#prince kaito


Kaider Ship Week, Day 1 and 3: In Another Life/AU

But she knew that no matter how deeply she loved, how hard she fought, and how much she ached, tragedy ran in her blood, misfortune was her DNA.

Cinder gripped her wrist, the wound half cut. The release of her identity chip only one slice away. She wanted to bleed for better reasons, but all she could do was run.

Death came to him in the form of a cure.

A temporary cure that would allow his people to live long enough to become victims of persecution beneath a tyrant queen, swayed to her will like the moon pushes and pulls the earth’s oceans away from shore. A cure that chained him to his place, bound his hands, and smothered out his last pleas of help.

Time had failed him as he had failed the world. He had failed his people. He had failed at usurping Levana and she knew it. She knew every byte of information Nainsi had collected, and Kai had been too late to use any of it.

So I’ve been wanting to write a fic where Kai takes Cinder’s invitation to come with her to Europe seriously, in which they attempt to look for clues of Selene’s whereabouts together. Unfortunately I struggle with writing and can’t seem to make words flow, but TLC Ship Weeks has finally given me an excuse to draw art related to this. I’ve always had a headcanon that the outskirts of New Beijing were littered with abandoned ruins of old buildings because the new city was built on the ruins of the old. I’ve taken it a bit too literally, but I love the idea of it.
