#simon x wilhelm


Love Conquers All.
PG, Wille/Simon, romance/fluff, future fic (part of the Interview-verse).

When Prince Ludvig finished speaking, […] it was finally Simon’s turn. He stood by his seat between his husband and the Prince Consort, waiting for the applause to die down and for a microphone to be placed in front of him. He still looked a little nervous, but not overly so that an untrained eye might catch it.



reasons why young royals was so good:

• felice wasn’t wille’s beard

• neurodivergent representation played by a neurodivergent actor

• august wasn’t some one-dimensional movie villain, he’s a dick with *layers*

• didn’t take the whole season for simon and wilhelm to kiss

• acne and texture

• teen characters look like teens

i could go on

TV show/movie: *the super rich prince falls in love with a cute and nice girl who’s a commoner*

Me: that’s so boring, it’s such a cliché.

Young royals: *the super rich prince falls in love with a cute and nice guy who’s a commoner*

Also me:

The scene where Wilhelm screaming to August. I can’t watch it like.. i feel something about it, it’s full of emotion and i hate it (not in a bad way). It reminds me of one time that i got mad to people (underclassmen) who bothering my brother ‘till he cried and i scream like literally in front of everyone :// i scream exactly the same way like Wilhelm did, full of emotion.

That’s why i can’t watch that scene, my heart remembers the feeling, the scene really caught me, it brings my feeling at that time back to my current state of emotion (which is more stable than at that time) and i feel so embarrassed cuz there were so many people (and plus I’m an overthinker). I was too emotional, and Wilhelm too. We’re teenagers after all, we can’t control our emotions, we can but not that good yet, especially when it involved our beloved person, it feels so real, the feeling (even tho i hate it)! Hands down best acting Edvin!

Another reason why Young Royals is the best series!

Red, white, and Young Royals

Royal blue ep 5

page 261 last seconds

(might b


cuz i read on


LITERALLY FELT THE SAME FEELING; ANXIOUS. I stopped reading/watching both at the exact position bcs i get so anxious and continue like about 3 days-a week later. It’s hard to deal with my anxiety:/


in ep 6 when wille and simon meet up in the locker room i feel like simon was super tense because he didn’t know what wille was gonna do and idk if it was just me who thought this way

wille stopped things with simon after something happened 2 other times so i feel like he was expecting it to happen again, so when wille sat across from him he didn’t really react and looked down nervously

but when wilhelm grabs his legs/feet with his own simon relaxes and then leans forward to grab wilhelm’s hands

idk i like to think of it that way so lmk what you think

marketakindlova: “All the people are fake. They are made out of metal. But I like you… and that is n


“All the people are fake. 
They are made out of metal.
But I like you… and that is not fake.”

~ Another Young Royals illustration that I created. This time, I tried a more realistic style. Enjoy guys!! :)

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it’s always the second borns that got 2 be gay,,,,,,, shoutout 2 my gayass second born princes!!

wilhelm’s step by step guide to getting laid:

1) just injest a fuckton of drugs (bonus points if they’re from your crushes dad)

2) proceed to call the object of your affections, eat plastic grass, and describe in detail how everything is fake but your love for them is real

3) ?????



But I like you. And that’s not fake.  Do you remember what you said to me last night? Wille? It’s okBut I like you. And that’s not fake.  Do you remember what you said to me last night? Wille? It’s okBut I like you. And that’s not fake.  Do you remember what you said to me last night? Wille? It’s okBut I like you. And that’s not fake.  Do you remember what you said to me last night? Wille? It’s okBut I like you. And that’s not fake.  Do you remember what you said to me last night? Wille? It’s ok

ButI like you. And that’s not fake. 
Do you remember what you said to me last night? Wille? It’s okay. I like you too.

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And if I got high on stolen pills and ate plastic from the fake grass in soccer field and called you in the dead of the night to tell you how everything is fake, but I like you and that’s not fake, would you come running to rescue me while I touch your face and call you beautiful?

Cus if not, then we have a problem


i think one of my fave things about “young royals” is that the love interest is not just the love interest, simon is a fully realized character with his own storyline and someone who they took the time to develop apart from wilhem. he is not there just to be the boyfriend of our main character.
