
operafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dosoperafantomet:To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dos


To fill the giant stage and scenery, the POTO Sydney Harbour offers just the right dose of camp fire, explosions and fireworks, and I’m here for it

( from hereandhere)

This is what I want from a restaged version. Go big or go home. Phantom’s hat? More feathers and wider brim. Fire effects? MORE FIRE AND SPARKS AND FREAKING FIREWORKS. Erik’s dramatic entrance in Masquerade? Fly that drama queen in! The gondola? Why only a prow? Why not a whole boat?

Cause like, if you’re gonna make changes (cough cough Cameron Mackintosh cough cough) at least do it with styleand be unapologetic about it!

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