#outer banks fanfiction


the deal (snippet) - rafe cameron


a/n: my first public writing piece ever! please be nice, i’m sensitive :) let me know what you think and if i should publish the entire thing. this is a small part of a bigger series that i want to do and also this is not the first part, just the first part that i wrote! i’ve been wanting to do an OBX rewrite for a long time, please let me know what you think! this is a snippet of a rewrite of ep 6 of s2.

Series Summary: Rafe Cameron and Josephine Whittaker. The couple of the Outer Banks. Nobody knew how they made it work. He was brash, arrogant, and viewed pogues as nothing more than the scum on the bottom of his shoe. She was soft-spoken, kind, and despised the social and financial hierarchy. Polar opposites who somehow fell in love. But when the two are caught up in a whirlwind of events surrounding half-a-billion dollars in gold and a historic cross, their love will be tested to the fullest extent.

Preview Summary: Jo goes to make a deal with an unexpected ally.

Pairing: Rafe Cameron x OC (*Rafe isn’t in this snippet, though)

Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs (weed), Barry being a little creepy, not edited

Leaves crunch under her feet after every step. She already sees the beginnings of the mud that caked the bottom of her white Steve Maddens making their way to the sides, becoming more visible the more they trekked through it. She cringes, thinking about how much of a bitch they’re going to be to clean. Her mom was going to have a whole fit if she caught sight of them. She briefly wonders why she wore sneakers, but remembers it’s because her only other options were her sandals and it’s better her shoes be caked in mud rather than her feet.

Y’know what, I’ll just buy a new pair, she thinks as she steps in a particularly deep patch of mud, effectively ruining her current pair. She never stops walking though, her end destination being worth more than ruining a $75 dollar pair of shoes.

She finally stumbles upon the rundown trailer, a place she’d only ever been once before, but had never set foot in. She remembers seeing it through the passenger window of Rafe’s truck, but only for a short moment before he was grabbing what he needed and pulling out of there faster than he had pulled in.

She knew he didn’t want her there longer than she had to be.

She hesitates going up to the front door, realising how out of place she must look. Her stark white jeans, crop top, and (formerly) white shoes are a stark contrast to her surroundings. She’s grateful she didn’t drive because she’s sure her all-white BMW convertible would’ve stuck out like a sore thumb even more than herself.

Climbing the few steps up to the porch, she hesitates again. What was she even going to say? She had rehearsed it over and over again on the way but suddenly couldn’t remember anything she was going to say

Fuck it, she thinks before raising her fist and knocking on the screen door three times. 

“Who is it?” a gruff voice shouts from within the house.

“Um, I’m looking for Barry,” she shouts back, trying to keep her voice as steady as possible. 

She hears footsteps approaching and she takes a couple seconds to take in her surroundings. The wood is rotten and the floor beneath her creaks with every movement, the off-white, gray-ish color the house had faded into making the house seem dingier than it probably once was.

Not dingy, no, that’s rude, she thinks. Old, just old, She decides.

The screen door swings open, startling her out of her own thoughts. She has to move back quickly to avoid it hitting her, the floorboard beneath her letting out a discouraging squeak.

She comes face to face with Barry, or so she assumes. She hadn’t formally met him, only heard his name from around town and from Rafe a couple of times, but it wasn’t hard to tell. His black hair is pulled back in a ponytail and his outfit consists of a worker’s jumpsuit stained in what looks like grease. He leans against the doorframe with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, eying Jo with curiosity.

“Now, what’s a pretty lil’ thing like you doing out here?” he asks, eyes raking down her body.

Everything she practiced goes out the window and the only thing she can manage is, “I need your help.”

He tongues the inside of his cheek and chuckles.

“Well, you’ve come to the right place,” he says with a smirk. He opens the door a little wider and beckons her inside, the smell of weed becoming so strong Jo has to resist the urge to wrinkle her nose in disgust. She knows he’s got the wrong idea of what she wants from him, so she figures she has to say something else quick.

“Now, I usually save my good shit for the regulars, but for a pretty lil’ thing like yourself I could–”

“It’s about Rafe.”

Even though his back is turned, she can see him visibly tense at the mention of her boyfriend’s name. She doesn’t know whether or not to take this as a good sign, so she takes a tentative step inside the house. He turns around slowly to face her, making her regret the step she just took. Then he starts to laugh.

Wait, what?

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Barry chuckles, cracking himself up even more, “If it isn’t Mrs. Country Club herself. A pleasure to finally meet you, princess. ”

She cringes internally at both the nicknames he’d given her.

“You two are quite the talk of the town, y’know? Kook prince and kook princess. Try to bring you up around Country Club but he goes apeshit. Said he doesn’t want you involved in this shit,” he smirks. “If only he could see you now.”

“Can I explain or are you just going to keep making fun of me?” she says with a sudden burst of bravery. The frustration and lack of sleep from worrying had manifested itself into a short temper these last few days and her patience was wearing thin. 

Barry’s face doesn’t falter, only throwing his hands up in mock surrender before taking a seat on the couch.

“To what do I owe the pleasure, Mrs. Cameron?” he jabs, kicking his feet up on the coffee table in front of him. “What’s your name again, sweetheart? Jessica? Jenny? Julia?”


He snaps his fingers in the air as if he finally remembered even though she knew he couldn’t give less of a fuck. 

She takes a deep breath before speaking, afraid that if she doesn’t start now she’ll lose her courage.

“Rafe needs help. Like actual, real help. The longer Ward is able to tell him what to do, the worse he’s going to get and I’m afraid of what’s going to happen when worse comes to worst,” she starts, willing herself not to cry in front of Barry. She has a gut feeling that he wouldn’t be the most sympathetic. 

“Rose isn’t going to do anything about it as long as Ward’s involved. I don’t want Wheezie to be involved any more than she is. He doesn’t trust Sarah. He doesn’t trust anyone right now except for me and, for some reason, you,” she states as she crosses her arms defensively. She wishes she could do this on her own but she knows deep down that Rafe opens up more to Barry than he does to her. She ignores the pit in her stomach that forms at that thought.

“We’re his best shot at getting the help that he needs.”

Barry’s face has dropped from the amused grin he had before, his jaw now clenched with a scowl. He kisses his teeth before scoffing, “What makes you think I want to help him, let alone you?”

“Because I know you’ve noticed. And I know you’ve been letting him stay here from time to time,” she challenges. Though they never crossed paths often, Jo knew Barry had been Rafe’s first point of contact with this whole Ward-John B-Sarah situation. Another blow to her chest.

“As for me,” she says, reaching into her crossbody slowly just in case he thinks she has a weapon, “I have this.”

Barry’s eyes lock on the wad of cash between her fingers and she knows she’s got him. If she’d learn anything from being a kook, it’s that everyone has a price. Wildly unethical, but necessary when you lived in a place like the Outer Banks. She throws the wad towards him, watching as he catches it and begins to inspect it.

“And how do I know you won’t fuck me over like your lil’ boyfriend did?” he asks, never taking his eyes off the cash.

“Because there’s more where that came from,” she promises. “And I know you’ll be able to do it.”

Barry ponders for a moment before his amused grin returns.

“Alright, princess, you got yourself a deal.”


my new favorite genre of obx fanfiction: rafe cameron finally getting the girl he’s been simping for and becoming an even bigger simp in the process

*cough*euro trip&college tripby@lurkymurker*cough*



*cough*new lightby@outerbankies*cough*

My entry for day 10 of our Christmas Calendar.Find all the information here.

All fandoms are welcome to join!

Summary:Reader feels like it’s time for the Pogues to finally have a nice Christmas and sets up a secret santa party … only things don’t go as planned.

Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated. I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.

It’s a well-known fact, that the downside of Pogue life is being ignored and neglected. That sentiment also extends to Christmas and all that comes with it. 

While figure 8 is decked out in lights and tinsel and garland, the most you’ll find at the cut is a wreath or two hung up on a door and maybe a poinsettia perched on a windowsill.

“ This year it’s gonna be different! “ (Y/N) exclaims as she steps out of the Chateau and plops down on the couch next to JJ, who’s taking a long drag from his freshly rolled blunt.

 “ What are you talking about? “ Kie asks, holding her hand out and waiting for JJ to pass the joint to her. “ I mean, whatever it is I’m in, just wondering. “ 

“ Christmas. “ 

“ Christmas? “ Pope asks, eyebrow raised in question.

It’s no secret that both Pope and Kie have lucked out in the parents department. The Haywards are as loving as they come. And while Kie loves to paint her parents as the evil villains in her origin story, they’re really just looking out for her. Sure, their worry might be a bit misplaced sometimes, but It comes from a place of deep unconditional love.

That’s something not all of the Pogues can say about their parents.

“Yes, Pope. You heard me right. Aren’t you guys tired of feeling - sad?  I am. Look I know we like to pretend that it doesn’t bother us and that Christmas is just a day of the year like any other. But let me be honest, because that’s what we do right? Pogues are honest with each other. ”

The group nods in unison.

“I want a nice Christmas for once. I want a tree and I want lights and good food and music and fucking hell, I think we deserve a present too!”

“ You have a plan. “ It’s not a question that leaves John B’s lips, it’s an observation. Living through shared misery makes you really get to know someone. Not just their pretty sides, all the grime and the sadness and the secrets hidden in the furthest corner of their heart. The Pogues can read each other with just a glance. 

“ What about a little Pogue Christmas party? “ 

“ I’m — “ 

“ I know Pope, “ she interrupts him as he’s about to shoot down the idea. “ I know you have a full plate on Christmas day, so does Kie. I was thinking about Christmas Eve. We already have the lights out in the backyard thanks to JJ and the Hot tub incident. “ 

“ You’re welcome, “ the blond boy chimes up next to her, a satisfied grin on his lips and blue eyes sparkling with the power of a hundred frosted Christmas lights. 

“ I was thinking maybe Kie could bring some leftover from the Wreck so all that’s left is a tree and presents. “ 

JJ raises his hand as you would in school, signaling a question coming (Y/N)’s way.

“ Yes, JJ ? “

“ How are we gonna pay for the presents? May I remind you, both John B and I lost our jobs recently and I have about 3 dollars to my name so … “ 

“ That’s why I suggest a secret Santa. That way everyone gets something but everyone only has to buy one gift, and it doesn’t have to be anything expensive or fancy either. It’s the thought that counts. “ 

She looks around the group of friends, eyes meeting different shades of blue and brown and hazel. None of them seem too convinced. And really it was a long shot. But there’s a nagging in her heart, clawing at the walls of her chest, knocking against her ribcage. A distant longing that long lay dormant and asleep inside her but something has awoken it and no matter how much she tries to ignore it, she can’t. 

Maybe everything changing so quickly lately has her confused. Maybe seeing John B going after what he wants, Sarah and the gold and his father’s legacy, has opened her eyes a little. That things don’t have to be bad. That you can escape a life no matter how restricting and gloomy it is. 

And maybe the blond boy next to her has played a part in all of this too. Everything considered he should be bitter and angry and hold more hate inside himself than any other person on this earth. Life has shown him nothing but cruelty. JJ though, despite it all, is one of the softest people she knows. He’s got a heart filled with warmth and joy and so much love for his friends. Where life should’ve made him spiteful and mean it only made him loving and loyal. And while sometimes his actions end in a bit of a disaster, they always come from a place of care and unfiltered, all-consuming love for his friends, his family.

So does he not deserve a nice Christmas? Does he not deserve one night of feeling like he is enough, like they all are?

“ What do you guys say? “ 

For a moment they are quiet, contemplating her words over and over and her heart sinks knowing they don’t really want to. Maybe this is all a joke to them, maybe it doesn’t mean shit. But it does to her. So where’s the harm in trying. Right? 

And then she feels the soft touch of JJ’s hand against her shoulder. It’s barely there. If a whisper was a touch this would be it. But it doesn’t have to be more. It’s all it needs to be. It’s a reassurance, a promise, a hug, all in a soft little touch.

“ Sounds fun to me, “ he says and shrugs his shoulder before taking another drag of his joint. “ I mean, I don’t have anything else to do on Christmas Eve. You guys? “ 

He regards his friends with determined eyes. 

“ Sure, why not. “ John B shrugs and lifts his beer as if to toast on it. “ You’re right. We deserve a night of decadence. “ 

“ Guys, not to burst your bubble but I doubt whatever will be left is gonna be a decadent meal, “ Kie chimes up, lips screwed up in disappointment. 

John B takes a sip of his drink and lets out an amused chuckle. “ JJ’s been chewing on moldy toast the other day, everything’s a feast to him.“

“ I would fight you because that was rude but you aren’t wrong so I’ll let it slide. “ 

“ Very generous of you, good sir. “ 

“ You’re welcome, Darling. “ 

“ So, you guys are in? “ 

They all agree with various degrees of enthusiasm. It doesn’t matter though, not right now. They might not understand her reasoning, hell they might not even be excited. They’re in though. They agreed. They see how important it is to her, how much she longs for this one night of normalcy. And they show up. They’re there when it matters. 

“ Let me just write down our names real quick and then we draw. See who gets to buy who a present. And no cheating, guys. This stays anonymous until the party. And no switching either. John B, do you think Sarah wants to join in? “ 

“ Yeah, “ he responds, his brown curls bouncing chaotically as he nods his head in approval “ I’m sure she’d like that. To be included. “ 

(Y/N) has to admit that it was a little weird at first, to add another person to their tight-knit group. Especially someone like Sarah, who never had to deal with any of the issues the Pogues are raised with. Someone who never had to choose between putting food on the table or paying the electricity bill. Someone who never had to look in the mirror and tell themselves that sometimes a parent’s love is a handprint on a cheek. 

Someone who’s never had a Christmas without presents or a tree or lights or a family to spend it with.

But as much as she tried, she couldn’t help but fall in deep platonic love with the blonde. Sure, maybe she’s never had to deal with the same problems but she had her own issues, her own trauma. And maybe it’s not so much what you’ve been through that matters but how you grow from it, how you overcome it, how you find closure, and what you let it shape you into. That they all have in common. They overcome it together, with the help of each other and depending on the love and care their friends provide. So it only feels right to include her in this.

A few minutes later one after the other all the Pogues pull little scraps of paper from JJ’s hat, unfold them and without fail, each of them has a little smirk on their lips as they read the name of whoever it is they’re getting a present for. There’s something so comforting and familiar about their friendship. Something that is hard to explain to anyone that doesn’t live it. That isn’t included. All of them are so distinctly themselves and yet their bond is unwavering and can’t be broken so easily. 

“ I’m glad you guys decided to trust me in this. I can’t wait for Christmas Eve, “ (Y/N) exclaims before her gaze wanders to the clock on the wall. “ And on that note, I have to leave. My shift starts in 30 minutes. John B, I trust you give Sarah her piece of paper without peeking. “ 

“ Cross my heart, “ he answers and follows his words with his fingers painting an invisible cross on his chest. “ No peeking.” 

“Hey,” JJ speaks up, “think you can give me a ride to my place? ”

“Sure. Always”

As they sit in the car, driving through the sparsely decorated neighborhood, (Y/N) feels JJ’s eyes watching her intently.

“What’s up?”


“Why are you watching me?”

“Just wondering.”

“ ‘bout what?”

“Why is this so important to you? You never usually cared about Christmas”

(Y/N) takes a breath, tries to put her thoughts and feelings into words. It doesn’t really make sense to her how can it make sense to him? But truly If anyone will understand it’s JJ. 

“ I’m not sure, I just remembered the Christmases when I was little and mom was around. We didn’t really celebrate then either but she’d put me in the car and turn the radio all the way up as they played Christmas songs and we’d drive through figure 8 and look at the lights. And every year she said one day she’d give me a Christmas like that. I think seeing John B. finally going for what he wants and deserves and seeing him trying to make his dad proud. It made me think about what I wanted and what my mom would want. So yeah … it’s silly, I know.”

“Nah, it’s not,” JJ replies and reaches over to gently ruffle her hair. “It makes sense. I don’t really remember much of my life when mom was around but I remember this one Christmas when dad was working on some ship so he wasn’t around and she was - happy. And she’d make us pancakes and draw a Christmas tree with whipped cream on it. We were so happy that morning, I’d give everything to feel like that again. I get it.”

JJ doesn’t talk about his mom, ever. It’s an unspoken rule in their friendship. Partially because he doesn’t have much to talk about and partially because it breaks his heart, to know that despite how much his dad hates him, he’s the parent that stuck around. Not his mother. Not the woman who’s supposed to love him most.

At least John B. was left with one loving parent. 

So to hear him be vulnerable with her, sends an indescribable warmth through her whole body.

“Hey J, thanks for agreeing to this and having my back. Not sure the others would’ve said yes if it wasn’t for you.”

“No biggie. I think it’s a nice idea. And you’re right, we do fucking deserve something nice for once.”

His fingers keep softly stroking the back of her head, combing through her hair and making a calm settle in her bones.

“Can I tell you a secret?” She says, heart beating just a little too fast.


“Out of all of them, you’re my favorite.”

“That’s good. Cause you’re my favorite too.”

Sometimes there are moments when she thinks that there could be more. More than friendship. More than longing looks and fleeting touches and loving words sitting in the car driving down the cut. And then she remembers that they are friends and if something were to happen, the consequences could end all of it. What if it ends badly? Is she ready to give up their friendship for a maybe?

Not yet. Maybe not ever. So she’ll stay in this limbo with him, coming close but never arriving. Watching and waiting for something that never comes. Letting herself indulge in the what-ifs only in her dreams.

There’s a single window decked out in Christmas lights as they make their way to JJ’s place and it makes her smile. Maybe she isn’t the only one feeling the holiday spirit.

The backyard sparkles with lights, as the friends sit by the fire, bundled up in blankets, holding onto their steaming mugs of spiked hot chocolate. John B. licks the last drop of gravy off of his plate. When they agreed on Kie bringing leftovers, they hadn’t expected her to bring by a full-on feast. Ham and potatoes and gravy and pie. Maybe, (Y/N) thinks, maybe Kie’s dad doesn’t hate them all that much after all. None of this food seems like leftovers to her. Maybe it’s him feeling generous on Christmas eve or maybe it’s him having pity on the kids who never had a proper Christmas. Whatever it is, she’s entirely grateful.

“Time for presents?” (Y/N) asks, slightly bouncing in her seat which earns her a soft smile from JJ. If only she was brave enough to ask for more. To reach out her hand and take it. To tell him and see where it goes.

“Sounds good to me,” Sarah replies before pointing to a bag full of presents wrapped in all kinds of bright patterned wrapping paper. “As you know we had Wheezie wrap them so the wrapping skills or lack thereof wouldn’t give away the surprise.”

“Okay so you open your gift and then guess who you got it from and whoever gifted you will reveal themself. Got it?” (Y/N) explains, looking around her group of friends who all nod in understanding.

