#prince wilhelm


listen, i love how the announcement was purple as if the blue that represented wilhelm’s royal status and the red of the school and his second life there, not to mention the color of love now is merged. like he won’t separate the two anymore.



Wille telling Simon that he wanted to get some fresh air.

Simon, an empath, sensing that Wille might be needing a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

an empath

Love this series!  (Young Royals on Netflix)I made these illustrations in the past days! Hope you liLove this series!  (Young Royals on Netflix)I made these illustrations in the past days! Hope you li

Love this series!  (Young Royals on Netflix)

I made these illustrations in the past days! 

Hope you like them 

More works on my IG : bogigrell_anime_art

My TikTok: bogigrell_anime_art

Post link

Young Royals (2021 - present)

The scene where Wilhelm screaming to August. I can’t watch it like.. i feel something about it, it’s full of emotion and i hate it (not in a bad way). It reminds me of one time that i got mad to people (underclassmen) who bothering my brother ‘till he cried and i scream like literally in front of everyone :// i scream exactly the same way like Wilhelm did, full of emotion.

That’s why i can’t watch that scene, my heart remembers the feeling, the scene really caught me, it brings my feeling at that time back to my current state of emotion (which is more stable than at that time) and i feel so embarrassed cuz there were so many people (and plus I’m an overthinker). I was too emotional, and Wilhelm too. We’re teenagers after all, we can’t control our emotions, we can but not that good yet, especially when it involved our beloved person, it feels so real, the feeling (even tho i hate it)! Hands down best acting Edvin!

Another reason why Young Royals is the best series!

Red, white, and Young Royals

Royal blue ep 5

page 261 last seconds

(might b


cuz i read on


LITERALLY FELT THE SAME FEELING; ANXIOUS. I stopped reading/watching both at the exact position bcs i get so anxious and continue like about 3 days-a week later. It’s hard to deal with my anxiety:/

A fleeting eye contact and an intense gaze.

A scene where Wille and Simon are in Wille’s dorm, it’s night and Simon can’t fall asleep. He rolls around, still held in Wille’s arms like how they laid before Wille fell asleep. Simon smiles to himself and after a bit of hesitation, he gently hovers his index over Wille’s face, delicately tracing his cheek. His eyes wander, taking in the state of peace Wille is in. Earlier, the pads of his fingers smoothed the creases across Wille’s forehead, before sleep naturally took care of the rest. Simon knows now that he has to learn that he can’t fix everything, no matter how much he desires for this rare calm to be forever etched on Wille’s features.

In the quietness of the room, his heart unravels itself, having been caged for so long and now finally feeling safe to act without a thought on the unfathomable amount of longing there’s for the boy beside him. “I think you’re fast asleep. I watched you sleep two times, now three, it’s not much but I think I can tell. But just in case, blink if you aren’t,” Simon whispers, his tone is light and playful as if his heart isn’t racing in his ribcage from the fear and the anticipation of being on the edge of being poured out. A second, two, three, four, five, six, seven, pass by and when he’s met with no reaction, only soft puffs of breath, he softly begins, “I trust you, but if you aren’t sleeping then pretend you’re, okay?… I haven’t said it yet and you might already know it, because I’m here again. But you deserve to hear it still- shit I’m contradicting myself here, sorry.” He lets out a nervous chuckle. There’s no way now Wille isn’t awake, however still his index gently slides across the bridge of Wille’s nose as he proceeds, “I love you too. I love you so much, I really do, Wille. I wanted to say it back, I just couldn’t… I didn’t think it would change anything, what was the point of saying it when we couldn’t even be with each other the way we both deserve? It would just somehow hurt more than it already did. I just spent Christmas break and the two weeks after being miserable and hoping you knew somehow how I feel, hoping that in those couple of weeks of us being whatever we were, I made you feel loved enough to know I love you without me having to outrightly say it. I'm… I’m going to try to sleep now, if you heard this, kiss me three times when you wake up so I know. If you didn’t, I’ll say it again tomorrow. I don’t think I can hold it in anymore, I love you so much.”

Does that turn you on? Just shut up.

i always thought simon gonna see wille’s new hair the first time when they’re back at school but what if he sees it on tv? his reaction could be more heartbreaking because there’s no need to hide it

thinking about simon’s reaction to wille’s new hair and how i want the scene at some point to play out as if simon is getting on his toes to tuck a stray hair into its place but what he does instead is lets another strand fall and once he’s finished he says something like “this is more like you” under his breath. wille on instinct reaches to fix it and at that simon brightens and goes “see!” making wille chuckle and feel like everything could be okay.

thinking about future wilmon at simon’s family home, helping linda cook dinner with music playing in the background and wille can’t help it, he steals simon away from his mother just to dance with him right there in the middle of the kitchen, in front of their loved ones.

reversed it and now i am crying

the way wille held into simon’s arm turning him around for the kiss, the way simon leaned up to meet him in the middle just a tiny bit because wille was already there, the way wille stared at simon and the way it was simon the one that checks if anyone was looking

The golden afternoon light filters through the sheer star patterned curtain (the thicker and more practical one was pushed aside earlier by Sara when she woke them up for breakfast) as Wilhelm and Simon cozy up in the latter’s bed with a movie Maddie recommended the day before playing on Wille’s laptop which is propped on Simon’s lap. The plot is captivating but not enough to prevent Wille from rolling on his side, nuzzling his face in his boyfriend’s neck and squeezing him closer with the arm he draped around his waist at the beginning of the movie. Rubbing Wille’s forearm, Simon lets out a soft sigh and leans his cheek against Wille’s hair.

