#pluto in the houses



1st house: in public, you always seem mysterious and intense. you can seem very intimidating to other people, and very reserved. you always seem to have a determined look on your face, with your eyebrows furrowed. everyone who meets you will either be somewhat scared or intrigued.

2nd house: you can be very possessive, and it will be hard for you to let go of things. you may be very sentimental, and want to be able to control everything you own. you could have a strong need to make money and be successful. if someone borrowed something from you without asking, you’ll be so angry that they won’t see the light of day anymore.

3rd house: you always look for hidden clues or subliminal messages, and try to nitpick everything someone says and analyze it. you can be very persuasive, and manipulate people to do things you want. you like to learn things by observing, and like to be self-taught. you choose your words carefully so people cannot know everything about you.

4th house: something in your early life/childhood drove you to become ashamed of where you came from, or very protective and secretive. one of your parents or guardians could have hidden you from other people, or have been overprotective of you. you may have a fear of change.

5th house: you have such a strong passion for all your creative work. you put a lot of your ego into whatever it is you care about, and you want a relationship filled with deep passion and romance. you want an “all or nothing” relationship, although you can be a little bit obsessive.

6th house: you like to work privately without anyone around you. you are a very hard worker, and you can easily become obsessed with finding answers or the truth. you may feel attached to what you do. you could be interested in self improvement and self help.

7th house: you may feel both drawn to relationships, and reluctant. you feel intrigued by people who are intense and obsessive. you could bring out the worst in your partner, and could discover your power through relationships. you can have a difficult time to find the deep relationship that you crave.

8th house: you love anything to do with dark and taboo topics, and are very intrigued by mysteries and secrecy. you are a natural psychologist, and can literally take mysteries apart and find their origins. you are fascinated as well as fearful of intimate and close relationships.

9th house: you are obsessed or attached to what you believe in, to the point where you can easily argue with someone who disagrees. you can be very intelligent, and connected to yourself spiritually. you can be extremely deep, and well-researched with your opinions.

10th house: you can pursue whatever it is you want to with great determination and focus. you can easily understand how things work, and you have a strong interest in transformation. you tend to be the leader, and would always stand up for what you believe in. you have a strong sense of responsibility, and are very persuasive.

11th house: you tend to steer away from groups of any kind, and can be a little uncomfortable with intimacy. some situations cause you to have an urge to change, and be more active and productive.

12th house: you adore the world of the unknown, and the unconscious mind. you love to investigate through dreams and make theories up. you can be very perceptive, and can psychoanalyze things well. you may be tempted to avoid your emotions, and you can have an addictive behavior.

Pluto through the Houses

Pluto in the 1st House - Your presence when you enter a room is powerful and has an effect on people. Some people may percieve you as destructive, other people may find you intimidating when they first meet you and you carry yourself in such a way that either draws people in or scares them away. You may be obsessed with your appearance or have the ability to transform the way you appear to others. Physical power and transformations are found here. The transformations can be extremely painful. You may have been bullied into transforming the way you look or dress or maybe an experience affected the way you hold youself. New beginnings can be where you experience rebirth and tap into your powers of the self. You may experience a transformation of the self everytime you start something new or have the opportunity to. Entering the world may have been a painful experience. Self harm could also be found here.

Pluto in the 2nd - You have a powerful way with money and your job. You have the ability to transform your income and transform through your income. Your job could force you to go through a transformation. You may have a job in power and use money to gain power. You could be obsessed with your job and more rarely your job could be destructive to yourself and maybe even others. Money could be an obsession and you may go through problems with your income at some point in your life. Your self worth could transform through your job and income. You may be obsessed with your perceived self worth and feel that power is the way to increase this. Your materialistic possessions could give you power. You could love to spend money on expensive things that show off your power.

Pluto in the 3rd - You have a powerful way of communicating with people. You may go through mental transformations. You have the ability to transform the way you communicate with others and how your mind works, these being the sources of tapping into your transformation too. You may be obsessed with learning, especially taboo subjects. You may go through periods of being obsessed with communicating with others about certain topics. The profound impact your words can have on people can not only be destructive to yourself but also others. Power struggles with Siblings, teachers and sometimes cousins is found here. You may have been forced to transform mentally during your childhood, possibly from a mental illness or a traumatic experience. Short trips can help you to transform yourself mentally. You could also be obsessed with taking short trips because of it’s ability to help you feel a sense of healing.

Pluto in the 4th - Family is Power. Your mother may have been powerful and/or destructive in some way. She could have helped you to transform yourself somehow or maybe the transformation was the mother herself, possibly you were adopted by a woman very different to your biological mother. You may be obsessed with your family, your home, emotional foundation or maybe even your mother. You could gain power through being apart of a family and starting one. You may go through a huge transformation when starting a family. You may have moved a lot as a child and home is where you had the ability to tap into your power abilities and the ability to transform somehow. Power struggles in the home and family are found here. You may subconsciously seek power or go through transformations of the subconscious mind. Home and family life may be destructive in some way.