“Good, let’s see, this one is for John B.,” she says and hands the gift over to John B. who rips off the paper in one swift motion.

“Oooh Condoms and a - piece of paper?”

“Turn it over,” JJ explains, masking his words with a comically fake cough.

“It’s a - self-made coupon for a one-time board waxing. Now I wonder who that’s from.” John B. rubs his chin in mock consideration. “I’ll go with JJ?”

“Yeaaah Bree, you got it. You’re welcome by the way.”

“Uh - thanks I guess.” John B. Says and pulls the next gift from the bag. “This one is for Sarah”.

With a smile on her face, the blonde unwraps the package being met with a beautiful silver frame that holds a picture of her and John B. cuddled up to each other in the hammock taken sometime in summer, the light of the setting sun veiling them in a gorgeous golden glow. 

“Awww I love this. Well since you’re the only one who always carries around the camera I’m gonna say this was from (Y/N)?”

The girl nods “yup. I’ve been meaning to give you that picture for a while and then I found this vintage frame at the thrift store and it just all fell into place.”

“Thank you, that’s so sweet. I love it. Okay, the net one is foooor, JJ!”

“Ooh give it here,” JJ exclaims and wiggles his fingers in excitement. “Let’s seee. A sixpack and some board wax ayyy. Nice.”

“Hey look at that, you can use it to wax my board when I cash in my coupon” John B. pipes up earning him a raised middle finger from JJ. 

“How about no? You can have one of my beers though." 

"So nice. A true Christmas miracle.”

“Mmmh. Okay, so I’m not sure who got me this, maybe John B.?”

“Nope”, the brunette boy replies. “Wasn’t me. ”

“That was me.” Pope chimes in. “Thought about getting you a book but I thought this was more fitting.”

“Thanks, dude. Love it. Okay who next, ” JJ fumbles the next package from the bag. “This one’s for Kie.”

The girl gingerly opens the package to reveal a dainty silver chain with a cute little turtle pendant. 

“That’s adorable! ”

“And it’s handmade from a local business!” Sarah exclaims, which makes the group fall into a fit of laughter.

“What? Oh.”

“Yeaah. So I guess this one’s from Sarah,” Kie says between giggles. “Next one is for - Pope!”

He opens his gift, an engraved leather-bound notebook, rightly guessing that it’s from Kie.

“Next one is for - me again?”

The group looks around, each of them more confused than the next. 

“Yeah man, that’s from me. I got you.” John B. announces.

“No, I got Pope,” Kie disagrees.

“I guess we both got Pope?" 

"Then who did - oh fuck”

An uncomfortable, almost sad silence falls over the friends as they realize who must’ve been left out. 

“I guess I forgot to write down my own name. It’s no big deal really.” (Y/N) says and though she tries really hard to sound unbothered. 

“Hey I have two you can have this one,” Pope proposes holding the present out to her.

“No that’s okay. John bought it for you.”

Pope nods, his lips pulled into a sad smile “you sure?”


While they fall back into a careless conversation fueled by the spiked chocolate and the Christmas spirit running through their hearts, (Y/N) can’t help but feel her own heart breaking a little. 

Before she can dwell on it for too long, she feels JJ’s hand gently rest on the small of her back, rubbing soft, comforting circles into her skin. It sucks, it really does but it feels just a little bit better when she’s this close to him.

Pope unwraps a box holding an ugly patterned tie. So he can look “professional,” John B. says.

They finish their chocolates and as the fire dies, so does the party. One by one they leave or retire to their rooms, getting ready to spend Christmas with their families or in Sarah and John B’s case, with each other.

And in the end, it’s only (Y/N) and JJ left. looking at the dimming embers glowing faintly. 

“ I’m sorry, (Y/N). I know you wanted this so badly and then we fucked it up and you didn’t even get a present. “ 

(Y/N) shrugs, trying not to let it show how much it really hurts. How angry she is at herself for messing this up.

“ I mean, it’s my own fault. I forgot to write down my name. And anyway — I got to spend tonight with the people I love most and you all had a good time and that’s really all that matters. “ 

JJ pulls her closer and places a kiss on her head which makes her forget about everything for a second. About her fuck up. About all the heartbreak she’s ever felt. About how unfair life really is. It all melts away and she wishes, oh she wishes he could do it again. And again. And again. Over and over until no wounds are left and the cracks in her heart are healed and life doesn’t feel so shit anymore.

“ Hey, Luke’s gone and I don’t really wanna be alone on Christmas eve. Wanna stay at mine? “ 

She wonders how anyone could say no to that. Not to JJ and his gorgeous blue eyes and that sparkle of — something that keeps looking back at her.

So she says yes. Of course, she says yes. It will always be a yes with JJ. Always. 

JJ’s bed is soft. It’s so soft she wonders if he misses it while he’s staying at the Chateau. It’s like sleeping on a cloud. The pillows smell like ocean air and JJ’s shampoo. It all smells of JJ. Warm and familiar and comforting. It smells like home to her. He’s home to her. So it’s no wonder (Y/N) falls asleep approximately 10 seconds after her head hits the pillow.

It isn’t until the notes of Queen’s “Thank god it’s Christmas” echo through the small house, that (Y/N) is shaken from her slumber.

“ What the fuck? “

Gripped by curiosity, (Y/N) makes her way down the hall and turns the corner to the living room when her jaw drops. 

The whole living area is decked out in hundreds of thousands of sparkling Christmas lights. Like an ocean of colors, a sea of stars. There’s tinsel hanging from the doorways and garlands strung along the ceiling. 

“What in the -”

“You’re up!” JJ steps into the room, two plates in his hand piled with what looks and smells like delicious sweet pancakes and a smile on his face that puts all the lights to shame.

“What time is it?”

“ um like 11:30 or something.”

“And you’re making pancakes?”

“Yes. For us. For our Christmas Party,” he says like it’s the most obvious thing. Like its not strange at all.

“Our party is over JJ.”

“No, it’s not! It’s our party and it starts now. See we got the lights,” he gestures around the room then shakes the plates in his hand slightly. “The food" 

Placing the food down on the table he makes his way to the corner of the room where a sickly looking yucca plant sits covered in tinsel and sparkly plastic ornaments. 

"Here’s our very own tree,” JJ announces, a wide smile gracing his face. He is so proud of this, his enthusiasm and excitement radiating from him and pulling (Y/N) into the deep with him. There’s just something about a happy JJ that makes you feel the joy too.

“When did you make this”, she asks and gestures around the room.

“While you were sleeping.”

“Jay …”

“And I even got you a present.”

“JJ, You - ”

“No, listen! You were so excited about this and then you didn’t even get a present. I know you said it’s not a big deal but I could tell how much you were beating yourself up over making that mistake. And look if anyone, we know best that Christmas isn’t about the materialistic things. But you deserve a little something for setting this up for us and for making us happy and giving us the only Christmas some of us will have this year. I want you to be happy too. I thought since your mom never gave you the figure 8 Christmas extravaganza, I’ll try to. Pogue style of course.”

“You made this, for me?”

JJ nods and though she can’t be entirely sure due to the lights casting colors all across the room, she’s fairly certain there’s a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

“I also got you a present. I - I didn’t wanna give it to you with the others around since we said no gifts only the secret Santa ones. But um … I made this a while ago. After that one time I fixed your car I had some scraps and some time left and yeah. ”

The present he hands her is messily wrapped in brown paper. There’s no glitter or fancy patterns or anything. But it doesn’t need any of that. It doesn’t really even matter what it is. JJ made this for her. He put time and effort into something just for her. It sends her heart pounding in all the crazy beautiful ways. 

As the paper falls away, she can finally make out what it is he gifted her. While it’s got a few rough edges, it’s a surprisingly delicate flower. There are log nuts and scrap metal welded together to create something so beautiful, so intricate. 

“You made this for me?” She asks, voice but a whisper. When all your life you learn that people are selfish and cruel, the little things can shake your entire world. Leave you breathless. 

“Mmhm. Remember I took that welding class once.”

“But you made this, for me,” she repeats her words, trying to emphasize what this really is about. What it is that makes her heart do twirls and pirouettes.

“I told you, you’re my favorite. You deserve this.”

And then the world comes crashing down like a meteor, full force headed for impact.

“I have nothing for you.”

JJ shrugs and she can tell he means it. That he isn’t looking for anything. While he always liked to joke and fantasize about riches and fortune, JJ was never someone that cared all too much about any of that. Even his wildest dreams usually only extended to a little surf hut and enough free time to see the world. No big cars or houses or anything fancy.

“You’re here. Honestly, this is the best Christmas I have had in a long time. I’m not alone for once so — “ 

“ Still. There must be something I can give you to say thank you. Something you want. “ 

JJ lets out a mix between a chuckle and a scoff. As if whatever thoughts have conjured up is but the silliest thing he has ever heard in his life. The most delusional of all thoughts. Maybe it is, but she wants to hear about it anyway. Because even the chaos feels weirdly calm coming from JJ. Sometimes, (Y/N) thinks, it’s not about avoiding the storms, not about outrunning them, it’s about who’s by your side while you brave it. It’s about holding on to the people that go through the storm with you. About those that hold your hand while the dust settles and that pick you up as you assess the damage.

“ What’s that reaction for? “ 

“  I uh — what I want I don’t want like this? “ 

“ Huh? “

“ Out of pity. Because you feel bad. I gave you something because I want to make you smile and not because I expect anything in return. Especially not what I want. “ 

He casts his eyes downward, almost as if he’s embarrassed. But JJ is never embarrassed, right? He’s not bashful or shy. 

Or maybe he is.

“ JJ, “ she approaches him again and softly lifts his chin to level his face with hers. His blue eyes could rival the ocean waves crashing outside in both how bright they are and how much emotion and power seems to be caught in them. “ Tell me what you want. “ 

“ You. “ 

It’s a whisper in the dark. A secret shared. A heart ripped from a ribcage and presented to the only person that keeps it beating. It’s a silent dream come true. 

It’s two teenagers who have never known love, finding a safe place in each other surrounded by an ocean of lights.

“ And I know it’s ridiculous and silly and dumb as shit because we’re friends right and it can’t happen. No Pogue on Pogue macking. I know the rule, fuck I MADE that rule. But I just — you are all I can think about and it’s not just because you look smokin’ in a bikini. It’s everything about you, even the things that drive me crazy. So if I could wish for anything for Christmas, anything at all, I’d ask for you. For us to be more than friends. But I understand that isn’t possible, like — I get it. I — “ 

His words get swallowed by the taste of her lips on his. Time stops for a second, or speeds up, or — really nothing about the passing of time fundamentally changes but as he realizes what’s happening and lets himself fall headfirst into this feeling of joy and belonging, it makes it seems like the world has stopped spinning for a second. His hands find their way to her face, pushing a few strands of hair out of the way, and he deepens the kiss. 

Britney Spears sings a cheesy pop song telling Santa she’s been good this year, as JJ pulls away but keeps (Y/N) close. Holds onto her as if he’s worried life is playing a trick on him and will pull her away any second now.

“ Was that a pity kiss? “ 

“ Did it feel like a pity kiss? “ 

“ No. That felt really good. “ 

“ JJ, “ (Y/N) explains, “I’ve been into you for way longer than I like to admit. I just never thought you felt that way about me. “ 

“ I think I did. For a while. I just — I don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like. You know I don’t have the best examples. Big feelings scare the shit out of me. “ 

“ Me too. I think they might be worth it though. “ 

“ Yeah, I think you might be right. Hey would you look at that,“ he exclaims and points above their heads where a fake holly branch dangles from a sparkly red garland. “ A mistletoe.” 

“ Uh, that’s — that’s not a mistletoe.” 

“ It’s called suspension of disbelief, okay? It’s impossible to find mistletoe on the OBX on short notice.” 

The two of them fall into a fit of laughter and for once life doesn’t send a storm their way, no gray clouds or harsh winds or downpour. Just a clear night sky and a thousand of twinkling lights shining alongside the stars.

And when he kisses her again and again and again, she thinks maybe there are Christmas miracles and maybe they aren’t made from magic but from love.

“ Hey,” JJ whispers against her lips as he pulls away for a second. 

“ What is it? “ 

“ It’s midnight. Do you know what that means? “ 

“ Hmm? “ 

“ It’s Christmas. “ 

“ Merry Christmas, JJ. I hope you like your presents. “ 

“ Yeah, “ he says and pulls her for another kiss. “ I love my presents. “ 

And when they manage to pull themselves away from each other and sit down by the kitchen table sharing pancakes and whipped cream, (Y/N) figures that this is love. 

It’s not handprints on a cheek, it’s not tears on a pillow, it’s not fancy gifts or decorated gardens.

It’s holding each other through storms and pain and heartbreak, through breaking waves and undercurrents. 

It’s sharing traditions and making your own. 

It’s promising to be better, to do better, to love more and harder and more openly.

Love is a kiss under the mistletoe. Pancakes at midnight. Whipped cream sprayed in the shape of a crooked star. A room full of lights. Bad Christmas music. It’s laughter. And friendship. And hope.

Don’t Forget Where You Belong Sequel

I am pleased to announce that the Don’t Forget Where You Belong Sequel will be called…

“How Rich is a Treasure We Posses”

JJ and Y/N are coping with the loss of two of their best friends- John B and Sarah. Y/N claims that she’s done looking for the gold, that the pain it’s caused could never be worth the amount of money. JJ, forever reckless and motivated, wants to keep looking.

As they start their new school year, they are met with a series of challenges: Rafe Cameron is running around OBX, a murderer and a free man, Pope and Kie have some weird fling going on and JJ and Y/N try to love through their loss.

Will they stay strong? Will they crumble under pressure? What else will they discover along the way?

No matter what, they will learn how rich the treasure is they already posses: each other.


catch up on series 1 now



A foot in both worlds, that was the only way to describe Y/N. But attending the Kook Academy and being invited to benefits at the Golf Club wasn’t that appealing to a Pogue.
Y/N would much prefer to spend her days sun bathing with Kie, debating around the bonfire with Pope, driving the HMS Pogue through the Marsh with John B and doing just about anything with JJ.
But love is hard at the best of times, especially in the midst of a treasure hunt.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Request:yes but I can’t find it. Was basically just the song Enchanted by Taylor Swift with Pope Heyward. 

A/N:Who isn’t enchanted by Pope?

TS Anthology Series|Outer Banks Masterlist

_ . ◦ ⭐︎:*.☾.*:⭐︎◦∙._

“This is kind of a lame party, huh?” You chanced asking, feeling a little awkward as you stood in the large kitchen at Tanney Hill. There was some background music that you didn’t recognise, no doubt whatever Rose found on Spotify when she typed in ‘graduation party playlist’. In an effort to get away from the suffocating afternoon affair you’d slipped into the kitchen, hoping to find a few extra desserts left behind or a good bottle of vodka that Rose wouldn’t notice anyone pilfering.  

Instead you found a Pogue, one you recognised almost immediately as Sarah’s boyfriend’s friend Pope…a little long winded but at least you had some information. You’d been surprised but also relieved when you’d seen Sarah’s less than savoury friends show up for the party. Maybe it wouldn’t be so dull after all. It was a pipe dream though because an hour into the afternoon and you realized that no look could escape the inevitable graduation party of stuffy family and friends doing their best interpretation of coastal grandmother, chatting about vacation spots and college studies and eating hor d’oeuvres.  

“More than kind of,” Pope laughed, tapping the steamless plastic wine glass against his chin before taking a sip. He’d filled it with lemonade that JJ had tried to top off with alcohol and almost succeeded in actually doing. The slightly sour taste of the lemons offset the entire afternoon and even surrounded by his friends he’d needed an escape from feeling out of place.  

“So who are you hiding from?” You asked, looking around as if someone might enter the kitchen and interrupt your time together.  

“No one in particular,” Pope replied, unsure how to accurately explain that he felt like he wasn’t supposed to be here in the first place. He tried so hard, aware that his friends didn’t recognise the effort he made to fit in with them, but it never felt like enough. He never felt outgoing enough or funny enough or cool enough. If he mentioned it, he was sure it would be followed with a chorus of reassuring ‘you’re a pogue, through and through’ that he’d have to accept and pretend changed anything about how he was feeling.  

“Well since we’re both hiding from ‘no one in particular’, want to go outside?” You asked, looking back toward the double doors that led out to the veranda. The garden and pool area, unoccupied, we’re decorated in twinkle lights that looks like stars through the glass.  

“What’s outside?” Pope asked, watching as you grabbed a bottle of white wine that had been chilling on ice.  

“A good hiding spot,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders.  

Pope followed you to the glass French doors, slipping out into the warm night with you and wondering if this was all really a good idea. He had seen you around and, if he had seen you, surely you had seen him before. You had to know who his friends were, who his parents were, where he lived. You had to know he wasn’t a kook. So what were you doing entertaining your time with him. He wanted to ask, the question was right there on the tip of his tongue, but then he was afraid he wouldn’t like the answer. That maybe this was just that, entertainment. A funny past time of watching a pogue like Pope trip over themselves to say something intelligible or interesting so you could laugh later with your friends over lunch at the Island Club.  

“I heard you’re going to med school in the fall?” You asked, taking a sip of the wine as you sat down on a bench along the garden path.  

“Uh, yeah…yeah I am. I’m studying pathology,” he replied, the subject matter comforting him enough that he took a seat beside you, beginning in the way he always did to explain what it was he loved about the practice. Talking interests was like Pope’s own form of drug, it could relax him immediately and he usually went off on tangents that were unintentional and, according to his friends, boring.  

You didn’t look bored though, Pope thought. He could hear himself running over all the facts that he found so interesting and talking about someday working at Mayo Clinic or NIH or somewhere just as prestigious. He could hear himself but he couldn’t stop himself, his calm had transformed into nervous rambling and his tangents had woven through all the things he found most fascinating about the work. But you didn’t look annoyed or like you were planning an escape. You listened and you offered short commentary and asked questions, you looked like maybe you actually found him interesting.  

“Sorry,” he finally apologized when he felt like he’d run of things to say. “I’m monopolizing the conversation.”

“It’s okay,” you angled more towards him, “I don’t mind. I like listening to you.”  

Before Pope could reply to you, JJ’s voice cut out through the garden, calling for his best friend. He could almost imagine JJ hanging out the back door, hands on either side of the frame, leaning almost dangerously into the evening and shouting that they were heading to Hawk’s Nest to finish the party. Pope thought that, if JJ had shown up thirty minutes ago, he would’ve been thrilled to leave but now he was sitting here talking to you and he wished he could push JJ back inside and lock the French doors.

“Sounds like your friends are ready to go,” you mused, smiling at him.  

Pope nodded, somewhat distracted. All he could think was that if he left now would the spell be broken? Would you see him the next time around the island and pretend you didn’t know him? Would you laugh with your friends about the pogue who was practically falling in love with you just sitting there drinking white wine at a graduation party?

