#pre-romantic analogical


Summary:  He already asked to leave, so he has to stick by his decision.  Later he’d find out, it wasn’t really that hard to leave.  

Pairings: Pre-Romantic Analogical / Eventual Analogical

Word Count: 1,033

Warnings: none that i can think of! lmk if i need to add any!

Notes: this is probably the last update for a little while (at most a week), as i’m in the process of moving!  and i’d like to thank everyone that has liked or commented or reblogged or asked to be on the taglist!! it makes writing feel worth it! (and yes more people can ask to be on the taglist, but please PM or ask!!)

Taglist:@shitpost-sides@aleiimm@rainbowbowtie @hikarisakurariver@singularthoughtofstatic

     Virgil had asked to leave already, so there’s no backing out now… right?  Right.  He made his decision.  In all honesty, he was terrified.  Any moment now Logan would be there to pick him up.  To take him away from everything he’d ever known.  Maybe he was putting to much trust in a stranger.  No, that couldn’t be right either.  Logan had a presence to him, it made Virgil feel safe.  Virgil chalked it up to being near someone that wasn’t entirely human.  Or human at all for that matter.

     Virgil took a deep breath and shoved the last of his clothes into his suitcase.  It was only a two week trip to Artesk (again, it isthousandsoflightyears away, Virgil couldn’t expect much, could he?) a and Logan had already told him he needn’t bring more clothes than necessary, but Virgil did it anyways.  Virgil waited exactly a minute and forty-five seconds before he heard a doorbell ring.  

     When Virgil opened the door the first thing he saw was dark blue and grey.  Virgil blinked before focusing on the other man.  It was definitely Logan, his eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses, but instead of a dark shirt and blue necktie, Logan was wearing what looked like a tuxedo.  A dark blue button-up and grey overcoat and pants.  The sight made Virgil’s mouth go a bit dry.

    “Are you ready to leave?”  Logan asked, and if Virgil was paying any attention at all, he would’ve noticed the hint of smugness behind Logan’s words.

     Now, this is something Virgil was definitely not expecting.  A two-hour drive into the middle of nowhere, into a golden wheat field, and nothing else in sight.  Even Logan, a man not intuned with emotions much, could see the cogs in Virgil’s head.  Logan only took the bags Virgil had put in the trunk and started walking through the field.  The sun was setting, and all Virgil could do was stare.  Logan’s silhouette made his heart stutter in his chest and Virgil swore he could hear singing in the distance, it was only the wind.  Ever so gentle, it flew through Virgil’s hair, the same wisp of air flowing between the stalks of wheat and pushing past Logan.  A sort of soft feeling settled in Virgil’s bones and before he knew what he was doing he was walking, no, running towards Logan to catch up.  When Virgil showed up in Logan’s peripheral vision, Logan turned his head towards him.  With an infinitesimal smile and a tiny nod, they settled into a comfortable quiet.  Virgil even had the courage, at one point, to take one of his bags back from Logan.  

     A twenty-minute walk later and Logan randomly stopped in his tracks.  He held out his open hand (thanks to Virgil), the air wobbled a moment before the empty field had a high-tech spaceship before Virgil’s eyes.  A door slides open and Logan walks in.  Virgil can only follow behind.

     What Virgil sees inside the ship is also not what he expected to see.  Dark brown wooden floors and comfortable seating lined with soft, white, fur.  Yellow light showed from the lights on the walls.  Not cold and metal, no bright L.E.D. lights that hurt Virgil’s eyes.  Virgil only snapped back into reality when he heard an unfamiliarwhooshsound.  Logan was watching Virgil with an intent yet analyzing gaze.

    “Would you like to see your sleeping quarters?”  Logan asked, his almost mechanical voice prominent again.  Virgil nodded.  

     Virgil watched as Logan walked down a short hallway, hardwood floors matching those of the entrance.  Dark walls and yellow light too.  Logan stopped quite quickly and pressed a small button where a door handle would be.  The door slid open and Virgil was met with a room that looked quite… homely.

