#poto australia

operafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dos


To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dose of camp fire, explosions and fireworks, and I’m here for it

( from hereandhere)

This is what I want from a restaged version. Go big or go home. Phantom’s hat? More feathers and wider brim. Fire effects? MORE FIRE AND SPARKS AND FREAKING FIREWORKS. Erik’s dramatic entrance in Masquerade? Fly that drama queen in! The gondola? Why only a prow? Why not a whole boat?

Cause like, if you’re gonna make changes (cough cough Cameron Mackintosh cough cough) at least do it with styleand be unapologetic about it!

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Inspired by the Sydney Harbour production, their Phantom is fabulous.


Pic from the Sydney Harbour Phantom show where it rained like crazy and the way Erik sits is such a mood lmaooo


Joshua Robson and Georgina Hopson in one of the first promo shots from POTO Sydney Harbour ( x)

Some of Gabriela Tylesova’s costume sketches in the brochure. Not sure if these were already up, but here they are anyway, lol.

The signatures Mr. Simpson got for me. Really nice of him. :) The supposedly waterproof bag we put it in was not quite as waterproof as advertised, but I guess it adds to the memories!

So, Phantom of the Opera on Sydney Harbour!

My physio’s husband is a friend of the conductor, Guy Simpson, so they organised me to meet him and chat before the show! It was gonna be a total surprise, but they decided to warn me, because I’m autistic and easily overwhelmed. Good idea lol.

He was really nice, talked about Phantom and musicals and he got some of the cast to sign my program. I am still overwhelmed, lol.

As for the show…

I’ll admit to being a little disappointed at the costumes when the first pictures came out, but they looked amaazing on stage, under the lights. Masquerade was particularly fun to see!

Oh, and Andre and Firmin’s costumes seem to have been dancing bears? Bears with little fezzes? I know there was confusion lol.

The direction and choreography is very much in the same style and spirit as the original. It’s not been sexed up or made edgier or anything like that, it’s really similar actually.

Unfortunately, a weather occurrence (heh) that started during Wishing and finally became too much halfway through PONR and we never got to see the Final Lair. But the show was still totally worth it!

Some things I still remember:

Monsieur LeFevre running down the steps in front of the audience and sprinting off into the distance got a good laugh!

Christine and Raoul? Very cute.

The Phantom sometimes edged a little into camp, but never too over the top. I felt there was some Ben Lewis going on.

Raoul and Christine got some big spinny kiss action, and some cute neck smooching. They run off giggling at the end of the scene. Too cute.

At the end of Act 1 you can see the Phantom in the back, conducting the fireworks, lol.

The ensemble costumes in Masquerade were really rich looking, and several reminded me of something you’d see in the original.

I spotted Carlotta and Meg bowing and wiggling their white bird headdresses at each other, and I was amused.

Christine’s Masquerade costume didn’t seem to have a theme, but she was colour coordinated with Raoul. :D

Piano’s Masquerade made me think of like, a real elaborate bachelor party. I don’t know why, it just gives me that vibe.

Everyone’s on the stairs at the end, and the Phantom just kinda casually strolls in from the back. Not the most intimidating entrance, lol. Everyone panics and then runs down to go stare at him directly. Twas a little bit awkward.

The seats in the Don Juan rehearsal Sean turn around and become gravestones for Wishing. I thought it was neat.

The Phantom is pretty close to the ground on his grave podium, and Christine walks up pretty close to glare at him.

When Raoul and Christine run away, the Phantom seems disappointed that they didn’t stay for the rest of his pyrotechnics.

Don Juan costumes are all over the place. We’ve got 16th, 17th, 18th century and Carlotta in a kinda modern looking dress.

PONR, I think the Phantom’s hat is supposed to be disguising him? It really isn’t though. The rain was picking up and people were moving about, so I never got whether Christine knew it was him the whole time or not.

The Phantom and Christine are seated at opposite ends of a small table, and they sort of go through the motions of having a feast , but like, ~sensual~. It is better than I describe it, lol.

Christine tries to keep the furniture between her and the Phantom, and tries to make a run for it, but she ends up in his lap and the usual PONR shenanigans ensue… and then the rain was just too much, lol. The actors were doing great until they finally called it off. Troopers!

I really enjoyed myself, the cast was great, the music, great everything great, haha. <3