“Maybe we could…uh,” Pope hesitated, standing up, unsure what he really wanted to say or could, “maybe we could hang out sometime?” He almost wanted to cringe at his own question. It sounded so awkward.  

“Give me your phone,” you held your hand out, setting down the wine bottle and taking his phone so you could put your number in and text yourself. “There.” You concluded.

“Sorry,” he apologized as JJ called his name again, “I wish we could just…keep talking.”

“I’ll see you soon Pope.” You promised, leaning forward to kiss his cheek in a moment of boldness, or maybe you were just tipsy enough to be a little more outgoing than usual.  

“See you soon.” He felt like he was floating on a cloud as he backed away from you, clumsily tripping over a large flower pot on the path and righting himself, before turning and leaving. You couldn’t help the wide smile on your face as you watched him, entirely mesmerized by Pope and eager already for the next time that the two of you would see each other.  


Taglist@maybankbby@alanniys@stylesyourmine@nicolee-anne@dudenhaaa27@alexoberlinluthor@luversgirl@lemur46@mariahlaufeyson@beth-gallagher22@swagmoneydrew@xivilivix@americaarse@scenesofobx@alexademiesluvr@butterflymoons@allisonxmcu@milkiane@inwonderlandwritemealetter@phxntom-2021@iamasimpingh0e @unbelievablystillafangirl@caitlyn-winchester@truewdw1@randomwriter1021@bjrmaybank@rebelangelwings 

Request:Okay this might be a stupid request but I dreamed about this and I would love an imagine or something about it. So JJ is working at a restaurant and reader (his gf) is having dinner there with her little sister and JJ is just really excited that he can serve you and he gives your sister like coloring stuff so she can color and JJ tells all his colleagues that your his girlfriend and just pure fluff idk

A/N:So this originally started as part of another request and then just became it’s own fic. Sorry it took so long to actually post!

Outer Banks Masterlist

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

Birthday dinners in your family were always a major deal. While your mom and dad usually chose the Wreck or the 24hr diner over near the pawn shop for their respective birthdays but your sister always went all in. She’d spend weeks before her birthday talking about where she wanted to go but always ended up choosing the same place, The Island Club.  

“I’m gonna get lobster,” she insisted on the car ride over. Your parents were on the mainland for a funeral but you’d promised to take her without them, almost grateful that you wouldn’t have to sit through your dad talking about the value difference of everything on the menu or your mom read each price out loud as if she was somehow shocked that a restaurant for kooks cost so much money.  

“Lobster?” You asked, pulling into a parking space between a tesla and a benz. You thought of JJ immediately, joking that at least you knew your car wouldn’t be stolen. “Do you like lobster?”

“I don’t know,” she shrugged, the taffeta sleeves of her dress brushing her cheeks. In your opinion, though you’d appropriately ‘ooh’ed and ‘aah’ed when she came out of her room in her birthday outfit, the dress looked like cotton candy on her gangly eight-year-old self. She had a pink tiara to match, feathery and covered in glitter, proclaiming that today was her birthday. “That’s the point of trying things.”  

“Touché,“ you replied, pushing the door of the Island Club open so she could pass before you. A couple of expensively dressed, middle-aged, kooks looked your way as you were led to your table. Your sister looking like an 80’s pageant queen and you, in the satin, strappy, light blue dress you’d worn to prom. It was the nicest thing you owned and she had insisted that it was the only dress that fit her idea of ‘dressed up’.  

“JJ told me he’s working tonight.” Your sister mentioned, looking up at the host as they seated you at a table near the wall of sliding glass doors, “do you know JJ?”

“…Maybank?” The guy asked, handing over two menus.  

“Yeah,” she smiled, “he’s my best friend.”  

You almost wanted to laugh when she said it. When JJ had asked you out two summers earlier, your sister had been far from thrilled. While your mom was just happy that you had a boyfriend, asking to meet him the first time you ever even mentioned his name, all your sister could think was that you dating meant someone else was going to occupy your time. Before JJ you’d been something of a second mother to your little sister, stepping in while your parents worked. Now that you were dating and he was around the house all the time, he’d practically adopted the title of honorary older brother to your sister. She was completely convinced that he was the best person she ever met.  

Your sister had told JJ weeks before that she was going to the Island Club for her birthday and had asked if he would be there that night, hopeful that she could see him if he couldn’t actually come to dinner.  

“Oh man,” JJ’s voice came from behind your sister, his hands landing on the back of the chair as he leaned over her, “I better hide all the ice cream.”

“JJ!” She twisted in her seat to see him, smile so wide it practically reached her ears as she looked up at him. “Are you coming over tonight to have cake with us?”  

“Of course, I wouldn’t miss it.” He replied. A glance back toward the double doors of the kitchen were enough to tell JJ that socialising on the clock was not going to fly with his boss. He sheepishly backed up from the table, sending your sister an apologetic smile, “I’ll be back out to see you, okay? I gotta get back to work.”  

The minute JJ was back through the double doors he was apologizing, grabbing the bus bin off the cart, and announcing to everyone in the kitchen that his girlfriend’s sister was turning eight today. The calendar hanging on the wall near the kitchen office had her birthday circled, as if it was some sort of holiday for the whole staff to celebrate.  

“Hey,” JJ leaned against the counter near the stove, plastering his nicest smile on for the woman who ran the kitchen. “Remember how you said I could work on my waitering skills the other day. You were like ‘JJ you should have just as much opportunity to move up as anyone else, you’re such a hard worker and a great kid-“

“I don’t think I said all that.” She remarked, looking at him pointedly, waiting for him to get where he was going with the conversation.  

“Well anyway…you think I could wait a table tonight?”  

“Let me guess,” her face remained blank as she stared at him, “you wanna wait your girlfriend’s table so you can impress her and the little sister by doing something that isn’t cleaning up dirty dishes?”  

JJ nodded, trying to offer whatever compromise he could think of, “look, whoever’s table it’s supposed to be, they can keep the tip.”  

“You got a girlfriend that tips?”  

“Whats that suppose to mean?”  

“I work with you JJ, I know what a cheapskate you are.” She replied, almost cracking a smile when he scoffed.  

“I’m not a cheapskate I’m fucking broke all the time.”  

“And this girlfriend of yours is rolling in it?”  

JJ groaned, annoyed that the conversation was going so off course, “can I wait the table or not?”

“Fine.” She finally agreed, quick to tack on rules, “But only one free dessert for the kid’s birthday…I don’t want you clearing out the fridge over some little kid.”

“Okay,” JJ was grinning was ear to ear, already on his way to the small office area where aprons hung to grab a new, clean one for himself. The prospect of waiting your table wasn’t just exciting because he would get to actually see you all night but because he couldn’t help feeling more than a little impressed with himself and hoped you did too. Just a busboy was fine, he made a decent pay check, but he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life busing tables. He didn’t even want to spend the rest of the summer cleaning up after kooks. Serving them might be worse but if it meant that he could impress you, show off a little in the process, that was well worth it.  

The host brought drinks to the table, a Shirley Temple for your sister and a water for you, and then JJ was in the dining room, walking straight for your table.  

“Are you waiting on us?” You asked, your sister smiling eagerly as she clutched the menu in her hands, she didn’t even need to look but she had anyway, trying to be as fancy as possible.  

“Yeah,” he nodded, “they’re letting me wait this table. I’m in training.”  

“Glad to be your Guinea pig then.”  

“JJ,” your sister cut you off, “I’m gonna get lobster.”  

“Whoa, pulling out all the stops for your birthday huh?” JJ asked, checking the menu for the actual order and scribbling it down on the his notepad.  

“Only the best,” you replied, JJ laughing at the sarcastic undertone in your voice. He knew birthday dinner was on you this time and, while you had been saving up as much as you could, lobster at the island club wasn’t cheap.  

“And for you?” JJ asked, turning toward you and trying to act professional as another waiter passed by the table.  

“The salmon and the house salad,” you replied, “Kie and I are trying to do like…a no fried food diet or whatever,” you explained, almost laughing when JJ made a face and rolled his eyes. “Don’t start with your dumb “you don’t need a diet” crap JJ, we’re trying to be healthy!”  

“French fries are potatoes. Potatoes are healthy.” He argued, taking the menus from you when you held them out.  

“Next you’ll tell me beer is healthy cause it’s just wheat and water.”  

“I mean-“ he shrugged and you laughed.  

“Go get our food.”

“I‘ll be right back.” He huffed, leaning over to whisper to your sister as he passed her. She laughed and he looked back at you conspiratorially, just so you would know for sure that they were gossiping about you.  

JJ wasn’t gone long, reappearing in a few minutes with a thin colouring book and a pack of crayons that the club usually provided for kids dining in. The book had line drawings of different animals that were native to the OBX and your sister flipped first to the page of dolphins, “I’m gonna do one for Kiara, she’s coming over tomorrow.”  

“What about me?” JJ asked, lingering at the table when he knew that technically he still needed to be busing others.  

“I already drew you a picture, it’s at home.” She explained, full concentration on the picture in front of her needing to be colored in.  

“Wow,” JJ drew the word out, as if truly impressed, “what is it?”  

“You and me surfing!” She replied, finally looking up at him. “Cause we’re gonna go surf on the weekend…right?” Your boyfriend had agreed to teach your sister how to surf as a birthday present, promising your parents that he wouldn’t let her drown or get eaten by a shark.  

“Yeah, we’re totally gonna go surf on the weekend.” As JJ spoke, Andrew passed him, nudging him and pointing out a few tables that had finished and needed to be cleaned off. JJ gave a small sigh, “I’ll be back with your birthday food, I gotta go clear off some tables.”


Taglist: @maybankbby@alanniys@stylesyourmine@nicolee-anne@dudenhaaa27@alexoberlinluthor@luversgirl@lemur46@mariahlaufeyson@beth-gallagher22@swagmoneydrew@xivilivix@americaarse@scenesofobx@alexademiesluvr@butterflymoons@allisonxmcu@milkiane@inwonderlandwritemealetter@phxntom-2021@iamasimpingh0e@aureamelendez@unbelievablystillafangirl@caitlyn-winchester@truewdw1@randomwriter1021@bjrmaybank@rebelangelwings@izzydixon @thecaptainsgingersnap@purple-flamingo@tenaciousperfectionunknown@my-baexht-ls 

Request: yes. Not sure where it is cause I lost it but the general request was the song Lover by Taylor Swift with JJ Maybank.

A/N: I didn’t want it to be like a word-for-word interpretation of the song more so the feeling of the song so that’s what I tried to do. Hopefully it worked.

TS Anthology Series|Outer Banks Masterlist

_ . ◦ ⭐︎:*.☾.*:⭐︎◦∙._

“Let’s get our own place,” JJ whispered, his shoulder digging gently into your back as you leaned toward him, as if you couldn’t hear what he said.

You could’ve just as easily pretended that you were still sleeping, undisturbed by the shrill ringing of your cousin’s alarm from the other room or the soft patter of footsteps as your dad moved around the kitchen. But you’d been up for the last half hour, your sleep interrupted by your niece crying, the sound not even slightly muted by the door that concealed her room.

“How?” You whispered back. Two sixteen year olds with limited income weren’t exactly promising homeowners.

“I don’t know,” he tilted his head to the side, letting it rest against the back of yours as he pulled the blanket further up on his side and feigned sleep.

You and JJ were in kindergarten when you met, first day in and you were already best friends. In third grade there was a lull, he met John B and your parents house was foreclosed on, moving you a little further into the Cut. Your grandparents modest three bedroom was old, built way back during WWI, “it used to be a farm” is what your granddad always said, as if it still was.

By fourth grade, when you and JJ started hanging out again, your aunt had moved in too. Her and her two kids, your parents and your three siblings. JJ would ride his bike down to your house and play with you and your family until it was too dark out to ride home and then your dad was throwing a sheet over the couch and offering him the last surface in the house to sleep on. The house, with its two bathrooms and three bedrooms, was almost always crowded. JJ was the only friend you let through the threshold, at eleven you already knew that most kids had bedrooms and their own clothes. Even JJ had his own room, his own bed.

By sixteen, if he wasn’t sleeping on the sofa in John B’s house then he was at yours, sharing a mattress with you on the living room floor because your sister had moved back home and one of her kids always took the couch.

“We could have our own room,” JJ proposed, still a whisper in the dark room as he thought more about the imagined place. Just above his head, at the top of your mattress, the branches of the family Christmas tree reached out, threatening to drop pine needles if you shifted the wrong way. At twelve, JJ had succeeded in taking the tree all the way down to the ground when a clap of thunder had woken him up two days before Christmas.

“Just the one?” you almost laughed.

“Why do we need two rooms?” He seemed genuinely unsure why you wouldn’t want to share a room.

For as long as you two had been friends, privacy hadn’t really been a thing that existed between you. And while neither of you had ever actually ‘made the first move’ it was generally accepted that you were together. Mostly because you were rarely apart.

“So we can be those bourgeoise kooks with ‘home offices’.” You joked, shifting around on your mattress to face him. “Or guest rooms that we decorate in white and blue nautical crap.”

“Two bedrooms then.”

You squinted in the dark, whether because you were trying to see him better or somehow see through him, you weren’t entirely sure. There wasn’t much to see in the dark, just the general shadow of JJ’s face close to yours, but you knew what he looked like enough that if you never saw him again you could’ve still sketched a fairly accurate picture.

“What if you get bored living with me everyday? I’m not as adventurous as John B,” you posed, “you could move into the Chateau.”

The question was a fair one, JJ had been spending a lot of time at the Chateau lately and you couldn’t help feeling a little jealous. Maybe it was stupid, to be bothered by something so trivial as where someone decided to lay their head at night but you couldn’t help it. JJ was supposed to stay at your house, in your cramped living room on a mattress that was lumpy and tired from being dragged back and forth every morning. He was supposed to sleep next to you and stay up too late and make you laugh at stupid jokes.

“Why would I wanna do that?” He asked, propping himself up on his elbow as if it would help him see you better.

“I don’t know,” you can’t shrug laying down but your voice carries the same uncertainty, a sort of embarrassment you can’t shake. “Would we live on the Cut?”

“Anywhere we wanted,” he replied. “We could live right on the beach, like those houses on stilts. We could surf everyday and lay out in the sun.”

“Sounds amazing.”

It was all just a sleep-deprived dream that the two of you had. You knew that real life things would creep back in once the day started and dreams of living on the beach and surfing all day weren’t dreams that you or JJ could afford to have. Still, it was a nice thought, one where you could live in a haze of happiness and sun and JJ.

“I wanna spend the rest of my life with you,” JJ admitted, shifting closer to you again and wrapping his arms around you. His breath fanned out over your shoulder and you felt him leave a kiss to the skin on your arm, where your shirt sleeve rode up. “Sitting on the beach, smoking weed, watching the sunset or whatever you and Kie like to do when you get up at the ass-crack of dawn.”

“That’s the sunrise you moron,” you laughed quietly, tucking your head into the crook of his neck.

“Whatever, we’ll watch it together.” He replied. “And drive around listening to all that old shit your dad likes and we’ll have a big porch with those giant couches and we’ll sleep until noon every day.”

“How are we watching the sunrise if we sleep till noon?” You asked, leaving a kiss against the base of his neck. He was warm and you were finally starting to fall asleep.

“We’ll wake up and then go back to sleep.” He said, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. You could hear the soft slur in his voice as he spoke and felt his lips press against your temple.

You closed your eyes in the dark. “I think you might need that sleep now,” you replied.

“Yeah,” he was drowsy and clingy, a side of him you saw often and never tired of experiencing, “we’ll make plans in the morning, for our house.”


“And don’t forget…a Christmas tree all year long.”

“Okay,” you repeated. “I promise not to forget. Go to sleep.”

He hummed and you thought for a minute he might actually take your advice and let himself doze off but then he pressed another kiss to your forehead and you could hear him repeating, “don’t forget” but the end of the sentence trailed off before he could finish it.

“What?” You whispered, curious if it was anything actually important or simply another feature of your future home.

JJ tilted his head back, half-lidded eyes searching for yours in the dark, “I said I love you.” He replied then settled back in.

“I won’t forget that,” you assured, “I couldn’t.”


Taglist@maybankbby@alanniys@stylesyourmine@nicolee-anne@dudenhaaa27@alexoberlinluthor@luversgirl@lemur46@mariahlaufeyson@beth-gallagher22@swagmoneydrew@xivilivix@americaarse@scenesofobx@pankowsfruitsnacks@alexademiesluvr@butterflymoons@maneskindiva@allisonxmcu@milkiane@inwonderlandwritemealetter@phxntom-2021@iamasimpingh0e@aureamelendez@unbelievablystillafangirl@caitlyn-winchester@truewdw1@randomwriter1021 @thecaptainsgingersnap@purple-flamingo @tenaciousperfectionunknown@my-baexht-ls 

The Good and the Bad

A/N: Never written for Pope before, so I thought I’d go ahead and give a shot. Pope is by far one of my favorite characters on Outer Banks. Requests are still open, so feel free to leave a request!

Summary:Working at a Kook infested restaurant is not always something to look forward to, but it pays well so that’s a plus. All of the Kooks seem to get on your nerves during one shift. After getting home from work, Pope makes a visit before leaving to hangout with others.


  • Y/N/N: Your Nick-Name
  • Y/E/C: Your Eye Color
  • The Pier -> place you work
  • Your parents own a mechanic shop
  • Outfit 1/Outfit 2


Pope Heyward x-reader

“Excuse me, miss! Excuse me!” a woman called after me, keeping an arm raised. Today had been one of the worst shifts I have ever had: some kid spilled his drink on my shoes, I almost burned my hand, and a couple cursed me out over something stupid. Usually, I could bare snotty and rude customers; but today just was an off day. ’

“Miss! Hey, excuse me!” the customer repeated.

I apologized the family of three I was currently serving. The nice man reassured me, motioning for me to answer the nagging women’s question. The Kook sat at the table wearing a bright pink dress with white high heels, a pearl necklace around her neck matched with pearl earrings.

Her husband sat beside her sporting a yellow polo and green khaki pants. “What can I-” I started. “I ordered a Virgin Bloody Mary, but I can’t taste any of the alcohol. I thought I ordered a Virgin Bloody Mary not a Bloody Mary,” she interrupted, pushing the drink my way.

Her husband didn’t even bother to join in. I withheld a sarcastic remark. “Ma'am, you didorder a Virgin Bloody Mary which doesn’t have any alcohol in it whereas a regular Bloody Mary doeshave alcohol,” I corrected, “If you would like a Bloody Mary, I can go get that for you.”

The women shook her head in disagreement. She huffed in annoyance, pushing her hair away from her face. “No, I want a VirginBloody Mary, not what you said,” she repeated. “Okay, so you want the one that doesn’t have alcohol in it?” I questioned, starting to loose my patience.