    “I hope this is adequate.  Emile wanted me to depart as soon as he picked up on your signal, so we got the small-sized A120.”  Logan explained, setting down Virgil’s bag.  Virgil set down the other one he had too.  

    “I like it… a lot actually,”  Virgil mumbled.   “How do we get there?  Like do you drive this thing or something?”  Virgil asked before he could think about it.  His eyes widened.  “Sorry if that’s rude or something I’m- I’m just curious.”

    “Being curious is nothing to be ashamed of.  I’d rather someone be overly curious than boring.”  Logan said before continuing.  “And no, I don’t drive this, necessarily.  I am trained in flight but an A120 has one of the best autopilots in the Milkyway.  I will explain more later but you need rest.  When you wake up, I will show you around more.”  Logan said.  Virgil sent him a small smile as he left.  Virgil heard thewhoosh of the door opening and closing once again.  Once gone, Virgil took in what the bed looked like.  He walked over to it and pressed his hand firmly against it.  It sunk in without to much pressure, but not too little.  The sheets felt soft yet silky and even though they were white, they were spotless.  Virgil smiled a bit and went to his bags to get pajamas.  Once dressed and comfortable, Virgil laid down.  And if he couldn’t figure out how to turn off the lights, that didn’t mean he wasn’t getting a good night’s rest.  He pulled the blanket above his head and after two minutes, he was asleep.  

     Logan, in perfect and utter clarity, was a mess.  Logan knew what was happening and he knew damn well it was too early to fall for him. That shy attitude and those deep brown eyes made him weak in the knees.  When Logan heard him talk, the deep gravely voice filling his ears, it made his heart pound.  And when Logan saw the blush on Virgil’s face when he saw Logan in the tuxedo, it definitely didn’t make Logan feel a small amount of smugness.

     Oh no… I’m in deep, aren’t I?  Logan thought as he reached his room.  It’s only for two weeks.  Figure out who he really is.

     Logan, in perfect and utter clarity, was a stubborn, hotheaded, smartass, Teskian.  Logan is a lot of things, but he isnotstupid.

Summary: Logan and Virgil have a talk.

Pairings: Pre-Romantic Analogical/Eventual Analogical

Word Count: 1,060

Warnings: anxious thoughts, lonely thoughts, cursing

Notes: i think Virgil would be a lot more anxious about going to another planet, but i also think the loneliness would start to get to him after three years of being alone for so long.  


      Virgil and Logan were, in complete simplicity, were staring at each other.  Virgil still sat near his bed’s headboard, while Logan sat at the edge of the bed, facing Virgil.  Logan blinked, opened his mouth to begin, and paused.  He continued to do this until Virgil spoke up.

   “Dude, are you trying to eat the air?”  Virgil said, a deadpan look on his face.  

   “What do you mean?” Logan asked, sounding genuinely curious.  Virgil rolled his eyes and mumbled something along the lines of ‘nevermind’.  

    “I assume I should start on our species.”  Logan pronounced after a few moments of consideration.

   “Uh, species?”

   “Yes.  I must ask you not to ask questions until the end.” Logan said pointedly.  Virgil opened his mouth before closing it and nodding.

    “We- you and I, along with your father, are a species called Teskains.  We live thousands of light-years away, but with our advanced technology, to Earth’s standards, we are able to get around quite quickly.  Comparatively, to Earth, of course.  Your father is one of the most important men in our sector.  His name is Emile Picani, along with his, uh,” Logan pauses for a moment before he lifts his left arm up and presses a button.  Virgil hears the click of a button as a hologram shows up.  The holograms look like glorified versions of flashcards, but for Earth’s terms.  Virgil raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything.

   “Oh, yes, your father’s boy-fri-end,”  Logan says as if he had never seen the word before.  Now that Virgil thinks about it, if what Logan is saying is true, then Logan probably hasn’t seen much of Earth’s languages.

