#preparing for ritual


In order for any magical working to be effective you have to ensure that you are at peak performance. Making sure you are prepped mentally and physically ensures successful spells that don’t go wonky.


Prep the mind by doing meditations daily, for as long as possible, leading up to the day you plan to perform any magical workings. Here is a beginners meditation for you to follow if you are new to meditation.

P H Y S I C A L   C L E A N S E

Ritual baths are the easiest ways to cleanse the physical body before workings. Use special made bath salts or oils and cleanse yourself of all energies prior to working. Once you have finished your ritual bath, cover yourself in any homemade ritual oil. Do this right before your workings.

A P P A R E L 

Ensure your ritual attire is properly cleansed before ritual. Use sage, salt or oils to cleanse this (a few drops of the oil or a sprinkle of salt will do, no need to go haywire). This is a step most people don’t think about beforehand, but your cloak needs to be cleansed before and after every ritual.

A M B I A N C E 

Get yourself into the mind space by lighting candles, incense and playing “witchy” music before a ritual. Allow yourself to feel the magical space before actually making magic yourself.

S H U T   O F F

Turn off your phone, TV and before doing any magical workings. This will not only get you in the right head space and allow you to concentrate better, but it will also help air out your energy or aura and free it from other frequencies that might disturb your magic.

L O C K   U P

Close doors, windows and insure privacy for a period of time before ritual (this is if you practice solo of course). You don’t want anyone else’s energy fogging up the room for once, and you also want to ensure your full focus is on your intent and not worrying about someone barging in and interrupting your practice.


Memorize your spell, it will be a lot easier to do a spell or ritual if you are confident in what you are doing. You won’t distract yourself by trying to find your spot on the page you are reading off and you will have more space or a free hand.
