the idea of living life to its fullest but there is a tendency to overdo it. Too much of the unrealistic optimism results in facing the harsh reality of the world which leads them to a dark place where they feel trapped within their own minds. They tend to curse their own fate and shun the universe whenever their high expectations are not met. They have to come in peace with the reality of being human in an imperfect world.  But the pain of the wound creates wisdom if they can accept and work with it. The karma coming from the parents is for the person to discover the truth of a human’s immortal soul that releases us from the wheel of birth and death – the quest for enlightenment. Perhaps the chart owner comes from a lineage of teachers who couldn’t finish this task.  One of the parents might have Sagittarius as their sun or rising sign and these people tend to attract a lot of Sagittarius energy into their relationships for them to learn karmic lessons. For them to free themselves from their emotional burdens they need to open their minds up and accept the good and the bad universe has to offer and offer help to others to learn their lessons.

♑︎Capricorn / Saturn in the 8th House:

When the sign of harsh lessons and the house of karmic lessons unite their powers the person with the placement meant to go through a lot but in the end, they come out of this struggle of perfecting a human as a dextrous being. The native goes through a lot of challenges which require self-mastery. They crumble down to the ground and build themselves up again, each time they end up more solid and wise. The person is bestowed with great wisdom beyond their years but the universe always demands them to renew themselves so their lives and self-identity suffer from reoccurring earthquakes. They are obsessed with being the best at everything they can and in the meantime influencing other people. They might be especially obsessed with impressing their father and their own father might be their biggest competition in some extreme cases their enemy. In Greek mythology, Capricorn is the Father Time, Kronos… The one who swallowed Hades (and the rest of his children) only to be overthrown by them in the end as it was predicted. The biggest lesson for this person is that they cannot change the outcome but they are sure to be changed by the outcome. The karma these people had inherited from their parents is that the old way of things must be periodically overthrown so that life can be renewed. Perhaps the owner of the chart had parents who were too controlling and stuck in the same cycles and it is up to them to break this cycle so that progression can happen. Meanwhile, they have got to learn to build a solid structure for them so that they will not be damaged when their world is shaken up as it is their karma. One of the parents might have Capricorn as their sun or rising sign and these people tend to attract a lot of Capricorn energy into their relationships for them to learn karmic lessons.

♒︎Aquarius / Uranus in the 8th House:

People with this placement are passionate about feeling united with other people. They tend to attract a lot of friends into their lives and they themselves are very understanding friends but the cost of this is that in order to keep their social circle they tend to either conform to their needs. In order to feel like a part of the group, they know exactly what to do but this also means they often step out of their way to become a part of it. Their biggest fear being, feeling unaccepted they are very accepting of other people and when they work on their people skills these people are very good at influencing others. They are humanists with morals. Their karma will work against them when they deliberately deny these morals in order to please others. The karma they inherited from their parents is to increase in moral consciousnessin other people as well as themselves of course. Perhaps the parents were oblivious to other peoples’ issues. One of the parents may have had Aquarius as their sun or rising but was not able to manage its aim of uniting the people and recognizing that all beings are interconnected. With this comes a great deal of empathy with others comes into play. The person has to learn to control this nature of an empath for it is hard for them to distinguish their own emotions and thoughts from the rest.

♓︎Pisces / Neptune in the 8th House:

People who have this placement tend to underestimate the power of their psyche and subconscious in their everyday life. If the mind is in a good state they have the power to manifest good things into their life, if it is in a bad state though, they bring hell down to earth for themselves. The universe asks of them to be conscious of their subconscious, joining of two worlds: the divine and the human. These people are creative in nature and have to take care of their inner world instead of running from it. With a power of great manifestations comes great responsibility for one’s soul journey. As the Pisces energy can be creative and imaginative, as well as dark and destructive. Lurking in the unconscious, always threatening to overwhelm the ordered structures of life. Being this close to the abyss would make anybody nervous and we all know Pisces often tries to avoid a confrontation. But the thing is the forces of the unconscious are usually only dangerous when they’re repressed or denied. And this is the karma the chart owner inherited from their parents who might have Pisces as their sun or rising but could not deal with the Piscean nature, hence it is now both the blessing and the curse (if it is not dealt with careful) of the child. The Pisces fish are a symbol of spiritual liberation, they show the happiness and freedom of the soul swimming in the waters of nirvana. There’s no need to struggle or swim against the tide. People with this placement tend to attract a lot of Piscean energies into their lives to learn and teach karmic lessons.

(Art:“Ixion Thrown into Hades” by Jules-Élie Delaunay)

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