#pope heyward fluff


The Good and the Bad

A/N: Never written for Pope before, so I thought I’d go ahead and give a shot. Pope is by far one of my favorite characters on Outer Banks. Requests are still open, so feel free to leave a request!

Summary:Working at a Kook infested restaurant is not always something to look forward to, but it pays well so that’s a plus. All of the Kooks seem to get on your nerves during one shift. After getting home from work, Pope makes a visit before leaving to hangout with others.


  • Y/N/N: Your Nick-Name
  • Y/E/C: Your Eye Color
  • The Pier -> place you work
  • Your parents own a mechanic shop
  • Outfit 1/Outfit 2


Pope Heyward x-reader

“Excuse me, miss! Excuse me!” a woman called after me, keeping an arm raised. Today had been one of the worst shifts I have ever had: some kid spilled his drink on my shoes, I almost burned my hand, and a couple cursed me out over something stupid. Usually, I could bare snotty and rude customers; but today just was an off day. ’

“Miss! Hey, excuse me!” the customer repeated.

I apologized the family of three I was currently serving. The nice man reassured me, motioning for me to answer the nagging women’s question. The Kook sat at the table wearing a bright pink dress with white high heels, a pearl necklace around her neck matched with pearl earrings.

Her husband sat beside her sporting a yellow polo and green khaki pants. “What can I-” I started. “I ordered a Virgin Bloody Mary, but I can’t taste any of the alcohol. I thought I ordered a Virgin Bloody Mary not a Bloody Mary,” she interrupted, pushing the drink my way.

Her husband didn’t even bother to join in. I withheld a sarcastic remark. “Ma'am, you didorder a Virgin Bloody Mary which doesn’t have any alcohol in it whereas a regular Bloody Mary doeshave alcohol,” I corrected, “If you would like a Bloody Mary, I can go get that for you.”

The women shook her head in disagreement. She huffed in annoyance, pushing her hair away from her face. “No, I want a VirginBloody Mary, not what you said,” she repeated. “Okay, so you want the one that doesn’t have alcohol in it?” I questioned, starting to loose my patience.

She glanced at her husband and rolled her eyes, commenting about how I’m underclass and don’t know shit. “Sweetheart, how many times do I need to tell you for it to go through that foggy brain of yours?” she retorted, “I. want. a. Virgin. Bloody. Marry. with. alcohol.” The ‘Karen’ said her last statement slowly, as if I couldn’t understand English.

“Ma'am, a Virgin Bloody Mary doesn’t have alcohol but a Bloody Mary does. That’s the difference, the one you are asking for isa Bloody Mary.”

“Oh, honey,” she chuckled, “I don’t think you understand.”

“I understand perfectly, I’m just trying to get you the drink that you desire,” I said, “If you would just hear me you, I bet we can come to an understanding.” My manager happened to hear the whole conversation. He walked over and set a hand on my shoulder. “What seems to the problem?” Daniel questioned the couple.

“My wife ordered a Virgin Bloody Mary, and she would like a Virgin Bloody Mary with alcohol; but this-this ignorant and brainless Poguedoesn’t seem to know what she was talking about,” the husband said, “Sir, Daniel I presume, I expect you hire Pogues who are intelligent, not disrespectful and unorganized.”

He spoke with venom with his eyes focused on my boss. Daniel nodded his head. “I am deeply sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. I will get that Virgin Bloody Mary straight away,” he said. “Thank you, Daniel, and you better set high expectations for your serves. Don’t want this place infested with Pogues,” the women said.

Daniel motioned me to the back of the restaurant before ordering another server to give the snobby couple their 'correct’ drinks. My boss led me over to his office. “Y/N, why don’t you clock out early?” he offered.

“I’ve got two more hours left of my shift,” I said, “You know how much I need this money.” My boss shook his head and sat down at his desk, pulling out a sheet of paper. “I suggest you find another job that can meet your needs. Preferably one that doesn’t require you to boss around customers,” Daniel said, handing the sheet of paper.

I grabbed the sheet of paper from him, making my way towards my cubby. I stuffed my apron into the cubby and slipped my arms through my backpack. Was I seriously just fired over something that was easily fixed if the shitty woman just understood? I unlocked my car and drove home in silence, not bothering to even put my seatbelt on.

Luckily, I got home before my parents did. I put my car into park and hopped out, locking the door behind me. Fortunately, I was hanging out with my friends later which meant I could just relax until then. I wasn’t prepared to tell my parents about losing my job. I already knew that they’d take out their stress from work on me.

I changed into my favorite one piece and a pair of blue jean shorts before walking down to the dock. I set my phone beside me, leaning up against one of the wooden pillars with my Y/E/C eyes watching the white clouds fly by with the golden sun being covered every once and awhile.

My sky gazing was interrupted by the sound of tires brushing against the pebbled driveway of my house. I looked up to find Pope leaning his red and blue bike against a thick oak tree that was across the side of my house. He turned to look at me and smiled. “There’s my favorite Y/E/C eyed girl,” Pope greeted, sitting down beside me. I smiled as he lightly kissed me on the forehead.

“How was work?” he questioned, slipping his sandals off to dip his feet in the cold water. I scoffed and shook my head. I sat beside my boyfriend with my fingers fiddling with a loose thread from my shorts. “That bad, huh?” he said. I swallowed the lump in my throat, nodding my head in response.

Pope looked away from my reflection in the water to see a slight tear slide down the side of my face. My boyfriend reached over and wiped the tear away. “I got fired from my job today,” I informed, “All because of a fucking Kook didn’t know the difference between a Virgin Bloody Mary and a regular Bloody Mary.”

Pope’s brows raised at the sound of my statement. He fixed the strap of my swimsuit that had somehow fallen. “Your boss reallyfired you because of that?” he inquired.

“Well, that was just the cherry on top. Earlier, I had a kid spill his red punch on my sneakers. Then, almost burned my hand from a chicken pot pie. Oh, and got cussed out by an old couple who didn’t appreciate the way my parents fixed their son’s car,” I added, “So, my reaction to the Bloody Mary fiasco ended it all. Daniel didn’t like my attitude, so he told me, to find another job, and I quote, 'Preferably one that doesn’t require you to boss around customers’.”

“He’s an idiot,” Pope commented, looking out at the water (GIF Above). I nodded in agreement and wiped my tears away with the back of my hand. Pope draped an arm around my shoulders, bringing me to his side. He kissed the top of my head. “Wanna stay in tonight? I heard there’s a pretty cool documentary about dolphins tonight,” Pope offered.

I smiled and looked up at him, my spirits immediately lifting. My wonderful boyfriend looked down at me to see my expression suddenly change. “I would love that,” I agreed with a large joyous grin. “Great, because you wouldn’t have a choice whatever you said,” Pope replied. He got up from the dock and extended a hand, motioning me to the house.