She glanced at her husband and rolled her eyes, commenting about how I’m underclass and don’t know shit. “Sweetheart, how many times do I need to tell you for it to go through that foggy brain of yours?” she retorted, “I. want. a. Virgin. Bloody. Marry. with. alcohol.” The ‘Karen’ said her last statement slowly, as if I couldn’t understand English.

“Ma'am, a Virgin Bloody Mary doesn’t have alcohol but a Bloody Mary does. That’s the difference, the one you are asking for isa Bloody Mary.”

“Oh, honey,” she chuckled, “I don’t think you understand.”

“I understand perfectly, I’m just trying to get you the drink that you desire,” I said, “If you would just hear me you, I bet we can come to an understanding.” My manager happened to hear the whole conversation. He walked over and set a hand on my shoulder. “What seems to the problem?” Daniel questioned the couple.

“My wife ordered a Virgin Bloody Mary, and she would like a Virgin Bloody Mary with alcohol; but this-this ignorant and brainless Poguedoesn’t seem to know what she was talking about,” the husband said, “Sir, Daniel I presume, I expect you hire Pogues who are intelligent, not disrespectful and unorganized.”

He spoke with venom with his eyes focused on my boss. Daniel nodded his head. “I am deeply sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. I will get that Virgin Bloody Mary straight away,” he said. “Thank you, Daniel, and you better set high expectations for your serves. Don’t want this place infested with Pogues,” the women said.

Daniel motioned me to the back of the restaurant before ordering another server to give the snobby couple their 'correct’ drinks. My boss led me over to his office. “Y/N, why don’t you clock out early?” he offered.

“I’ve got two more hours left of my shift,” I said, “You know how much I need this money.” My boss shook his head and sat down at his desk, pulling out a sheet of paper. “I suggest you find another job that can meet your needs. Preferably one that doesn’t require you to boss around customers,” Daniel said, handing the sheet of paper.

I grabbed the sheet of paper from him, making my way towards my cubby. I stuffed my apron into the cubby and slipped my arms through my backpack. Was I seriously just fired over something that was easily fixed if the shitty woman just understood? I unlocked my car and drove home in silence, not bothering to even put my seatbelt on.

Luckily, I got home before my parents did. I put my car into park and hopped out, locking the door behind me. Fortunately, I was hanging out with my friends later which meant I could just relax until then. I wasn’t prepared to tell my parents about losing my job. I already knew that they’d take out their stress from work on me.

I changed into my favorite one piece and a pair of blue jean shorts before walking down to the dock. I set my phone beside me, leaning up against one of the wooden pillars with my Y/E/C eyes watching the white clouds fly by with the golden sun being covered every once and awhile.

My sky gazing was interrupted by the sound of tires brushing against the pebbled driveway of my house. I looked up to find Pope leaning his red and blue bike against a thick oak tree that was across the side of my house. He turned to look at me and smiled. “There’s my favorite Y/E/C eyed girl,” Pope greeted, sitting down beside me. I smiled as he lightly kissed me on the forehead.

“How was work?” he questioned, slipping his sandals off to dip his feet in the cold water. I scoffed and shook my head. I sat beside my boyfriend with my fingers fiddling with a loose thread from my shorts. “That bad, huh?” he said. I swallowed the lump in my throat, nodding my head in response.

Pope looked away from my reflection in the water to see a slight tear slide down the side of my face. My boyfriend reached over and wiped the tear away. “I got fired from my job today,” I informed, “All because of a fucking Kook didn’t know the difference between a Virgin Bloody Mary and a regular Bloody Mary.”

Pope’s brows raised at the sound of my statement. He fixed the strap of my swimsuit that had somehow fallen. “Your boss reallyfired you because of that?” he inquired.

“Well, that was just the cherry on top. Earlier, I had a kid spill his red punch on my sneakers. Then, almost burned my hand from a chicken pot pie. Oh, and got cussed out by an old couple who didn’t appreciate the way my parents fixed their son’s car,” I added, “So, my reaction to the Bloody Mary fiasco ended it all. Daniel didn’t like my attitude, so he told me, to find another job, and I quote, 'Preferably one that doesn’t require you to boss around customers’.”

“He’s an idiot,” Pope commented, looking out at the water (GIF Above). I nodded in agreement and wiped my tears away with the back of my hand. Pope draped an arm around my shoulders, bringing me to his side. He kissed the top of my head. “Wanna stay in tonight? I heard there’s a pretty cool documentary about dolphins tonight,” Pope offered.

I smiled and looked up at him, my spirits immediately lifting. My wonderful boyfriend looked down at me to see my expression suddenly change. “I would love that,” I agreed with a large joyous grin. “Great, because you wouldn’t have a choice whatever you said,” Pope replied. He got up from the dock and extended a hand, motioning me to the house.

Lost Privilege- Rafe Cameron

Request: if ur requests are still open can u do prompts 11 and 23 with Rafe? Ty!!

Summary: you confront Rafe after hearing a certain story.

Word count- 1,014

Warnings: cheating, cursing, ANGST


11. “I can’t imagine this world without you.”

23. “I wish I could hate you.”

You sat there, a blank look on your face as you took in your best friend’s words. ‘I saw Rafe kissing Lindsey, and then… then they went upstairs into a room. Elise and Christina saw it too.’ You thought it was a joke, you prayed it was. But once you saw the pity and sorrow in her eyes, you knew it was nothing but the truth.

“Oh,” was all you could say. Nothing could have prepared you for this moment because you did not think you would have to go through it. 5 years of friendship and 2 years in a relationship, that’s all it took for Rafe Cameron to earn your love and trust, and now it’s all gone. “Do-do you want me to stay over?” “No. No it’s okay you said you had plans with Aaron. Go.” You softly smiled through your heart breaking.


“Just go hun. I wanna be alone right now anyway.” “Just call me and I’ll be over in a heartbeat.” She gave you a tight hug before leaving the room. You slowly slid down from your position against the bed headboard. Blankly, you stared at the ceiling above you. There were a least a thousand questions running through your head, and you wanted all of them answered.

So you did the only rational thing you could think to do; call him. Your hand shook softly as you reached out to your phone, picking it off the dial. It rang for a few seconds before Rose picked up. “Hello?” Your heart felt like it seized as you heard the voice that you’ve known for god knows how many years. 

“Hi Mrs. Cameron, is Rafe home?” Your voice wavered at your lips saying his name. “He is out with some friends right now sweetie, would you like me to take a message?" 

"Yes please, could you tell him to come over whenever he gets back?” “Of course I’ll tell him!” “Thank you so much, have a good night.”

You quickly hung up the phone and sat back against the headboard. You zoned out for what seemed like hours, only for it to be twenty minutes. You hadn’t even noticed the wet trails on your cheeks from tears that escaped your eyes. 

Confused. Insecure. Lied to. Cheated. Scared. Hurt. Broken. A joke. Used. You felt so many things, however you couldn’t name them all. But the main emotion that stood out was this strong, numb feeling. You felt as if he just slapped you across the face - emotionally. 

Time painfully passed by as you waited for him to walk into your room. Sooner than you could process he walked right into your room. “Evening princess, Rose said you wanted me to come over?" 

You hid the cringe your body produced hearing the nickname 'princess.’ He jumped onto your bed as he sat next to you, taking in your puffy eyes and red nose. You couldn’t look him in the eyes, if you did it was game over for you right then and there. 

Your voice was just above a whisper when you asked, "did you fuck Lindsey?” He remained quiet, that’s when you looked up. His eyebrows were furrowed, not from confusion; but from guilt and you could tell that was what he was feeling after knowing him for so long.

“Baby she kissed me and I should’ve pushed her off-” He began but you cut him off. “But you didn’t pull back, did you?” He closed his mouth, his silence was your answer. “God when I was told I wished it was a fucking joke, Cameron. What made you think you should’ve fucked her? Hmm? Please tell me your thought process through that.” His heart broke at your shaky voice, how you referred to him by his last name. 

He reached his hand out to hold your shoulder, “don’t fucking touch me!” You exclaimed, moving off of your bed and pacing the room.

“You’re not even drunk. You just fucked her. Am I not good enough? Am I bad in bed? Are you tired of me?” You asked him as you bite your thumb nail. “No baby, it’s not that.” “Stop calling me nicknames!” You cried out. “You lost that privilege as soon as you didn’t push her away. You lost the privilege to call me your girlfriend. You lost the privilege to even let my name come out of your mouth. You lost me." 

You felt extremely lightheaded, like you could see in your own perspective, but your soul was floating out of you. "God and the worst part about this is I wish I could hate you. I really fucking wish I could, but I still love you. Of course I do, but you fucked up Cameron. You fucked up badly." 

"Y/n I’m so sorry, if I could take it back I would.” He tried to offer, only making you more mad. “Sorry doesn’t mean shit now. You wouldn’t be saying sorry if you didn’t stick your dick in her.”

Rafe rubbed his face with his hands, shaking his head. “I can’t imagine this world without you.” He whispered. “Then you’re gonna have to start learning what it feels like because I can’t do this anymore.” You cried, walking to your dresser and scavenging through your clothes. You pulled out any of Rafe’s sweatshirts and sweatpants, throwing them onto the floor.

Rafe slowly stood from your bed and began to approach you, as if he made the wrong move you would run. His arm reached toward you but you quickly dodged it. “I think you need to leave Rafe.”


"Just go!”

He let out a raspy breathe and wiped the tears from his eyes. After picking up his stray clothes, he walked to the door before stopping in the doorway to look back at you. You were holding yourself up, your legs feeling like they just ran a 10k mile race. He softly whispered, “I’ll always love you.” Before walking out of your room, out of your house, and out of your life.

The Blip- JJ Maybank

Gif credit @toesure

Marvel x Outer Banks AU !

Summary: your best friend disappears after ‘the blip’ only to return 5 years later.

Word count: 1,554

Warnings: none

For the last few years, JJ Maybank had been babysitting you, his younger neighbor. When you first met him, he was only 15 years old. You shyly walked up to him, asking if he would play house with you since your mother never paid attention to you.

Ever since then whenever you needed JJ, he would go over and take care of you or you would be at his house. Your mom never cared how long you stayed at his, she was too busy drinking at bars. He loved you and was always there for you.

You were currently 13 years old when JJ was helping you get ready for the middle school dance. JJ leaned against the doorframe of your room, grinning as you took one final look at yourself in the mirror. “JJ, this looks amazing! How did you manage to do my eyeliner perfectly?” You asked, pointing out just how good his makeup skills were.

“I’m not gonna lie, I practiced for a bit because I figured there be some time you’d wanna give me a makeover or something.” He laughed, shoving his hands into his pockets. He walked up behind you, almost falling to the ground as you tackled him in a hug. “Thank you JJ, you’re the best!” You grinned, thankful to have him as a friend. 

A shiver was sent through JJ’s spine as he released you. He stood there uncomfortably, his hands out by his side. “Are you okay, JJ?” You asked, stepping back before realizing his fingers were starting to disintegrate into thin air. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as your mouth fell open in horror. 

JJ fell to his knees as he held his hands out, watching his own body disappear. Falling to your knees, you held his elbows in your hand. “Y/N? Y/N, what’s happening to me?” JJ cried out, collapsing in your arms. “You’re gonna be okay JJ. I got you.” You panicked, tears squeezing out of your eyes as you watched your best friend slowly slip away from your arms. 

He locked eyes with you, “you’re gonna be okay Y/N. You’re strong, you’re gonna go through life and you’re gonna be okay-” JJ’s sentence ran short as he disappeared in your arms, you covered your mouth with your hands as you let out a soft cry. You pulled your knees up to your chest, your once soft cries turned into loud sobs. Your best friend was gone, and there was nothing you could do to get him back.

You chose to skip the dance, deciding to lock yourself in your room. Your heart ached knowing that JJ wouldn’t see you grow up, you would have to deal with your problems by yourself which scared you.

Nothing could have prepared you for this, you slowly sat down on your bed and began to cry into your comforter.


5 years later.

You sat on your legs criss crossed on your bed as you were watching another episode of Friends as you scrolled through your phone. Your breath hitched in your throat when you came across a picture of you and JJ from years ago before the blip happened. JJ wasn’t the only one who disappeared that day, apparently half of the population disappeared as well. You missed him everyday and prayed that he would come back safe.

The sound of something falling onto your floor made your head snap up from your phone. You let out a small shriek at the sight of a body on your floor. “Who the fuck are you?” You asked, grabbing the baseball bat from the side of your bed and standing on the floor.

The person turned around on the ground to face you, their hands raising up in defence. “Please don’t hit me I’m sorry!” You immediately froze in your steps at the familiar voice. Turning on your bedside light, you nearly dropped the bat at the sight of JJ Maybank on your floor.

The bat slowly fell from your hand and onto the floor. JJ looked at you and slowly stood up, trying to figure out whose room he mysteriously popped into. “JJ?” You asked, walking towards him. He shoved his hands into his front pockets, a habit he used to do. 5 years later and he’s still doing it which you thought was cute.

“I am so, so sorry! I didn’t mean to just show up in a stranger’s house I was literally just sitting-” you cut him off, “JJ! It’s me, Y/F/N Y/L/N!” JJ’s eyes widened in disbelief. “No there’s no way!" 

You gasped, your heart racing a mile a minute as he smiled brightly, holding out his arms open. You jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. He held you tightly as you entangled your fingers into his hair. He laughed loudly as he looked into your eyes. "Y/N I missed you too but it’s only been a day since I last saw you, how did you grow up so fast?” He mumbled in the crook of your neck.

You untangled yourself from him as you started up at him with a serious expression. “What?” He asked. “J, It’s been 5 years.” The truth seemed to have knocked the breath out of him.

“W-what? Wait, woah. Okay, so uh, so that means I’m still 18 but you’re….” he trailed off, “18.” You nodded your head as you invited him to sit on your bed. “Wait, that means I missed 5 years of your life?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows as a wave of sadness rushed through his body. You leaned forward, resting your hand on his knee.

“Hey, the point is you’re here now, okay? So, tell me about what happened in your day.” You told him, shifting in your seat to hear his story. Sitting criss crossed, you rested your elbows on your knees while your chin layed on your hands.

“I honestly don’t even know where I was. But there were so many people there. I couldn’t recognize anybody. I was just standing there by myself when I met this guy, his name was Peter Parker. He’s from Queens and he’s a total dork but you’d like him. Really friendly. I told him I missed you and he asked if I had a picture so I pulled out my wallet and showed him. He said you were so adorable.  Anyway I told him I’d visit him if I ever got out of there. I also met this guy James but a few people there called him Bucky, we didn’t talk much mostly just cause he looked really angry. Then this guy Stephen Strange complimented my hair which was odd but I like the guy. But was it really a whole 5 years?” He rambled on until he was out of breath.

You leaned against your bed frame and sat up straight to look at him, you nodded your head. “ whole 5 years of people mourning, people trying to move on, but I just sat here missing you,” you paused to take a shaky breath. “5 years of begging to someone out there to bring you and everyone back. 5 years of feeling stupid for having a silly crush on you my entire life. 5 years of just… a hole in my chest.” You mumbled, looking down as you picked at your nails.

A tear slowly trailed down your face as you laughed softly, swiping the tear with your thumb. JJ leaned forward and cautiously held the side of your cheek, wiping away the excess tears. “I’m here now Y/N and I’m not going anywhere.” You melted into his touch, your hand holding his in place against the side of your face. 

 His gaze went outside of your window, realizing it was still dark out. “Wait, what time is it?” You checked your phone, “3:57 a.m.” you answered. His eyes widened, “why are you still awake?” He questioned, lightly snacking your shoulder 

“Hey man, having someone you care about disappear takes a toll on you okay.” You defended yourself, still not believing that JJ was in front of you. JJ laid down in your bed, making enough room for you to lay down with him. You took the space next to him, his arm immediately resting around your waist. “This is okay, right?” He asked looking down at you. You quickly nodded your head, resting it against his chest.

“You had a crush on me?” JJ broke the silence causing you to groan in embarrassment. “Shut up. Shut up I didn’t mean to say that.” You squeezed your eyes shut, hitting your head on his chest. He laughed quietly, lightly scratching your back; something he used to do when you were upset. 

“I hope you know we’re gonna talk about that later. But for now just get some sleep, I’m right here.” He mumbled. You let your eyelids flutter shut, hearing the faint sound of his heartbeat. You let the sound be the only thing you focused on as you tried to fall asleep, feeling blessed to have him back.

JJ planted a kiss to your forehead before whispering a soft “goodnight Y/N.” You couldn’t help but smile as you snuggled closer to him. “Goodnight JJ." 

Where Were You in the Morning- John B pt 3


Summary: Based on ‘Where Were You in the Morning’ by Shawn Mendes

Word count: 1,139

Warnings: none

You looked up at the angel that laid with you in bed. His soft snores escaped his mouth as he held you close to him. You hated to admit it, but you felt safe in his arms. He looked so frail, so peaceful, everything felt like something good could come out of it.

You went to move your hands to stretch, but his hand was interlocked with yours. Rubbing your thumb over his knuckles, your free hand traced small shapes on his bare chest. 

His body was radiating warmth, your legs intertwined. You felt safe, comfortable, like you were home. You could hear his heartbeat faintly beating through his chest. It was an oddly satisfying sound.

You looked at your hand that was locked with his, and lightly played with the tips of his fingers. Then you noticed how large his hand was compared to yours, but you couldn’t help but feel like your hands connected like a puzzle.

Your heart began to hurt at what she was doing. You made a promise to him last night that you were going to break. But what else would happen? What would you say? 'hey, we had sex last night and I loved every moment I spent with you. I don’t want to leave but I can’t get attached, you’ll just get harassed for sleeping with a Kook.’

 Your eyes traveled to his lips that were still a bit plump from last night. You felt a small tingling sensation on your lips. Your eyes then drifted to his closed eyes. His long eyelashes lightly laid on his upper cheeks.

Your thoughts took you back to when he looked you right in his eyes when you came undone. That’s an image you could never get rid of. The breath you let out was a bit shaky, causing him to move a bit. His arm around your shoulders pulled you towards him, a soft sigh left his lips as he smiled a little bit.

Your free hand brushed across his cheek bone, admiring the softness and smoothness of his skin, trying to count how many freckles you could see. How was it so perfect? 

Your eyes started to tear up, you didn’t want to do this to him. He deserved so much better. God, it hasn’t even been 24 hours with him and you already have gotten attached. Mindlessly, your hand gently made its way through your hair, enjoying the last few minutes with the best guy you have ever met.

After staring at him for what seemed like forever, you knew you had to do this before it was too late. You lifted his arm off your shoulders and immediately replaced your body with the pillow you were laying on.

