#omar and edvin



omar rudberg and edvin ryding

via - @/rudethcoeur on tw


The scene where Wilhelm screaming to August. I can’t watch it like.. i feel something about it, it’s full of emotion and i hate it (not in a bad way). It reminds me of one time that i got mad to people (underclassmen) who bothering my brother ‘till he cried and i scream like literally in front of everyone :// i scream exactly the same way like Wilhelm did, full of emotion.

That’s why i can’t watch that scene, my heart remembers the feeling, the scene really caught me, it brings my feeling at that time back to my current state of emotion (which is more stable than at that time) and i feel so embarrassed cuz there were so many people (and plus I’m an overthinker). I was too emotional, and Wilhelm too. We’re teenagers after all, we can’t control our emotions, we can but not that good yet, especially when it involved our beloved person, it feels so real, the feeling (even tho i hate it)! Hands down best acting Edvin!

Another reason why Young Royals is the best series!

Wilhelm: *fixes hair*

Wilhelm: *straightens shoulders*

Wilhelm: *clears throat*


Malin: my fucking god all you have to do his knock on his door

Yeah the morning after scene is cute but we shouldn’t ignore how while getting dressed Wilhelm is literally telling Simon exactly how to make it look like they had not been together. “It has to look like you came from the bus”. At this point in their relationship i don’t think people thought they had a thing, they weren’t actively combating rumours and yet Wilhelm felt they needed to be that cautious. So yeah that hurts

Things that happen here:

- Wilhelm maintains eye contact with Simon, making sure he’s ok with his shirt being taken off, getting consent

- Simon smiles, knowing what Wille wants and probably finding his eagerness amusing

- Simon let’s Wilhelm undress him

- Wilhelm looks down Simon’s on body and Simon can see the change is Wille’s mood, looking at him expectantly and tentatively

- Their breathing changes

- Wilhelm pulls Simon close, to have his undressed body against him or to show Simon what he’s doing to him, their hips collide

- Their bodies lean, putting Wilhelm in a slightly more dominant position, leaning down over Simon

- The kiss that follows is very different from the previous one, less gentle, more sexual

The way Wilhelm’s voice gets stone cold and hard when he confronts Simon and the way he literally starts smiling out of anger and disappointment when he finds out he was dealing… I would be scared

Sara: You missed dinner

Simon: Oh it’s fine the Prince of Sweden bought me a hotdog

To the other person involved in Erik’s car crash: I hope you have survivors guilt because now we have a little gay prince on our hands who misses his brother and just got broken up with so yeah feel bad

Can you imagine the awkward silence between Wilhelm and Malin on the way back home from Simon’s place like there’s no way she was completely oblivious that poor woman

Hope everyone here’s aware that because Simon doesn’t drink and Wilhelm definitely enjoys it a bit too much, for the rest of their lives Simon will be the one holding a giggly, touchy and way too flirty Wille’s hand while calling Malin to “come pick us up, he threw up again”

The sheer amount of intimacy in this shot is overwhelming. Think about it; These two people have already been through so much, have just confessed their feelings for one another, have just had sex for the first time. They have woken up together and could not keep their hands off each other. The amount of emotion they’re feeling here must be enormous. Look at Wilhelm covering Simon’s body with his own, Simon holding his head and tangling his hands in his hair as they kiss, them being so comfortable with each other’s bodies as well as in the positions they’re in. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: It is so beautiful to watch them fall into place for each other and cover the other’s needs so perfectly. Wilhelm growing up controlled and powerless longing to be the one protecting, the one guiding and now he has Simon, who has always had to be responsible and mature and needs to be protected and focused on. They fit perfectly.Imagine being this lucky. In this moment right here, everything is perfect.

Did anyone else notice that in the breakfast scene where Madison and Nils are standing on the chairs after the party, Wilhelm and Simon are wearing the exactsameoutfits that they’re wearing during the piano scene after their first kiss? That scene was meant to be shown after their first kiss, on the same day as the breakfast scene and after the horror movie night. That’swhy there’s tension there and that’s why people think they kissed at the party. Because when they shot that, they had.Smart.

Imagine what Malin would have felt like when the sextape was leaked and she realised she’d been accompanying Wilhelm to his dick appointments all along

Imagine receiving so little love and affection from your own flesh and blood that you seek physical comfort from your school’s headmaster. Prince Wilhelm can relate.

The Queen: you and your future children will succeed me

Wilhelm, aggressively waving a pride flag: this bloodline ends with me!

Do you think that a day or two before Wille visited Simon at home, they texted and Wille told him what he was going to do to him?

The simple fact that Kristina does not believe that love is the single most important thing in the world and that young people are foolish for believing that really sums her up as a person. Heartless and cold.

I think we can really see how much more confident Wilhelm already is when he is at Simon’s house compared to the morning after the football field. Sure, he does take control and he does lead them even there but it takes Simon urging him or specifically guiding him for him to know what he needs to do and what’s ok to do until eventually he does take charge properly. However, at Simon’s place he goes right into his role. He immediately becomes the one guiding and does not hesitate at all to take matters into his own hands, as shown by the way he undresses Simon to the way he moves them around. After their first time, it’s clear to the both of them who feels most comfortable doing what and i think their behaviour in the sexual context tells us a lot more about them than we think. It’s expressed in Wilhelm’s need to take control after being completely powerless and controlled his whole life and Simon’s need to be guided and focused on after constantly taking on the nurturing role in all his interpersonal relationships. It makes perfect sense and it is beautiful to watch.
