#pluto muffin


Art Rant

So I have yet to sleep but I wanna go on a little art rant that is hopefully relatable. As a self taught artist and just a artist in general I’ve noticed how inconsistent my art style is and for a bit I was ok with having a art style that was flexible, but as I start to toy with the idea of opening commissions seriously (I’ve thought about doing so in the past but I was a minor) not having a consistent and marketable style is worrying me

Here’s some examples of my art. I don’t know if it’s just me but it doesn’t look like these are drawn by the same person. The way I colour hair is pretty recognizable (I think?) but my level of detail in my style is all over the place

I think I can train myself to draw in a consistent style (if I do it will probably be the one in the last drawing) but there’s also value in being flexible with your art. I think also mimic animated show styles pretty okay, so this is all stuff I can bring to commissions but having a unique style is a easy way to identify a artist. At the end of the day being recognized for my art is the part I’m worried/upset about, I’ve never been accused of stealing my own art but I think that’s the part I’m scared of. I draw a lot of my own characters so I know it’s not likely but still.

Side note: I’m also upset that I’m capable of detailed art but I just don’t do it, like I can do my detailed style and render it out and I think when I do that my art looks amazing but I do it often and that upsets me because even when I do my detailed style I normally don’t render it. I know it takes forever but I’m always happy with the results.

This rant has gone on to long and I probably went off topic (if there was one). I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes I am dyslexic and tired.

TL;DR - My art is inconsistent and it makes me nervous/upset or whatever I’m feeling.