You scattered around and quickly put the clothes you borrowed back on and debated if you should really go. You knew you couldn’t stay any longer, you would get in the way of his life. You can’t do that to him, he has so much to look forward to in his life. You found a napkin and grabbed a pen that was on his desk and scribbled “I’m so so sorry” on it.

Placing the napkin on his bedside dresser, you gave him one last kiss on his cheek. As you backed away, you kept repeating to yourself that you were just another girl, it wouldn’t matter. You were a Kook and he was a Pogue, nothing would end well for either of you if word got out.

You grabbed your belongings, including your clothes and walked out of his house. You couldn’t look back, because you knew if you did, you would go running back into his arms. Slowly, you walked down the street to the nearest Starbucks and called an uber to get a ride home. You sat down at a table with your head in your hands. You felt as though you were such a bitch, you couldn’t believe you did that.

You made yourself sick. 'He deserves so much better.’ You kept repeating those words constantly. The uber arrives and you greet him, getting into the car. He drove to your street in silence as you only thought one thing, 'he won’t remember you. You’re just a one-night stand.' 

The drive to your street was silent, with the driver asking a question every now and then. Becoming uninterested, you leaned your head against the window. Your thumbs fiddled together, guilt slowly eating at you.

“Miss? Are you alright?” The polite driver asked you, “yeah, just didn’t get a lot of sleep.” He nodded his head and laughed. “I know the feeling.” You licked your lips, the taste of mint still somehow lingered.

As he pulled up to the street, you thanked him and exited the car. Walking down the street, you trotted up the driveway. You pulled out the keys, immediately unlocking the front door. As soon as you walked in, you flung the keys at the table and yelled, “what is wrong with me?!”

The sun beamed through the window, brightening the room. The room itself was warm, but the space next to John B was cold. Squinting his eyes, he got up and closed the blinds. He turned around to greet Y/N, but was greeted by an empty space and crumpled sheets. 

He got a sudden feeling of isolation as his eyes scanned the empty bedroom. The clothes he lent you were gone, your own clothes were gone. The only thing left of you was the smell of your perfume that lingered on the bed sheets. 

Taking a deep breath, he walked down into the kitchen to see if you were making breakfast like you said you would.

Stepping down the stairs, he quickly looked and saw no sign of you. “She left?” He asked no one but himself. Devastated, unwanted, rejected. That’s what he felt. How could you do that? Act like you were into him, only to leave without a trace. He thought the feeling was mutual.

He thought the two of you could’ve been more than just a one night stand. There was just something about you, something that made him feel complete in some way. Sighing in defeat, he ran his hand through his hair. Walking back into his room, he plopped myself on his bed. 

He went to reach for his phone when a note on a napkin caught his eye. “I’m so so sorry.” Was all it said. He stared at the piece of crumpled paper as he took it all in. Leading him on then just tossing him away. He had a gut feeling that you were different, he guessed he was wrong.

He leaned backwards, resting against the soft bed. His eyes stared at the spinning ceiling fan, only one word was on his mind, “why?”

Part 4 here

A Playdate in the Rain- Sarah Cameron

Request: Hi!! I was wondering if u could do prompts 12, 14, 22, 25, 28, and 53 with Sarah? Thank u

Summary: You and Sarah decide to run in the rain in her backyard like you did in the past, opening up about how you really feel. 

Word count: 1,048


12. “Dance with me.”

14. “Who cares about what they think?”

22. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?”

25. “The power went out. It’s not the end of the world.”

28. “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”

53. “I mean friends can just make out with each other, right?“

Laying on your best friend’s bed, you had your head in Sarah Cameron’s lap, looking out the window as the dark grey clouds rolled in. Her hand was intertwined in your hair, gently fixing any tangles you had. Music played in the background, deafening the sound of the raindrops falling on the roof.

She jumped underneath you as a loud clap of thunder echoed in the sky. You giggled as she clamped her hand over her heart. Jokingly, she shoved you off of her and off of the bed. She covered her mouth with her hands, peering over the edge of the bed to see you on the ground. 

You were too busy laughing on the floor, giggling at the thumping sound you made when your body hit the floor. "Y/N I am so fucking sorry!” She said through her laughter. You rolled your eyes, sticking your hand up for her to grab, you easily pulled her down to the ground you.

She groaned in pain, slapping your arm hard. She let out a shriek of horror as the power went out. You sat up with her, watching the rain pour outside of the window. “The power went out, it’s not the end of the world.” You chuckled, getting up and fixing your shorts. “Leave me alone, we’re home alone. When the power goes out and I’m home alone I automatically think it’s a serial killer.”

You leaned against the windowsill, noticing just how hard the rain was hitting. An idea popped in your head. “Let’s go run around in the rain.” You said, looking back at Sarah. She furrowed her eyebrows at you, standing up off the ground.

We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” Sarah asked, joining your side. You faced her, “what? I mean why not? And since Rafe didn’t get the generators you guys needed it’ll be a bit before the power comes back on. Let’s do it, like we did when we were kids.” You grinned, grabbing her hands in yours. She looked up from your hands to your face, a light pink color on her cheeks.

“Fine.” She agreed. You both had changed into large t-shirts and shorts, towels in your hands and ready to use. The two of you stood in front of the backyard doors, watching the rain droplets fall and hit the ground. Making the first move, you opened the door and laid your towel on the patio undercover. Sarah stood inside, watching as you jumped in puddles and splashed in the cool water.

Dance with me!” You yelled towards her, twirling around with your arms out. She walked outside, throwing the towel aside before joining you. Her smile never left her face as she pranced around in the backyard with you. You laid on your back letting the water hit your exposed skin. Sarah couldn’t help but watch you with a small smile on her face.

For the last few months, you and Sarah had been closer than normal. Sometimes being more touchy with each other, more compliments, things that people in a relationship would do. You couldn’t lie, you did start to develop feelings for your best friend of 7 years. 

Sarah joined your side, smiling at the feeling of you intertwining your hands together. She bit on her bottom lip, deciding if she should bring up a certain topic. She came to a conclusion after you turned to look at her, watching as the droplets of rain trail down her facial features. 

Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.” Sarah broke the silence, watching your expression to try to figure out what you were thinking. A grin broke out on your face, blush immediately covering your cheeks. 

"I- uh I didn’t- know that you- you liked girls.” You stuttered sitting up in the grass, hoping that she didn’t see the obvious pink tinted to your cheeks. She sat up with you, shrugging her shoulders. “I mean, I haven’t really told anybody that I’m bi, only Wheezie.” She admitted, her fingers picking the grass to pieces. You shook your head as an understanding, remembering the time you came out to your parents.

“How did you do it? If you don’t mind me asking.” She quietly asked. You tucked your legs underneath you as you spoke, “it wasn’t easy. I told my sister first of course, and I ended up waiting like 3 months after that to tell my parents. Before I could even start talking I started to cry. I just told them that I was bi and it got really quiet afterwards. But then they told me that it was a new change that it would take some getting used to, but they were okay with it.” You mumbled, reaching over and grabbing onto her hand

“Love is love, Sarah. Love whoever the fuck you want. Who cares what they think? If your parents don’t like that, then you can easily move in with me. My parents love you, they’ll accept you. You shouldn’t be afraid to be yourself.” You lightly squeezed her hand, a sign of reassurance. Sarah scooted towards you, wrapping her arms around your neck.

You held her tight to you, your arms comfortably around her waist. “Thank you for understanding me Y/N.” She mumbled into the crook of your neck before placing a delicate to your skin. Your body shivered as you pulled back from her.

“ I’m sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to-” you silenced her by connecting your lips together. She grinned into the kiss, her heartbeat accelerating. She leaned into your touch, her thumb skimming over your cheek bone. Her whole body immediately felt hot as your breath fanned over her skin. She gave you that beautiful smile before giving you another kiss, your hand cupping the side of her face.

She pulled away from you, allowing you both to catch your breath. “We can’t let our friends know that this happened, they can’t win a bet.” She laughed, brushing the water droplets away from your face. Nodding your head you grinned. “I mean friends can just make out with each other, right?” You asked, cocking your head to the side.

“Oh absolutely." 

Johnny Boy - JJ Maybank

John B x sister!reader, JJ Maybank x reader

Summary: you don’t make it out after the shooting at the Cameron’s runway, leaving your death on the shoulders of your friends.

Word count: 2,891

Warnings: Guns, violence, mentions of blood, death and sadness :(

Nothing was ever ‘normal’ in the Pogues’ lives after your brother, John B had brought up the gold of the Royal Merchant. Never in your whole life of living there would you imagine sitting in his van, watching Ward Cameron’s private plane fly right towards you both.

Never in your life would you imagine square groupers shooting at your friends on a boat. Never in your life would you imagine how dangerous a simple treasure hunt truly could be. Never in your life would you imagine yourself lying on a concrete roadway, blood covering your clothes. Never in your whole life would you pictured your life to end so soon. 

You stood outside the van with John B and Sarah, watching as Officer Peterkin forced Ward Cameron onto his knees with his hands above his head. “You’re under arrest for the murder of 'Big John’ Routledge.” You let out a large sigh of relief as your tears welled with tears. John B held you in his arms, rocking you back and forth. “We did it Y/N, we did it.” He grinned down to his sister.

You released your brother, allowing him to comfort Sarah as she watched her father get handcuffs placed on his wrists. Ward pushed away from officer Peterkin, causing her to draw her gun out of her holster. You stepped forward, making sure he wouldn’t be able to run away. John B protected Sarah in his arms, turning her away from the gun.

A loud gunshot echoed through the air, your body experiencing a sharp pain in your chest. “Y/N.” John B whispered from behind you. You and Peterkin locked eyes before looking at each other’s gunshot wounds. You fell to your knees, your chest heaving as you suddenly felt all the air in your body leave your body. 

You remained on your knees for a moment before watching Rafe Cameron appear from behind the plane. John B couldn’t remove his eyes from you, his grip tightening on Sarah, watching you bleed out on the cement. You fell onto your back, the bright blue sky looking more beautiful than ever. 

You heard your brother shuffle towards you and Peterkin. The officer quickly shook her head, “help your sister.” John B fell to his knees, his hand finding the gunshot on your chest and applying pressure to it. “Call!” Peterkin wheezed out loud. Sarah took John B’s place next to you, using your brother’s bandana as something to stop the blood from pouring out.

Sarah hovered over you, “it’s okay Y/N,” she cried out, “it’s gonna be okay.” She tried to reassure you. John B attempted to grab the officer’s radio, only to get it taken by Ward. John B took his spot next to you, his fingers brushing your hair away from your face. A tear rolled down the side of your face as you reached your hand up to cup the side of his face.

“You need to go find everyone.” You said, your voice barely audible. He shook his head, his tears already spilling out of his eyes. “No, please you’re all I have left of our family.” He begged, his hands shaking. You carefully reached up and untied the bandana that was around your neck. When John B bought his first bandana, he got you a red one knowing that was your favorite color.

You grabbed onto his hand, placing the fabric into his palm. He clutched it in his hand and held it to his heart. “I love you Y/N.” He sobbed, resting your head in his lap. “Dad and I will be watching over you. You’ve been the best brother I could ever ask for. I love you Johnny boy.” You said, having a feeling these words would be the last ones you would say to him.

He leaned down to give you a kiss on the forehead before running away. He hesitated and did a double take to look at you before booking it away from the scene. Sarah fell to her knees next to you, her hand holding your head up. 

 "I’m gonna die aren’t I?“ You asked mindlessly, your mind thinking about your boyfriend JJ. Sarah sobbed at your question. She held onto your hand, "no, no it’s okay. You’re gonna be okay and John B is gonna be okay. You got this.” She tried to reassure you.

“Sarah, please don’t break my brother’s heart. He really loves you.” You admitted, feeling as if your body was burning. Your mouth had gone dry and you couldn’t stop coughing as blood filled your lungs. Your eyes slowly started to flutter shut, Sarah gently shook your head. “I won’t Y/N, please just stay with me!” “Tell JJ I love him.” Was the last thing you said before giving into the bright light that shines above you.


“Y/N Routledge?” John B, Sarah and the rest of the Pogues all stood up from their chairs, all of them tapping their feet. “We’re so sorry for your loss.” The words easily left the doctors mouth, but impaled everyone’s hearts. 

JJ felt as if the breath had been knocked out of him as he reached to sit down in his chair so he wouldn’t fall over. “Wh-what?” Was all his mouth could say. 

“She was losing too much blood, as soon as she was injured there was no going back. We tried everything we could.” The doctor explained.

Pope held onto Kiara as they both began to cry. Losing someone who was like a sister to them, someone who would drop whatever she was doing and go spend time with them. Someone who made so many memories with them, and they’re gone now.

JJ put his hand on John B’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. JB’s mouth had fallen open, “no, no that can’t be right.” John B spoke as he shook his friends hand off of his shoulder.

“JB-” He cut JJ off, “No! No! She was supposed to grow up with me! She promised when we grow older she would help me plan my wedding with Sarah, help me find a house, she promised me. She-she can’t be gone.” He sobbed loudly as his body suddenly felt weak. 

John B stood there after his shout, his body felt like static. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream so loudly it’d break glass, he wanted to make the pain go away. But all he could do was stand there, he didn’t want to believe this was it. 


The funeral

John B took in everyone’s appearance as they gathered around the hole that held the wooden casket. Black. Black dresses, black shirts and pants, everything was dead. The only family you had that cared about you was John B, Sarah, and your Pogues you considered family as well. No one there had not been able to stop crying, none of them had gotten sleep. 

John B twirled a single white rose in his hand before reaching down and placing it in the hole in the ground. His free hand clenched the bandana you had given him in his hand. The brother had his friends around him, all of them putting rose’s on the lid of your casket.

John B asked JJ to speak about you, knowing he wouldn’t be able to speak once he stood up there. JJ didn’t want to lie, he was terrified. Not of public speaking, but if he spoke about you then he would realize you were actually dead. But there he stood at a wooden stand, in front of a small crowd of people.

His hands clutched onto the sides of the stand, so hard that his knuckles were turning white. He had attempted to write out what he wanted to say on paper, but he could never get the words right of what he wanted to say.

“My name is JJ Maybank, and Y/N Routledge is- was my girlfriend. She wasn’t only my girlfriend, but my best friend. My whole life I was making stupid decisions, hanging out with the wrong crowd, not doing well in school, etc. But she was right by my side to help me through all my mistakes and failures. She was always there to be a shoulder to cry on and a person to hug. She would always let me lay my head in her lap and she would play with my hair when she knew something was up with me.” His voice wavered as he looked up to the sky to hold back his tears.

“Y/N Routledge was not only a beautiful woman, but she had a heart of gold. She had a soul so pure Angel’s are jealous they can’t have that sort of kindness. She put people before herself, but always knew when to focus on herself. She would drop everything she was going and run to her brother or any of her friends if they needed her help. I hate having to use past tense- I never thought her life would be taken so soon.” JJ mumbled the last part as a tear slipped from his eye.

“I wish I could have saved her- I should have saved her. And I’m sorry I let you all down because here we are. Y/N Routledge was and will forever be in our hearts, our memories, our lives no matter what. I have cherished so many moments with her that I know I will never forget. She’s the love of my life, and I wish we all could have had our happily ever afters.”


After the funeral

John B walked up to JJ with a folded piece of paper in his hand. “Y/N left this for you.” JJ’s throat tightened as he took the paper out of his friends hand. “How did you find this?” “It was in her desk drawer.”

“She left one for all of us.” John B said before walking away from him. JJ hesitantly opened the paper as he began to read it.

“Dear JJ,

Hi my love. If you’re reading this, that means something happened to me and I died. I don’t know what you’re thinking right now, but I know one thing you’re thinking is 'why did she write this?’ Ever since the first encounter with the square groupers shooting at us in the marsh, I know life here at the OBX was not going to be easy. So I started writing this incase something were to happen to me. I pray to God that you never actually have to read this, but you never know. But I do know you, and I know you’re probably blaming yourself. JJ listen, do not blame yourself over anything that happens to me. You were the love of my life, the reason I woke up everyday with a smile. My whole life I only felt true love when I was with you, and I will never forget those feelings you gave me, and I hope you don’t forget the feelings I gave you. Thank you for being my partner and crime, my best friend, my love, and my life. Please take care of yourself, don’t let this stop you from living your life, I don’t want you guys mourning. This is life, people come and go, everything will be okay in the end. If anyone could have saved me, it would have been you. Because you, JJ Maybank, have saved me from everything else.

Your love,

Y/N Routledge♡

JJ ripped his eyes away from the paper as he let out a loud cry. He read the whole thing in your voice. He could practically hear every tone you would have used if you actually read that aloud. He felt broken, he felt lost, he wanted you back so badly. But sadly, there’s nothing to fix the fact that your journey has already come to an end.

The other letters:

Dear Kiara,

My big ball of energy, and confidence! God I wish I didn’t have to write this, but every day may be the last and I want you to hear my words. You, my best friend, are such an amazing person. When I first met you and found out you were a Kook, I thought you would hate me. But you Kiara Carrera, were nothing what I expected you to be. When my brother introduced me to you, I knew we would become best friends. Not because my brother made us but because you are one of my favorite people ever. You never failed to make me smile, you always talked to me when I needed you, you’ve helped me make so many memories and I will forever be thankful for you. When I first saw you smile I felt this warm vibe radiating off of you. I felt absolutely blessed to be able to view you as a sister. You always showed me love, you stood up for me, you made me laugh when I needed it. In my eyes you are a complete angel, and I know sometimes you doubt that, but I want you to know that nothing will change what we think about you. I’m sorry I left so soon, I wanted to be able to go to the bar with you and maybe even move in together. Thank you for everything you have done for John B and I, I will forever be grateful for you. I love you so much hun, always and forever♡

With much love, 

Y/N Routledge


Dear Pope,

I watched you grow up since you met my brother back in elementary school, and I’m proud of you, so fucking proud. You have not only grown but matured while still acting like the dork you are. I remember on my 14th birthday you didn’t know what to get me so you asked JJ and John B for opinions. Then you showed up to my house with a basket of all my favorite foods. That was the night I got sick from eating too much :) you have done so much for me, from bringing me good when I was on my period to literally pulling me out of a well in the basement of some creepy lady. I know you’re gonna do amazing things with your life, I know you’re aching to get into college with scholarships. I know for a fact that you will get into anything you put your mind to because you are the smartest person I have ever met. Don’t give up Pope, you got this.♡

Love you so much,

Y/N Routledge


Dear Sarah,

When I first met you, I thought you were just another Kook that loved showing off daddy’s money, but I was so wrong and I apologize for that. You have been nothing but an angel to my family of Pogues. You have made me laugh so easily when I needed it. You took my mind off of things that hurt me. You drove us around town at 2 in the morning because we both couldn’t sleep. I can’t even tell you how thankful I am to know you’re dating my brother, he’s in good hands. He really does love you, you know. He always grins whenever your name comes up in conversation, he will defend you in a heartbeat if he has to. Please take care of his heart. I know we only recently became friends, but I just want you to know I appreciate everything you have done for me. You have a heart of gold, Sarah Cameron, never change for anyone. ♡

Sending love,

Y/N Routledge


Dear Johnny Boy,

John B, I’m so sorry you’re reading this. I wish there was some way I could prevent you from ever reading this but life throws wild cards at you from every position. Johnny you were my best friend in the whole world. Since we were born you and I have been attached by the heart. I feel so honored to have watched you grow up into who you are today. An intelligent, kind, loving, and handsome teenager. You have such a bright future ahead of you and you are going to absolutely own your life. I am so happy you found Sarah before something happened to me, I know Sarah will do anything to show you she loves you. You are the best brother anyone could ask for. You’re my favorite person to go to the playground with, my favorite person to watch horror and sci fi movies with, my favorite person to binge eat all of the food in the fridge. You have helped me through it all even from a young age. Thank you for that. I’m sorry dad hasn’t seen you grow and develop within these last few months, but I know he would be proud of you, of us. I’ll tell him you said hi when I see him. Take care of the Pogues and yourself please. I want to see all of you thrive in the future, okay? Promise to me and yourself that you will wake up every day, drink water, and eat. I love you Johnny boy. Forever and always. Thank you for being the best brother ever♡

Love your favorite (and only) sister,

Y/N Routledge


Prompt list #1

Prompt list #2

JJ Maybank

Heather:Based on Heather by Conan Gray Part 2

Safe:After a long day JJ seeks comfort in you once he realizes he can’t sleep by himself.