Pluto in the 5th house- The way you express yourself is powerful and/or possibly obsessive and destructive. You have the ability to transform your self expression. Your hobbies and creativity could be an obsession, diving deep into artistic pursuits and anything fun and playful. You may go through intense transformations in creativity, love affairs and how you have fun. You may fall into love affairs with destructive and obsessive people where power struggles occur regularly, eventually possibly forcing you to go through a transformation. You may come over as powerful and authoritive towards children, and may have been this way as a child. Your children may be plutonian and you could have problems giving birth/having children with this placement. Having children could cause you to go through a transformation. You may be obsessed with having children or your inner child. Power in creativity and the arts.

Pluto in the 6th house - You are powerful when being of service to others. You may go through periods of transformation in the workplace, you may have been forced to transform the way you work, having a powerful impact on you. You may experience health problems that change your life forever. You may suffer from hypochrondia, obsessed with your health. You may be a workaholic, obsessed with working and being of service somehow. Power struggles with co-workers and in the workplace could be found here. Perhaps you or the people you work with are powerful power hungry people. You may have an authoritive approach to being of service to others or be in a position of power when of service. Perhaps the people you are of service to are powerful people or maybe destructive in some way.

Pluto in the 7th house - Power in Relationships. Power-struggles in relationships. You may start relationships with plutonian individuals. You may be domineering and powerful in your relationships as well as your partner, sometimes creating a partnership that is destructive to you both. You could be obsessed with your partner or maybe you could find yourself in a relationship with or attract partners that are obsessive. Your one-on-one relationships with others could help you to tap into your power abilities and cause your relationships with others to go through a transformation. You could have power fuelled confrontations with your enemies (maybe once a relationship or friend).

Pluto in the 8th House - You could gain power and transform through other peoples money, resources and through insurance or inheritance. Sex could be a great way of realising your inner transformative power and you may be interested in power-play when it comes to having sex. You could go through a sexual transformation. Sex could help you to evolve. You may be obsessed with taboo topics such as sex and death. Sex could be destructive in some way. You could have powerful transformative, maybe even obsessive close bonds with others. You could go through a near-death experience that causes a rebirth of the self or witness a death of a loved one that has a powerful impact on your life. You may have a built in understanding of death.

Pluto in the 9th House - You could gain power through higher education and through your beliefs, both political and religious. You may be obsessed with travelling and taking long trips that cause you to transform, possibly a philosophical transformation that impacts the way you feel about yourself and the world or maybe a painful experience in either higher education, religion, politics or travel. Your religious and political views could be destructive somehow. Religion, Politics and higher education could be where your hidden power lies.

Pluto in the 10th House - You will have the ability to gain power through your public image and your career. You may be powerful in the eyes of the public and your career could be power-orientated. You may have a reputation of being powerful or power-hungry. There’s a possibility of gaining fame because of your power. You could be obsessed with your career, public image or gaining fame. You may undergo a transformation in your career, public image or reputation that makes a lasting impact on your life and career, possibly forcing you to change career path. Your father may have been a domineering, powerful individual who could have been destructive to you in some way. He could have caused you to go through a transformation, maybe a transformation in your career, reputation or public image.

Pluto in the 11th House- You could be that powerful, authoritative friend in the group. You could gain power through being a part of a group or an organisation. You could be a part of a group full of powerful people or have friends in power. You could find yourself in power-struggles with your friends or in group settings, activating your desire to lead a group. You may hope and dream to gain power or have goals and ambitions that are power-orientated and transformative. Your friendship group or a group that you’re part of could cause you to go through a powerful transformation that tests you and causes you to feel reborn. You may associate yourself with powerful people and you could feel the need to always be a part of a group or an organisation. You may have the power to speak up for others and to become a powerful activist. You may be obsessed with achieving your hopes and dreams, as well as having the ability to make a powerful change in the world.

Pluto in the 12th House-Your power is hidden in the subconscious mind in this house. You may gain power unconsciously through having a psychic understanding of what’s hidden in others’ minds and the world. You may have the ability to have power over people and yet they might not even realise it. You may turn to drugs to find your hidden power, tap into your subconscious, making you feel more powerful. You could have the ability to gain power and transform through lucid dreaming and exploring the subconscious mind. You could have powerful psychic abilities and the ability to gain power through spiritual practices. Pluto here can either create a fearless individual or someone you may find subconscious power through their fears. You may attract power-hungry or destructive people without any known reason. You may act in ways that are destructive, powerful and obsessive but not be aware of it. You may go through painful karmic transformations and rebirths without any control. Your power may be hidden deep in the subconscious so nobody ever sees the power you possess. You may seem powerless to others but behind close doors you may shock people.


Pluto is one tiny-ass, slow-ass bitch. That little mf-er takes its sweet time to bring the most serious changes to your life. There’s a lot of confusion about this sweet baby so let’s talk about it.

First:the placement of every planet supports the placement of every other planet. That’s the thing about those celestial bodies, they don’t fuck with spontaneous bitches. No planet is out there getting wild doing its own thing contradicting all the other planets. They’re a complete crew and their cycles are all linked up. We can always talk generally, but you gotta look at your Pluto placement (and any other planet) in the context of the rest of the chart.

