
It takes dedicated focus every single day to maintain the right attitude and mentality that will all

It takes dedicated focus every single day to maintain the right attitude and mentality that will allow us to become the version of ourselves that we want to be.

Every day I find myself having to relearn my lessons from the day before, all the progress I made and revelations that have occurred need to be switched back on and reabsorbed.

I’ve realized that this is an ongoing conditioning process needed in order to BE that ideal version of myself.

Everyday I am on a mission to match that vibrational reality, to make it my present and not a distant future.

This constant quest for upleveling has led to so many discoveries about myself and my role in the world itself.

Success is about claiming it for yourself. It’s about declaring the version you wish to be and then not allowing any opposing forces to come between you and that perfect end.

If you are ready to stake your claim in the life of your choosing and NOT be at the mercy of your doubts, fears, anxieties etc…. DM me for info on my one-on-one sessions and how we can position you to receive all the magic you desire in your world!
#roxytalks #youtube #youtubechannel #youtuber #youtubevideo #manifestation #manifesting #positivevibes #positivemindset #positivitypodcast #mindsetmentor #lawofattraction #mindsetcoach #vegangirl #vegansofla #vegang #vegansofinsta

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What my camera sees for 5 minutes straight before I actually start recording a video Oh well, new ep

What my camera sees for 5 minutes straight before I actually start recording a video
Oh well, new episode of @roxytalks out tomorrow!!
#roxytalks #youtube #youtubechannel #youtuber #youtubevideo #manifestation #manifesting #positivemindset #positiveattitude #positivitypodcast #motivationalvideos #motivationalpodcast #motivationalspeaker

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Affirmations for the day: I am being taken care of. Everything is working out best case scenario. I

Affirmations for the day: I am being taken care of. Everything is working out best case scenario. I am in control of all that I encounter. Things are always unfolding in miraculous ways
Leave your favorite affirmations in the comments, I’ll be sharing my favorites in my next YouTube video!!!


#roxytalks #youtube #youtubechannel #youtuber #fullmoon #mindsetquotes #mindsetcoach #mindsetmentor #affirmations #dailyaffirmations #positivitypodcast #positivemindset #positiveenergy #vegansofla #vegangirl #veganinspiration (at Malaga Cove, Palos Verdes Estates)

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Man, there many only be 4 years between these two pictures but the energy is SO different. Things ha

Man, there many only be 4 years between these two pictures but the energy is SO different.

Things have really changed for me in the last few years. I moved back to California to pursue my dream of “making it” in the music industry, only to discover that I no longer identified with the me that wanted that lifestyle.

The process of self-discovery and growth needed to ascend to higher levels artistically caused my perspective on everything else to grow as well. The old notions I had of myself no longer seemed relevant.

I soon started to see that my own beliefs about who I was, all the doubts that swirled in my head about perceived success or failure, were what was holding me back from it all.

It took the complete stripping away of the identity I had built for myself to begin seeing the true version of me tucked away. I started to actually care about my feelings and the effect I had on other people.

My path has always been to share and uplift, but I hadn’t ever let myself fully go down that road because I had so many other things distracting me from my true purpose.

My mission now is to help others who are tired of standing in their own way, tired of self-sabotaging anything good in their life (consciously or unconsciously) and are ready to allow good feelings to take root.

There is no loss in surrender, only so much to discover!

If you are looking to get out of your emotional rut, I invite you to join @BlackMoonSociety, a place to make positive, lasting change.

I want to share everything I have learned, so that you can find the path to your own personal joy.

Comment with a if you would like to join the community and I’ll DM you the link!
#roxytalks #youtube #youtubechannel #youtuber #motivationalspeaker #mindsetcoach #motivationalpodcast #motivationalcoach #mindsetmentor #positivitypodcast #positivemindset #positivevibes

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