Good Old Days:You and JJ meet once again after a harsh break up.

Just A Joke:JJ plays a trick on you, resulting in some positive outcomes.

Breakfast With the Moon:Based on by the song Breakfast With the Moon by Powfu.

Home Alone:You tell JJ the truth of what happened after you had a visit by the square groupers.

Johnny Boy: You don’t make it out after the shooting at the Cameron’s runway, leaving your death on the shoulders of your friends.

The Blip:Your best friend disappears after ‘the blip’ only to return 5 years later. Pt 2

Heights:JJ always has to bring up your height in every chance he gets.

Taken:You’ve been taken by the square groupers and JJ is anxious to get you back.

Bruises:JJ reveals the extent of his abuse by his father by accident, with you right by his side to help him get through the pain.

Sunshine:JJ finds you having a panic attack and is right by your side to help you calm down.

Rafe Cameron

Home Away From Home :Rafe comes to your house (even though you’re a Pogue) after he’s been kicked out of his house.

Need You Now:After a smoking session, Rafe admits to you what he thinks about you.

On My Own: You raised your child by yourself for the last 3 years, Rafe comes to his senses to finally become the dad he never was.

The Book of You & I: Based on The Book of You & I by Alec Benjamin

Kiss Me:Based on Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran

The Truth:You finally tell Rafe the truth as to why you don’t want to go to parties anymore. 

Lost Privilege:You confront Rafe after hearing a certain story.

Easy Day:After a stressful week you and Rafe are finally able to relax together.

Positive:You and Rafe start your own family :)

Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head):Based on Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head) by Powfu and Beabadoobe

Kiara Carrera

Lost Sweater: Alternative Universe where when one person loses something, their soulmate receives it. 

Safe Haven:Kie arrives at your house, shaken up and wounded. You take care of her, letting her know she’s gonna be okay.

Three Bodyguards: Kiara deals with a serious issue, not wanting to bother her Pogues she distance herself from them until they get the truth out of her.

My Hero:Kie takes you out of the house after you’ve been studying, making sure this is a night to ease your mind.

John B Routledge

Hazel Brown:AU where your world is in black and white until you meet your soulmate, then everything turns into color.

Stress Release:Friends with benefits; Two friends who trust each other enough to engage in sexual activity without fear of hurting the other’s feelings.

Where Were You in the Morning?:Based on 'Where Were you in the Morning’ by Shawn Mendes


If The World Was Ending: Inspired by If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe and Julia Michael’s + Laying On My Porch While We Watch The World End by Powfu.

Sarah Cameron

Playdate in the Rain:You and Sarah decide to run in the rain in her backyard like you did in the past, opening up about how you really feel. 

Overnight stay:Instead of the boys leaving Kie with Sarah on a boat overnight, they to let you two get rid of your grievances first. 

Topper Thornton

Lazy Day:You and Topper decide to spend some more time together after a lazy day. 

Good Old Days - JJ Maybank

Gif credit @toesure!

Summary: you and JJ meet once again after a harsh break up.

Word count: 1,982

Warnings: cheating, angst underage drinking, implied sex at the end. I do NOT condone the action of going back to someone who cheated.

You sat alone in a booth at a local restaurant, diagonal from where your friend Nicole sat with an unfamiliar boy. You had offered to ‘be a look out’ for the girl when she brought up how her friends had helped her get a blind date. Nicole had the fear that she might embarrass herself or something might go south, so you decided to lend a helping hand to calm her down.

You subtly flicked your eyes up and down from the menu to your friend as a waitress came up to you. “What can I get you hun?" 

"Just a vanilla milkshake and fries please.” The lady nodded and took the menu from your hands. You reached inside of your bag and pulled out your notebook. Finding a pen, you began to mindlessly draw little doodles of whatever came to mind. 

You were actually enjoying the peace and quiet until the front door bell chimed. Before you could react, JJ Maybank took the spot right across from you. “Can I help you?” You scoffed, closing the notebook. 

“Nope. I’m helping my friend out and it looks like you happen to be doing the same thing for your friend too.” JJ said, looking behind his shoulder to see his friend give him a thumbs up. You rolled her eyes, defensively crossing your arms.

“Okay, well how about you move to the other booth where you can 'help’ by yourself.” JJ dramatically put his hand to his heart, “does Y/F/N Y/L/N not want to spend time with me?” “The last time I was near you it didn’t end well.” You hissed. JJ immediately got quiet as the waitress came up to deliver your order.

“Oh! Would you like anything dear? On the house for the couple!” The waitress smiled, “oh no we’re not-” “actually I would love a hamburger and a chocolate milkshake please!” JJ grinned. “Coming right up." 

"Seriously JJ why can’t you just sit somewhere else?” You asked as you dipped a fry into the milkshake. JJ furrowed his eyebrows as he watched you take a bite. “What? It’s good.” You defended.

“See I could, but Steve made me promise to help him out. And now I get to talk to you which is exactly what I want to be doing on my Friday night.” Sarcasm dropped from his voice as you bite your tongue.

“Well you can leave. You never were good at keeping promises anyway.” You seethed, taking the cherry out of the milkshake and popping into your mouth. JJ became quiet once more as the sudden flashback hit him.


2 years. 2 years was all it took for something so positive and bright, to turn into something dead. 2 years was all it took for JJ Maybank to own, and then break your heart. 

You two had been dating for a full two years, both of you guys admitting you were in love. Making promises that you two couldn’t keep. One of them being, 'I’ll always love you.' 

JJ broke that the minute his lips touched some tourons at an end of the year school party. You had lost sight of your boyfriend in the middle of the party after telling him you were going to the bathroom. It took you 10 minutes to find him with the unknown girl. 

“Have you seen- oh.” Your words slipped your mind as you saw a boy and girl break away from a kiss. Only to reveal that face that made your heart break. “I better… I better g-go.” You stumbled over your words, your legs moving as fast as they could out of that house and far away from JJ.

You didn’t know what to do, what to think, how to act, what to say, everything just became numb. Like someone had just ripped your heart from your chest, and dangled it in front of your face as if it were mocking you. So you just ran, and ran all the way to your house. Dried tears stained your face as you were panting, on the verge of passing out. 

Your mind felt fuzzy, as if it were an old TV and an antenna was knocked loose, like all you heard was static and a ringing. You shook your head frantically as you paced in the living room. A rapid knock echoed in the silent room as you let out a sob. You slowly walked to the door, your hand shaking as it hesitantly reached out.

You twisted the handle and pulled the door open to reveal a frantic JJ. “Y/N please let me-” “Don’t even fucking start JJ.” You said, cautiously backing away from the door. JJ walked into the house as he tried to grab hold of your wrists. 

You pulled your wrists back from JJ’s grip as you began to have trouble breathing. “You fucking kissed some random girl. Who knows what the fuck would’ve happened if I didn’t walk into that room.” You mumbled to yourself as your head began to ache.

“Y/N you know I wouldn’t do that!” “When you’re in a relationship you don’t fucking kiss somebody else! I didn’t think you’d do that yet here we are!” You raised your voice as you paced again.

“Open your fucking eyes, it’s so obvious I’m in love with you!” JJ yelled back, causing you to flinch, his breath smelled of alcohol. Your eyes suddenly fell to the ground, afraid to look at him without breaking down.

“You need to leave,” your voice wavered, “you need to leave and not come back. You can’t look at me. You can’t speak my name. You can’t have anything to do with me, Maybank. We’re fucking done.” You breathed out, feeling as though you had a boulder crushing your body.

“Y/N. I made you a promise that I’d love you, please let me keep going with that promise.” JJ begged, his eyes burning harshly with tears. “You broke your promise, you can’t come back from that.”

JJ let out a sigh as his head slumped down, forcing his legs to walk out the front door, and out of your life.

Memory over.

“Look, this isn’t a guilt trip: I just genuinely want to know if you dislike me so I can stop bothering you.” JJ said, fidgeting with his fingers. You sighed as you swirled the straw around the milkshake. “I don’t dislike you as a human, I fucking despise what you did to me.” You admitted.

“I’ve changed Y/N. I haven’t been with any other girl, I haven’t spoken with that other girl since then. Please just give me a break. I’ve been busy trying so fucking hard. I’m doing the best I can. Please, please don’t ask more of me.” JJ frowned, his leg now anxiously tapping.

You let out a scoff, but you couldn’t lie to yourself. You missed being with JJ, you missed him so damn much, but you didn’t want to admit it. Your eyes flickered to your friend who was standing up and giving Steve a kiss on the cheek. 

Their date was over, but you and JJ sat firmly in the booth. “Let me just drive you home like the good days, just hear me out.” JJ begged. You cracked your knuckles, a habit you gained after the break up. “Fine. But so help me Maybank if you fuck it up you will never, I repeat ever come speak to me again.” JJ let out a breath of relief and thanked you.

You couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit of luck when he offered, glad that you chose to walk to the diner. You two sat in silence for a bit of the ride before JJ turned on the radio. 'Wonderwall’ by Oasis played through the sound system, memories of this song hitting you in the face like a brick.

JJ began to obnoxiously shout the lyrics like he would when you guys went on drives together. He would roll the windows down, blast the volume and just let it all out.  At first you were annoyed with the boy, but as soon as he nudged you with his elbow you began shouting the lyrics as well. At that moment, things felt normal. Like nothing bad happened between them, and that scared you shitless.

When the song ended, JJ turned down the volume and began to speak, “you know, I never took your school photo out of my wallet. It’s still there. And every night after… we broke up, I would just look at it and cry. Because I drank and I ended up losing the best thing I ever got in life. And believe me I know drinking is no excuse for what I did. I lost the one person that understood me more than my other friends, than myself. And I fucked it all up. And I know I can’t take back what I did. Saying sorry won’t change the hurt I made you feel. But I want you to know I’m truly trying my best to be a different person than who I was before.” His voice was shaking as he found it hard to look at the road.

“I can try to forgive you Maybank, but that night has been burned into my memory. And it’s gonna take a lot of time before I can forget it.” You mumbled, looking out the window watching the trees zoom by.

“I’d wait 100 years if it meant that you would talk to me again.” JJ muttered as he pulled into your driveway. “Do you.. want to come in? And like, catch up?” You wanted to punch yourself in the face for your offer, but again you couldn’t deny how much you missed him.

JJ was shocked at your words, his mouth slightly open as he nodded his head. You walked into your house and to your luck, nobody was home.

You guys sat in your room, silence filling the air once again. You walked over to a picture frame on the desk and picked it up. The picture was of JJ after he had fallen asleep with his head in your llap. “Remember this night?” You asked as he looked over your shoulder.

“Yeah. I came over to make cupcakes for John B’s birthday but we ended up just throwing flour and eggs at each other.” JJ laughed loudly, remembering how he would find flour in his hair and ears for days after. “Then we sat on the couch and you laid your head in my lap. I played with your hair until you fell asleep and you snored so loud.” You smiled at the memory.

“God I fucked up.” He whispered. “Yeah. Yeah you did. When you sat across from me in the booth I wanted to flip my shit. I wanted to go off on you and say something like, 'oh fuck off you piece of shit. You think I care about you? That I give a damn about your feelings? Fuck off.’ I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me.” You confessed. 

“Damn Y/N. I- I don’t even know what to say.” JJ said as you faced him. You couldn’t help but stare at his lips, the lips you craved so desperately. You hated yourself for this. You hated yourself for making this move, but you leaned in anyway and kissed him. You were taken back at your actions, but your knees nearly buckled at his touch.

JJ gently held the side of your face as he pulled back. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He said, his words echoing in your head. “I’m desperate. And I’m pretty sure you are too. This is a one time thing until you gain my trust back. But for now, just shut up and have sex with me.”

Stress Release- John B

(Not my gif, credit for whoever created it!)

Summary: Friends with benefits; Two friends who trust each other enough to engage in sexual activity without fear of hurting the other’s feelings.

Word count: 1,912

Warnings: Mentions fwb, sex, and underage drinking.

You rested on your stomach, textbook in front of you as John B joined your side. You two had been chosen to be partners for a Chemistry class project, but neither of you two had actually paid enough attention to figure out what you two we’re doing.

You guys sat in silence for a minute before you exhaled loudly. “What’s with the sigh?” You ground loudly, flipping yourself over and laying on your back.

“It’s my senior year. I should be out in the world not giving a single fuck about anything, but I’m stressed out of my mind and I have no clue how to get rid of it.” You ranted, grabbing the nearest pillow and screaming into it. John B looked at you with a confused look. “What? I’m a screamer. Not sexually, just at life in general.” “I can make that sexually.” He said, earning a smack from the pillow.

“Therapy?” “Tried.” “Painting?” “Tried.” “Going to the gym?” “Ha! You’re fucking funny.” John B remained quiet for a second before coming up with something. “Have you tried just hooking up with someone? You know, like a friends with benefits type thing." 

Your head snapped up from it’s spot as you stared at the boy with a dumbfounded look. "I’m sorry?” “Well it’s just, if you need to release tension, shit like that helps a lot.” John B said as he suddenly felt idiotic for bringing the idea up. You sat there for a moment, trying to process his words. “Okay but even if I wanted to I don’t know who would even want to." 

John B’s index finger pointed to his face as you observed his gesture. "Really?and why would you want to be friends with benefits?” “I get stressed too, I help you out, you help me out.” You considered his offer for a moment before agreeing on his idea.

“Okay. But we have to make a guideline.” You negotiated, ripping out a piece of paper from the notebook. Now it was John B’s turn to roll his eyes. 

“First rule, we do not tell a single soul about this.” You said, grabbing your pen and scribbling the words down. “Okay, okay. Second rule, we call each other whenever we need a release. Whenever and wherever.” “No hooking up with anyone else unless either of us get

a boyfriend/girlfriend.” He thought aloud.

You nodded your head, writing his words down quickly. “And the last one,” you two looked at each other as you spoke in unison, “no feelings.” You held the pen out towards him, giving you a questioning look. “What? We gotta make this shit official." 

John B let out a chuckle as he took the pen from your hand and scribbled his name. Returning the pen to you, he adjusted himself so he was resting against the headboard. You quickly signed it, closing the notebook shut.

John B sighed softly before looking at youm "You stressed?” You quickly rose up from your spot, your legs resting on both sides of him as you straddled his lap. “You have no idea.” His hands trailed up your back, one hand staying on your thigh and gently rubbing it. The other was wrapped tightly around your waist.

Your lips met halfway, he sighed in relief at the feeling of someone else’s lips. The kiss was fierce and rushed, both of you wasting no time in getting your stress out.


You guys had this ‘relationship’ going for the last 5 months. Almost every other day you called each other. It was an odd thing for you to do. You had done it before in the past, but sex with John B was something else. There were nights where the type would change, he would take control for most of the time. Angry sex, sex in the living room, car sex, anything he wanted to do, you two did.

However, as time went on the feelings John B had began to change. He wanted to spend more time with you, and not just hook up. He wanted to find out more things about you, watch movies with you, be able to kiss you in public whenever he wanted. The at first sloppy sex slowly morphed into passionate sex. He noticed and it scared him shitless. He loved every moment he spent with you and he didn’t want that to change.

He was mad at himself. That was the third rule and he broke it. He never expected it to happen, but when it did it slapped him right across the face.

You two were lying there naked, sheets covering your bare chests. You were fast asleep, your body facing him. He took in the tiny details about you, everything that he could. How sometimes your eyelashes flutter. How you’ll snore sometimes. How he rests his hand on your cheek and you unknowingly lean into his touch. He buried this hole too deep and he can’t get out.

You both were currently at your friend Angela’s party, drunk teens were horribly dancing in the living room, couples were hooking up in the bedrooms and bathrooms. John B was drinking a shot of vodka as he saw you walk by, a red plastic solo cup in your hand. “Hey Routledge!” You winked at the boy who shyly drank from his cup.

A classmate of his walked up to John B, “Hey, what’s with you and that Y/L/N chick?” The boy asked, nudging John B’s shoulders. He smirked at his classmate leaning closer to him, “we’re friends with benefits!” John B exclaimed, clearly tipsy and not knowing the words that are spilling out of his mouth. 

The classmate smirked at the intoxicated teen, giving JB a high five, congratulating him. You were out in the backyard enjoying the night sky with Sarah Cameron.you two were laughing after watching someone run and fall into the pool.

The fun was quickly ruined as the classmate stood in front of you guys. “So Y/N, I heard you help release stress from my good old friend John B. How about you help me out?” Your face dropped in shock, the cup falling from your hand. “I’m sorry?” You asked, pretending not to understand what he was talking about.

“Oh yeah. But real shit, whenever I need something I’ll give you a call.” The boy sent you a wink before licking his lower lip and walking away. You stared at the ground in shock. “Are you okay?” “I don’t know how to answer that.” You admitted.

You stomped out of the backyard and out of the house. Stares, comments and giggles were all you noticed as you made your way through the crowded rooms. Making way to your car, you opened the door and slammed it shut. Your fists pounded down onto the steering wheel, accidentally punching the horn. You crossed your arms and leaned against the wheel. Your head fell against your arms as tears stung your eyes. You were furious at John B, but you were also angry with yourself. 