Now: Pluto. What’s up with that bitch anyways? Pluto usually brings to mind some shit about sex, obsession, a pheonix rising from the ashes, rebirth, some tarot cards. Alright. Let go of your Scorpio complex and listen up. Pluto does have to do with transformation - but it’s a transformation that’s so intricate,so extreme, by the time you get to the end of it you’re like, “damn am I even the same person I don’t even recognize myself.” Spoiler alert: you’re not the same person cause Pluto is on some generational, evolutional shit. The Pluto way is slow as fuck - any major change is the result of sustained effort over a long period of time.

A Pluto transformation is total. This isn’t some shit you can do in a day and call it good - it’s the slowest, sweetest process of the Zodiac. So naturally, it’s bigger than just you. Bitches, we’re lucky if we live long enough to see a full Uranus cycle, so forget about Pluto. This is a generational process. Yes: Pluto affects you on a personal level, and yes: you can make serious change happen during your life, but this process a slow burn. It deals with transforming deeply conditioned behaviors that go farther back (and forward) than just you and your little life.

Finally: all this is why Pluto and Scorpio and the 8th house are a little family. They’re connected because they all deal with sharing in the deepest parts of life: and it doesn’t get much deeper than the behaviors, patterns and experiences that get passed between us, acted out and carried through generations.

Particulars for the party people:

PLUTO IN THE FIRST (1)conditioned issues with self-image - your whole life is a process of changing how you feel about yourself. Until you put in work to acknowledge the serious shit you’ve been through, you’re gonna battle with extreme feelings of isolation and you’ll feel unable to move forward with your life.

PLUTO IN THE SECOND (2) conditioned beliefs about success - your whole life is a process of coming to terms with your personal history and finding a way to use it as motivation. Until you put in work to acknowledge your deep-ass familial/ social/ historical conditioning, there’s gonna be underlying feelings of dissatisfaction and confusion in everything you do.

PLUTO IN THE THIRD (3) conditioned social anxiety - your whole life is a process of changing how you organize your life and relationships. Until you put in work to acknowledge your feelings of inferiority and insecurity, you’re gonna be seriously anal about your surroundings and it’s gonna be hard for you to really feel at ease when you’re out and about.

PLUTO IN THE FOURTH (4) conditioned self-suppression and isolation - your whole life is a process of developing a rock solid connection with yourself. Until you put in work to acknowledge your tendancy to repress everything about yourself and project it onto everyone else, you’re gonna struggle to genuinely engage and share creatively with others.

PLUTO IN THE FIFTH (5) conditioned struggles with self-expression - your whole life is a process of coming to terms with your social influence and power. Until you put in work to actually acknowledge the effect your actions and presence have on your environment and the people in your life, your lack of self-awareness and self-control is gonna alienate the people around you.

PLUTO IN THE SIXTH (6) conditioned issues with personal responsibility - your whole life is a process of learning how to take sensible, direct actions to improve your quality of life (emotional, physical, or mental). Until you put in work to acknowledge that you’re responsibile for yourself, your choices and your relationships, you’re gonna feel like a helpless victim of your circumstances.

PLUTO IN THE SEVENTH (7) conditioned unaccountability in relationships - your whole life is a process of learning how to confidently set a positive tone for your relationships. Until you put in work to acknowledge your passive-ass, unaccountable way of dealing with others, you’re going to experience tension and dissatisfaction in relationships.

PLUTO IN THE EIGHTH (8) conditioned struggles with power and connection - your whole life is a process of developing compassion and acceptance for yourself and others and finding a healthy balance in relationships. Until you put in work to acknowledge your desire for power and control, you’re going to constantly feel dissatisfied, lonely and resentful.

PLUTO IN THE NINTH (9) conditioned belief systems - your whole life is a process of finding the right mixture of beliefs and principles to structure your actions around. Until you put in work to acknowledge that you’ve allowed some whack-ass, selfish beliefs to condition your actions, you’re going to struggle to maintain your sense of self.

PLUTO IN THE TENTH (10) conditioned issues with social roles - your whole life is a process of utilizing your influence to empower others. Until you put in work to acknowledge that being responsibile for others involves showing them how to be responsibile for themselves, you’re going to make people feel dependent on you and then resent the shit out of them.

PLUTO IN THE ELEVENTH (11) conditioned social carelessness - your whole life is a process of finding an appropriate social balance. Until you put in the work to acknowledge that you can be totally unaware of your responsibilities when dealing with others, you’re going to make the people around you feel constant frustration and exasperation.

PLUTO IN THE TWELFTH (12) conditioned self-delusion - your whole life is a process of becoming aware and taking control of yourself. Until you put in work to acknowledge that you get completely caught up and swept away by the collective mood (and then lie to yourself about it), you’re going to feel like life moves too fast for you and you can’t keep up.

Don’t forget: these are life-long themes that take opportunity on opportunity to actually deal with and refine. It takes sustained effort over a long period of time for Pluto to do its job. Just stick with it and you’ll be fine.

Peace, bitches.

