#art rant


Nothing quite like drawing Doffy and any other “normal-size” character in the same frame and constantly having to scale him down so that they can both occupy (roughly) equal amounts of canvas space TwT

He is just too big for 2 character artworks, and I feel like i can’t get away with making him any bigger than maximum 230cm without having the entire piece look very off :’)

TLDR; I’m trying to draw Doffy and Corazon! Law being up to no good, and screaming at how I can’t draw Doffy in all his 305cm glory without it looking insanely wonky..

I shouldn’t have to say this but here we go

Please don’t repost other peoples art without their permission! You’re getting likes and re blogs for their artwork first! Even if you do post links to their account or the artwork origins, its still not cool if you didnt ask first! Stop posting their art for clout pls!

And please don’t repost/reblog and slap on a random title for it! It could be a personal work that might be called something else personal and titling it yourself isn’t the gucci thing to do! It can make some ppl uncomfortable pls

Dude there’s like so much shit I have backlogged to draw
but I have been spending the last few days relining BYLETH because ADHD and also why is his armor so inconsistent across media? Why does his concept art have the torso armor fully colored in black ink? What the fuck is going on with his Smash Bros model?

Tbh why do I even keep trying to make art when I barely get 1 or 2 likes on it. I spend all this time, hours and hours, putting so much work Into my art. I cant even get a reblog. Sure my bike exploded and has a over 1000 reactions to it but when I posted just the psyducks by themselves, nothing……. people just like the idea not the actual art :(

I dunno this is a rant. I’m getting so tired of being disappointed that nobody likes my art enough to share it…. I keep getting told “ oh it’s so amazing you should post it you would get so many likes” YEA IVE TRIED BUT YOU DONT EVER LIKE TO SHARE IT SO…..ugh

I’m here to rant and vent about something, because I don’t know where else to do so.

I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned this on this blog before, but for the last two years or so straight I’ve been working on developing a webcomic. The characters of which are ones I actually created WAY back in the beginning of sixth grade, so this entire project is very near and dear to my heart.

Growing up, my parents always made it a point to support me in my art and writing, having no problem with purchasing me notebooks and sketchbooks (so many sketchbooks…), and occasionally proofreading some of the stuff I let them read (though I usually didn’t give them much to read, as I often kept it to myself because I was still such a young and insecure artist). And despite the bullies I encountered in my classes, it was always good to know I had their support. But then their support started to take on a different tone about two years ago when I officially went full steam ahead working on my webcomic.

Now, instead of the exuberant praise I had received from them years before, I was met with the response of, “Nice. When are you going to publish?”

When I first received this comment from them, I just kind of stood there and shrugged, saying, “It’ll happen. I’m just still in the process of figuring everything out right now.”

“Well, just so you know, the longer you keep this story under wraps, the smaller your audience is gonna get. Better get on it, sweetie.” They’d respond.

And that was how all of these conversations went from then on out. Every time I brought up my story or it’s progress, all they would ask was about when I was planning on publishing. And the comments were all something like this: 

“Good work. Publish already.”

“You have a good start. Why not just get your work out there? You already have everything you need.”

“Stop dragging your feet and just do it!”

“So, are you ever ACTUALLY gonna publish any of this?”

And with every comment I got more and more frustrated. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate their support, as I know that in their minds that’s what they were doing, but the more they pushed on me to publish, the more and more convinced I was that neither of my parents understand the creative process and how it works. One of my college design professors this semester said something that really struck me, and helped me perfectly describe how I felt about the creative process.

He said (and I’m paraphrasing a little here), “Most people seem to have it in their heads that an artist, writer, designer, etc. can easily think up a story or composition, and then effortlessly translate that to paper, screen, or canvas like magic. When in reality, nothing could be farther from the truth. Every creative project takes planning, and the bigger the project, as is the case with stories, the bigger and longer the planning process.”

This is a perfect explanation of how art is made. Artists are not as spontaneous as people make us out to be, and a lot of our best projects start out as drafts, that we come back to off and on to see what works. And this is something I wish more people understood. It’s not that I’m never going to publish, and I’m not shooting for the unattainable standard of perfection, I’m just still in the progress of scripting everything out, and that may take a little while to do. I feel like my parents, and others, don’t understand how the unique process of developing a webcomic works. 

And there are other reasons as to why I can’t “just publish already”. It doesn’t just have to do with the fact that I’m not done with the creative process yet, but I have other things going on in my life that require my attention:

  • I have a job, where I’ve recently learned I’m in the running for a promotion, which would lead to me working more hours.
  • I’m currently taking online college classes, and two of those classes are art classes with very time consuming projects I have to complete every week.
  • I go to church every Sunday, and typically try to make that a relaxation day (because mental health).
  • Monday’s are family days in my family, no exception.
  • I have a social life with old friends, and I like to talk to them off and on throughout the week.
  • And I have been going to counseling for a while now to try and take care of my mental health.
  • And sometimes life stuff just comes up. Stuff I can’t always predict, and will sometimes have to adjust my schedule to accommodate them. 

I have a real, actual functioning life outside of my art. Believe me, if I could somehow be able to focus 100% of my attention solely on my art, I would’ve done so a long time ago. But as I’ve become an adult, I no longer have that luxury. 

I know this is a pretty long-winded post, but I needed to rant about this somewhere. It’s been on my mind for a while, and this is legit the only place I could think of to write and post it.

Art Rant

So I have yet to sleep but I wanna go on a little art rant that is hopefully relatable. As a self taught artist and just a artist in general I’ve noticed how inconsistent my art style is and for a bit I was ok with having a art style that was flexible, but as I start to toy with the idea of opening commissions seriously (I’ve thought about doing so in the past but I was a minor) not having a consistent and marketable style is worrying me

Here’s some examples of my art. I don’t know if it’s just me but it doesn’t look like these are drawn by the same person. The way I colour hair is pretty recognizable (I think?) but my level of detail in my style is all over the place

I think I can train myself to draw in a consistent style (if I do it will probably be the one in the last drawing) but there’s also value in being flexible with your art. I think also mimic animated show styles pretty okay, so this is all stuff I can bring to commissions but having a unique style is a easy way to identify a artist. At the end of the day being recognized for my art is the part I’m worried/upset about, I’ve never been accused of stealing my own art but I think that’s the part I’m scared of. I draw a lot of my own characters so I know it’s not likely but still.

Side note: I’m also upset that I’m capable of detailed art but I just don’t do it, like I can do my detailed style and render it out and I think when I do that my art looks amazing but I do it often and that upsets me because even when I do my detailed style I normally don’t render it. I know it takes forever but I’m always happy with the results.

This rant has gone on to long and I probably went off topic (if there was one). I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes I am dyslexic and tired.

TL;DR - My art is inconsistent and it makes me nervous/upset or whatever I’m feeling.

I hate drawing eyes. I hate it. Hatehatehatehatehate it
