#post aod



“He was shirtless and Lara stopped and stared at him in the mirror. In the bright fluorescent lights she could clearly see all the details she missed yesterday while he was tending his wound. Between his pectoral muscles was a downy patch of dark chest hair, and another thinner, wispy trail went from his belly button and disappeared underneath his shorts… Queen of Angels by Clairesail”


“….“Weren’t you shot in the arm?” she asked while she placed one in his waiting palm. She looked all around his torso but saw nothing other than some minor cuts and bruises. He dipped the tip of the blade into his flesh, piercing it and releasing a fresh stream of blood. Seeing him grit his teeth, Lara quickly grabbed a piece of clothing from the floor and placed it in his mouth to bite down on. She guessed what he was doing: removing the bullet. After a little bit more digging, he withdrew the blade and spat out the cloth…”

— Queen of Angels by Claire Sail


“…his fingers brushed against her collarbone and across her shoulders as his hand retreated. Shivers ran up and down her back. She looked over at him then. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, and his gaze roamed slowly from the scarab, up her neck and around her features, until settling on her eyes. He sighed…”

— Queen of Angels by Clairesail