A hum escapes Wille’s lips, he’s wholeheartedly content with spending the hour and a half, his whole life even— if Simon allows him, have him— like this; head pillowed under Simon’s outstretched arm, his own fingers between the fabric of Simon’s shirt and soft warm skin, mindlessly drawing patterns and creating goosebumps.

Abruptly, the room falls quiet (except the white noise of the fishtank), then there’s a clickbefore careful movements. Assuming that the laptop is now discarded somewhere on the unmade bed, Wille thinks ‘we’re gonna cuddlecuddle’ and with that delightful thought and the feel of Simon’s arm underneath his head curling at the elbow so his dainty fingers can tangle with Wille’s hair like a silent ‘come closer, I don’t mind,’ Wille kisses the skin below his lips, forgetting it’s one of Simon’s ticklish spots until Simon lets out a squeak.

“Sorry,” he quietly says. He keeps the ‘Sorry that the memory slipped off my mind, the one where we broke into a fit of giggles when I kissed you right on that same spot for the first time and you almost pushed me off this bed while your mom and my bodyguard were a wall away. I’m relearning how it was. How to touch you. How to love you up close,’ to himself.

It has been almost two excruciating months since he’s been able to hold Simon, kiss him and love him in a way that isn’t just lingering glances, guilty touches and promises of “I’ll fix this.” It has been two weeks since the fix and a week since Simon made it clear that he wanted to be kissed by Wille, so he pressed his fingertips on Simon’s cheeks and kissed him then like it was the last time he could, kissed him like how he’d wished during all those cold sleepless nights he’d kissed him before he’d denied loving him like that. Simon held onto his waist and kissed him back, running his hand up his back to his neck then his hair, reminding Wille of how giddy he’d felt the moment he’d realized that Simon’s hands never seemed to know where to settle whenever they’d touched, always roved and roamed. The wetness under the pads of his fingers hauled him away from that thought. With a swipe of his thumb, Wille delicately wiped Simon’s tears off. That night as Simon changed into one of Wille’s light sweaters; a green one paired with a gray sweatpants, Wille’s eyes landed on the birthmark at the inside of Simon’s knee, it elicited a memory of seeing it the first time and the strong urge he’d to lay a tender kiss on it, the next morning he did. Perching on his bed, he rubbed the sleep off his eyes, before turning all his focus on Simon who was still on his back, half awake and groaning that “it’s so fucking early” (It wasn’t. They missed breakfast) his left leg was bent, the side of his foot nudging Wille’s hip and his sweatpants had ridden up over his knee in their slumber, birthmark visible for Wille to fulfill his wish, so he did.

“Are you really? Are you?” Simon interrupts Wille’s thoughts, his tone playful, as he turns his head to the side to kiss the top of Wille’s head.

Wille pins another kiss onto his neck. “Very.”

“You’resonot,” Simon squirms as soon as he feels Wille’s fingertips ghost an upwards trail from his hips to his ribcage. “You’re being a menace.”

“Uh-uh. I’m being loving,” Wille shoots back, off guard to where their minds could and will wander when the words slip out.

Simon’s laughter ceases and his body tenses enough for Wille to notice. Inwardly Wille scolds himself. They’ve never discussed the love confession before Christmas break, though there was a “I feel the same, Wille” muffled in an embrace and with that knowledge Wille dismisses any doubt and worry. They love each other, hefeelsit and that’s enough for him. He leans back and shifts so he’s fully hovering over his lover. A hint of a smile on his face that Simon catches a glimpse of before Simon’s eyes flicker shut on their own accord reacting to his nose being kissed.

“Loving?” Simon asks when their eyes meet, amusement and endearment lacing his tone. The arm that was below Wille’s head now wrapped around his neck, as the other is between them, palm wandering from Wille’s shoulder to his cheek.

Wille nods, before his grin disappears again from view as he ducks down to scatter more kisses across Simon’s face. Simon very much wants to cradle Wille’s face in both of his hands to keep him still for a moment, soaking in the happiness etching his lover’s features. Wille’s smile has always been a sight to behold and a heartbreakingly rare one. However, Wille’s happiness is sensed with each kiss he’s placing on the loved-up boy underneath him. A smile is felt between Simon’s eyebrows, his eyelids, his cheek where Wille emits a chuckle, causing Simon to scrunch up his nose. “Tickles?” Wille says, withdrawing just enough in search for eye contact, his flushed cheeks are pushed up and there’s a glint in his hazel eyes.

“Yeah,” Simon lets out a breathless chuckle, his hands leaving Wille’s cheek to push his hair away from both of their faces. “Your hair also tickles a little.”

With a sweet “sorry” Wille kisses Simon’s nose again and adds, “believe it or not I’m not being a menace this time.”

“Oh I do believe. I’m feeling very very loved right now,” Simon answers earnestly, as Wille kisses the upward corner of his mouth.

You’re. You’re so loved, älskling, Wille wants to cry, he loves him so much that it aches, though he opts to keep it light, but nonetheless sends his message across. “Mission accomplished then, but I got a lot to make up for so stay like this and let me–”

He’s cut off by an exaggerated “Oh My God” before he’s being pushed into the mattress, his waist then being bracketed by Simon’s legs. “Wilhelm. There’s nothing to make up for. So shut up and let me kiss you. I very much love you back.”
