#the rampion crew



the entire rampion crew can be described as either “dumb geniuses” and “smart idiots” 


The Lunar Chronicles characters and couples as one out-of-context lyric from Red (Taylor’s Version) (2021) by Taylor Swift

  • Cinder: “and they still tell the legend of how you disappeared”
  • Kai: “these days I’m restless, work days are endless”
  • Scarlet: “I was raised in a farm, no, it wasn’t a mansion”
  • Wolf: “new to town with a made up name”
  • Cress: “this daydream is dangerous”
  • Thorne: “I wish I could fly”
  • Winter: “we were seventeen and crazy running wild, wild”
  • Jacin: “so casually cruel in the name of being honest”
  • Iko: “it feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters”
  • Kinney: “I feel a responsability to do what’s upstanding and right”
  • The whole Rampion Crew: “we’re happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time”
  • Levana: “love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right”
  • Torin: “Mr. Superior Thinking”

Kaider: “this is falling in love in the cruelest way, this is falling for you and you are worlds away”

  • Cinder: “I know that you like me, and it’s kinda frightening”
  • Kai: “meet me there tonight, let me know that it’s not all in my mind”

Wolflet: “took off faster than a green light, go”

  • Scarlet: “so you were never a saint and I loved in shades of wrong”
  • Wolf: “and I became hypnotized by freckles and bright eyes, tongue tied”

Cresswell: “come on baby with me, we’re gonna fly away from here”

  • Cress: “I keep picturing her lips on your neck, I can’t unsee it”
  • Thorne: “baby I miss you and I swear I’m gonna change, trust me”

Jacinter/Wincin: “not tryin’ to fall in love, but we did like children runnin’”

  • Winter: “push my love away like it was some kind of loaded gun”
  • Jacin: “believe one thing: I won’t go away”

I haven’t finished Winter yet but I also want to write shenanigans. Also angst

Wolf took Winter’s place, keeping his much larger hands over the gushing gunshot wound. Winter had long since stumbled away from the scene, muttering something about being sick. She’d joined Jacin and Cress, keeping her back turned away from the rest of the group.

Cinder poured all her attention on treating Thorne’s wound, trying to ignore his glassy gaze that was practically glued to her face. She blew her hair out of her eyes as she worked to dig the bullet out of his hip, ignoring his muffled cries of agony.

Scarlet was holding him down, hands tight on his shoulders. “You’ll be fine.” She said, grip tightening as he flinched at Cinder’s metal hand digging into his side.

“Totally fine.” Thorne groaned, eyes squeezed shut to block out the pain.

“Would it help if I knocked you out?” Cinder asked jokingly.

“Haha.” Thorne said dryly. His head drooped against Scarlet’s lap, eyes opening for a second, flitting to where Cress was standing. Then he noticed the dead thaumaturge, who was still lying where he’d died. His brows rose when he saw the arrow. “Ooh. Nice shot, Scar.”

“Thank you.”

“Thank Jacin that he had enough willpower to aim for you stomach instead of your chest or face.” Cinder muttered, dropping the bullet onto the ground. “I felt it. He was fighting back.”

Thorne sighed. “He acts mean but he cares.”

Cinder nodded. “Exactly.”

Did someone say the Rampion Crew on summer vacation?

#Lunar10YearsLater — Wow does this series mean a lot to me! It’s a miracle when an author can get you to like every. single. character in a 9 character/POV story, and Marissa Meyer did it! I remember binging the last 3 books and Fairest over spring break in 2016, and coming back to class feeling super accomplished, especially since I read Winter (824 pages!!) in only 4 days! Well, now I can handle it in 3, maybe next time 2

The Rampion Crew holds a special place in my heart, and I’m super proud of how this group piece came out! Please swipe to see a Polaroid version of this photo, close-ups, and lineart because I’m just so happy with how they all came out. Like, that right there is the best Iko I’ve drawn, same with Kai, and overall I think a lot of these are major improvements over the first time I drew them ✨