During the time you had been sleeping with John B, you also began to realize how your heart would race a mile a minute with him, even before the physical contact. You had been trying to deny the feelings, 'it’s just sex’ you repeated to yourself over and over after every session. But to you it was something else, and that scared you.

You sped down down the road, the lights blurring from the tears, your cheeks and nose a shade of pink. Your breathing was uneven as you hicupped every now and then. Returning home, you quickly changed out of your clothes into pajamas and laid in bed. That night was the last time you and John B had an interaction for a whole month.

He would call you, but you’d let the answering machine pick up. You’d swerve him when you walked by him in the halls, catching his eye then turning around to walk the other way. 

You wanted to distance yourself as much as you could. John B tried his best to apologize after his classmate reminded him that he told your secret that night at the party. He felt absolutely destroyed hearing the rumors that were spreading about you, about you both, he hated it.

Your eyes were sealed shut as you attempted to let sleep overtake your body. It was finally Friday and you just wanted to sleep for 12 hours. The sound of rain hitting your window sounded like heaven to your ears, just pure silence except for that one noise. 

A soft tapping sound echoed off the  window. Knowing it wasn’t rain, you hesitantly opened your eyes to see John Booker Routledge holding himself as he stood in your backyard, in the pouring rain. His hair was plastered down onto his face. His clothes clung to his body. His eyes were squinted shut in hopes to not get too much water in them.

You quickly got up and pulled him through the window harshly, making him fall to the ground. His skin made a loud slapping noise as he made contact with the hardwood floor. You sighed, rubbing your forehead with the palm of your hand. “Hold on.” You quickly went out of the room and walked back in with a towel. You handed it to him as you sat on the bad, John B standing there as he attempted to dry off.

“Look this isn’t a guilt-trip. I just genuinely want to know if you dislike me so I can stop bothering you.” He started, the towel running through his hair, drops of water flying everywhere. You sighed loudly and pitched the bridge of your nose. “I don’t hate or dislike you. I hate that you spilled what we were to what’s his face at the party. Do you know how many phone calls I’ve gotten of guys asking me to hook up with them? 24." 

"What we were?” John B asked softly. “You broke your promise, you can’t come back from that.” You huffed, your eyes not leaving the floor. “It was just a fling.” He lied, not only to you but to himself. “Not to me it wasn’t.” Your voice was just above a whisper.


"Throughout the last few months things felt different. It was really fucking weird to think about, but my heart would always just… race when we spent time together. I wanted things to just be more than a fling. But I figured you just wanted it to be just that thing since you came up with the idea.” you admitted. He lightly chuckled as he bent down to be face to face with you.

“Princess. I walked here to you in the rain. This is how much I love you. This,” he pointed his finger between you two, “I want more than a fling. I want to be able to just walk around with you on my arm and just give you all the fucking affection I can give. And I’m sorry about the calls. I’ll make sure people get the notice to-” you cut him off by quickly pressing your lips against his.

He exhaled loudly, your skin suddenly felt as if it were burning. “God I missed you.” He mumbled against your lips as his thumb stroked your cheek. “Show me how much you missed me.” You whispered, pulling the boy onto the bed.

Pouge Princess Chapter 1

(Rafe Cameron x Reader)

A/n: Thank you guys so much for all the likes on my pouge princess blurb This has really helped rekindle my love for writing and I can’t wait to share more with everyone. I hope you all enjoy the official first chapter

Word count : 2,227

Warning ⚠️: swearing, mention of sex and drugs, drinking, Rafe being a dick (are we really shocked about that in a rafe cameron fanfic)

The best job to have on the whole island had to be working at one of the county clubs. Simply for the fact that there was no such thing as a bad tip day. It was totally worth watching stuck up seniors and spoiled kooks play golf all day because you knew you’d go home with plenty of money in your pocket.

The only real con was you’d be stuck serving people that you have to see at school once the summer ends. Most of the kids at school do summer internships or at most are forced to “work” part time at their parents’ jobs. No one you knew in figure 8 had to work a real job. On the cut almost everyone you knew had a job it was the only way most kids could stay afloat there was nothing odd about it.

But when you are in figure 8 It was one of the things that made you feel embarrassed, having to serve the same people you call your friends at school reminded you that your diffrent. Today was a prime example of that your manager told you that you were personally requested for a party of 3 on the course. When you pulled up at the first hole you saw none other than Rafe, Kelce and Topper.

“Well look at this isn’t it nice that everyone’s favorite little baby doll finally decided to grace our presents.” Rafe shouted leaning against his club arms crossed.

“Come on man don’t start already ” Topper said, hitting the tall blonde upside his head.

If there was anyone besides Sarah you could count on it would be Topper. He was always there to be your knight in shining armor and the only one that could truly put Rafe in his place besides Ward.

“No it’s fine Top, you guys are practically giving me a chance to hang out instead of work today. So you wanna get started I’ll get the drinks going?”

You couldn’t help but to bounce up as you passed the drinks, Rafe snatched the beer from your hand eyeing you when you waited to give Topper his drink. He couldn’t help but notice the way your hand lingered longer than it should when you passed a beer to Topper.

Hole after hole you followed the boys as they played watching as they’d talk shit to each other and slug down more beers.

“Well guess who’s finally out of the single guys club. What are you two losers gonna do now that I’ll be spending a lot of my time with Anais? ” Kelce said with a toothy grin.

Anais is the girl Kelce has been trying to get with for months even coming to you for advice on how to win her over knowing you’d have a better perspectivecompared to Rafe and Topper.

“Oh God don’t tell me your pussy whipped already.” Rafe couldn’t help but to nod his head in disapproval.

“Well there goes our plans for hot boy summer. I’m finally ready to live the single life with you guys and you have the nerve to get cuffed.” Topper added 

“Omg Kelce don’t listen to these two they’re just jealous, congratulations I know how much you really liked her. I’m happy you two are together now its about time.” Kelce patted you on the back, his smile never fading.

“I’m glad someone actually cares about me here. Now the real question is when are you finally gonna get yourself a boyfriend (y/n). I think its time you threw yourself out there, you need to get one so we can go on double dates” Kelce said snickering at the sight of your panicked face.

“Um I mean I don’t know I guess I just haven’t found a guy that really likes me.”

The real problem was the guy you liked didn’t seem to realize how much you liked him but of course you couldn’t tell them that.

“Oh come on there are plenty of people dying at a chance to go out with you (y/n), there hasn’t been anyone that sparked your interest ?” Topper chimed in looking over at you.

You felt as if your face turned into a giant stop light with how red you’ve turned from the conversation.

“Or maybe you’re just a prude that thinks she’s better than everyone else. That could be why you’ve never had a boyfriend.” Rafe said smirking at the little stink face you gave him.

“It’s not that, I mean you’ve never had a real girlfriend Rafe. Everyone says you’re only known for a good hookup, as far as I’m concerned we’re basically in the same boat.” You retorked wanting desperately for the attention to be off your nonexistent love life.

“That’s only because I don’t want a girlfriend no one can hold my interest for long. Word must get around that I’m known for great sex if even you know that I’m good for hookups. It’s just a fact that I have a BIG presence in the bedroom.” Rafe couldn’t help himself from putting emphasis on the word big with the way he smirked. “And at least I have experience in the bedroom unlike some people we know little Miss Virgin Mary.”

It was common knowledge around the obx that everyones favorite pouge has never had a boyfriend. Everyone also seemed to know that you held onto your v card as well. so it was only natural that Rafe would try to throw it in your face every once in a while to try to get under your skin. 

“You know I think you have it confused Rafe everyone says that you are a big dick not that you have one.”

Topper and Kelce turned to each other before erupting in laugher causing Rafe to simply roll his eyes.

“Oh you know what (y/n) my bottle seems to be feeling a little empty mind getting me a refill.”

Rafe began to wave his bottle in the air clearly trying to gain control of the situation again. As the laughing died down you made your way over to the cart and handed Rafe another drink. He leaned over to you making sure that Kelce and Topper couldn’t hear him.

“If you ever wanna find out if the rumors are true you know where to find me, I think I need to remind you who’s in charge here (y/n).”

Rafe couldn’t help but to smile as you looked down clearly speechless from his comment. He took this as a silent win before turning his back to go take his turn. A few more rounds where played and the boys could feel themselves getting a little sloppier as each hole progressed and the sun seemed to get dimmer as the hours went on. They all still managed to have a good game going though not letting the fading day and alcohol take them out. Kelce was clearly winning seeing as he had a slightly better tolerance for his alcohol compared to the other two.

At this point Topper decided to sit in your cart and you couldn’t help but smile as he looked over at you. “Thanks for coming along today, you know I appreciate you putting up with us all the time.” He said ruffling your hair a little with a smile.

“You know I don’t mind I like spending time with you guys.”

You would be lying if you said you didn’t have a little crush on Topper after all these years. You where practically devastated when he started dating Sarah but you couldn’t help yourself from feeling mildly happy that the people you cared most about found love in each other. A part of you was relieved when the two of them broke up when Sarah decided to date John B. Even though it was a hard time for all of you, especially being caught in the middle of your two closest friends. You couldn’t help but to hold onto a glimmer of hope that maybe after all of this time Topper would stop seeing you as just his childhood best friend. But this was a secret that you’d take to grave not wanting to complicate things or have anyone’s feelings hurt explicitly your own.

“Hey Top how about you get your ass up and finish this hole with us? Or are u just gonna talk to the fucking pouge all day, there not paying her to chit chat there paying her to serve us.”

Rafe yelled, stepping towards the two of you and resting his arm against the canopy on your side of the cart. Rafe was clearly feeling the affects of all the alcohol he consumed. He only ever became meaner the more he drank. You couldn’t help but be grateful this was all he did today knowing that if he had done a few lines then he’d practiclly become a whole new person. Rafe couldn’t help but to stare deeply at the two of you with a scrunched up look on his face.

“Come On man just quit it already you’ve been throwing jabs at (y/n) all day I just wanna have good time. I’m out after this I’m not gonna stick around for you to just be an ass”

Topper pushed himself up walking towards Kelce to take his turn. When Topper was far enough from the cart Rafe leaned in staring you directly in the face making your cheeks flare up at the proximity for the millionth time today.

“What do you want this time Rafe ?” You asked.

“What do I want (y/n) ? Well let’s see I want you to stop with the fucking goo goo eyes your always makeing at Topper. You’re starting to seem a little pathetic. When are you gonna learn that he just doesn’t see you that way.”

At this point your body felt like it was on fire and you where doing everything in your power not to let the comment affect you.

“I dont know what your talking about Rafe, Topper is my friend maybe your just not used to seeing a stable relationship between a guy and a girl that doesn’t involve sex.”

Not the best comeback but it was the only thing you could think of when all you could do was think about was how fast your heart was pounding from his accusations. Obviously they where true but Rafe was the last person you would want to know about your secret feelings towards Topper. Rafe didn’t seem like he was backing down yet either and you weren’t sure how much of this you could take. You continued to stare at him when suddenly he started to fish in his pockets to reveal a wadded up 100 dollar bill he crumpled it up even further and chucked it in your face watching as it fell perfect in your lap when it hit you.

“ What the heck are you doing ?” You said, picking up the crumpled money and holding it in your hand.

“I’m tired of dealing with you so I figured I’d just give you what you came for. Isn’t that why you hang out with kooks so you can take our money and show off to your little friends on the cut.”

It wasn’t the alcohol that was making Rafe act this way it was the sight of seeing you with Topper. It was something that always got under his skin after all these years, he was just able to mask it by blaming it on drugs or his natural hot headed temper.

You could feel tears swelling up in your eyes but couldn’t bear to give Rafe the satisfaction of knowing just how deep he cut you. You didn’t know why he always felt the need to  remind you that no matter how hard you tried you’d always be diffrent from everyone.

“I don’t need your damn money Rafe I get paid regardless if you’re here or not, and I’ll have you know that Topper asked me to be here. My manager said I was requested to come serve you guys today. I’m just doing my job.”

You took the crumpled bill and threw it back at Rafe letting it hit him before falling into the grass.“I’m heading back to the club, my shift is ending soon anyway.”

Turning the wheel of the cart you started to make your way back to the club not wanting to deal with this any longer then you had too and not wanting everyone to see the tears that started to trickle down your cheeks.

Rafe stumbled back once the cart started to move looking down at the money before glancing over at his confused friends. He couldn’t bring himself to admit that he was the one that requested to have you with them today but the fact that you assumed it was Topper had him even more pissed off then before It always had to be about fucking Topper.

“I’m fucking done with today I’m leaving.”

In a fit of rage Rafe stormed off throwing his club down before heading back. Deciding he’d rather be alone then have to explain to his friends as to what just happened just now. (Y/n) wasn’t the only one harboring an unrequited love for someone that didn’t seem to notice them.

Another A/n: Well I hoped you guys liked the official first chaper. I have a lot of ideas circulating on what I’m gonna do :3

Pouge Princess

( Rafe Cameron × Reader )

A/n: This is the first fanfiction I’ve written in a REALLY long time. I use to post on wattpad and devianart like a million years ago. Anyway I’m thinking of maybe making this a series so this is kinda just a blurb to get the idea out there to see if anyone’s interested. So be warned my writing skills are super rusty and my spelling/grammar sucks so please be gentle.

*credit to who ever made this gif*

(Y/n) (y/l/n) was always considered the enigma of the outer banks. She’s one of the sweetest people on the island the residential good girl, if the Camerons are the royal family of figure 8 she was considered the pouge princess of the cut. Being one of the few or quite possibly the only pouge to be accepted by the stuck up elites of figure 8.  It all started when she successfully managed to earn herself a scholarship courtesy of the Thorton estate at the kook academy whether it was done for good press for the Thorton family or her actually merits she somehow found herself entangled in the lives of the outer banks richest families. Cozy with the kooks in the day and sluming it with the pouges at night she was truly an anomaly.  When she was a kid (y/n) found herself clinging onto

Topper being that he was the only person she knew in figure 8 at first. He was all she had in school but through him she meet his circle of friends. Sarah Cameron quickly became her closest and dearest friend though. Sarah was the only one to fully accept her right off the bat as kids never bringing up her pouge status or using it as leverage against her.Together they practically grew up ruleing the outer banks there wasn’t anyone that didn’t adore them, the kook and pouge princess. That is maybe everyone except Sarah’s brother Rafe. The thing about Rafe was that there’s no escaping him, everytime (y/n) went to Sarah’s house he’d be waiting for his chance to terrorize her. All his attention was always focused on her. It always enraged him that no matter what he did (y/n) was always nice to him. Even when he made sure to remind her that she didn’t belong all growing up (y/n) never let it faze her. Rafe couldn’t stand that she practically weaseled her way into high society and everyone just blindly accepted her and he really couldn’t stand the fact that no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t stop thinking about the fucking pouge princess of the cut. 


Author’s Note: This is the start of my new series! It features AJ Maybank, JJ’s twin sister. It is also on my Wattpad, here!

I tied it in with this request, hope you enjoy: hey love not sure if reqs are open or non but I love love your imagines and am dyinggggg for some more john b lol, maybe one where you’re jj’s sister and are sneaking around with jb but he finds out?

Keep reading

kinda want to take this character but instead of john b, make her like madly in love with rafe and rafe never giving her the time of day but she becomes close with sarah when sarah and john b become an item she starts going to the cameron’s and rafe starts to get to know her and

Euro trip blurb: late night talking

Masterlist can be found here!

Synopsis:If you’re feeling down, Rafe just wants to make you happier, baby.

a/n:the votes are in. Pre euro trip football blurb !

C’mon. Swap with me.”

Noah tore his eyes away from the seating chart, surveying his best friend’s features with something akin to mild amusement. “Not sure that’s how it works, bud.”

“Want a bet?” Rafe challenged roguishly, cocking his head to one side, “go on, White. It’s just fucking calc.”

“Hey,” Noah shrugged, raising his arms in surrender, “it’s not like it’s up to me. Mrs Bright’s the one that put you beside Kelce.”

“And the one that put you beside Y/n,” Rafe pressed, eyes widening pointedly, “you’re not seriously going to —”

He was forced to falter as Noah’s palm made contact with his shoulder, grip punishing in an attempt to bring a halt to the conversation. A curt shake of his head, and Noah sent Rafe a meaningful glance, having registered you and Kelce walk into the classroom before he had.

Ironic, really, that he had clocked it first — Rafe was sure that your skin was magnetic; that his senses tended to note your presence before his conscious mind did. Relaxed features, and hair twisted back into a claw clip; something sweet in the air, and Rafe felt his eyes close a moment, taking his time to breathe this in. His figure was straightening just as you sidled in beside him, a crease in your forehead that had his thumb itching to smooth it out.

“Why,” you fixed Rafe with a pointed glare, as though he wasn’t halfway to dropping down on one knee and asking you to please (please) marry him, “are you guys congregating?”

“No reason,” Rafe shrugged easily, eyes alight with mischief. He dipped his head until his lips were at your earlobe, warm breath tickling the sensitive skin beneath it.

“On a completely unrelated note,” he added in a low murmur, and your peripheries blurred then, lashes dangerously close to fluttering shut, “do you have a pen? I need to make a few changes to this seating arrangement.”

The teasing lilt to his tone was enough to bring you out of your reverie, a huff escaping your lips as you separated from his figure.

“Ofcourse you do,” you scoffed, resisting the urge to roll your eyes, “Rafael, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities to sit beside Amber in your other classes —”

“Amber?” Rafe echoed bemusedly, allowing you space to step forward and pore over the chart. He took a pause before resting his hands on the table either side of you, broad chest warm and welcoming on your back, “what’s she got to do with anything?”

He bowed his head again, flirting with the idea of taking it a step further. “Pretty sure Amber isn’t the girl I’m going to marry, one day.”

You huffed another exasperated sigh, turning toward him with your arms folded across your chest. “And who is?”

A long pause, one that appeared to warp space-time a little. Rafe Cameron held the moon and the stars in his eyes, and you swallowed slightly, breath hitching as his gaze darted down to your lips.

“I think you know the answer to that question,” he said softly, and you wouldn’t have guessed that Kelce and Noah were still standing there — that you were still standing there, knees like jelly and conviction more than a little meek.

You shook your head in lieu of a response, peeling your eyes away from his features to concentrate on the seating chart. Spotting your name first, you sent Noah a polite smile, eyes flitting back toward the plan in order to find Topper and Kelce’s seats, too. Unbeknownst to you, Rafe was using the momentary pause to pull Kelce to one side, firm grip on his shirt collar as he lowered his voice to a desperate hiss.

“Smith,” he ordered, raising his eyebrows pointedly, “swap with Y/n.”

“Rafael,” you frowned, speaking up before Kelce could, “he’s not going to swap with you.”

