

here’s all the ones I’ve made so far. I’m working on 4 foundations of mindfulness, 7 factors of enlightenment, dependent origination, and the meditative states right now.

 I made two things (one is just an expanded version of the other)The Five Precepts: Do not kill, do  I made two things (one is just an expanded version of the other)The Five Precepts: Do not kill, do

I made two things (one is just an expanded version of the other)

The Five Precepts: Do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, no harmful/dishonest sexual conduct, no intoxicating substances


The Eight Precepts (for monastics and periods of intensive practice): Do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, no sexual conduct, no intoxicating substances, restraint from vanity, entertainment, luxuries, do not overindulge in sleep, eat only one meal a day before noon

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Which one says “alertness: do not overindulge in sleep” to you?
