
얼마나 사회에서 스스로가 무가치한 존재라고 느끼면, 어디에도 속하지 못한 기분을 느끼면불특정 다수의 사람들을 죽이는게 삶의 목표가 되는 테러리스트가 되는걸까 라는 생각을 했다. 그

얼마나 사회에서 스스로가 무가치한 존재라고 느끼면, 어디에도 속하지 못한 기분을 느끼면

불특정 다수의 사람들을 죽이는게 삶의 목표가 되는 테러리스트가 되는걸까 라는 생각을 했다. 

그들에게 스스로를 돌볼 수 있을만한 일자리가 있었더라면

가족들이 위협받지 않는 집다운 집이 있었더라면 

그래도 테러리스트가 되었을까..

이것은 전혀 종교의 문제가 아니다. 

껍데기만 멀쩡한 사회가 기형적, 암적인 존재를 만들어내고 있다. 모두의 문제다. 

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LOVE beats HATE.  An innocent child shares her simple message - a heart - on my tribute, BRUSSELS ON

LOVE beats HATE.  An innocent child shares her simple message - a heart - on my tribute, BRUSSELS ON MY MIND.

I’m completely overwhelmed by the number of people who came out last night to add their expressions of peace to the victims and survivors of the recent tragedy.  Young, old, women, men or a rainbow of Nationalities, Races and Religions came together in the name of Peace & Love.

I will proudly present this beautiful gift to the people of Belgium in the coming weeks.

I am filled with gratitude and hope.

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A week ago my brother-in-law phoned me  at 4 a.m. My country was under attack. Bombs in the airport

A week ago my brother-in-law phoned me  at 4 a.m. My country was under attack. Bombs in the airport and metro killed 35 people and injured more than 300.

I was in shock and couldn’t believe terror has made its way only an hour from where I was born.

I remember the images of 9/11, the attacks in Madrid and London, the terror around the world caused by extremists. Then Charlie Hebdo happened, followed by the horror in Paris, attacks in Egypt, Tunisia, Istanbul, Nigeria  & Pakistan. They all made me sad and I felt truly with the victims. But when it happened in the country I was born, in it had an impact on me that I never felt before.
Immediately I felt I needed to paint my anger and frustrations away.

The next day I started to paint.  CNN was on the TV in my studio, my computer had the pages of the Belgium newspapers open. I couldn’t  focus or concentrate. I threw the painting away. The last week I have been following the news and I let it all sink in a bit.

2 Days ago I decided to try again. I don’t pretend I have the answers because I really don’t. I know the West is making mistakes as well. The images of the Syrian men, women and kids, with injuries just as horrible as the ones in Brussels are often caused by bombs from our planes. So who am I to judge and blame.
But, I refuse to live in fear. I refuse to blame the refugees. The vast majority of them are leaving their homes because of the same monsters who  just bombed Brussels. I refuse to blame all Muslims. Many of my friends are Muslims and they have always treated me with respect. I refuse to let hate take over.  I’m not going to give you a peace and love speech.  I am just expressing my feelings the way I am comfortable with - on the canvas, with my pallet knifes.

This is a painting that expresses how I feel. I wrote messages on the painting. Not just mine but many taken from pictures I saw in newspapers. The image of TINTIN is not mine but I thought he needed to be in there because he is Belgian. And just as all of us, he is sad about his country.

On Thursday the painting  will be at the art show in Playa. Anyone is welcome to write a message of hope, peace.

You can also write your message here.

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No pattern today. I want to share this with you all. Messages of love from people in Brussels. Love always wins…

#brussels    #prayforbrussels    #beursplein    #drawing    #chalkart    