Your eyes were still trained on the seating chart, bottom lip chewed raw as they settled on Topper’s name. Amber’s right beside him, and you were almost certain he was going to be pleased with the arrangement. The revelation settled heavy in your stomach, and the defeated exhale on your lips was enough to bring Rafe’s brows together.

“What’s wrong?” He frowned, abandoning his hold on Kelce to step back into your side.

“Don’t worry about it,” you muttered, turning on your heel just as he made to catch your wrist. There was a slump in your shoulders that hadn’t been there before; poorly hidden disappointment that appeared to intensify as Topper walked in.

There you guys are!” He greeted easily, pulling you into his side, “how are we looking?”

“Hey,” you smiled weakly, a pained expression on your features, “good, I think. I mean — you’ll definitely be happy with the arrangement.”

“No he won’t,” Rafe said on instinct, absently tugging on the bill of his backwards cap, “Amber’s swapping with Kelce. Right, Smith?”

“I —” Kelce faltered a moment, sending Rafe a bewildered glance before realisation dawned on his features, “— uh, I guess?”

Topper surveyed Kelce’s features bemusedly, raising an eyebrow before looking toward the seating chart. “Aight. So we’re sitting together, then?”

Your gaze hadn’t yet left Rafe’s, and something within in softened then — an overwhelming sense of appreciation within it. “Mm-hm. And I’m with Noah.”

“Or,” Rafe added, the corners of his mouth twitching mischievously, “Kelce swaps with Amber, who then swaps with you —”

“Rafael,” you interrupted, the smile on your lips betraying your feigned indignation, “that is most definitely not happening.”

“Had to try,” he shrugged, sending you a wink that had you holding your breath, “but hey, no biggie. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of opportunities to sit beside you in all of my other classes —”

“Unbelievable,” you interrupted, shaking your head irately, “you’re unbelievable, you know that?”

“And you’re beautiful,” he responded effortlessly, falling into your step as you headed toward your seat, “and sweet, and trying to fucking kill me with this dress, and way too hot to sit beside White, and —”

“Like I said,” you repeated, seemingly unconvinced, unperturbed, and — well, and trying to ignore the fact that your heart felt the very opposite of those two words, “un-fucking-believable.”

You didn’t know Noah White without Rafe Cameron.

They were a package deal — always had been; the same, cocky personality emanating from two, equally handsome individuals. Perhaps that was why you had already written him off when given the opportunity to get to know him — same genre of trouble, same reputation you were looking to avoid, and same, tooth-aching sweet talk that made you feel like a prize.

Except, that he wasn’t. (And perhaps this was because Rafe Cameron wasn’t too; not in the brash sense, anyway, and especially not with you.)

Senior calc was quickly becoming one of your favourite periods, and you had Mrs Bright’s seating chart to thank for this perplexing new revelation. Because Noah White was actually pretty cool, once you gave him a chance — he was insanely good at maths, always had some gum in his backpack, and somehow knew about your broken headphones and brought you a spare pair, second week back.

He was also extremely perceptive — frustratingly so, and perhaps that was why a single glance in your direction brought a furrow to his brow. His gaze shifted past your figure, meeting Rafe’s a moment, before he was leaning right in, peering at the webpage you had open on your laptop.

“You good?” He whispered, speaking through the corner of his mouth in an attempt to remain discreet.

“Huh?” You questioned bemusedly, only just registering his presence, “oh — uh, yeah, no. I’m algood.”

Noah raised his eyebrows at your distracted expression, clearly unconvinced. “College admissions trouble?”

“Kind of,” you sighed, looking back toward the UNC webpage with a small frown on your lips, “just tossing up between a few options.”

“Ah,” Noah responded, sending you an apologetic smile, “well hey, if you ever wanna talk to someone about UNC, my older sister Em’s graduating from there this year.”

You perked up then, interesting piquing. “Is she?”

“Mm-hm,” Noah nodded, “she did a business degree, so I’m not sure how much help she’d be with —” he took a small pause, scanning the screen again in search of your chosen major, “— uh, Art History, but she could probably provide some perspective on the University as a whole.”

“Really?” You questioned, letting out a sigh of relief, “you sure she wouldn’t mind?”

“Nah, not at all,” Noah assured, bumping your shoulder affectionately, “she loves playing big sister. She’s home next week, too — she’ll be at the game if you wanted to speak to her about it in person.”

You nodded slowly, feeling your shoulders begin to relax. “That would be so amazing, seriously. Thank you Noah!”

“Hey,” Noah shrugged, grinning wide, “no biggie. Anything for the future sister-in-law.”

He raised his voice just enough for Rafe to hear the last few words, eyes alight with mischief as he registered your embarrassed groan.

“Unbelievable,” you huffed, feeling a familiar flush creeping up your cheeks, “un-fucking-believable, just like him.”

“White!” Rafe called, furrowing his brow in mock indignation, “stop harrassing my girl.”

“Rafael,” you frowned, fixing him with a pointed glare, “not your girl.”

“Sweetheart —”

“Not your sweetheart either, Cameron.”

“You’re welcome, by the way.”

Rafe raised his head bemusedly, halfway through tying up his shoes when Noah’s words registered. “Huh? For what?”

“Dude,” Noah took a purposeful pause, lifting his eyebrows pointedly, “for being the best wingman in history, obviously.”

Rafe surveyed Noah’s features with mild interest, cocking his head to one side. “Go on.”

“Did you know Y/n’s considering UNC?” Noah responded, sending Rafe a meaningful glance, “because she is.”

“Fuck off,” Rafe breathed, feeling something strange and syrupy sweet settle in his veins. The prospect of separating for college in the future had been a source of significant chagrin all summer; he wasn’t sure he was capable of surviving without the promise of your presence — warmth and everything good in this world, soft skin and softer disposition. And though the thought of living without you wasn’t something he wanted to entertain, Rafe knew he wouldn’t dream of standing between you and the college of your dreams. Whether that be UNC, or somewhere else entirely, he would accept your decision — would live life alongside it. Alongside, but not truly within it; he couldn’t, not unless the moon and the stars willed it.

“I know,” Noah nodded, scanning Rafe’s features a moment before continuing, “she’s unsure, though, so I told her she should speak to Em.”

“Your sister Em?” Rafe questioned, cracking a roguish grin, “aw, my two favourite girls getting alon—”

“Is Rose coming tonight, Cameron?” Noah retorted, letting out a dramatic sigh, “reckon she’ll help me warm u—”

“Fuck off,” Rafe gagged, making a face, “you know I was just playing. Why do you always have to take it too far?”

“Because your step-mom is milf central,” Noah shrugged easily, deftly dodging Rafe’s punch, “can’t blame me, bro.”

Anyway,” Rafe huffed, clearing his throat pointedly before continuing, “has Y/n spoken to her?”

“Nah, told her to find Em at the game,” Noah responded, straightening just as the rest of the team entered the locker room, “which means —”

Kelce,” Kelce interrupted, raising his voice an octave in a mocking attempt to adopt your reproachful lilt, “please do not tell Rafael that I’m going to be attending the game tonight, because last time I came he was fucking insufferable and — blah blah blah, what’ll it take for you to leave her alone tonight, Cameron?”

“You know I can’t help it, Smith,” Rafe grinned, endeared by the mere thought of his name escaping your lips — as if that was fucking possible, “there’s just —”

“—something about her,” Kelce finished, lowering his voice, this time — gruffer and deeper, caveman-like.

“Exactly,” Rafe nodded, unperturbed by Kelce’s attempt to goad him, “can’t promise shit.”

“I don’t get you, Cameron,” Topper said then, half-amused, half-exasperated by Rafe’s inability to give up, “a million girls in this world —”

“— and none quite like her, you know?” Rafe interrupted, knowing exactly where Topper was going with this, “you don’t get me, Thornton, because you don’t get true love.”

Topper raised an eyebrow at that, sharing a bewildered look with the rest of the team before shaking his head. “Right.”

The rest of the team, barring two, extremely perceptive individuals. And it wasn’t a coincidence that Kelce and Noah looked to each other then — stupid, convoluted love, and it felt as though they were the only two that understood it, sometimes.

A distance away, the spectator stands were filling at an alarming pace. Privately, you never understood the novelty of watching sweaty guys tackle each other on dewy grass (it almost frustratedyou — although, that was another story entirely), but you had promised your best friends your unconditional support, and your unconditional support is what they would receive. The fact that Noah’s older sister would also be here was an encouraging plus; you were hoping to be introduced right after the game was finished, receive some clarity on a decision that was slowly gnawing your insides raw.

You managed to find a few girls from your class just as the first whistle was blown, preparing yourself for an hour or so of menial small talk and polite cheering. Scanning the field on occasion, you would manage to make encouraging eye-contact with Topper whenever he looked toward you — a small flutter, a twinkle in your eye, and something safe and familiar would settle in your stomach. It wouldn’t somersault, nor thrum right out of your chest, wouldn’t be jelly in your knees like Rafe’s brilliant blue gaze. Because though you managed to avoid looking toward his figure, the something strange in your veins made you feel as though his eyes remained on you. Not enough to be distracted, sure, but just enough for his movements to falter with yours.

You would furrow your brow (attempting to understand a game you had long since given up on), and Rafe would feel an overwhelming urge to smooth the creases right out. You would whisper something slight in Yasmin’s ear, and his eyes would flit to your soft lips then, agonise over how badly he wanted to kiss them. You would smile at something silly, cheer when the team scored, and on occasion, you would hug your waist tighter — shiver a little as the cool, night air wrapped around your figure.

“Oi!” Rafe called suddenly, eyes lingering on your figure as he raised his hands in a T, “ref — I need to call a time-out.”

The referee surveyed his features, bewildered, taking a small pause before reluctantly blowing his whistle. “You have a minute, captain.”

“Sweet,” Rafe sent him a thumbs-up, jogging back toward the sidelines where his drink bottle and jumper lay slumped on the bench. The rest of the team stood frozen on the field, sending each other equally perplexed looks before Noah cupped his hands around his mouth.

“Cameron!” He called, making for his figure when he didn’t receive an answer, “the fuck are you doing?”

Rafe grabbed his faded, football jersey before turning toward his best-friend, meeting his bewildered gaze with a relaxed expression, unperturbed by the interruption. “Getting my jumper.”

“You — what?” Noah frowned, perplexed, “you called a time-out because you were cold?”

“No, you fucking idiot,” Rafe snorted, shaking his head as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, “I called a time-out because Y/n was shivering.”

He turned around before Noah had a chance to protest, expertly traversing the stands until he reached your figure within it. Eyes wide and a grimace on your features, it was clear that you were more than a little embarrassed by Rafe’s decision.

Rafael,” you hissed, and he was standing so fucking close, cologne and sweat and wonderful warmth clouding every one of your senses, “what are you doing?”

Rafe furrowed his brow a little at the question — your teeth were still chattering, eyes narrowed and something sweet on your skin; wasn’t it painfully clear why he was here?

“As much as I’d like to sit here,” he grinned, leaning in close until you could feel the heat radiating off his figure, “and warm you up myself, I have a football game to finish, sweetheart, so I thought I’d give you my jersey instead.”

“I’m not cold,” you muttered stubbornly, refusing to make eye-contact.

Rafe raised an eyebrow at the claim, placing the football jersey in your lap anyway. “You sure?”

“Positive,” you bit back, folding your arms across your chest, “and I would appreciate it if you didn’t call time-outs on my account, Rafael.”

“Not on your account,” Rafe shrugged easily, eyes twinkling a little, “mostly on mine. Pretty selfish, but I reckon my lucky charm wearing number fourteen would guarantee a win, don’t you?”

“Luckycharm?” You scoffed, fixing him with a pointed glare, “I’ve been to two games, maximum —”

“Not true,” Rafe winked, clutching his chest and pretending to swoon, “you’ve been on my mind during all of them.”

“Jesus, Cameron,” came a sweet voice behind you, speaking before you had a chance to, “Noah really wasn’t kidding, huh?”

You furrowed your brow at the sentiment, turning toward the source to find a gorgeous brunette already staring at you. She had the same eyes as Noah, gentle smile that relaxed your shoulders, and her gaze lingered a moment, mischief returning as she looked back toward Rafe’s figure.

“Don’t be jealous, Em,” Rafe grinned, straightening just as a warning whistle rang through the air, “you know you’ll always be my first love.”

“Alright, buddy,” Emma scoffed, shaking her head bemusedly, “now, for the love of God, please go back to playing football.”

“Yes ma’am,” Rafe nodded sagely, sending her a mock salute before jogging back down to the field.

The exchange had thrown you far more than you were willing to admit, and you found yourself staring down at the jersey on your lap — large and warm and him, with intent enough to drown out the second whistle. It was only when Emma tapped you on the shoulder that you were brought out of your reverie, turning back toward her with a weak expression on your features.

“Hey,” she greeted with a smile, pointing to the empty seat beside you, “mind if I —”

“No, yeah, of course,” you nodded eagerly, and another gust of wind then, one you refused to acknowledge in light of Rafe’s stupid fucking jersey in your lap.

She climbed into the seat from the one directly above it, surveying you a moment before responding. “You’re Y/n, right?”

“Right,” you affirmed, angling your body toward her, “and you’re Noah’s sister?”

“Em,” she corrected amicably, sending you another kind smile, “he told me about how you’re struggling a bit with college apps.”

You let out a defeated sigh, absently chewing on your bottom lip. “Yeah. Just a little unsure about where I’d fit best.”

Emma nodded in understanding, mouth half-open in response with she registered the way you were shivering.

“You know,” she said, raising an eyebrow knowingly, “you’re allowed to put on Rafe’s jersey if you want.”

“I don’t,” you scowled, resisting the urge to make a face, “not Rafael’s.”

Emma surveyed you with mild amusement, taking a pause to look toward the field. She caught Rafe’s gaze just as the team scored, his eyes widening pointedly as he mouthed an isn’t she fucking perfect?

She laughed then, a little endeared by his earnest expression, responding a teasing she’s way out of your league, bud before turning back toward you.

“Fair enough,” she nodded sagely, “he’s a bit of a pest, that one.”

You smiled then, crinkling your nose playfully. “Pretty sure he gets a kick out of harassing me.”

“Ah,” Emma said, eyes twinkling a little, “I don’t know if I’d go that far.”

“No,trust me,” you assured, sending her a meaningful glance, “you should see the way he is when we’re in class. He’s —”

“If it’s anything like,” she gestured toward the jersey on your lap, huffing a laugh, “that,then I’m sure harassing you is the last thing he wants to do.”

“You can’t know that,” you frowned, refusing to relent.

“You know,” she said then, pointing toward his figure in the distance, “I’m pretty sure he’s going to get a kink in his neck from how often he’s looked in this direction so far.”

“But seriously, Y/n,” she continued, smiling knowingly, “I’ve know Rafe for a long, long time. And not once have I seen him act like this over a girl.”

You swallowed slightly, a heat in your cheeks as you shifted your gaze toward the field. There Rafe was, combing calloused fingers through sweaty hair, ruggedly handsome as ever as he sent you a cheeky grin. I hope she helps you with your decision, he mouthed then, brilliant blue gaze never wavering, I hate seeing you stressed out.

You crinkled your nose at him, features bright enough to make him swoon. He was halfway to calling another time-out, halfway to pretending to get down on one knee — halfway to actually getting down on one knee when you tore your eyes away from him, a smile on your lips that hadn’t been there before.

“Um, right,” you responded awkwardly, eager to change the subject. It did funny things to your chest, made your skin feel warm and your mind grow hazy. “Anyway, I, um, I’d love to hear a little bit more about your experience at UNC.”

“Yeah, of course,” Emma nodded, all-business now, “do you have any specific questions before I go on my spiel?”

“Well,” you faltered a moment, tucking your bottom lip between your teeth, “I was hoping to do an Art History degree —”

“Oh, one of my sorority sisters did Art History!” Emma exclaimed, smiling wide, “she really really loved it, one of the best programmes in the country I hear.”

“Yeah?” You responded eagerly, leaning right in, “I — I really want to go, but my dad’s a UPenn alum, and he kinda wants me to follow in his footsteps. I just… I don’t know, I guess I wanted to know whether UNC’s worth fighting for.”

Emma was patient and kind in a way you weren’t used you; you hadn’t grown up with an older sibling, the only sage advice you ever received from a parental figure that thought they knew better. You ended up voicing concerns that didn’t just pertain to UNC, but to college as a whole — she was gentle, she was understanding, and you found yourself leaning into her presence in a way you didn’t think possible. She provided you with a fresh perspective on college; on how different life was when you escaped the Figure Eight, and the impossible expectations that came with it. You were so engrossed in the conversation that you were still chatting when the football game came to an end, traversing the stands side by the side to join the crowd congregating on the field.

It was only when Noah’s sweaty figure approached you that you were finally forced to halt, sending him a grateful smile as Emma pulled him into a hug.

“You played like shit,” she teased, ruffling his hair a little, “waste of my fucking time, if you ask me.”

“Fuck off, Em,” Noah scowled, enough height on him to tower over her figure, “you peaked in high-school. I know you secretly love finding excuses to come back here.”

He turned toward you then, raising his eyebrows at your jersey-clad figure. “No longer shivering then, Y/n?”

You grimaced sheepishly, hugging your arms around your waist on instinct. “Hey — its not like I asked him to call a time-out.”

“Worth it,” came a soft voice in your ear, broad chest against your back, warmth and musk and alluring charming prompting you to lean back inadvertently, “besides, it looks way better on you than it does me, sweetheart.”

You turned your head then, frown faltering as you registered how close his face was to yours. The phantom of his lips on your earlobe, and his hand came to rest on your hip then, steadying your figure just as you felt your knees buckle at his proximity.

“Here,” you swallowed, tugging at the frayed hem on instinct, “you can have it back —”

“No way,” he breathed, lips parting slightly, “you need to keep it on for a few more hours, at the very least.”

You could feel your lashes fluttering at the words, and you almost didn’t notice Emma and Noah discreetly rejoin the crowd. They had disappeared from sight before you had a chance to protest — it was just you and Rafe now, and your peripheral vision blurred at the thought.

“Why?” you said weakly, his fingers like fire on your skin.

“Because,” Rafe inched impossibly closer, eyes flitting down to your lips, “that way, when you give it back to me, it’ll smell like you.”

You pressed your palms against his torso half-heartedly, feeling something syrupy erupt in the middle of your chest. “Rafael.”

Y/n,” he teased, a small smile on his lips, “did speaking to Em make you feel better?”

You nodded a response, creating some distance between your figure and his. “Mm-hm.”


“Good?” You echoed bemusedly, raising an eyebrow at the sentiment, “why do you care?”

“Because,” Rafe shrugged simply, brushing his thumb against the contour of your cheek a moment, “you seemed a little down in math the other day. And I just wanted to see you happy again, you know?”