   “-Your father’s boy-friend, his name is Remington King.  Despite his name, Remy is not a king.  If anyone was to be a king, it would be Dr. Picani.  Your father helped in keeping the peace between surrounding planets, even going as far as traveling to other peaceful planets to observe and learn about cultures and, of course, peace in itself.  On his travels, he was transported here for research purposes.  In the five years, he was here, he met a woman- your mother.  They fell hopelessly in love until she got pregnant.  She had known about his ancestry, but got upset, as at the time she had only just then finished what you call ‘college’.  She demanded that he leave you and her alone.  He wanted it to be your decision, so he gave your mother special pens so that if one wrote with them, they would block out any and all transmitters or DNA flags.”  

   “In doing all of his hard work, albeit some diversions, he moved up in ranks, thus being under the king when the king died.  Emile took over the city and for the first time in 400 years, the city flourished.”  Logan sighed, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes before putting his glasses back on and continuing.   “Your father has wanted to meet you for so long now.  I may only be one hundred and thirty-one, and quite awkward when it comes to emotions, but I can see how much he misses you.  I know for a fact that he’d be ecstatic to meet you.  If you’ll accompany me to Arteska, that is. Any questions.”

    Virgil had been listening intently and had filed away questions as Logan was talking.  Virgil nodded.

   “I have kinda a lot.  So, I’m part alien?  Like some E.T. type shit?”  Virgil asked, moving his hands about in small gestures.  Logan nodded curtly.

   “And my father’s like, some sort of rich, king… man?”


   “Do the people there look… human?”

   “Mostly.  Some Teskians have eyes like me, which Emile said humans have a small selection of colors and it is impossible to have eyes like mine.  Teskians have the same body figures as humans, all shapes and sizes, sometimes skin tones will vary.  Some have bioluminescent markings, but those only show up in intimate and quiet moments.  As an example, a quiet evening in with a friend, family or romantic partner.  Some have, for humans at least, unnatural hair colors that are natural for Teskians.  Other than that, they are the same other than small things.  You might exhibit those as well, as you are glamored.”

   “Glamored?  What’s that?”

   “Being glamored means that there is a technology that protects your identity and fits the species around you.”

   “Okay, one more question.  Just one… you said something about going to Artkestia?”

    “Arteska.  Pronounced Aur-tes-kuh.  And yes, as stated before, your father is desperate to meet you.  Remy would like to meet you too, if only for his boyfriend’s sake.”  Logan answered.  

   “If-” Virgil paused.  He needed some time to think.  He had stuff here on earth, like- like…

    And at that moment, Virgil realized he was all alone.  A small speck in the universe.  Barely anything on earth and one thought filled his head, it had been there since Logan mentioned Arteska.  

“Who would I be if I left this world behind?” Virgil thought.  A small part of him wanted to stay.  To stay where everything was normal, boring, and consistent.  Virgil always liked consistency.  “But lately,” he thought. “Lately, the normal and boring and consistent part isn’t normal or boring or consistent anymore.  It’s… lonely.”  

   “If I go if I go and I want to come back home, I can, right?”  Virgil asked, barely above a whisper.  Logan stopped for a moment and then decided to smile.  It was awkward and wobbly but it was there.  

   “If you have any troubles on Arteska, you can tell me.  If it gets too much, tell me and we will figure it out together.  I am one of the most esteemed servants of the king for a reason.”  Logan said, with a hint of smugness.  He seemed proud of his title.  

    Virgil shook his head before asking, “Is that why he sent you?  Because he trusts you?”

   “Actually, he wanted to come to get you himself but there is a banquet for the upcoming holiday.  He needed to stay in homeworld to finish his duties as king before himself.  So he sent me.  He sent me because he knows me and he knows I can protect the both of us just fine.”  Logan finished.

    Virgil hesitated for a moment, then it was two.  

   “When can we leave?”
